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■ ■■■■II- ■!■! WMÉ1 III Um I I I II I II I III i T - - ■ UiÍEA'ÍMRGATfol - AT- Maynard, Stebbin3 & WilLcn"'s. o Wk uaka:aiv tmsuaaaaEB ees store wira tíxtt uiuet Kplvndiü stufk ol G1 O O 3O SS p .li-ii V.s oror oífrred in my pne aatablhniwt ; sloir a crfii bi" fouii'! in Üw l'ui' :i We waní ÜVíorey ! lm! wül mnl:e lírcal Sacníicí'.-i on Aiiyiliiii" we.bare to oWnhi :;, not e%cepttnf OLD NOTES AIS' D ACCOUKTS Vi ■■ pqrdiallr inxitf ALL CASH CUSTOMERS tncr.llHivl examino our (;{! nn Prlces. IV o al Prompt Payir.g Customors lo cwi? md li-.iv llicir Hnpplii-s fot Hie VYjnter. Totliosi itaOifu] v: tii..i are ul'mid Lo Cali, :iv to tljL-ni, lak. Cournso S3E51L.XJÍ Your T? 13:33 A. 'S? irttttontlAiat tntttti gfor bigher pricf, como In, ii s-ir;h prieel as will m .ke p alt Ioskos It is bai'll; neccessarj to cnumrmteour Guods, for We have Elverythingl A large a.-.sorlment of CARSETIXG, CKOtKF.UY DRY GOODS, MEDIINKS, GliOEPJES, TAINÏS, OÍLS, ÏÏATS CAPS, BOOTS, SIIOES YANKEE NOTIONS I ea OAIL1L ,S0 OSU (U)OS (715tf MAYX.WU), SltDBIXS i: WILSO O . 73 Xj I S !S r í ö - f s'V f? j ■ i 8ÈS -■ Síiü in (l?ê Fi.ld! ■RITH A lak;; i s riiCK of goods New Votk. H;)"[''n, ar.ii liie Manufacturers! 1 liavo .in,! receiirod i lui ! ■ an.í wiíÜ .-electcdasíortincí! &JUQOKS, fÁTCHBS, T Hï "W EL R Y. SILVJ-K & PLAÏE1) WAKE, Musical Instruments, Table ard Pocket Cutlery GOLD PENS, And a grent vnricty of Ynnkoe Notio3, tc. I woulilea'.l particulur attsntiun to my largo stock ot' of Gold, bilrer, Stccl, and Plated, witli PER SCOriC GLASS A superior artille, and agrcut rurit-ty of itrticle.s ín the '"'cHEAI? for CASH. havfiog diífeult iratoheitoño with ?1.isps, can be acccminoiintcd .ís my stock is iür'o nn 1 complet1-, I" 5, ParUcuIrr attei tion pald ta tlio REPAIRING oí a'A Mía oí 1pe WatchM, Buoh :l Making & Setting New Jewels, PJNION'S, STAFF8 and CtlM DERS, nlso CLOCKy, AND JEWELRY, Neally Repairetl a tul warrantod. C. BLISS. August SS, 186P. T6t Iir33"W QOODS, WLES & KNIGÍÍT , Aro nw rocoiviiijthcir SECOXD Spring' and Slimmer STOCI OF G00DS In conequcnce of the Great Pressure in the ivcoTxru-sr 3vc_.aEï.ic et we have been cnabled to purchase uinny kind of Goods at our own prices. We can sell moat kinds of DRES9 G0ÜD3 for THAN WAS PAID FÖR THE SAME KIND OF GOODS in New Yorh S I X WEEKS S1WCE! We invite tlie attention of all to an inspejlion ■ of our stock. WINES & K.N1GIIT. Muy 10, 1 801. ltí'AUaí,l-:,í:ü yccí;i:ss ! ■ ■ ■ SECÓN O ATíIVaÍ, _.r_ SPRIN"G te SXJIVClvIEH, E3 O O X b - ii tiii:- jEScixaxici' Store ü. P. MILL9, PEOPRIETOR. ÍJ oís )!í;' lüder p'niic, ptics, And s'i'J ni pHcti ílttd willmake hard v come (Kjain no more ! Pacta for the People -OF-SST AñHTENA W - .N!1- ADÍOtIN-0 Cüü.NTIKS ! ■ And tlicír'nuicorons Cuestione anpwf red Whn i Evrrybwhj trading at the "B ANKER STORE? ' A. P. Í1ILLS, trhra Pmpí i"1' r oí i huí Eítirblrelirai nt has uit i.