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j3lT MSDON & HENDEltSOFS gm-jjjjag-r,, 'jtllE GENUINE WÊ? STEWRT'S . ÍS T O -7" ES „ (Ve wisli to cali the attcnliou of the public to tliis celebrattfd COOKING STOVE! Wliiih ig'l he only perfect stove made. It will do more I usiness with one Üiird lcaa fuel thun nny otlic-r STOVE made. From tiatiniony given hy the persons referred to below, on account i of its duiabilitj' and Fucl Saving Qualitics, it has proved a saving frjm Twelve To Twenty Dollars pr ycar. We would refer you to the following list of PERSONS WHO HA VE THEM IN USE: l'rof . Tappan, Ann Arbor. John F. Miller, Ann ArborProf.Wood, '■ J. GUbert Smith " l'ruf. Winchell, " Nf.T. Aulls, " 1'rof. Iou ass, " Jüf-:opli Watts, ' Alptwin Felch, " T. Wilkinson, " vVm. R. Martin, " Mrs S. l:enton, " Rich'd Hoopcr, " O. Ilawkins, " Bon. B.F Granger," C A. Chapín, " J. W. Mavnurd, " Oliarles Thnycr, " F. Ij. Sl(rbbns. " IMaitin Claik, lt U.B.Wilson, " S. Unisford, A A.Town. Mrs. O. Welch, " Thomns Wod, ?itt-liel.l. Mw, K T. Williams," Alvcrston Urury, " V. Chapio, " Jacub I'ulhemus, Scio. C. II. Wood, " N.C.Gooiiale, " Joseph W. Wood, " Mr. Keilers, abaron. We hnve on hand a laro nraortmc-nt of the best kinds of Cooking, Parlur and PLATE SÏOVES, and a general assortment of HARDWARE AND TIN WARE, and Bent stuff for Carringe vork. Particular attention paid to fi'ting up Eiivetrougli and Conductora, and uil kinds of Job work done at the Shortest Notice. RISDON" & HENDERSON. Ann Arbor, 1S61. gEYE and EAR. DE. F. A. CADWELL, OPEllMOR ON THE Y.YV. AXD KAR. For ücafness. Blliidticss, and al! deftcts of Blgbt anti Hearing. DR. C. IÏEING A REGULAR Phyuiciin, with TWENTY YEAH: exclusive pracüce in tlie t rea t ment of alteases of the EYE AND EAR, will be fuund qualiñed to give relief or elïect a cure io any case witbin the reacb ot' humiin skill ffS No charge for nn exatnbiatlon or an opinión, orfor unsucc.esnfiLl services. Dr. C.'s Ïkeatisb on tuk Evk and Kar, nf 300 pp., containing references, Testiinonials, Description if Diseaes, Ca.seá, and otber important matter, Ulustr&tttd with Cuta, to be Imd gratis, by sentling Ten Cfntc to pay postflgo. Actdim Dr. Caüwhl Öö liaudolpli Street corner Deaboru , Chícajío. 111. ly"68 Great Reduction in the Price of singke & co:s Standard Machines . Well known to he the Best for Man ujacturing Purposei. No. 1, Standard Shuttle Möohine, formerly soJd at $90, redueed to 70. No. 2 of samo kir.d of Machine, for merly sold ai $100, reduoed to $75. SINGER'S LETTER A MACHIXE Ia the best Machine in the worM für Family Sewing and I.ight Manufitciuring Purposes : (witu Htmmcr,) ulJ beautifully oinuniented (ftO. The Nos. 1 and 'J Machines are of great caiacity aud appiicatión for man .iiicturinp; purpuMht. Uur No. 3 Machines are anjipted to all kinds of üght aii'l heTj Leatber Vork, in Lrrla ïciiminii. Boot and tfhoe Mjikiog. IIarnes .:;ikin-j;,etc., etc. Xhey are uf ex'ra size, and with . n ann long enuugh to lakij umler it aud stiieli the _size dashes. Xhere is hcarcely