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Board Of Supervisors

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The Board of Supervisor o( Washtoiuw Uouuty convened n annual sossiou, [ tlie Court House, on Monday, October J4th, 16ül, at 11 o'otock, A. M.andj ,a v.U (1 to "idor by the Chnirnian, lltin. Hknrv CompTOS Tli'Toll licing ciilled by the Clerk, IL J. B.wiuy. t!c fullowing Supervisor an■werbd 10 tfceir uniues : Au Arbor J i tv, Conwd Krapf. m ' " Riuliuid Bcahan. " 'l Town, Orrin Whitu. Aup;ut.i, AarDtl Childs. lJrifi.-watiT, Daniel LeBaron p Xter, Lorenzo II Joi.e. Frcedjm, EHns Hairo. Littia, Mirri Tlicmpson ■ h A, Egbcrt )'. Harper. Manchester, I'hilctus Coon. Haliu", Augustus Bond. pcio% Luihcr Palmer. gnjwriof, W. Hiscock. Sylvan, 11 ram A. Sinitb. -bster, Roburt McColl YpmlantiTown, Kzra D. Lay. "' City, llcury Cornpton " Cbas. H. Tisdale Tbo prooe.dings of tbc last day of the cial 8c8bion were rcud and approvod. Mr. McColl movod tbat the Chiirman eppoi it tho usual Couiiuittees. Carried Mr LcBaron moved that Uro CouiOiittccs on Claims, to consist of three men. borg cacli, bo appoitited, instcad of ooü Coiumittce of Svc. Carried. Adjnurncd to II o'clock, P. M. AKIEUNOON SEtSION. H. 11 called. Present the following Snporvifors in addition to thoao who angwcred to tbuir ï.amcs at tLo moniing sesoion: Nortbfield, P. McKernan PitUfiold, A. Criitcndon. Falem, 11. Wheelock. Pbaron, - Rayiuond. York, Thos. Gray. The Chairman annoiuced tbo following Standing Committeea : No. 1 On C&mm --Mcssra öray, Jone, and Tisdale. 5ïo. 2 On Claim - Mefsrs. Bealiau, Ly, and Palmer: Oh Ptèlic Bidldcnjs - le&BTi. Krapf, Hi8cook, and llarpor. To Ssiék wdl Coiiid'j Ojictr- Mjssrs. Li liaron, VVheclock, aud Coon. On Compmutttion of Member - Mei;rs. Tbompioti, , and White. On L'nfinithed ButtHcti - .Mifers. A hite, Harper, aud VLoelcok. On Agparliovmimt of Stal and Counti Tar - Messrs. MuColl, Crittoudoa aud Tifcdali-. ■ To District the Coim!; - Mcssrs. Cbildn, Rayiuonil, Mi-Coll, aud Clark. On Sainrift - .Mesi-rs. Buahan, Ray mond, and LeBaron OJ RejecUd Taxnê- Messrs. Haire, Pinith, and McKernan. Mr. Beahan moved that claims for service in all criminal cases bu referred to tho Comruitteo No. 1 on Claim. - Carried. Mr. Krapf offored tho following resolntion : JResolvrd, Tliat tLo Committce on Claim be instructod nol to consider any claim of any Justicc of tho Peace, Shcritf or Constable, unless an affidavit bo at debed theroto stating that the elaimant bas Dt iu bis possefsion any funds recoivd for fines or forfeited recjgnizanceg belouging to the Couuty. Mr. (ray moved to amend so that the resolution hould only upply to claims presented frjm the Cities of Ann Arbor and Ypnilauti aud from Deiter. Lost. Tbo original rosolutioii resolution wsb lost, yoa8 16, nays G. Mr. Hiscock offercd the following nsolut'.on : Rttohtd, Tliat Meb member of the Board, offieiating in tlie capacity of Su perrisor in tho disbursemtiiit of tho Í5lief to fxrailies of volunteor.", shall perform Ruch dutie gratuitousl', and tliat no claim for services of relief as abovo dfscribod, will be allowed by the Board. Carried. Mr. McColl moved that the Trcasurer be reqnösted to report the aiuount ex pended from tho Voluutcer Relief Fund. Carried. Mr. Bcaban offercd tbc following resola; ion : Rrtohed, That the suni of Twenty Dollars bo allowed to each of the New&papers pub'ished Q this (!ounty for publisiiing the proeeedings of the present ■MHOII of the Board, and that the Clerk be atithorizud to dra.w order for the name whou tho work sball be;ttd. Lost. Mr. Grny mored that the proceodings t{ thi Board be publihed in one paper in Ann Arbor and one in Vpsilaiiti, aud they be gtvon to the papers that will o it tor lbo lowest prico. Lost. Mr. Krapf moved tbat each paper in tho County