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"F2RE! FiRE! T ■ WESTERN M ASSACHU8KTT8 JLïiuraiice Company . Q.VSll CA-PÏTAL& SURPLUS; Í3TTJBI r_ . -:■ ! DO,O O O.. VJT. STIfcWfG, A.?ent Ann Arfar. MiKh.90, 1-01. 792if : , JJf_!tl._rl.J:ÍA.:áfcLl Ta-j Conneeticut Mufnal Lifo In3 irá ï'5 Company. AoeumulHieid Capital, - $i,500,000. -i tusa ''■ 'V ilC.OOOfcr '. ■ Llf or tor ;i term of var.s. ou the 11 '5 Lvorikbïe trnw. N.l; , . . .m.uny i pnr mutual and tlio policy ■ ■ . Uia '■■■.■ t ■ '■■' '■■■■' "i iusur.aib-o lu.ti'li' the innred in lli" fotlUnioill of thoir pramiu_ U-s J3FR '■'■ '■'■' 'l';:. '; ■■' ''. l '''ing' b i:;:.'t ine „lftiie naiouot, baatloE luteraat Kt 8ti ?v cent, pír ann:m. ■. Dei lared AttnuaUgt i l KO tV.' ■ 1.1 u !:-v UI 'V I ííW" i1] iqs vo ar lov a aby oUter rè .;■ iny anti ui'1 1 ■' ' ■ (í ■ .- refel ■ ■ i file in :r Ann ArSi ÍA :■ ■ !,Preat. GCV 1 . riTKLPS, Si CJ K -:■ pa; ticulars pplj to .1 kfES C. WAT3ON, ï-.v.v rit Au u AxboTi Uioh. ! LiFÉINSU&ANCÊ COMP'NY. Áecumnlnted Jan, 1880, $!,767,l33,2tt MORRIS FRANKLIN, Vrrsxhnt, J C. KElfDATiL, Vire President, PLIXV ..IAN: Actuar y $109,000 DSPOSÍTED .&)inB!roHrof.tbo State of &w Y,.:k. Di.-i. A9SETS. . 31,353.40 !:.■.- -i.- n -!■ ■:■■■'■ ■■-. -.r'-.'i-' antetébt lamof ... -,;.■ i. &, il -■--■■-' , „. ■ - igrea flrawing 7 v c v. ',!.:■ lOpercont.ofproiniiiroaon lifo ing utorost, C7&.315.85 . and &ml4nnuil prdaiunw.due subsp. oJnniary 1 -■'■: rorueiluptoJan. 1.18C0. 3HM, ' ' '■ ' o-'u-íí . eiilunaziMï of Agcntn, o,44n tl ,787 433 M Insurance Agency l C. H. KILLEN Í-.:t ."'íis companies: IIO.1ÍS NSlTitAXCF. COMPAST, of Nïf ïork fi'.v,---('i] :':-i (tud Surplus, Sl.MfljBOO. (fYPi:K IVsüHAXCE COMP.VXY, of Bar t -Capital andSurtflaèj (WOtóOi CONTISENTAIi ISlACK COMPANY, oí New York City .- Copit Ia, Ï100,000. Thrw-mir.rlers of the nott pn)fi_t n this Company Uiiolicjr ).■■ . ! ! MÜ-I.F.XAnu Arbor, December 13. 18 0. 6mTT8 Couwny Pire Iisutíuiee Co., Of Couwny. M: . Oapitni paid np, - S150.000 00 Assets (Cash), - - 269,963 12 Liabilitips. - - - 16,440 03 D. C. riders. Jas. S Wüitney, Secretar. Praident. DlflÉCTOTlS. I S wmTNEY, L. BOñMAN, W. KLL1OTT, IS HOW1 ND D i'. Moa'I.VKAV, K. D. MOU6K ;v;t BKMENT. JO8IAI! AI.I.IS. A.II BU' I.EN .vil. njOKINsON, w T. CLAPIVP..C.ROGSR'. uti Arhor llffircucfs! r WRl.l.S, L. JAMKi i.. noroF, ENJCH JAMES. OAI'T. R.S. OOOIRICB J V. KM GUT. A-r-nt. A.I1P. A.rhor. Michignn. ñññü p eoJïXïïunïz&f n e INSURANCS eOMPANY. OF PEORÍA, H.Ll.XOIS. Capital, - - - S500.,000 oneol t:-.