any part of a Trimmers' Butclilng thut cannot be betttr done with them than bj hanii ; gn, too, ilie siivin? of time flnd labor is vey great. ïbtableof these mach. nes ie 2t inches long, an-1 theslmttle will huid six times the usual quantitjM' thread. Thelarge machine works as fastas small ooea. W wottM aak for our l-títer A Machines, the special attention of Vest Mak(-rs and l'ress Makers, atid all those who want for lig f't man afneturiug purposes. They embudy the pridciples of the standard inaeliii!f.s, making lika thm theintei'loelifd sitch, nul are dstined to be u otilobratotl for Fm:ly Svwixa ai d hght mauufad uring purposes as our standard iiiílchines arefur manuíactuiing purpott iu general We have alwayson hand, utiMMihG hm (ib.s.sii k ttm I.INKN AND CUTTON TUIEÜAD , Os PoOI-ri, CKjT M-ACUINS üIL 111 bottlet,etc, etc. We manufacture our own Xeedlcs,aad would warn all perai-n using our machines not to buy any otlicrí . TC know that there are needies sokl of ti-è most ivfnior quoliiy at higher prices Ihan we charge fur the best. The needies sold by us are manufacturad especia lly for our ma l.ines. A bad n eed U may rendtr the best ma (kin e almost meto. Our customers may rest assured that all our ï'ranch Office are furnia hed with the " germine a cl iele " In case of small pinchase-, the m ne_ may b' i(nt in post acre .stamp?, Of bank notes. Cor res po ml en is will plett) write tlieir ñames diRtirctly. It is all inpTlant th-it we should, i&éaOeUf, know ihe Pcwt Office, County, and ïj'aie. j A.l persuns reqniring mformtit:n about SewiBg Machines thetr size, price.s. wdiking capacities, and the best methods ut .'urchasiiigf can obtain it by neuding tu us, any of our Banch Olliceo fura cnpy of I. M. Singar & Co .V Gazette, Which is a bfuitiful Piotorisl I'aor uitiiüly dovuted to the subject- II wU bcsent gratis. 4-1 &3T We have male the above HF.DUCTION IN P1ÏICKwith the two-fold view of henefltlng the public aadouf selvea. Tlie public have been BVinukdbj spuriuus machines made in unitation of ours. T. e in thtin, from the ron eaating to the smallesi peice, ot nonr %i.lity. 'Jheir makers have not the means to do tlieir wurk ■.veil. They arehid away in secret places, vheifl it wuuld bc Impoaaible to have at their command tlia pruper mechanica l appliances. It is only by duing a prent busineá8,and baving extensivo manuíacturing establíshnifiits, ihat nocid machines can be made at moderat - prlces. best. designed machines, BADLY HADE, are jilw;ivs liabie to get out of order, and aramiroioeOM considenible trouble aud money to kwp them in repftkt ïhe qualities to be lookcd for m a Machine are : er tainty of correct actiën at all rates of speed, BÏrapllcitj of ciuistruction, great durability, andrapidity of operation, with the least labor. Machines to combine thene e.sinti'il qualities, [mu-t be made if tltebetme al and finlahi d to perRction. W have the way and ineaus, on a rfrand scale, to du this. The purchuers of mnchines, wliosedaïly bre.nd it mav concern, will find that thuse havirgthe abovequ:ilitits not only work vell at rapid as well ns slow raies cf speed ,but last longer in thp finest possible working order. Onr machines, as made by us, will earn more raoney with loss labor th:m any othrrs whether in imitation o.' oursor not. In fa cl, tlioy arechrarer than any other macliinesas agift. 