bealiowed $10. Mr. Palmer moved to auicnd by alowing 8G0 iu all, to be divided equally ruong Ruch papers au shall pubiisU tho proeecdings. Mr. Gray moved to auaend, by provi ding that a oommitteo of three be appointed to ascertaiu wliat the publinliing of the proceedingü can be done for. - Carried, and inotion as araanded adopted. The Cliair appointed Messrs. Gray, Palmer, and Krapf Adjouruod to 8J o'clook, A. 51. Tcesdaï, Cvt. 15,1861. Board eonrened at 8 oVKck, Mr. Compton in the Chair. Roll called. Present in addition to those reported yesterday, from Lyndou, Thomas Clark, saiking the Board full. Mr. Bcalwn offerod tkc following reseiuti'iii : JiesoJv-d, That all claims of Justtccs of the Peace, Constables, ShenlFs and tlieir Dopu.ies be passed upon by the first comniittee (on claimt), and that all other claims be pussed upou by the second nmittie. Adopted. Mr. Tliompson moved that this Hixird vwit the Couuty House at 2 O'clock. P. M. Uarried. Mr. Cliilds moved tliat a committee of thre.' b ■ appoiiitnd to make orraugementg t'nr carriagett to tale tbc memburft to the iViU'iU Hiu". l'trri."l. Cl.air np-o'iited Mess:. Cliilds, PdllUCr, and ömitll. Mr. li'iy offered tbe following resolution. linolr.ed, Tbat tlie Supervisors of tlie 8eveil Towi a'iips report to tliis Bourd th! aniount affürded tlie f;nuilies of voluiitecrs frum tlie Volunteer Fuud, and produce certifícate? for tlie same. Mr. MiiColl moved to anicnd by striking out tbo word " eert (iva tes" and insort iiistcsd " tlie natnea of persons afforded relief '" Curiied. lli'solution as anieiidud ndopted. On lotion Board adjourncd to IJ o'cloek, P. M. AVTBRXOON SEF8I0.V. Bonrd met purmiant to aJjournnient, j at 1 oclock P. M. Prwjiit a i ruin. Mr. Cliilds, froni connnittcc to procure Ciirringes to take tlie membere of tlie Board to the Poor House, reportad that carriages had been engaged, aud would be in readiuoss at '2 o'cloek. Aocepted and adopted. The CLainuan presented tbc following oniniuunications froui tbc Cuunty Treasurer : WtWtWfK" Covntt Tbea-uekrs's Office. ) Aun Ariior, Ocloher lUli, leül. To i.'.e Chairman af tht Boord of oupsroisort of II ashUnnw County; Djtab Sm : - Tlie follo-ning remark a:e ros;.eclfully iubmittod to tlie Honorable lioard of Suj erviiCTé. The nppropna'ion mado by your predcees poli for the. eupport of the [ncune. xnt trom this Countv lo the Asylum U KaiumaZ'io, preved loo mail A ilotit of $I30,4:i is now duo, s:iid Asylum, lor bh 8un-..rt df the Insanu trom tliia Ouuaty, wuich amount I récotnmend shouUl b mm-d tog,. her. wiih ai U-ust $:■' U 01! lo defray thu txpeuaM for tlie coming yenr. The iippropriation Óf 1500, for jury fees, a!eo as insufltaient umi th' r is duw dm en jury feis i he um of $3W) 00 Frtqueai eom plaiqt is n.ude bv the ju-ymen to this office iiot prompt ly no.iving tli-ir feea . Her ttley have h-vu (üachargett by the 'Jourt. In order f avóid ihis ooiuplaiut in ilie future, 1 s;;bnnt that the urn of $..8UÜ.U0 be raincd in nddition to the $iOO,ii(l lur arreara { 'I lio luw imlcr-s it thu duly of tlie Courty T:eaiuerto keep sufelv in fiie i ffice, all the bond wbich are depositad witli h m by ili Ooumy tffict-r and Townslnp Tri-nsu er'n Bui if ia impoaaible for hinj t' do so, unli8 the County furnishes cffiee wilh a prop. r eafe.anditis that ■nhilo vry mercliani nnd every Couiuy l'reasurer in tlie SlaLe and hUo tlis Clerk's ctiice in t Itis Oounty sliould b provid.'d wiih ihia indi p.nsablc urtiote of lurniiure, the Tnasurer' office of W ahtt-tiaw Counïy coild n t boadt ol liHvii'g on-. In ii-ldition to th raid hondi thrc are nlao II ai.y ol her valuabie papers to bo pi-iRTVB.I, and the 1 ss of ..rmer, m rase of n tire or nn ubslraction would cause the griate-t, embaraaavmvut to the countv fr in ellher case il inighi ti imposible te Cul eet a single