-.' flEAVIEST, SAFKSTT ao1 BEST [nsaranoe Co', in the Ü.3. Io r'i term, and ! y promptiy. Xhote ia bo bettr Fira Insuragc Moaey Wanted. VV Si o w i S 1 L e ii t V o n e y 1 r am ;:: :r:'-:::n :v .-svi'.r.Ai, PKRSOffS to obtain Por tli-tn at ïen Por Coat I iterest, (Or More.) K.jr :uiv nno willing toU-nd,! ran at once inveet on icomborëa nbundani REAL ! TATE i curiíy aajauml "f money.and etht ih tille uodjiwuíity ■irí-Al.L KIGBT. , ■ C? The borroivcr pnylng kD tp n ie, incliulmg rc, , !■:. '. MOKGAN, A:.M Arl,..r, Het. 7.13 Mf General Laad Agency PESOJÍá wanting fnrtn, or realdoncon r orana A:-,n rbor. ty callingiinmn mlecilroma liit .ifuvor _ „ . I i( Pur raí ftnr Saltl Of-rlout jtseptrom '.tc l3M)ícrlh ;(toe 11 iiood nnvnlhlí(Tonnty.) Murrthaii .5( Dwelliix llou Q:m3lty,fromtw ïuadrcc' '.o founiionc'.o - irs i'-li : d ovflr 2 ( O R. (Ml.niKG 5-OTS! AmulcthírHrmí fircthf Kishr.ppmrm I.1G0 croe, r rarm, in OreenOa, the PUcefjrin, il I ) acres, thcBlandonnnd Jenktftrraj, m Web.ter; th 3tab"l Michael Clanry. NewMn Becgn, lid p.llahn. rrm. in Ubor: J.KlBgrteyM lnPmÜei'l-the.H ':' ' "' 'k lnr'"" "' ', ' ; Hyufnrm ' " Vrr-l'n: W. -1. DaTion, B. O Baker p and ISurVs forma in-iylvan Most-t. tha ""1 many o'.bors can bo iiïidod to sult pur-.haaer. v w. f. l0AW nn'.rl.n...Ian 1 W _ jiï wTL O 11 G A N , Agent lor I MfelinuranceC.imiianT, Nsw i'',.,.,, A„ctBi . - ;'-; .,-60,000 th lea.lni Ufe Insurance Company In tn U. o. Knickerbockcr I. fe [nurance Company, New ïork, _n Umi Bi - V Qi - tvniii. rcawiimUc. LU Insiirnncc Couipany, Nf.v ork. C.iuiul, with al-tntcsnrplui, - - ..iiii.iwu. IVnim Marine .%: Fire Insurance Co., iVciii hl. _hntv i No. 1 Ftre-liuuranoc Co. 7""tt &VH1.. " _" ;-1J-1li:i SCHOFF '"& MÍLLER t REHTII.L ONIIANOat thoirold Stand, No. 2, Franklin ElocK, -.) Mi t'i-.eruost complete assorticnt of Books and Stationery, PKRFUMERIES, TAXCY GOOD?, WALL AND WINDOW PAPERS, SIIADES-,. ROLLERS, CORDS, TASSELS, GILT CORNTCES, . GURTAINS. IIOOKS AND PINS, STEREOSCOPES & VIEWS &c. Evej offured in tliis Jilarket ! and tl.ey wouUi saggest totlioso in puvsuit (.fanythingin SANTA CL A US' LINE that thoy ean securu a Doublé Chnstmas Present ! by ptiTch&ntng friim ihisKtorli. ai Mch purcliaser gets an .uMiitoiüii inffioui of Jewelry, &c. , 'Kanghig' invalue trom 50 ets. to $50. 