1. Ni. ÏNGEH k CO., 458 Eroadway New York. Detroit Office, 78 Griswold Street, opponite the Post Office. 811tf M. II. GOODRICH, Agent, Ann Arbor. IN THE RIGIIT PLACE. HerricWs Sugar Coated Pilis0=- THK DIST FAMILV Cl aiéjC-7V: thíirtic in the worM. $r íWí " v uslil lw"tu1y yert tj , f .'Jjj . live miUiuna of j-ersous " ji niiii;i 1' y ' ilwa ys jjivt & s;it isl fi? tion , cuntfi in 1 notliifig injurious ; yfwdFKr - " - ' "V L " m) P;ilri)Il'Z(' by itie prin i jg&zS$éml: c'l}a' pltysieiaas and K tó&3-fP Líir?e Boxes25 cents; Hr fiveboxes för 1 iülïr. TaIpUHAHK, T-KON' CoVNTY, I Florida, July 17,1860. ƒ ToDn. IIeebick, Albany, N Y - Vy Dear Doetoi : - T write thia to infnim ynu of tK wonderfiil effect of your Suar Coated Pilis on iny eider dfcaghtur, Fcithree years she has Vieeu fiffiicied lh a billíous oerangpment of the fyitem. sdly imparing: her health, which has been steadly failiug daling Ihatperiod. WheninNew York in April last, a fnerd a-lvised me to test your pillHarlog the fulíest con(lUnce in jurlraeLt ol my frieod, I übtained a supply of Uesars, Carnes Park, DruggUt?, Park Row, New York. On returninpr home. we jceased all other treatmect, and atiroinistrrp'1 your ï'ills, one eaeb tight. The im pro vemen tin her feelins, complexiOD, digeKtion. etc., surpriscd us njl. Aiapid and'ijermaneot restnration to health has been the reRult, We used lw )han fivcboxes, and con.idt-r her ent'vely well. I consider the aboe a juat tribute 1o ynn n a Physici".n, nncl trust that it wi!l be the means of nduuiog many to a1oit your Ï'ills bs thcir fainily raOiïiüines. I remain, düarsir, 'vi:h many Hianks, Your u bed.' ent sorraot. 6, t'. Mübiïïbon. Heriick's Kld StrGngthejaing Piasters euro in five hour.s, pains auü weakoess of thehreaRt, side ani back, and Kheumatic r;nmphiíntsm an equally short ppriod Ctí timu. Aproad on beautiful vhitt lamb Kkin, thelr use Bubjects the wearer to no ineonventcce, an each ce wül we..r frora one week to thxoe months. l'j-ioe 18% oevtt. Hvrrlelri tuT Coated Piïs and Kid PlspUrs ure pnM oy DragfUt and Mprchants in all pfirts of the Unitod States, Cucada a ad íouth America, und ïoay bó obtaincd bv eallinff for tïiaa l"' ïi:?:-r fuU name. ' I ■-:■■, TH. I. V. HERRICE, t rr PRINTING OF ALL KINDS Neatly Executed AT TUK AllGÜS. OFFICE. #E ARE PREPARED TO FILL ALL ÓRDÊRS IN THE LINE OF P R Í N T I N G AT THE MOST REASONABLE RATES. Ws have recently purohasod a BUGGLBS ROTARY CARD PRESS, and have tdded the Int' st stylcs of CarJ Type, which euables us to print INVITAT1OJST OAItDS, WEDDING CARDS VISIÏING CARDS, BUSINESS CzVRDS, &c. in the neatest stylf, and ns lieap ns anj ottir house in thu Btata. W are aUu piv artd to print POSTERS, DASDBILLSj BLAXKS, BILL I1EADS, CIRCULARS, PAMPHLETS, &c BOOK BiNDERT i in charge of f FIRST CLSS WORKÜAX, LEDGERS, RECORDS, JOURNAL?, HOTEL REGISTERS, and BLANK BOOKS OF ALL KINDS, RULED TO ANY PATTERN And Manufacturo! in best stïlb r.t New York Prices, Feriodicals of all kinds BOUND IN ANY STYLE. Old Books Ec-Boand. All Work warrantod to givc entiro satisfaction. É. B. POND, Prop r. Office and Bindory, coi1. SI ai n fc Huron St3 1861. 