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Washtenaw Mutual Fire Insurance Company

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The Washtenaw Mutual Fire Insurance Company, held ita second animal meeting ui the Coin-1 House, in the City of Ann Ar! .er, on Siturday, Oct. 5th. Afttr hearing t.ho reports of ihe Serretnry. Director and Auditar, the Company aiade choice of the fullow ing offictrs for the ensuing year: Horack Cabfesteb. of Pittsfi'hl , President. JobhüaO. Leland, of Nortbfk'M, Vice " Munnis Kfxny of Webster, Sicretary. Jebemiah D Williams of Webster, Auditor. Kjmbeely of Webster, Direjjor. Lthah S. Wood, of Lodi, Collector. Discusión was raiaed witli regard to relieving Z T. Chipman if Lima. wlio niSVred a loss of $200 or more, by hu vi ny his vrheal burned in the field in the stook The Secr?tary rcportei six hnndred aua sixty three members, with a capital stock of oneinilhou Iwo hundred und thirty-Êve thousnnd and five hundred dollars, ($1235 500,) that ninety cents on a thousand dollars ineured, would pay a loss of one thjusand dollars 1 he Direetors reported thdt th.?y had met wilh one loss of nine hundred and fifty dol lars, requiring an asBesment upon the capital stock, as it then was, of one dollur and fifty cents on each thousand dollars ii.sured This money was eollectíid by sending to oach rnember, informing him ot' the amount required, and who wcmld reci ive it, iheru being several men ín the coun y icting as xïceivera, to either ot whom it miht be pai 1. that more thiu three fourths of the asuena menta were paid wiihin fifieen day( from the mailing of the circuí ra They iilso paid n smull loss of ten dollara frora anoiher f und. The Auditor reported that lbo sum on hand lastyear, together with receipls foradmis8Íon this ycar, amounted to $598.13 und thnt the expenditures for the yearamuunted to $563 45 leávitig a balance on hand of $31 .63. The company is now Itroog and rcliablp, aod the probability is great, ui mct to a certainty, that the farmer has a safe protection under this system, for less than one tenth theexpecse he must pay under aDy olher before presented M KEK NT, Sec'y. Ij" The annuol session of the Board of Supervisors will commence on Mundav next. In addition tothe usual dut ios the Board will hare to re-district the County into Representative districts. Q'" At the meeting oí tlio Corr.mon Council on Honday evening last a str!nc;?nt ordinance was passed for the prcservatioii f quiet and good order on the -nbbath. A willing obedience ought tobeyitlJed by every citizen who has the inlerest of our City nt hcart. See officia copy in unctlux column. fyT N. Potter, of Company D, First Michigan Regina nt, take.i prisonor at liull's Sun, and lately tanferrd from i(i huiond to Castle Piuckney, dicd recently at the latter place. He was a resident of Manchester in this County L3gT W. H.'pÜilups, oTthis city, has received a Lieutenant's commission in Col. Raxkin's Laucers, and w'n forthwith enter upon the service of recruiting. Jjf heat lias beeu literally pour ing in since our last issue, and the sireets ad jacent to the depot have been jammed full ol wagons from morning until night, and numbering the loads as they bas neceasarily been resorted to, to secure each man his lurn At times over one hundred loads have been ie waiting. Up to Wtdncsday prices hac rangt;5 from 90 to 98 cents, but on that day they feil off, and yesternay the market openec at 87 for Red and 92 for White.


Old News
Michigan Argus