-iiinl'.l tïoni thu Eislirii Oitlósft'ñli tíie Larytíf, IIionUrmeM, Cuaj':t, and Jíotst Attravlioi ótwik of Sl'AFLE ANDIí'ANCY DRY COODS! uver bi'oug'ul tu ihïn pari of the late. Why s E eer y bódy pleaseU wiih his Stock? ■ DICTO 'lOiiMTituI, fjnrility Itfttf r t fi liil i I6M toner í ' ■..■■'; :it any otbcr storo in tl) f eotmty. Why has he altoays S'imithing New and Chvap to Show? BecanRetr.ï haaa fríen 1 conaeK'ci uitli önnL tito Lnrgesl l 'i v .'■■!. 's ;ii',:-i-.'. in Ne' Voi L , who La continui h ■ P"frr cheap niirtfninsnml i ■ . i' !Vciil ÜUie l'i :i:! il: u;i_v kepit bim rtuijpüeil wi h s yir-. and conscqun"v cupcanajlwayfl tin-1 RoroethingFrctih, jSEW ü HE „Y Parid DESIÍÍABLE Why does 'ne seil so mach Cheaper than the rest? Becauae he has I boyer in the city all tbe time tótnt ■ advahtttge oï Uw c:itiuu--il cl ■.■■' I ;■.'■ m ■ in that way hi j gqoda mndi e. ui, nel tiior I." : . . . -■ !i 'in dmvn u tho Why does he bp'I LadUt' and Childrens' Shoes so i tnuch cheaper than was ever iieard ojhij the oldesf f Sho maker? TVi-i'i;;" ho bnya bis stodk i'i me Iuk1. of ilmoninkers, ni the wanufacl uren, fully ïö per cení cheapër thuii the Nimv Yn'ft JoblTOrs selli lien), and m'uch botter v . fhai uTülly ]íw). ïbU coórso cnublch liim to sell a bettor Gaiter for 35 Cents, than otliersii Ua1 50 eentK.and a beiterFOXEDGATTEI' at 50 cents, th.iu otliem sell at 75 cehU. as íc any Kats and Capa? Vi:s. I uhotild think he has stacks of tliom, oniiRli o the ?t Ate, at prïcos lotrer thao was ever hettrd oj tlicse (iru'is. IVAy in his Ten so tnuch' brttr for the pnce vay than jou g et atottier pínce P it care in selcctlncf T, a:i 1 givi'shií custoinorn tlie benefit út a real goód 75 cent TËA FOR 50 -CENTS. It a a Tur if taf pot WAere shouhl yon qn to qel ynur CLOTHS ar.t Acbc iitm Vut ot Made? TothoBAXXER STORE, n-licre tilo I'co!o'n Bumer ) unfurloil for the l'oi'plo (.u1. s,,ii;h ii!c of Public Square, a fewdoora weatorOook'ï Ilutcl. A. P. MILLS. Jun" Ifi, 18fll. . 7(tfitf PATIFTËrTNcvenibcr Ist, 1859 ss the Mía x: JËf iw A the íiít;ince J-AJL (ytjjjg riund tfie X-ck. (rn 3'"B "'o Yoke. jl iiájte'' ' J t C tüwtléevé. V Ijjo ! Í D o Di Jistanfce Y "J arouu3 the üo-ly M „ -S "'-' Arra-pHs. rij I ■ XMM Et" E, tho M. Icngth of the B.A.LLOXJ'S PatcnltMl hiijirovvd iMcnch Yokc SHIRTS. PATENTED NOV. Ist. 1859 A New Styíé of S irt, warranted to Fit . .-niihtf tbe measnrefl peí mi i; tve c ant e ii P'-rl';i it '.f' ir oew flvl of Lhlrt, : ml rei ui n ■■ t ;:ny jait OÍ thfl l"l.iU'l StStt'Si ftt Sl'J, Si't.ii. $24, &: ( c. , per (lozop. No onlfr forwardtd i ha bnif-ó-aoz n Shirts AIso. Importe ad Doalerd in MEN'S FURNTSHINq ÜQÜDi. v, Wintlesalo iipp1i1 on ilio nná1 ternas. BALLOU BROTHERS, S03tf WJ BnHultrty, New Y..rk. LOOMIS & THÏPP, Succe.HSOrs to Chapín & Loomis.aiidChapin, Tripp A Loomií HEftboT firm of l.