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usa:, e. r. L. Vasseñger trains dow lea ve Detroit and the MTftal Statioiis ni thiafuunty.ns follows. oomc w k s t . itail E.t. .lack.Ac. StfhtKl. IVtroit 7.'5 a. M. 4 30 i-, M. 6.30 P. M Vpsilanti, 8 30 " 6#.O6 -; 7. SO ' AnnArbor, 8.53 " 6.30 " .15 " DíXtet, 8.16 ". 'U5 ' S.40 " Chelkáá, .3O " Í.M " ti. 00 " Ar'. Chicago, 7.30 r. M. 7.00 A. M. G O I N' G EAST. NightEx. Jack. Ac. Mail Kr. r'helsea, 6.30 a. M. 4.(10 F. [lexter, 6 55 " 4.16 " l,,,, Arbcr. 5.13 A. M. 7.80 " 4,38 " ,'psilanti, 5 35 " 8.00 " 5.00 ■' Detroit, 6.40 " 9.40 " 0.05 ': Trains do not stop at stations whore figures are omitted lo the tabU". PRIZB FOETRY. ,c Chietiains bnast 1 ileeús n war, And Miintri-U 'une their Fwaet quitar, A nobler theme my Hciírt j fl'led- ín praiso ol HehujiVs ivatchleu pills. Their cures are found ia vntj land- Amifl Rus.sía's snows - and Afrta'l santl.s The wondrous woi-ks - the papers fillT Produced by Hkkbick's iniitchle-ss Pillu. Does disease afíiiet yon ? never loubt Tliis oharroinï esmpound wUl search t out, And health :i?an ynur svstem fitl, If yon fly al once to Hkkkick's Pilis. They're safe ter all - bnth oíd and young- Their praies are on everv tongue ; Disease, disarmed- no lonier kills, Since wo are bleasfd wlth Hekkiuk s Pills. Put p with Knglish. SpauisL, Gorman . uní Frt-nch directions. Price 25 cents ptr box. Suga Coaled See advertísement on thiril page. 804 New Medical Discovery. For the speedy anl permanent cure of Gonnorhea, Gleet, ITrethal Discharges Gravel, Stricture, and Affections of the Kidneys and Bladder which has been used by upwards of ONE HUNDRED PHYSÏC1AKS, in theïr private practico, with entire succpss, supi'rseriingCiTBEBP, Copaiba, CiMCLBI, or any compouud liilher BELL'S SPEC1F1O PILLS, are speeüy ín actton, often effeeting a cure In a few days. uní whf-n acure is elFectcd it is permanert. They are prtpured from vegetable extracto that are íiarmless on the sv.-U-m, and never n.iuseate thc stomach or imprégnate he breatli ; and fcinjt suar-couted, all nast-ous taste is avojded. Yo change. of dict is necessary wkilsl using them ; uorjdocs their action interfere with business pursmts. Each boxcontains si x dozen Pilis. PRICE ONE DOLLAR, and will be sont, by m:iil post-paiil by any advertisetl Agent, on tocelpt of the moíiey. Bola by Drugists ia Ann Arbor . Nune genulne without na y aignatnre on the wrapper J. BRYAN, Rochester, N". Y., #eneral Agent. II. h L. SIMONEAl', Detrult, Wholesale Agonts for Michigun, . SOOtf RELIEF IN TEN MINUTES. BKYAN'S PÜLMONIC WA FE RS TiiTvOriiual Medicine K.stabl!hed in 1837, and the firs arttelv Of the Kind (3 ver introduced iimltr the name o ' I'clmomc Wafer ," in thi or in any other country all otlier Pulmonic Waferfl are counterfeiti The gen uine can be kiiown by the name BRYAX beingstampe on each WAFER. IiRYAN's FlM.MOXIC WaI-'ERS Relieve Coughs,Colds, 8we Tliruat, Hyiirscness. IIKVAN'S PüLMO.ViO AVjiVERS Relieve Asthma, Brosehitia, DÜiieult Breathiug. lïKYAN'.S PlLMONlC WaFKRS Relieve Spittingof Blool, Pains in the Chst BlCTAir'S PCLMOMC W&BM Relieve Incipient Consumptioti, Lung Discasea. BEYAN'á PUUtOmC WaFKBS Relieve Irritation of the Urula and1 TonsUfl. Bryax's PriMoxic Wafkrs Relieve '...eabuve Complaints in Ten Minutes. Brta.v'h Pltmoxiu Wakkrs Are a t lessing to all Cífranos and Ctinstitutions. RHYAXV PtLMOMC WAFWSa Are adapted to Vocalists and Public rfpeakers. Brya.v's WafkRS Are in a sinijjle form, an-1 pte&aant to Lhe taste. Bkvan'; PriMoxic Wafkrs Not only relieve, butelTeet rapid and lastíng Cares. BKYAX'ü PUI.MONIC WaFKUS Arewarranted to give utlsfaoMon to erery one Nofamily should be without a box of. ;t Bryan'.s Pulmonic Wafers " iu the house. N"o tra veler should be without a supply of " Bryan's Pulmonic Wafew " in his pocket. No person wilt over object to give for ' Bryan'.s Pulmonic: Wafcts" Twonty-nveCentH. JOB MOSES, SolePrnprietor, Rochenter, X. Y. PoH bv OJrenville fc. Fuller, and all good i!rug"gists in thp üuit"d Stat1 aBi Cañadas. IMPORTANTtoFEMALES THE HEALTH aa u'K OFWOMAN Is continually in peril if slie is mad enougli to ncglect or maltreat those sexual iriefculnrities to hich twothirds of her sex are more or less subject. DR. CHEESKMAN'S PtLIfl, prepare I from the same formula which the inventor. r.ORN'EUCS L. CHSESEMAN M. P,,of New-íork, lias fot twenty years used RiiccesfuÜy man extended private practice- immcdiately relieve without pain, all disturbancfn of tbc