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Important Fight Near Cheat Mountain

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Correspondence cf tne Ciauinaati Cumm ■■rcial. Cbcat Mountain Sunimit, Oct. 3 This ninrning at one o'lock. a portion of Brigadier General J. J. Reyuolds' : Brigade, eonsi.stinj; of three Oliio metits - '24th, 25th, and 32d - and portions of six Indiana regi menta - 7th, 9tb, 13th, 14th, 15th, and 17th- togetler witb detachments of Bracken's Indiana, Robinson's Oliio, and Greonfield's Peuns-lvania cavalry, and detaebments of Howc's United States, Loomis' Micbigan, aud Daum's Virgiu.a artilkry, numbering iü all five thousand men, left Ciieat Muuutain Suminit to make a reeonnois sanee in foree in front of tbo encmy's position, twelve miles distaiit. Ford's Thirty-secoud Oliio was sent forward to bold an iuiportaut road, the possession of wliich prevented tbc enemy from flanking onr muin column. Tbe espedition arrivcd ie front ot tbe cnemy's forti ficatiooa at cigbt o'clock, tbeir pickcts retreating after firing an incffectual volloy. Kimball's Fourteentb Indiana, was immediately sent forward to secure fi posiiiou for Loouiis' battery. Annuens' Tweuty-fourth deployed, as skirmisbers, on tbe south slope of the mountain. - Loomis' buttery getting position, supported by tbe Seven'eeuth Indiana, Lieuteuant Colonel Wilder commanding, oponed tbe battle. Tbe shot was immediately responded to by a volloy froui tbe enemy coucealed in the busbes, wbo were soou routed by tbe Fourteentb Indiana, witb a loss oí seven killed and a larr-e umber wounded and taken prisoners. Ilowe's battery, supportcd by the Tbirteentb Indiana, then muved forward, taking a po sition 300 yards nearer the enemy's lortifieations aud opening a briak lire. - Tbe firiug on botli sides was al most incessant for one hour, our artillery doing execution, judging from the lameutable shricks of tbeir wounded Tbe eucmy'a battery did eomparativcly little, tbe guns being too much elevated. Our guos effectually sileneod three of theirs. Wbile observations were being made of the eueiny's fortificatiouí, oceupying tbrec more bours, aa irregular artillery fire was kept tip, occupying tbe enemy's attentiou. During this interval, tbe Üötli Uhio and luth Indiana rendered effectual service, scouting the uiounlains Before tbe close of tbe reconnoissance, wbich was most satisfactory, tbe enemy received heavy reiufoicements from tbeir camp near Monterey, making tbeir streugth about 15,000. Although tbis recoiinoissance partakes more of the cbaracter cf a regular engagement, than any previous battle in Western Virginia, our loss is but teu killed and eleven wounded. It is impossitile to ascertain tbe euemy's losa. It will not, liowever, fall short of five bundred killed aud wounied, a8 our artülery did terrible executiou. Tbeir camp was situated on the slope of tbe mountain, supported by a number of guns W captured thirteen prisoners from Virginia and Arkansas regiments ; also a lot oí cattle and borses. Our troops, one aud all, did nobly Tbe reconnois sanee proved entirely successful, afïbrdmg iuformation relativo to tlie cnemy's streugth, which could nofc be obtuiued from scouts. Gen. Anderson and Culs. Johnson, Jacksou and Tolive coxomanded tbe enetoy.


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