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ROOMS TO LET. f OOI) Hu. mg to lat in a quiet part of the City, T ,icar ihe Umvsnlty- For part lou tara luquire t the Argus llook liindt'ry. SPECIAL NOTÏCE TO 0 XX S T O IsJ? E IR SA LI. accounts over six monthfl must be uuttlud at ' once. Cill at the office an.l 'uv u A well selccted stuek of .Nciv liood.i Chcap for s2l'f MAYNARD , STtBBBffl & WILSOX. H. O. 11AKVEY. " RKI'ECTFUU,Y offer bi servies to the cititen of Auu Arliur as aleacucrul Vocal iinil instrurneuul Mu;c. ty PUÑOS TUNED AND ItEPAIltEDS Rcv. M. Hln.les, Rev Mr. Chapín, lii-v. Mr. (.', aml l'rul. Irieze. For further particular inquire of Mr. Hurvcy at Mr. Kastmaa's Washington tet., betnern Livision and Universily strects. 82uf AN 0HDIN.ÍKC12 FOR THE PRESEuVA.TlüN uF ühDEK AND QUInT. 1 lE iT OKDAIfiJiD, by the Mayor, ReJ3 eerder and Aldernien of the Uity of Ann Aiüor: ÖECTtox lst. Tlint no penen or per-ons keeping a grocur , suloou, billiurd roum. ball nlifj. ituciiuu room or uutuuling Iwuse, or any plaee ot' business wnere wiue, beer or spi.lluuus liquors aie soid as a beverage, or hitt her or Uien cterk, ucat or eiupluyte. shull ke open the same at, rtny time bötweeu the liours ot Uiii d' in tbe vuing. uud ftiOl oeluck in the uiuruiug, or at ui. y time Oelweuu ti-n o clucK öauuuay evdjimg und iour o'clock tlic loilowitig Alonday ai.tniiig, or tfhnll allow or surtf r any persou tu ODter ilK-tvm during any pari ot' tue time iibove iiiunlioncd. tor Ule purpuro ot irade or bürsiiu-sá, or 10 reiDAIO or ct.ngii gute iherein duriDg any pari ol ihe unie aoiAc iijculioiicd. bhorioN d Tlia'u n. pvi'duu ottier Uiuu ilid ptrson or owner tbervuf, iiis, her r their cleik, agent, strvaut or em)lojee, excpt a eivii i.tiieer and uia assistant ui il is cumpany on otiiciul bwiness, sliail, for any pui-pose, enter uuy giooery, saloon, büiiard ruoni, ball alley or uuvtiou lootu, or auy place of Luéine.iö wliere wiue, beer or spirnuous ijcjuu 3 are sold as a beverage, :i . any Miue Ouring Lhu lirst day of the week. usually called uuday, or after t' n o'elijck 6aturay uignt, or beloic tour o'cnek, Alonday iiioniing. and ihat no peraoo ur persons o lier tiiau ilmse just menlioned in ihi .ecuon, sli.ill reiuaiu or cougregate tlu-ivm dunng aDy part of tüe tiiue ineuiioned iection 3d. Every person convietcd of a violation of tlie iirsL sectiun uf thiá urJinauce, sliall b subject to a fiue of not lesa (han ten dollars uur more tuan one buudred doltur, with cosis of i'iosecution, or be confined' in llie County Jail not exceeding llnrty days, or botl, in the discreción of the court. StCTio.v 4th. Jtvery pereon conrioted of a violatiou of ihe secund section ol Lilis ordinance, shall be subject lo a fine oí not leas than one dollar, nor more than ten dollars wit li cosí of prosccuiiou, or be confined in he Couuty Jail nol cdmg ten d'tys, or both, in tlie discretion of tlie court cectios 5th. It shall be the dutyofthoMarshal, Sheriff, orany Constable, who shall have kuowledge of the violation of tuis ordinance, lOrthwith to arrest the persona so oftending, and coinnii', them for safe keeping to the County Jail, or any otlirr safe place in aid city, unlil nine o clock the next day after sueli arrstti Dalen Ihat day shall be Sunday, in which caae they shall bc comrmtted until niue o'cloek on Monday and then bring thetn belbre a niagist ate for cxatninati n. . Made and passed in Co:innon Counctl the 7th dftjr of Üct. 18(JV-, J. F. MILLÏH, Mayor. ST St. Webstee, Kecorder. Ilurruh fur llie Union! Ilealh !o ih Encinics! ATTE JTIOlSr ! 