1861. FALL & WINTER GOODS RDW RECEIVIXG AT C H. MÏILEN sv Co'. H 4 VING to poy CASH for nojrly n)l kind of Goode niirohnsed in Nrw York. vro are nccessarily obügcd toi'L'Striot nir credit Bysteui here. Conspquently we ha!lo0vr our Fall Goods for Cash, al a small ad ranee on the cost. O. H MILLEN fe CO. Ann Arbor, Sppt.24, 1661. 819ni3 Taken tJp. pJMEIN'TO the enclosure of (ho subpcvihcr, tin ilir J 13lh of ?ept,, ij) the township of Jexter. tnvoc miles west of Dextpr Village on the Flank Ro&rt- i vnkc oí Oxên- 6ue is a black with white s tripe across' the shoiilciers, and some white on the ; the "tber a pftleri. Raid oxeo betireeo 8 or 0 ycars -!d T'ie owneritireque-Ud to cali, par cbsrarw, and at;e th'us ï-av. rATSICK l '"V LUNG & BÜLCOD INFIRMAR YFnhí-r Blóck li 'i odicurd A ce J toi(t Ún, ü.j t AKPK.vriíiK jft haixahd. DOC&'ORS gra, rally i-r.-t. n 1 tlnit Cvmnlhpftol la Incurable, Uoeanae iiu'y pannofou it tMtTMj út tilia '1m' ni t m;jUe it true, AÍiiny ínticlinn'cü willwirkn mi i job all rJy and af■r ütyng nut'jiiií: Imt tpoii A oáttrmi iln-v vill t on it ncvcr catibe4rne n Ehfl jrou wbbj t. Úu v applying tO a Wtfr ukpiMi toe wUc tiwrovtltly Bderundri hits Ljus.ums- j ou ill gt-t your rk atimjilislicd in simpe. , ín this rmpect tliPi" is 11" uim ilÜTtrerue la bu ouiid in all trades aml profitaumi. 'lhc b-njjltri in techa nina, in the nits. in huv. in thetlogy, nnü m iliyüic, wiii uy iucii tlin ci nn t be duw Aii'l t w rue tbut tlify i-nukl uní !.■ H atl im n 1 rhfiyelves. ür.t íoi tunntely fln-u1 ín am tltfr c-Ia if nii-n ntt thM, wlica tbej' tnko your case ím hial, tí ibu ob a s you want l, r rostí rf you to IieaiL tcCMi ing c le-.ire. Wi Irave n!y Iu tvmip+-i 11 U. mt io ndcrstantl whi one ubysician sbuuld jñiioíiSc4 tbwt - ncuralilc wliich atií tlnr can ■ In mechaiiicH, weKonictiinis ínu timt by n pthttMvi. r raperiur means, by none pe ineiUion, of rbítói h?. as the snie use, w by tlie rt-nter tageoity tít.hi minrl, onc jerson will rnuVe r lr íat no t thfr can. Exactly it mav be so in phjr&lc. And 11' ia i tbu í-ry reiuoii why I bv?ft ue h K'.it nuceemí over aíl thers in the treuïmtnL. ui' ("tui: utnption. Bf lutfinj; he original genlun, by pQflxeft Ing the I mi!; -Meltr hioii aablaii me t(j cftajüv 4tt rtnn è tbc safvrv ol' ií.m weaaeajad by baiüfig -u J r :fy diea lor Cusumpti. n hs 0 oLhi ■;■ l'liysiriiin per !;;iri . ;tJ;J.i' boW ti üíi y thfti I av-, j,:nl con efftcf a cure of ths 1;ihm' betond tli) ;ach of any other man. To prorf Ibii tn haxfl fcu be ("tSC. 1 1 j I LT 1 i t íl',l' Vf'U IHHI:ljCrS U OB ÜUttltlWW f eertíficntea ('rom nun aul woiion givs utcc to tb jrnve, wbo hare beD rescueíl and resiore t'o I.ahU y the pfcrsc'voriu uap ol mv r meOfc h foi Cohmiiih ti"D - tul It i.s not n.'ci ssrr y for me to do fto here, fr 1 lio 'act of onr' nii d doing vfaat cnotbcr cMin'.t cjinnot . j vidcnl to íiti men nf coraraoa beim. li ib (.'nnsumpIve wWies furtbtr [rooi than this, I emi uulv wiy, ome tnvl atisfy yi-ursclf Ly tri 1 ui i:iy etiH iu tka ure of your conipliüt Doctor 'iirij'rihr ii visií YpsÜMiÜ. tino Aim Arbor. uring xsr.