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The Detroit Conference And The War

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At the recent ixínsi'in of the Detroit Cobferejice a enea i lesolntions was adopted - aft usual - tipon the Stnte ol the country, and traóng thein the following : ïiftolctd, Thai as slavery is the real canse, and iiberty or elavety the real ismio, oí the uontest, we are in favor of the humane but vigoroua proi-euution of the wur uniil the inepre.ssible conBiot between he Uvo is fi&alJy settled in the utter overthrow ol thu rebellion, ín the utter ilestruction of treason, vvith its twin monster, secession, and, in God's own good time, in the utter aboliliuo ol' AiDericuQ slavery. Wow, out A ethodist friends may think aá they p'ease nbout the "real cause" or the "real issue" of the war in which the govermnent is enguged ; but vvhen they reso'.ve in favor of the " vigorous prosecution ol tho nar until tho irrepressible conflict between the two - (Iiberty and slaven)- is finully settled o the uttur abolitiofl of American slavery " we really hope that the goveinment viül not fee] itself bound by such action, and decide to protracl hos'iiities until the lustslave is set free. VV Ih the Conference we have uo objectioo to tina being done " in God's own eood time,' and in HU own way, too, but we certainly think the governrueüt had better stand by the Constituiion and leaye the issue to GmJ. Did the Conference stop to tliuk that this war is avowedly being prose cuieti to prevent the overthroiv ol the governinent and the downlal' of the Gonstitution ? thu', it is confessedly being waged to compel rebels and rebel States to return to ther ullegiance and yield obedience to the rtquireinente ol the Constitution ? and that to declare that itshali not cease until "tho utter abolition oí American slavery" is etk-cteri, would bo lor the government to subvert the Constitution wfaüe coercing peoples and States into obedience lo the same ? The resolution is absurd and f matical, and is calculated only to woik injuiy, or would be so culculated if not so ultra as to neutralizo itself. Tliis is DO war against alavery, aud we . trust the government will long hesitate balore deolarihg ie sucfa. Let it be prosecuted for legitimaie purposes, let the Constituiion be the lead and plummot for deténnining its duration, let that instrument keep the sword conipany and be extended with it to the rebels, and that, too. in good fuitk ; and il then, with all this caro to oboy and curry out the Constitution, G-od sees fit to break the back of slavery, the rebels cannot charge the destruction of their " pecular iustitution " upon the Presidei.t. the Congress, the anny, or the luw-ubiding people of the law-abiding Siales, buf maik it down as punishment for their unholy altempt to overthrow the government. Such are our views.


Old News
Michigan Argus