100 able-boiJicd stcaüy young men WANTEÜ! FOR Capí L.R.Buehoz' ToofLancers? i-O MEN OF fVASHTENAW! Most of you have known me for the last 17 years, and uow in this hour of our couotry's noeJ, I coufidently appeal to your patriotisro in ai-linp me to raise a Compaoy of 10 truc, brave, íxuú (Jie;i!v yoong naen, witting and rearty to sland by mi' in fiffhling the eoemies of our b"Wvfrl l'nion. TO tíüCH MEN 1 p5.lgo my lunur unl life to ee them well treatcd, and n ver order -hem to go where I would n it be ready to ead. COME ON ! you brave, patriotic boya, your timo has come, gire OM ilic opport,.nity of proving ihe trath of my wnrds, and I will onlist you in the raost dashin? mvi elíl'Ctive cnrps üf tlnsor any oiher country's ervico. lt h:i nt-vtT been siirpa-c.i in spU-n-NT and executioa iti tld field. Our equipment is to be and w.-iv simüar t tht' ith Rnrlisb I-ancírs. Our Colonfl, Honorable AR'iMUH R NKIN, is a gentleman oí' indítmitabte enrpy anl experienc military matten, hs well ns a itnive an'l at.ooinplislMMl (tfficer. Uis vrlafa is to m.ike bil Rtyimrnt a mnlol one in every respect, and mine, BOTS OF WAflBTENAW, is to raiko Buchoz' Compíiny of 1-ancers stand1 A Xo. 1 iu that Ri'piment. Witli hitch men all I desire ík that thf enemy fhouW ?:ve B8 an opportunity to make thpm feel (I-ancers f:ishion) "f what metal the Wn.ihtenaw boys are made of. And now my fnends who have been "Mtting formo tn et over ray broten leg crape and get my conimix(iion.Iam ready for you, and thesooner you show your wolcomt' faces and ftign your u.ime on tho Musicr Koll the better your friend and Captain 11 Ijke it. Bfjf L'urther mformation as to l'ay, Equipuitnt, &c, J will be mnst happr to j;ve at my It.r. ulili.Q,uartr8 l.i J. M. GOUL.D1S Hat Store, Fraulln Hlock, Ann rbor L R BUCHOZ, Captain in Col. A Rankin s Lancera' Gavalry Regiment. Lstate ot' Marvin C'adwell. STATE OF MICHIGAN County of IVashteuaw, 85 - Al a sosion of the l'robate íourt for the County cf V;ishten;iw. bolden nt the Probate Office, iu thc(.'ity oí Ann Arbor, on Vedne&day, the ninth dny of Oclober, íd tlio varoiie thOUMnd ejbt hundred and nixty-oue. Present, Thomuí in''e, Judge of Probate In tho Matter uf thf of Mnrvin Cadwell, deceased, Amelia rrinil ÁdtnáBtnitrli of ai;, eslate, comes nto Conrt and repeents ihat he IB 110 w prepareU to render herllnal account as snch Adminirttiat-iix, and nsks that a timt' and plao inay be asMgned for the examiningand atlowing of .such account, and that ntice thíreof raay }„ - vu 1 1 ;ill pf80Dtí interest iu ald e.-itate, in such mmnftr a; s;iid Cor.rt shall direct. Tlior'up"n it in Orderíd, That Friday, the Kighth day ot N'ívember, next at teu o'clock in tf'c forenoon, beassigned tr t'ie hearing of said Rccount, and that tho heJra at lawof saicí dccea.sed, and all other personsintercbte ia&aid estáte a reqalrvd to appcar atn sesión Ol -.,[ i i:i i . then f bcholdeji at the Prcbat O4ut-0. in tht 'itynf Ann Arbor, íosaid County, and show cause, if anv thre bo, why the said account ehould oot be allow d. AqI it is finthcr On'ered that said A.dmniítratrix give ncticeto tbe persons nterefcled ui snid -state, of the pendeney f said accouni,and the hearing tbcreof, by Chus ing a copy of this order to be publisbed a ihe Moh!rin Argus. newLpnpr p'iuted a)d circuUling n caid County of Wasliteuaw, tfcree Micccstivo wetks, rreíouK bosaid ñ-y of b-riug


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Michigan Argus