ü-íil . Aan Arbnf , at Cookfi Hirtrl. 83 md tli of euch inonth ; Uavkyts, IToise, V(. ,;!::iiti, &th and 6th of pnch month. 11 ,i laiider óf Úit tinie, h rilt be found ui bis Lang fnUrmai y iu I i truit Ïy773 Mrs. T&IMSLOW, n expcriin d Xire nn.1 Fímale Fbjnc;iin, prcafota to tbe aitention ol m tUeri,lur SOOTHÏNG SYRUP, FÖU CHILDHEN" TKETÏJ1NG, -y'nlrh ifroatly facilitfttea the proeenfl oí twíthinjr, Ir lofteo n the guiña, reducínj all tnl'snunaiitn- will alUiv ALL PAlN" and Kpaomodle act-tn, und . SURE to REGÚLATE ihe BOWELS. Dppcnd iipon '.t, m.torsf it will givt rt:..t t : yiíurlTe, ana Relief fin;) lioalth to yon:1 Infint Wcbawpul op inl ani! gold i'.ti articl for "va KD v,irs ni CAN FAY, IN' X'NHJIMH ANl l'RUTIl I t, wht Wfa have civt bM : '■ " lo %j -r. sny otliiTiiu-iUjIn-- NI-.VH: HAS l'I KAIi6D lü A 'INtL'K 1X:I.N('1. 10 I11KT .'. : 1 K. Ltn i.ntelj r.O'l. ÍS:V( Y diil we ! nnw mi M'f.flitatsüictimi bj ,n ti i n ■ who t si .1 it. .;n thí ■■ illiT'1 ut'&ghtttd frith ta up' r li-, !'t : s t-nl: ín t rr..i )f (■tjiiinu-71'lutii n of t , inn.-i(at i ■ ' meBr ■Ttues. We fpcai in thia. inatl r -M1.M' VK 10 KxOW,'" aíffr Ion "j-éniV pxpcrit nec AND IllliK UÜK lül'LTATiLN FOit TUK I 1 H.1..M i M' fK WHA1 (VE HERF. DKCLAUf . lo tlnunl tvilj In tspe .vhi r' (tn infífnt mffer n fr"in j U un 1 t lmu-t!1 n, rflit't will W-Iovrri in tift lii tr tU' lúa.ton kflr' Mvup is :idinjiiisí' r''l ■ . . ïliis valaabifi prepurMtton is tni jWÍÑwríi L:on f 'tiw if tlip most Mil. and SKll.Ul'1. N1 lfi n rnitlitnil íijiú lia-; Utii ÜMfd witb fcLi-K KAIl.iNG SUCCtíN-; in THO.USANT1 Oí" CAS1-S. It nnt (l nutres Uiccl l.i.Truiia pan, but invlg r't'%a tho s-t'iiiitch nn 1 Ijowt-ls. c rrM ati'l tv. andg4w ttr :aámetty tytlic wi.üle.-ysum It w.H a iui'.-t n.-tunll relieTe SRiríKG ÍN TÍIE BOWftí, AND V.Nn TOIJC aal ovi-rcoiiH' coiivulsi. n--. wlri'li if t spccilv rt-nm liert, ml in donth. WÏ W'e Ir tli l't-' l-í -CKE-T IÜMK! V :N 'lül W RI.) ta U ■■ ■ iiY-KNI'HIY ruil ! !.vl;nH!K.A N CU] l.i i: .i. it ;ir - : r li i ■ ■ ■ - ITnuld tmy 1o Lre rv jiiM'"'r wha h :i cViii' miITit ntí (rom By ol t ■■ : r.'p n (■ n.p1 ne - 4 ' NO 1 IT Ydub 'I'i:kji: íets, no i Tllt: ií.i;i:iiis i 0TH1-.H-. -1 nii ho,l i .'. i ; ni v. r tnl t'-c relief thutwilMi. !l i. tW-t - tn foilow t'l" u tí oT t'lN IU" i Pull i i í 1 1 - n f i r iiv'n.; wil' ce ininn1 N'n if' nu nalett t ■ fue M;ni e !' ' t H I i.S y 1 fcJ1 - !uN-. N'-F Vn !,. ;-i.iii' u íili v. y ■ .i'A Ijv Ditijl.t tlinnipiíit the r-W. Priiidjiai ÍHio 33 r.d r Mx.I S. Y. i:i. i: í Ni. Y .:, CENTS I EKBi PT1 E F. r mK' bj F. r ■!