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MICHIGAN SOUTHERN & NORTHEHN INDIANA R.MLROAD. 1801. SCM11ER ARRANGEMENT. I861. Irnins dow run on tkis road, Punúaj-s excepted, ae follows: ,, Luave Toledo por Chicago at 9 Ó0 A M.andSP. M., nni via Air Lin at Ö.05 A. M. Lcave Detroit for Cliicnic ' 7,16 A IX. and 0.30 p. M Airlving ín' ChVimgé ffbts Toledo and Detroit ai 7,30 I'. M. ud 7,00 A. M . and via Air Lino at 7.30 P. M. Arriveat Detroit bom Toledo, at 6:55 A. M., 6:06 P. M. Lca'ros Detroit for Toledo at 7 16 A. II., and 030 T. M. Arrive ín Detroit frorh Chicatroat 6. 06 P. il.,and6;üö A. M. . , I Arrive in Toledo from Chira; 4,20 P. JI. and4.S0 A. M., and via air line at 4.15 P M. 1 eavc Jnckson for Toledo at 4.45 A ■ M. and 1,05 P. M. Atnvu Croa Toledo at 8.56 A. M., and 4,20 P. MCONNECTIONS. At TuLKht!'- "With Cleveland K Toltdo Rail Road, with Wabash Valley Rail Koad. AT Dktroit- Witli Grand Trunlt Railway, nith Great Variara Ilailwaj-, also, with the Detroit and Milwaukee. Railrnad At Nkw AtBASV & Bum K. R. Cbossi.vo- WithTrains for lafayette, New Albanyand Louitiville. At Chicago- With Chicago and Rock Island, Galenn . Milwaukee, Chicago, Burlington and Quincy - North Wt Kailu-nv- Chicago, Alton and St. Louis, Illinois Central, and to all Points West and South. Trains are run by Chicago time, which is '20 minutes llover thtvn Toledo time. Sff Patent Sleeping Cars accompany tlip Nih1 Tniins on this Route. Sahbur'jï Patent Ventila torrt and DuHters are used on all Sunimer Trams. Time and Fare the same as by any other Rai: 1 Rmtd Route. J. I). CA.MPBELI.. C'ene-al Superintendent. MR8. NASH, 3VCXJSIC TEACHEE. Corner of Fifth and Liberty Strects, nearly opposite tbc: rosidence of Rev. Hr. Corncliua. 80w3 SWORDS, PIST0LS, &c ÍVtVEBS BACHELOKRS are rwïfing daily, in voices of MILITARY 6O0D9, of rorelfm umi American msuiuiaeture, all of Army and Navy Regulatton paitern, vi?: - Regulntin, StnfF, Line, Stirpeons', Clnplíiins', Ser Rennts' anrl Navul .SWO1ÍHS ; CAVAf KY HABRKd, for Officcrwand Prtvutes ; BOWIK KN1VES. &fi. &C, 8oM of Miove are of t lieir mvn ïnanufnrlcrc, nm] are of superior quiility, an-1 all arftairanted to M-inü govTBïnent inspt'ctiou. ReulatioQ Belta. Sashêt, Bhnulder Strnps, Wreaths, Buglcs, Cnnnons, nm otber solid and orabroi(lerel Orna ments. EpAUU,OoM and Gilt. for Ptff, CaptaiD and Lieu tenatit ; Pwortl Knuts. iitittou.s, Cm1 Sliiifrs, Lel ters atil Niimben; abo, PISl'OLá & Rt.VOl.Vt.RS, of Colt's, Wbitney's, Hmith A; Wesson's, Reuiington's Allen's, and many otfwr rs ; all kinds of Caitridges, Caps, Flasks, Holsters, &c:, tze. The above will be aold at a small advance, for Casli, at TThnToati to dealers. Orders answeied with care anl depntch, by Express, Collect ou delivery. ifeud fci Ciiculur. IMLMERS & BATCHEDERS, S19w3 102 WashiuptunSt., Boston. Important National Works, Published by D. APPLETOM fc CO., 346 AND 348 BROADW&Y NEW YORK The following rorkfl are sent to Subscribers in any part of th) country, (upon receipt of retail price,) by mail or exines.. m-epaid: TUESKWAMERIAFÍ CYCLOPffiDIA; A Popular Dictionary of General Knowledge. BcHtM bv OBO. RlPUBV and UHASIJB a. Daxa, aiiled by a numerous select corps of writers in all branches of Sciences, Art and l.itumture. This WOrk is being publishedin about 15 large octavo volumes, each containiug TOÜtwo-column pages. Voli. L, II., III-, IV. V., VI., VIL, VIII. , fc IX. ure now ready, each containing near 2.500original arti cíes. A11 additional volume will be published once in about threo moutbs. Price, iu Cloth, t$3; Sbeep, $3.50; Half Kussia, $4,50 eacb. The New American Cyclopwiia s popular without