dollar f the bonds of h Toii nslnn I :tn ui i shouli be lost, unleaa th'ys ould n-t. t.:iko any advantig. of ucli miifoituiiP. In cor.tidtrution uf th iuai bility of neh au MVtffir., und the diffiettrtit.1 Ar.siii.r iliei'e from I i uve prucinvd au xcel ltni safi' of "Lillies" make. which il ig -.i,! hasneveryt lieen enie ed by liurjlars or anniliilated by fire. 1 nnpeelfully rc m Oiend ihai yu'ir honoratilu Bid y ti ull ►net ion he turc!iae and make pinvisron lor ifae pnynli'lit n, propriation heretoforc made for the t'ontiiigi-iu Fund is altigethur loo sui.ill new luch as pftimeni lo the Superviso k for tuking the .niíitary eeitnif and for Olher purjiosi-B ure coiii-lantiy and wnicontinnc to come u(i The slim of$li(IUUO hoiild be iippropriated fur the Cont ncent Fuid. The amount of "Voluntecrs Fa nfly Relief Orders.' repurtod totliis office by the Suer vis.irs of the various citie and lownaliipg in this Ouuaty, ia t214tl.6U a-will from a ttateni' nt, accompanyin tlii comininicatioo. While the bnnevolenca and prapriety of grantin re'ief to the families of those travo men who have g n :orth in the defenso of our country's glonous institutions caiinol bc quejtioned fur n inouier t, yet it cnnnol be di-nn d thni, il add l rgi-ly "to uur t uation, already cf ome oiagnitmie, and it ia ol nu ponèiMfl ti the tax payen, that all neoéfaary aeunumy sliouid be praatwad in the exeoutiuo of tlns liberal law. It present sy?lein of drawing orders on ihis office ll alter iIip tirs Ui Februarv shoulil be continu;d, I would suggejt a rrduolion in the ruie of in turett (mui 10 pi-r cent to 7 per cent, by hich a few hunüiel dollars nou d be -aved to the County It is the custom with most of our meic mul) loistnda credit t their oustornirs for ono jear. without uny charge of interal, and it. is difficull to peiceive why ao go. 1 iiii.1 punctual a i us omtr as tlug County is should pay a bor.ux.f 1U per coat., 7 por een or in faut a.iy inlere-t lor ha;ing itspapi-r taken by tlie merchante and 01 hT. Very little tionoy for fines Ins been recoivid di:ring the last year in this Coiinty, whereas in sorae o: her counties by the enerjjy and effoits of the propi-r oiBctrs, larve am muts of tin. s am l lorleiied reeognisanev are arcured It is bilieved ihat only one cas uf forfe;ted rejiignizance ha hem colleoteJ in thi Coun y for number of yearn The law mak.a ii the dttty of the Coiinly Trens urer to ma for aII fin a etc , if noi paid to him witbin 30 days aftr the . roper offleer received the y The last part ia very ot'ten negU-cied and you County Tn?a9tirer is unaUle tocollect any fines, etc. unleas his efforts to do so are eeconded by othèra The e lias been colli-cted in account of Probate Feessince the fir-t of January last. Io.1Mi. ihesum of $790,4-i, whieh together with th appropriation of $:V)U 00 mude by the last Board of Supervisors to siipply any deficierey in the Jndgo of l'robntc's Salnry of $2000,0!), haj been paid to him. leaving still a defici.'ney of $909 52. As the luw contémplales hat tha lalirv shall be paid juart2r'y from the general fun , and no general fmid ever Imving xisied in ilie Tr3nsurv of this '"ounty I wor.ld n -ccommetid tliat a Coiniy order ba drawn in favor of Th.'inna Ninde for the balance of li ia alnry, ftnfthe 9um of $1(11)0,00 be raised to auppiy any efficiency fop the nest j-enr Hereby is endoaed ilie official aï.ftt.-ntent. j fn.m the A editor Gc-nernl of Michigan firnj ! wbich it, apnéara tlint the mlualion of ilns ! Couniyha been eqoallled anl deieniiine.l i by the state Board of ISaualixaiion to be $IO.I6O.4.')O beinu n mldit ion ol $1. _'().. 