3" ïhpytrust that thdlclDOfl i-!ponenco in ■ , ti.i i iü:i! kf'. tentiOB to tlit wan f i . . i me -.iü;iy entttki tl'.n t" ;l tibéralsbarö c.J Patrón Ario Atoo, Wc '■ IWQ. mtf Oval iMcture Fraines AM. SI7.ES, STOJÉ aad TRICEN just rectivtd and furs-ilo cliiiijrat CIIOFF & MILLER'S. ïsecrv. en, 1 1 ■■■ Empire PH [ BOCK STORE W j C3, J. K. W KUSTE II ES j , 4 RfcNOWOPKNING, il.::1 f FKOM Pl''HKI ' ANU Mitnufucturm, a H&vs aud Compluteritouk pi I , A VV cS J 1 L)í C A L UOO K S, Schoot litlOKS, MitctlUmeous llonks. Mank linoks. din sa -x' . rc x o 3j un. y : U'Í ' .ido ,v I' i - . r, iii 1 Sïa UtCDia'tica] n tírumcatk. ' ?íi:ic. .I.i v. aile Ubrario, Euvlopes, fnks uud Cttidn. GOLD Av,,7 a 7 eSÍr ímth of Pens and Pructs t Cornice, öbad ia und Fixtun, POCKET CUTLEKY! , pcrtAÍiubfl to th inuW-, anrt moro te ■ ttc t!u a.ttnion o) Uv ctmntry. ■ . ■. I ' ' ■ bU thaA mn : .H):!f; man, HOliUD nr clliUl símil W ..■ . tioa wiiica will us to our ftloir.i'i.-. al tlio Lowotit Posible Figures. Wp prApoM tamil fttf liKA!-V í'AV, a! a snislí ailvprco 1V expecl íi {irnfit mi ottr guod -, !n; t Cash Salos wiil Admit of Lew FIGURES. hare èójoignl til ■ service" o! JAlíES F. sTATJUXG. heroforo are preparad to faruñb Vifáinf, Wedding and all o.'irr Cards wnltcn to arder, wilh nrntness and dispatch, hi mai' or otherwise. The", "íamannod by agool crotju1 ■.'i'! alwayfl be fouutl on c "tiuartr 'l"ck," fM;l'i_ a1' Lfcnd to'áll úi [ial.M;ro( wuo will Favor Mi. mi i ilii ;i c IvV'iiicMilior tilo "Empiro Book Stnru." JAMES R. Vv'E.iJSTEIi & Co Ann ArGor.ïfny.lSTO. "Jf A NT 0 II ifu &, ARRIVAL AT THE JÍOLI AND RELIA 3 LE LOTHIKt EMPOPvIUM!! Ö5=isJLl!TÖ. 3 i? xa: ce iñt i 2c e x, o cj ís: , MAIN STREET. taHjnflt fínrnfl frntn the K;i' ti-rn CTtlCT, irtth n I:rgt tock ot' FALL AND WINTER O O X i nrVich lie is nciv ofTcrips t umuuajlj IjOW 3?HICES Amonj M Ash-nrlment m.i be4ouDd ]m:(!ADclotiís, ÓASfSlMEUES, D0E6KIXS, b YESTÍNGS. of alldcücription?, enjtciaíij for FALL AND V'1XTEE WEAR! ting aoil making t" order, in tlielatwt auc beiít híj is, togvtber n-itb u suprior assortiacat of 'EÁÜY 21 A DE C LO Til ING.' tnuxKS CAftrEI RiGS, míBSEU.AS, and Gentlcmen's Furnisliing Goods, witli nn;vous otlu-r nrt'.dírs usujl'y found n siraib: eKhtbliabmeutS. Áñ ANEMPOIMIÍM OFFISÍUON. Hip -siiii-TilvT h:molf, th:tt hïlonj? expftrlnoc .- ■■■ , .