being aupcrfieial, learned without beiug pedantic, comprehonsivf butsufficiently detailed, freefrom personal pique and party prejudice, fresh aod yet accurate. It ia a complete statement of all that is known u pon evcry important topic witbiu the scope of human iatelligence. - Every important article init has been specially written for it.s papes by men who are authoritiee upm the topic on which tbey speak. Thcy are required to bring the ubject up tu the preseat moment; to state just huw it tands 7imo. AU the statisticalinformation ín from the latesl reports; the geographical accounts keep pace with the latest explorations; historica! matters include the freshest just views; the biographical notires ads ak not only of thcdead but also of the living. It is a library A SR1DGEMET OF THE DEBATES OF COXGRESS Being a Political History of the United Stiltes, from the organiwitiou of the first Federal Congress in to 1856. Kditedand compUed by Hun. Tno Hart IíK?íTON,from t lie Official Records of Congftté. Tlie woik will be coinpieted in 15 royal octavo volumen of 750 pages each, 11 of which 'are now ready. An additional volume will be published once in tbr ■■ inonths. Cloth,' $3; Law Skeep, Half Mur.. $4; Hali Calf, $4.50 each. A WA Y OF PltOCURTN'G THE CYCLOP.EDIA OR DEBATES Fono a club of four, and reinit tlio pvice of fonr books, and üve copies will bt' sent at theremittc-r's expense for carriage; or for tyn subscribers, eleven copies will bsent at oui expense for carriage. To Agents. No other work wiU ao libe rally revard the exerlions of v&cnts. Ax Agk.vt waxted i.v this CoCKTY Tenn-s madt known on application to the Publishers. Aun Arbor, March. 1859. 6902amt ■Lft Bev THOB. Wriuut, agent at Kinne & Smiths Book Store, Ypsilanti. BOOTSTSHOËS 2 2 MOüEE & LOOMIS Are now receiving a large assortiment of Bcots anc BUoefl and EUBBEES! Wbich they i roposc to sell L0 per cent below former pricesfor cash. Men's good Kip Boots, from $l,r,0 to $3,00 Men's good Thiek Boots, from 2,00 to 3,00 Men's good Calf Boota, from 2,50 to 3,75 Boy's Calf, Kip and Thick Boots, 88 to 1,75 Ladics' Gaitera, frora 44 to 1 25 Ladies' MoroccoBooteos, from 75 to 1.25 Aud an cndless variety of tímnll Hhoes from Fancy Balinorals to Infanta' Oeeping Shocs. Vc are also Mnnufacluritig all ltlnds of WAR1ÏANTED BOOTS & SIIOES Mens Fine Frencli Calf 13oos Pegged and Sewed. Su givc U8 a cali beforo purchasing elsowhere, u we ar boutld nul to bc uniiersold. I'RICPAIRING DON ON SHul'.T NüTICK.SST BÍUOHE & LOOMIS Main St,, Ann Arbor, llich. 82Utf CHOICE NEW GOODS Cheap for Cash. BACH PIERSON Havo just opcned a FULL AND COMPLETE STOCK of FALL & WINTER GOODS, embrucing Dry Goods, Grcceries, and EVERYTHING A FAMILY WANTS. They were Bought for Cash, and WiLL BE SOLD CHE AP FOR CASH. BACH &, PIEBSON. XR Artor, Qct , 1861 . 820t f 'I he Latest Special Dispatch ! To the citizêns óf Ana Arlrèr and Viciníty ! ! INTENSE EXCITEMKNT! Ilnndieds watching the progresa of Daily Events ! ! The Federal Army again Victorious! "The Union must and shall be Preserved !" " There was a man in our iovm, He was so wondrous wise" But with all his wisdom, lie wan nol ao wise os that "oiAer man," who whea he wanted to buy the The chcapest and best CLOTHINC! n this mareet always jumped inlo G Tl I TER MAN1 & HEAD QUARTERS! ror there he knew hc always got his money'g rorth. Seeing is belicving and yju thut wisli to see come in and believe. Those Ihat an't yce c. feel, and as we always mak ar customers feel good over good bargaine, iiey are ospeciülly mvited to our anxious eat.that they too niay realize how "good t is for theru to be witli ua," aud how rauch ilcasure can be obtained in the enjoymtnt of SPLEWDID BARGAINS ! Come all ye that are weary nnd heavy la en"- with Rorss and we will do our best to elieve you - giving you in return the Jinttt ■ind of Goods ai the íowest figures. Great battles nro hourly taking place in tlm Jlothingline - whule regiments of Jassimeres. Vatinuis. dtc, are being slaughtred by Gen, o.s'dheih - t.