■ Po. ijrTT. Jor the Speedy and Permanent Cure of Seminal Weakness, Nocturnal and DiurnaL Émis&ion, Nervous and General Débil ity, Impotaicet and all Diseases crisai'jfrom Solitaiy Habits or Excessivc Ltdulgcnir, TÜERE are thonaands of Younc Mf.n. u w11 ai Iipnt.s Aged and Old Mbit, who are sutt'eritijr to h-.iiií uxtrnit from thc above diseases. .Main, ptrliapa, me nut avran of their true coiiditiun, or when asáistance is reany uceJe-l. For the benefit of such, M-e herewitlt give a few of the moa% common symptoras, vii; Weakne$ of the Bark and Lirnh, Pain in the Head and Side, Dininc ■ Sigbt, lhit aiul rh before the Eues, Faipitatitm o thc Ihnrt, lhj-iiia, Ls f Memory, Confaniim Id--. Depr&aiiM of SjiirO, Ave,,,, to Society, Distrust, Twtidito, et; For êafih :■! II ! the above symptoma Lheao rauuoiu will ba fouud a ' JiuTeri ign Balrn.1' , . , . These remedias embrace threc prescviptions : A box oi Pastéis a box of Nercous Ton ie Pilte, and a bos ot Vtrw Tonic Pilla, all of which hav imirtant offloei to porform, ! and bhould be used togethor i evory t-ase. Thoir Biinerwri ovet othor modes uf treatmtiut muy Lo brielly ötatuu a ful jBSS" They diminisli the vïolence of exuM exite:ivnt. j They iinmedjately arrest nocturnal aud uiavual tmiSr j85T They remove local wakness, eausing tli rjaiu tv aisiune their natural tou and vigor. j$y the cuiisutuLwn hy overoomius nous deïiility and general weaknesa. jgy Tliev enliven the spirits, which ar3 n-milly dupraseea bv expelliug all excitin causes from tftè sy.-U-m. By their iuvigoratiuR projwrtïM tlier re , tur Ifca pttienttohis natural liealth and vigor of manturtd. J8" They cure when all otlicr meaus lv fkltod. - a-Thcy contal n io Hermtrjl, ño Ojnwn, nor navtiiUj that can in anv event prove injunous. jf Thcy are tíasy and ple:iant tu use, mul v. ui uyt lutorfere with the patietit's saai buniuw ot pleftaiiru. jgQ They cnu hu lued witlwut sosiúciun, er kowjdjjf ven a royin-inate. That they may come within the rUOli of all. "0 hnve Bx-4 the price of th Potírfi at $1 par box. and the lS!f at, # cents per box each. In oraerinx by mail, in DddiHon to th price, twelve cents iu atamps sliialJ bc (noloseu lor reMra tfïv. LADIES in witnt of a Mfa aud effccttinl jjftOk reniedy for tn-r'ulnritie, Stijprmatn fth flhy ra 1 j of any diayase peculiar to thfir ssx, JW Tfi? should D. Gites'S írsiAiü .Mu-íih.t H L lMi.LS Price, liv mail. 1 ;iu.l Opfl st:iiii. JBl'41'--7' Cautïos.- Thcsa Pilis shftiiM ir ï l-8-ns.'J y "jÉ. during prrgnancy, as Buccoriag wül be tl mS Z3LStit nl-l,O,th..l,formH.. or any otlier himine anJ rMonbl cause, deern it uci-ory to avoid an increae of family. can 00 J nnlioat mrring danjer to hcalth M MUtitatK kj Üi u ' . '■' Cnmx't Frmch Pmattüm ïouxkrx. Tnce, bjr uiml, cl lui two stamp8. These Powders can only lie btalaeJ ly aadressiuj lh General Agenta, as below. . Send for Dr. Gatks's Printte J&Jicu! r.