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Lynch Law In Michigan

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I he Liiiirtiiiíj; Ji.urnal gives a detailed necount of a recent attempt m:ide in that Courity by sorrw twelve or filteon diíguised dosperadoe!", to tako tho life t)f one Thomíis Etchel, for alleged poüticul ofíiniorw. The Journal saye: On the night of the 2Gth Dt., a g:ng of deftporudoe, nuinl)oritig Iroin twi-lvo tu fihecn, providt'd vvith whipa and a i'cipe, starled for the reside nee of Thomas Etchel, with the iiitenüoii of hanging hirn. LeÜrnin on t o ay Ihat their victirn had returned wittl liis touiti, lato at night, frum Jackson, '. wKeru he had been druwing liis wlieit to inarket, they iininediately conceived the plan oi' Ktiig'in ait fur him as he carne - as lliey eufposed he wjuld - to the barrí, BltUtUed nnme mx rods trom the house, to take care of his horsen. Porting themeivès at thu barnyurd gaie through whicli ho to pas, with blnody hearts they waited but a short time when the unsuspecting man a pared. As ho c:uno to the gute, ho was lelled to theground by a blow from a clubin tho hands of otie of the nasnsnins, who mmediutely jumped upon his prostrato farm. The ropo was quickly tiod ibout his nuck, and with the first murdercr upon his body, he v;is dragged by the neck through tho mud and bushes some rods to a tree, where the ropo was slackened, and an other ei the tnurdcrers beat the almost 1 lifVloss body of iheir victim into r'.dgcs, bniising and lacorrJing the flesh in a terrible manuur, The villains stopped tlu-ir he!lih work for a moment and uallcd upon their viotun to hurrah for Lincoln, vvhicli rt'f'iising to do, the rope was put. over a limb ot the tree, and he was jet ked up and suspended for gome time and lot down, when the same questions were asked him again and he wfü toliJ to hurrah for Line In. This process was repeated for the tbird, iburth, and fifth titnes, until finally, to save li is lile, he an.swered tho queions satisiactorily, when he was again beaten with whips, ppit upon and slapped in tho face as before, and druwn up ag in. The fifteen murderers then left him for dead. During íhis time, cries of the victim broug.'.t his 'vife and sister, two f'eeble woinen to the spot, who were greoted ith the most (bul epitheta, and lnathfiorne language, and threatened with a fate similar to tl. at of the husband and bnither unless they retunifd to the house. This they retu ed to dn, hen a lamp in the hands of one was broken, ; and thoy wero kii-.ked and ariven into tbs house by the veilod assasmns. Tho assassins were not successful. Their vietim was not dead, but has recovered sufficietilly to tel! tho names of tive of tliose wlio thojght to have been his murderers. They are Abijah L Clark, the ringieader, and John D. Clark, his son, Archib Id liarr, Blükely, and Freeland. Of these, all but John D. Clark are under arres . The name of' the others h could not iiive. as they were all veiled, and he could only identify those whose voices he heard It 8eems that Elcliel and the eider Clark had had Borne diffieulty a few years ago, whicl' rosulted in a lawsuit. and that an unfiiendly feeling ex:sted bctiveen thern. The gang, on the way to tho house of BtcheT, ealled upon 0110 Potter, to go and liulp to tar, feathor, and string Eti:höl up. Potter refused and they went on The reason assigned tyiV n'.ri ging him up was, that he w:i"s a seceos di. i.-t. Altliongh hronht up in the neigbnrhoinl - his fiitrwjr &eirf among the old ft seitlern - nad spent WiItK years teaoliing in K -uiucky, where he marriu I, and ivt.r:i d to settle by the side of big (juivn's. II u is rep:esen'.ed tobe a man nf soii'f ahility, unblemished chatactcr, a f.oiind Demourat, and a devoled Union man. His offonca seems to be tliat hu married a Southern womun for a wiíi', and wa a Deinocrat who thought and aid whut he pleasnd. The assassin- aro abolitionists: The parties are all rwtdêntd of the tovvnship óf Bunker liill, in this county. i hese are the facts .s detailed to us. It is to be hoped that tliis ouirage wil] be thoroughly investigated. There s no excuse lor resortiop to mob law or lynch law in this State. The laws puiiish treaeon, ani if a man commits it let the lawa bc enforced. Lynch law is gnerally resorted to topunish persons nho have eommitted no real crime, at least in States and eommunities not overrun with desperadoes, and not havinf civil law and civil offiuers. Freed( m of thought and speech 8 guar.inteod by our coDBtitutioiï, and must nvt br. subvertid by viuhnce We await with interest the result of a l"gal investigation.


Old News
Michigan Argus