-mii.s ie Tripp .havlng purchnft ent ir nterosi of the fonner compañas wiL conünue the ■ al the old si. ui' is, ft here i liey wil! bi reaily, on theshottpst noïice, tö 611 all ordera in tb( tino i.! Castings and Machinery, in the nvtst vrorkmnnliku ibanner, mul on islibera terina a anyotheruhop in the State. Among the vari ous :irti-lesii].u:.ii:u-: tired by us, we would ouuniorate SÏEAM ENCÏNKS of all kiii'ls; Mili Gojirin, mul Fixlurc, wlouIít :tn'1 cast. Utht v:iriius CíistinjísTfir mjikin on] p ,. IIor6e Powora &Threebing Machines í'icli ai aro it present, or have fonnerly been In use n thli part of tbe State ,an well aa all the rarioufl kfndara nnd machine work calledfor by Earmer and lothis section of the coup ry. b?8" m yEm7 @m of al i the vafioua patterns. up n sizesajid prlcen will be krj.i '■'üi-taiitly on hand, ui the most modern a ml impruved Btylen. Tlmnkfttl for farmer patronage to the oM' flrms. we woul'i soiicit h opntinu.iticeft-om oM frionrljjiyid atrial ! by l"l11 wishing for anytliing inour Itnenf BuRinof LOOMIS tt TRIPH Aun Arl)or,Mav ISLh, ISdi.. &97tj A. DE FOREST, Always hrad in 1 ow Irlcc8 nAVIV(M;i-'A'-.P MY 'SlOlïK to the Fih M.i'n sfi''11, ' n" nobrnonh ;f (iniUTmon's f run Dow recelving Xetr Goodv, com nglng all kind of Gtocr.c- Fruit, Extract 8, Ulaswarc, LampB, Louking Giii-ecrf, Tablt Cutirj , ' il ver ft&te Goods, &c.( LOWEK wUAIN EVl.R! Frentn Chna "ftJ Si'tn, frnm St 'n to 1 oa li-. :.!■!■. Cbtnti D nniT .--(s. rrom Hü CO to 30 OO tini" i'ïiïii.-t Ten M't.-, fn-m :i 00 to -1 Bo St n:c Clüoa DInner Set frem tí ?■) to 10 .0 Boaatiful UluMOobiets. 2(K) prdoipQ (la a Kcfoseiip Lnrai'fl froro ■ to f0 Uhible licroseoie fÁmpl fíom 7" t"JO) Fluid lAmpfl lriui 16 to 6Q Koroscin1 Oil, ir Ifluallty, 80c pergallon All other GO"Jí al Uvmnpanciing prierp. Lamps of all kinls altcrciland to Peoplea Store, "fxní a. De fo::eT. New Remedies fok S V E II A T O Kil IÏ CE A nOWARI) ASSOCIATION, riIIT.AI I I.11IIA. A Be nrrn'' ■ ' 1 " etabltfctd bv tyctiqltftd tcment fr (Xí TMtf of 'the Swt and DÜtrr$eèd ■ ■'■'■' 'i toith y-ru-rnt and C'irnnic OifeaBñe, and e.spftally for tke Cure ofDtaeasts f t ha Sexual Onfan?, NKUICAL Aliviii; gíveo graUd, by tho Acting SurgCO" . ■.!!!,[: liri'OI-T-í on Lucmm'orrhíft; :""' f'Hr "f tho Spx-.i:! Or-m-.:in--l n f'i1 NT.'.V ftKMKl'jl - '■][);)'"Vf'l In the l'is] (-nsi y ; snit in seniel lolt'' envelopet, (Vpe of cb.iríre. Tiro "r f-Uroi Ktampfl (or loceptable. Addrew, Dr. J. SKII.I.IN' MOlorrTi". HtfwArd AmociaUon, N'o 2 8. Kutfa .w't., Ph&ai delUia, la. Iyttu5 Ayer's Chery Pectoral, l


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