-ct:ln on Snrf Diwases, Piuce TEf Cs.NTS. Address, H. O. MIU.EK CO., Gnral Aïjni. For ine Ky JIAYXAl.D, STEBCIXi, wil ïoir. vT88in Arn Arbór', Mic'n. PIWK IfLLEPS HÁIH INVIGOMTO) AN EFFH' T. K, SAFK Al K' DN' MIC1. ( VMI'nrN FOB RESTORING ÜRaV IU13 MJth . w.;houL Uyeniy, anl prvvenli the (tair frvm turaing gry. FOR rRKVENTlXii BA1J ' . rlará i'.t-rc is the l pitst wi' riljliiy or Téc'ujM.-rttive HfcfjO' FOtftïïïMO N.; ::C(-RV AKÍ DANÜRTIT, M'i U cuiant'ous sJAtcïioaa of the ealp. KOU IïFArriKVlNC TUK 1LIH, npmiirp Ir f - ■■(k:i !!■■■! gliis and UrilHttiW' -,(■ itiuiüky in tts texiure and Caasing it tueurj rwidüy. the jr i ■ LeltrIU aud u .■ ■ m;i] for tlui uuoquallp'l prepavatHto, ti mina1 tbe pnijuietci that tM trial fl on)y u' i 'cernui ) ubljc ol its BVpCciurqitaUtieri nvi t;pj uUuer rviumtoii al i rawuf in uso. It oleantes tlie lióatl mi-' scalp tn pi dnvdrrff an oiher ctaitii-n'ï dtêMteê. ;iu-e üJt tngr w I i unantlv, aud gi vks it :i richsottj gïosfj find fiejúb i p pea ra net'. a.:iï íÍ4li wliri _■ ' !ie ba!r t& i ;■...-■ -mi ;i .i! 1i Inuin, it fill gi ve slivii;;'.li an.l vjgnr t" U:e rcnis, r hd resierf the jro-tjj i iliOtG puit nliïch l:i ,., , . m bll, cnusfng il to I.í r fíf.-v1, cocfinp of huir, 'l'dorc ai'f Uundrwla i I hu! es nul cnüina t it. Str Yoik whü_havc hal 1 ',v'r hair u-Kiuied by tlie 'e f th:s In vigora tor tl et prepiiratipits h.;ti f.iik d i . ■■." ■.-,.! ■ wsion letttfas ranuEieiftliIo tu&tifffi to the abovtí factn, fnmi persons oi . ,]tij. bilit y . It vrill elfectuiilly prevrni .■ .■ rúttf jmtyuotilU pci-MA'l ■■: uf.- Cbfr tho Lui ir Ims clmned its r ,mr. Ihe n-. ..: t'n. lfvír1i r wil! wit UVoi'. sint y r, iti ü to kê érrighn 1 hr, ivyt it a dark, glossy ■■ ; .ciraitce. A ■ i i . ii f(!i-_ U.c ' r. iVt modaUaii Ry1 ■■-' ?ltïi partteuUi l,y wyïóim'inrt'rf, haviitg La agrien hU ftinre#; ni l'ic fv.-a' FacÜJtti n it KÏoids n tUutthg tiiíir. wb eb] nJioa Ettuïnt ítíi tlie lnvigovittoi" i'-ti bc dreewd In ;. retjúirea ftum sn na tn preaervi is j ot. v)i,-'híT .:,tíii ur in lif-rre the ereftt iletnund tor it hy tha wwiiw bs ;t st,indnrd icift.t artiede whic'i nilght U bc vtrhnut, as Uic jnice lilaoes it w i tli in tkö tëftca of i 11 , bdug ONLY TWENTV-FIVE CKTS per bnttlf , to be ha i at ;ill rospecta1rf áxvtgtftík? aod; perfuxaAJÑi. L MILUiR wouW cali Ui" nttention rif TpvntH rd Gua.rt3ii!ii t( ijitf 01" ia vigorad ur, iu ci,--. whfre the CniUrCDíi' incl'ï",-, ■ UMofit 1,-iys Om fiiuniUliiin teï t (j[nfld h(d . Áo i'i ny impuriUea th1 p thf sralp. thfrf'! 't whiibls pftvr.iity bofli for 11 b hefüth ol tbc ohlhlasd tUo futurt .i it Ha ir. CirnoX.- -N ■ n ■■■ ■ iihn.1 il f ■ "t .f :mït. I ;l 1P MILI, i.ii bei a ir on tiio tivti mK(i] 1 r: n!-, I . Mil.J 1 1 S HATR !V . N (. hl'ivr In - ■ i Wh. '!-'.-::!■ IjSt,6 ■ -'1.; byull lïir rifiin-it1- Mer0hui ! t-lh h ü LïTeralili.-cnn1 to ; ■ r(iwp'ifv I aIm ck slro to irBent to tin1 Ai I r New &Improvofl fnstdtítanocns Ziiquid Ha ir Bye wil ir h ' a fier onrs of ■Jrn t (''f1 .v ■ ■ i ::■: r M.g I l'iivf brought to parfeotlon. It h'el b "wm Vv without in.iiry to ti:-1 ; mttd tM U.-ï 11!:,.. ft] kíi PRJCE O7LY FJFTTCK3ïS. DEPOT, F6 ÍT] '" '


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