Rev. Mr. George D. Gillespie Accepts Rectorship At St. Andrew's Episcopal Church In Ann Arbor

A fortnight since we noticcd that the líov. G. D. Gillespie of Palmara, N. Y., had accepted the Keetorship of St. Andrew's Cburch of this City, and would soon entcr upon duty. Tliat our citizuns may know something of the new Rector we eopy the following from a re cent issue of the Gospel Afesscnjer and Ch unh Récord : Uur readers will observe with great rugr.'t t he Kev. Mr. GiHespie, oí 1 J a 1 1 11 y - ra, isabout to remove í'rom tbtí Diocese. He stand-s n the Iront rank of our tnost devoted and most useful parisb clergy. RESIONATION OF ÏHE KHV. MU. G1LLESPIE At a meeting of the Wardens and Vestry oí Ziun Cburch, Paimyra, on tbo l(3tli day of Sopteniber, 18ÜI, pursuant to nutiee. Present - Messrs. Butterfield aud Ouyler, Wardons, and Messrs. Caprou, Faniham, Ueiniuway, Lovett. and oandfofd, Vestrymen. A comuïuuieation from the Rector, t!io llev. U. D. Gülospic, addressed to the Vt-stry, resigniug his office, having buen read by the clerk, and having been the subject of conversatiou among the iiieinbors present, eliciting the expression of eaniest regrets, upon the part of aii, ui thus being brought to act' iu refereuve thereto. It was on inotion of Mr. Cuyler. Resolved, That we have received witli ! the most paini'ul regret the j tion from our beloved Keotor, severiuj; tbe iuteresting lie that has so long and happily existed as pastor and people between us. Resolved, That iu accepting hls resignatiou, as requosted, which we hereby do, we are called to pert'urui a painful duty which we gladly would have postponed ; that it brings us uevertheless to recur with pleasurable cinotions, to bis long and faithful miuistrations iu ihe Parish, i to the wisdom, zeal and abüity he has brought to every measare to promoto our social, temporal, aud iternal iutcrests, and we feel it our privilege to testify to the great beuefus the parish has derived therefrom. and we beg to commend his souud churchmanship, effiuieucy iu parish aud other dulies, and that modest digmy" ty with whfil he adonis the pastoral, office - coiiiinaodiug theeutire respect vt the entire community, aud ripening with those whose opportunity it was to kuow him best, iuto tbe sinccrest friend.ship - as lively mauifestations cf right views, watchful and paiustakiug labors and the true spirit and bearing of a minister of our Lord and Savior Jesus Ohrist. Resolved, That dep.oring the loss to the Diocese by the removal of our Hcv Brother, he will nevertheless cairy with him to his uow field of labor the best wishes aüd prayers of this Ghureh and people for the temporal and eternal welfare of himself and family, whosc going forth from our circle adds poignaney to our grief Yet we will eherish the hope that in future years we may be houored by as frequent visits and reineinbraiiees as it may be compatible with his convenieuce and feeliugs to grant us, to the end that we may ever mutually rutain a grateful recollectiou of his niiuistry amongst us. Resoked, That a copy of the foregoing resol utions be furnished to Mr. Gillespie, and a copy transmitted to St. Audrews Church, Aun Albor, Michigan, and that these proccedings bc sent to the Gospel Messtnger for publicatiou.