ó fit the greut rush of recruits hat are pouring in from every direction, all nxious to have their ñames enrlled for a NE AT AND TASTY SUIT ! - sucli as can only be had at the Quariers of Guiterman & Co. One of the firm, Mr. M Guiterman, having ust returncd from Ëurope with a large nsortment of Cloths, Ca-simeres and a mee lot f fine Vestings. also a few pieces of fine ieaver for overooats whi h we will make up ooruer in the lntest style, we feel confident hat we can satisfy all. STXJJDEnsrOTS I We are happy to greet you agaTn in our üity.after spending youi' vncation with the ' dear old folks' at home Be assured we wish you a pleasant term', ;md shall ever be glad to men you at the Old IJcaü-Quart is, No. 5. IET Our former customers, we feel assured, vill cali on us igain To you who come aa Irangers we K-ould say a few words, we rish you to cali nnd look it our fine Coata, Jnts, and Vesis we can do better by you lian ar.y other h -use in he Git}', and if you all and examine our irooils.and try their fits, :ou will Durcha8e nowlnre else. DON'T FAIL, TO CALL -AT 3r. H. C?, DR. IIOOFLAND'S BALSAMIC CORDIAL, For the speedy cure of Coughs. ColJs, Influenza, (roup, Hoarsenest, Bronchitis Pneumonía, Distases of At Bow els ansiny fromCold, Incipienl Coa sumplion, and for the relief and ,if ut allpossible) cure ot Patients in adtanccd stages of the latler aiseasc. rptlE Balsamlc Cordial is entirely a Vegetable producX tion, combining the healing properties ol the lialsatn, with the invigurating quaüties of a Cordial, producinga combjnat un so uelladupud to tbe purof.s intended, tbat there are but lew cases of disease vbich will not, at an early periud, succumb to its healingaud life giving properties. Fur ages, bas tb treaiment of pulmonary diseases OCCttpUd the greater portion of ibe attention of the ectaatific of tbe medical world, but uoneacquired more eminence in bis tieatment of lliese diseases, tban the celébrate'! Piufsian, I!r. Houilanu, the orignatoi of tbe Bals mie Cordial. His life was devoted to tbe production of remedies tbat would stand unrivalleü. How well l.e has succeeded, the American people are able to judge: and we posiiively assert, tiiat no preparations thut have BWf been i!iict'd b -fonj tliem, have conferreti the same atnouni of benefit- 09 sufieriug huni:inity, or liave elicited so many eummeBdtionfi irom all classes ol society, as tbe remedies of ï)r. Hooflaud prepared bv Dr. C. M.Jiiikson Jt Co., of PUladelpU. ' The Cordial is designed Cor a class of diseases more general nnd moie fatal tban wty otber to whicli tbe people of thiii couulry iiie Subject- thoue sjningiiiii from a "slight cold." Tbat eminent authoiiiy, Dr. lielljsays: "i will not say tbat Colas are to our inhab itants wbat tbe Plague and Ydluio Fiver are to tbose oí other countrits; but I can awr coufidentJy that tbey usber in disease of greMcr IcninpUcity and mortality than these latter." En tirely Vegeta ble . No A Icoli olio Prepavaüon. DIÏ. II OFLAND'S cri,i:iu!AH.n GERMÁN BITTERS I'rejiartMl by DR C. JACKSON h C'., Pbiladelphia, Ta. WÜ1 eITcctually cure UVEK COMI'LAIXT, DYSPEPSIA, jAUNDICEjCbronic or Xeivous pebility, Distases ol tt Kidneys, and all di.seases wnsing írom a diüorüered Liver or Stnmacb, Such as