4-iO, on the equ ilijint ion as pn-viously determin. il by the Board of SiipervUora Kt tbeir last sisaion I will beobiived rnnii thi-tateinent that neaily.aH the tounlia have had their valuati in raised The debt which this (Joiinty baa been owing to the State for inanv jears haa been of much 8olicitule lo me, and I aucceeded ï few yeürs go lo have the saine inaterially ($6 400 00) reduce,!. A set t lemen t was eff cted wih the State ai tlmttim.; nnd . ha true balance ilue th; saniH fiom lilis County asci-rtnin d and fix.-il have urgid to tha varjous l'.-.iard.i of MiperviBora at luir annual te eions, ihe imporiunce of gradually pav in;.' off the debt by eurly inalulineñta If tniaooww had been pursued. the debt would ; hive been Hquidated thia time and we i ehoubi not now be c;lled on bv the State tor the paym-nt of tho whole biU)it!e M n tvme when the power nf thu peopla will bu suffi ciently tes -d to pay this yeir tnxes; but I I regivt to say vn inui Boird of I tiu ent.irtained differcni opiniuua fiom mi e and aonsuqóaMly nol nucli luora than the animal inteivsl haa been rai-ed n d paid I have lo átate Ümt this oflie ■ has rec-iveil a letter H-om the Audit .r Gen I uaJ in which he urges paymenl of the 1 debt wilh gr.-al erneei ness ÏH-iating tl thu same t im upon the uu] ropnety ui the State a.'lling her ui :iii oen. wh,le the State cai:not gt-t over 7 n-r cnt int refit from Hie i.ounliea on the debts whi h 'hey one to and withnold from ilie State. As am well uwa e thnt it woubl be unwi e to raise $3IHIU,0M whioh ia luuiut the aniount of indcbiedncss of ihe County to the Suite in additlon lo ilie olhur taxi s, 1 tugg si thnt tlwr Couiil y bor ow the $7000,00 to be paid to the State, ut a rale mu to exeeed 10 per cent., and to issu-.? thi-refor seven bonds of $10110 00 eaeli, one of whieh tobe paid every jeur, together with theinierest on the whole aum unpui I. In this way h debt wuuld be canceled in a few years without prudoahm any distrees or inconv?nience tathe people, and mueh interest wuuld be saved i hope j that your Honorable Body will favorably i considi-r ibis plan. and 1 have i.lso no doubt ' that Ihe moniy can be obtained without anv ; difficulty. A biil was befoiethe Legisla', ui e last winter, eompelltng the Bui! Vianfil of ' those OOUntlea which are in debt to the i State, to raise the amount found to bc due, bitt fili"l : K. riic ) (er torre mion, I linve no rto,;lt that the State proai-r th iK'cesnrv w.-r rveri t. eufo ce tliu col . Ico ion ni surh ci.lns without nny fuitlnr l-giliiloi) ii l rathor iliink íoner or lirtcr (!■ liniiRiit ouuuties will bTequred tu iiy H 1 Iso endose n U-t'-er fnrwnrded to me froui ■ Amltior G i. i-rul' OthVt.', ilinctel lo the Clinirauín nf.iha Bu:irl oí' Suervtui of V.i-l:ii -n:iw ('ouiity 1 1 -ll l ítn. . Vil ri?i,cM'iillv, SrtMÜELCia S.OIÍ, Tunnror of W nfliteiiaw lun y. Aecuinpauying the Trewuror'í cominunicntion was :i letter froin the Auditor General urging tlie pa-yment of ilio i)idbtcdneN of tlie County to tlie State. Tlio oouiluanioatiOD and letter were ncci'pU'd anrl luid ou tliu tublo. Also u statement froíD tlie 'IVea.surer i showing tlie miouiit of Voluntocr Relief 'o dert isíued by tlie severa! Supervisors: O. W'liite, A. A. Town, 8 30.00 i G. Krapf, ' " City, 244 50 K Bealmn, " " " 5 7 00 A. Childs, Augusta, 28.00 D. LeHavon, Bridgewater, 80.00 L. H. Joues, Dexter, 61.00 P. Ooon, Manchestor, 123.50 P. McKernan, Northfield, 45.00 K. Wheelock, Salem, 68.14' A. Homl. Saline, 115.00 L. Palmer, Scio, 867.81 W. lliseoc-k, Superior, 54.00 II A Sinith, Sylvan, 12840 H. McColl, Webster, 15.00 Ï rey, York, 15 00 E. D. Lay, Ypsilanti Town, 48.00 II. Compton, ' City, 80.00 C. H. Tisdale, " ' 157 25 82110.60 Also a communieation relativo to dedeünquent and rejeeted tases Accepled, and bo inueh of tlie same referriug to rejeeted taxos wasrefened to proper coinmittce. Also a tabular statement of tho State Uaard uf Eqaalion for 1861. WsDsneBiy, Oct. 15, 1861. Board oouveiied at 9 o'cloek, A. M., Mr Cotiiptou in tho ehair. Roll called quorum presüiit. Jourtial of yesterday read aud ap proved. Tlio Clerk presented a communication from til"! Auditor General, notifying the lioard tliat the State Tux apportioned to the County for l61 is $27,410,47. lUforred to Couiniitteo ou apportton11. 