ü i n. i'1 ■ him lo give tin'■.i-. c ,-: lottll who inay ixusl liimin tin way ol mftp. . i:H-nt.s ii orJ'.r. ÍOOtí ' V.I. WAGNER. Ho íor the Mminctfa i'abinct iVare Hooms. MARTIN &THCMPSON, tjAVÈ Jl'ír orEN'ED ÍN THElftnev tai Elegant W a. r e-R o o ni . r.AST SIDEÜF MAIN STREKT, A complete tick of EOSEWOOD, MA1IOGAJNY SKf3 OF PARLOR FURNTTU11E IXCtUDÍN'0 . toa-Tele, Mulmgdny Wofd, Dluck V.'nlnut, Platn and Uarblo Toppe MAHOGASY, 1,1. ,m K ■■■!. vi t, FANtY íKl COTTAGE ClIAIBS, &c, &c, Se, &c. .V. BT SlS B 9 Oogiut i[ir.Ki)i;.i:riii:.'.rs.s:-;'!;i.TAi:i!:-.Ciiiiilete 01 JU SETS, 1NCLUDING LATEST STYLKS, -OFa k O .e a a O Of tho bfit iimlit' au 1 ttítferent Material ín Fact llicy Have Evcrythlug with whioh to furoiuh ' l'A;!.":, " 13ÜUÜ01IÏ, srniNfi rocM. OH KiTCHFM, AND OUR CITIZENS NEED NO lonf;er go to lie-lroit or elewhere to find a lurgy aasortprent; Tute FURlSriTURE nitisut be sold and will be solí nt V E R Y LOW I' K I C E 8 I Leí evfcry ban rn.! liis felfe 8r gomg ti bo wif( CÜMEASty l'-. ll.i'Vil'iü Iwvb a MEARSE ÜARRIAGE, AnA nre nl-.vjiyn rwidy t" a-ttnd lo tlio burinJ of tlie deail u tbeCU) andad iug country. Ware-Rooms eaS sí:ii of iliiiu Stroeíj betwecuaahingtonand Liberty o. M. MAUTIN'. 6i73fti '.■ THOSU'SOK Hangsterfers JSloek. DEA Nfc CO., INVITK attenton to tlifir ncw stock comptiMng ail kináiat C.ocKery, Glassware, Lamps, Gas Fixtures anAHotue-farnisbJaggoodaftU f vh:ch they aie 0IIV1 lag At (he Lowenl Possille Rates. FYcnob-Cluní rea nebí from 5 Oü to 2'1 "0 Krciuli Clin. (Hnncr sois Ir.iin 25 0 to 7(1 00 Bton china 'Têtt sets frcin 350 to ft 00 ñtono clin;i dfnnor w ts from 8 00 t 20 0 :mt.'-''M'' I íi ntps coniplotp frm 37ítoiv; M :.:.■ im :■ . I ;imps COmplt ttí írum fO tolOOO PiuM ÜMopa rrom 18 to 62í jy Lainps of all kiils altereü and repaired. Summer Hill KTursery. THEODORE R. DuBOIS, ■pROPRIÊTÓROF :':'' r itMKl' ilii.l. srnsr:!Y, AKX L Arbor, MiCh.'fifl DOW v:i tonn'vconlcrfor Fall ímI pí'iiig Setting', Hh ortjcra fr ItuÍí Rnd Ornamental Tree, Vines , PtirAl('.ip., wlfl be liiio'l f rin Míe bosl Kastern Nnrirprie and lii - pcraonaJ :t t uti ti vll be giten to ti:-.1 neloction Dgtfaamo. Ukvlng ben regul&rly BÓaMheH in tiie Nur . he is conii'ictii tlial prrnipt andclosv ittcníjnn, and strict. bOnesty and nU'Kri . be nrUJ -- ,- ■ tn :tion to every one coaüling tbelrordera tn him, All í:i nn-vrs (ir Fruit prnwors wil) rio well togive hima c:tll befbVftordtriton ttiMmgb iiUlér p:irtif.s. i M cafo ■ f many oAfienfl t tiif Cttj and ('o;:nty who purchased of him t lie pust FjtflQg fnr the quality of üifílit on by liiir, as wellas foi tho porl or'lrr in wiiich tbey-vrert1 rc;ivd and dttivvted S-lni3


Old News
Michigan Argus