periodical discharge, whether anwing frora relaxation or Buppressïon. They act like a charm inreraoviDg the poma that acccmpany difïicult or immoderate me-'Struation, and are the only safe and relia bl3 remedy for Flushes, Sick Headache, Paius in the Loins, Back and Skles, I'alpitation of the Heart Nerveus TreWrs, Hysterics, Spasms, Broktt Hlop and other unpltasant and dangcrous effects of an unnatural condifion of the sexual funetiona In the worst cases of Fluor Albus jr Whites, they effect a speedy cure. To WIVES and MATRONSDK.CHEEEMAN'S TH. LS are nffuru'l as the only safe means of renewinginterrupted meostroAtion, bul. LAD1ES MUST BEAR IN MIKD There is one r.ondiiion of tkefcmnle statem in which the Pilis cavvoi be taken wi'hoiit prodttcir.g a PECULIAR RESÜLT. Thecondühn re,f errad to UPREGNANCY- the reault, MISCARRTAGE. Such U the irresistible tendency of the medicine torestors the serrual ftinctions to a normal condítion, that even the reproductive power of nature canñot resist Ü. Explicit directions staüng when, and when they should ■not be. used, with each Box, - the Price Ouc Dollar each Box, rdntaining 50 Pilis. A valnahle l'a uphlet. to be had free of the Agents. il1rt srntby mail promptly, hy pnclosin pnce to any Went. Sold by Druggisis "pral y. R. B. HÜTCttlNOe, Proprietor. '0 Ceddr-St., New York. F-r Palo by MAYXARD STËIÏBINS & WiLSON, and RKNVUXk & FUIXER. MOTHERS READ THIS. The following is an extract trom a letter wrltten by :he pastor of a Hapti-t Cüurch to the "Journal and Ueswnger," Cincinnati, Oblo, and Rpeaki Tolunwa n 'avor oi that world renowned luedicine- Mus. Wi.vs. LOff'fi OOTUINÜ STRDP FOB ClIII.IRK. TtLTHl.NG : '■Wesee an adv-irtisement in your columns of Mrs. Winslow's Soothing.Syrup. Now we nover tsaid n word n favor of a patent medicine before in our Hfe, but we feel compeüedto say to your readers, thal this is no humbllg- WK HAVE TKIED IT, AND KNüW IT 10 BB AU It claims. It is, probably. one of the most successful iuediciuea of the day, because it is one of the oest. And tiiose oi your readers who have babies can't do it bf-tterthan tol y in a supfly." Öeeadvöitmement iu another column Important to Ladies. Dr. JOHN' 1IARVKY, having for npwarJs (if twerty yeara devuted his profeMionnl fine oxclusively to the treatmtnt of Femide Difliculties, and ha'log succt'edetl in tiiitus;iu(l nl ca--, in i.-Mnrin; the aillicted to sound health, has uuw cntii'u cüuüdencc Q oll'enug pubticly bis "GRBAT AMERICAN REMEDY," DEI. HABVEY'S CHRONO-THERMAL FEMALE PILLS. Wüich uave nevtr yet failed (wheo Lbe dlrectioni have been H'riclly followed,) in removing difficultk'ísuriáing fr -m Obstruction, or Stoppage of Nature, or In restoring the system to perfect healtb.when sufferiug fiom SrixAL Aitwttions, PmOLANH Utebi, tüe Wuitks, or other wiiikness of the Utkbixk Uboans. Also in all cases of Dkbiuty orXkhvocs I'hohtiiatid.n, Hvrterios, I'alpitatioxs, &c, &c. , which aretbe tororunnrs of more serious dist-ase. =, Pilis are perfecthj karm.le.fts on the cnnslitution , and mny bt taken by the most delicate femdlc without causing distress; at the saiuti time thpy act UKK a chrm ly ■■''ujitliening, invigorating, and rest ring the systein to a healtbv con'lil'on, and by bringing on the monthly pprind with rrgularity, no matter from what cause th obxtractlooa m;iy irie. Th'-y should, however, not be taken durinj the flrst thrce or four months of prenancy, though safe at any othor time, a.s misciirriaiie VQald bfl the ri'sult. Kach bnx containa CO Pilis. Price One Dollar, and when desired wiil be sent by mail prepaM by any alver tised Agent, on ïeceipt of the rnoney iSold by Drugifits in Ann Arbor " J. liKVAN', Kofjhpstrr, X. Y., General Agent. H. & I.. SLMONKAU, Detroit, Wholeile Agent fo Mlshigia. 806tf 200 Cords Wood Wanted! PRQPO8AW for delivcrïug Oo,d, Soim l UAKD WOOD, a jiart peasoned anda parí green, at thediífe.ent School Hou-scs in tlie City of Ann Arbor, in uantftiW fruin 1Ü to 1Ü0 Cords, are slicited by Ihe t'ciiool UuardE. W. MOIU.AX. c WW. C. VO0RI1EI3, Cüm Ann Arbor, Scpt. 25. U.6 . 820w3 REAL ESTA'JE FOR SALE faf a ncres of land with a well of good water, and a i iilU living spring, etdiie house, ba ra anl nf.w sheds, huú Kod ( rchard, and r ne Iiündrvd ana fifry acres improveil. The farm issitu3t-d u ilc towu of i? ei u, and (tuutli uf Boydea't pinina, audfuur and akalimilei Crom Aan Arbor. JCtU MURRAY. ■í VUKÏIAY. 1 p-; .v. Jf,Ifti Sifl


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