6 t of taxes. Also a communication frotn thc Audi tor General, account current between C lunty and State, sliowing balance duo the State, July lst, of $S 352,81. Referred to Coimuittee No. 2, on Claims Mr. Gray f rom committeo to consult with Publishers roported following resolutions : Hesoked, Tlint the 8um of Sixty Dollars be ecjuaily divided between so many of the Newspapers printed in t'i:s County ;is will print the proceediügs of this Board And that tho Clerk be instructed to draw his order on thu County Treaburer to comply with the provisions of tliis Resolutiou to pay for publi&hing the Mmfl Jietolced, That the Chair appoint a coinmittee to procure a Reporter to report the proceedings of tliis Board to 8iich paper or papers as will print the reporta of the proceedings of this Board. Lost. Mr. LeBaron offered the following resolution. Resolved, That E. B Pond be allowed i Twenty Dollars for reporting the proceedings of tliis Board ; and the furtlier sum of Twenty Dollars for publisbing the same Mr. Thompson offered the following substitute : Retolced, That tho Chair appoint a Cominittee of Uv wiioso duty it shall bo to desígnate two of the County paper in wliioli to publisli tho proceedings of this Board, and that tho sum of 15 be paid to the Editor ot eaeh of said papers j tor publishing as af'oresuid ; and that ! said Editora shall havo the privilege of I selecúng a Reporter who shall bo allowrd the sum of 820 for reporting. If the Editor of eithor paper a; so selected shall refusc to publisli asabove mentioned, the Editor of the other paper as selected shall be allowed the wliule sum of 850 for reporting and publishmg tho proeeedings of this Board. Lost. , Mr. Bcahan o6Fered tho following propositiou as a substilute: To the Honorable, the Board of Supervisors ot Washtenaw County: I hereby proposo to report tho pro ceedings of thc present Board and publisli the same in tho Ypsilanti Ilerald, and at the close of the sesston to print five hundred copies in pamphlct fonn to to be disponed of as tho Board may direct, for tho sum of fifty dollars. S B. MoCRAOKEN. Lost. The rcsolution of Mr. LeBaron was adupted. Mr Thompson moved that $16 eaeh i bo allowed to suc-b other Couiity papers : as si all publish the pioceedings. Lost. i Mr. Gray moved to indefinitely post-; pono tho further consideración of this subj .et Lost. Mr. Tisdale offered tho following resclution : Resolved, That the sura of 850 be appropriated to be divided ejually aniong such of the papers of tjjo County- the ' Aritis excL'pti-d- as will publisli thc prooeedii gs of the Boaid previous to tLe : 15th of November. Carried. Adjourned until 2oTcloj, P. M. AFTERNOOX SESSION. Board uiot at 2 o'uloek, and was called to order by the Chainuan. Roll called, quorum present. Mr. Krapf inoved to rceonsider the voto by which the resolution of Mr. Iliscock, relativo to affording relief to voliuitei-TS wasadopted. (Seo Mouday's prooeedingB ) Carried. Mr. LeBaron moved that tho resolutiou be referred to the Couimittce on Compensa tion of members. Mr. Coon, of Mauchester, presented petition of Buudry persons froin tbe Townshipsof Sharou and Freedom, ask ing the lioard of Supervisors uot to levy auy ditch tax iu those towns thisyear; : also that the Commitsioners be called upou to render au account for their services iu layiug outditehes in those towus; and also asking the roiuoval of Jaeob Preston, onc of the D.ainage Cjuiuiíssiouers. Laid on the tablo. Adjourned until 9 o'clock, to-morrow worrmg


Old News
Michigan Argus