Onstipation, Inward Piles, Fulness or Blood to ibe Hear, Ac:dity of the Slcmach, Nausea, lieart burn, I.'i.sgust for Food, Fulness or weiglit in tbe Stum ach, tour Kructation , Sinking or Flut tering at tbe Pit of the Stomach, r-wininiing ot the Hoad, Hurried and IiiUïcult Biathing Fhitftring at tbe Heart, Choking or ííiitfocat;ug HüMttoQa when in a lying posture, Dim DAM of Vision. JÜots of webs birforetbe síght, Ftver and Dull Pain in the Heao1, Peficiencv of Perspiration, Yellownes of tbekin and Kyes. Pain in the tsi'lc, Back, Cbeit. Limbs, &c. Sidder, Fbishesof Heat, Burningin tbe {Flesh, Conslant paagtmngi of evil( aud great I)cpressiors of Spirits, and vil) pnsitively prevent YELLOW FEVER, BltLIOUS FKVl.Lï, &c l'be Proprietor in calbng the at '.ention of the public to tlns prejiaration, doe. so witli a cf the utmost coniulence in it virtue.s and adaptation to the diseases lor whicli it in reccmmended. Itisuonew and nntrierl artielo, but on-í that lias sLood the teatof a Iwelve yeitrs' trial before the American pi'itple, and ita reputatiou and sata are unrivalled by any similar preparatioHS extant. The testimnny iu its iavor given by the most prominent aud wcll-known I'hysicians and individuéis tu all partsof the country is nnnn-nsr, and a lul porural of the Almanac, publidhed annually by the ProprietoiP, and to be had gratis of any of their AgenL. cannot but aatisfy the most f keptical that thl rcraedy i.s rtally deerviug the great celebriij it has obtaiued Rcati tlie Kvldcnce. Trom J. Üewton Broten 1). D. , Editor of the Encycloptdia of Rr.ligious Kncvslei.'ge. Althnugh not difposd to favor or reemmend Patent Meiicinci in gtueral, through distrust ol their ingredit-ntft and eflVcts,I yet kuow oí no sufficient reason why a irán may not testily to the benefit he believea himselí to have rt-ceived trom any simple prep.iratïcn, iu the hope that he may thus contnbute to the benefit of othevs . I do this the more readily in rognrd to ':Hoofland's Germán Bitters,1' prepared by Dr. C. M. Jackson, ol this city, because I as prejudiced against them for years, under the impresftion that they were chiefly an alcoholie mixture. 1 am indebted to ray fiiend Robert Shoemikor, Ehq.,for the removal oí thit prejudice by proper testö,and for encourageoiKut to try them, wben suiïering from great and long coütiuued debiliiy, The use of thiee bottles of these Bitters, at the beginning of the present year, was followe'l by evident relief, and reatoration to a dígree lÍ bodily and mental vigor which I had not feit for wix monthíi bcfore,aad had almost despaired of regr.ining. I therefore Uiank God;indmy friend for dü-LcLing me td the use uf thom. J. XKWTON BROWN. Read what the eminent Glass Manufacturer, JOHN' H WHITAU-.boys of the IULSAMIC OOliDIAL. Db. C, AL Jackso.n- Re.spectod Friend: Havíng for a long lime been acq-iiuted with the vii-tues of thy Ba'namic Cordial m Cou.ha. Colds, Inüammation of the l.une, &c. I thu3 frtely bear leht mony to its efficacy. For sí vcral yean I hava never beun without it in my I family It alsogives me pleasuro lo state that I have : used it with tmtire succe.sf in the txeatment of Bowel Complainti. Thy fritni trul.y, JOHN" il. WHITALL, Fifth Mo. !7, 1853, Race ritreet, above 4th, PhÜa. These medicines are for sale by all rtspectable Druggibts wni dealers in med'.cinea ia the United States, Bntibh frovince.s, and VetIudies, at 75 cents per bole - Be sureandget th geuuioe, with the Bignature of O. M. Jacköün oö tb wriper ot eech bottfe; all Q.ktrs ara e&interfr.ü Prinri4.ïffl i-:A 'ïasyfctiTT, 418 Arch j i


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Michigan Argus