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From Stockton's Regiment

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tíull'í HUÍ, Va., Oct. 7, 1861. Dear Bnotiibi) : - I beliéve I liavc writtcn to you once trom th:s eucampment, but as (he probability is that ve sliall maleo an advaoce from Lito sooli, aml having a few spare '■ niomonts I do{ not know liow 1 can employ thora botter, thouuh I liavc but littlü to nay. Yesterday - Sunday - in the forcnonn, we liad a gritad review and an inspection of arma. At 11 o'clock we vrere mus tcrcd to listón to our Chaplain, Lo preached to us for the fust time, In the aftenioon I visitcd Munsou's IJill, which is situated soine three miles south f rom here, and commands a fine view of Washington, Alexandrín, and the surrounding country. On the way I passcd many eiieampmciits or Hegiments, coinprising Infuntry, Cavalry and Artillery. I also passed the headijuarters of Oen. M cDowell, situated on a high elevation overlookiug Washington, UAVs llill, Munson's Hill, Mason'a llill, and as far down the Potoniac as Alcxandria. Gen. MeDowell is fortifying liis headquarters. In the reach of lus guns m Munscm' Hill, which s aleo being fortilied ; also Mason'a Hill, which is undtrgoing the same opcration. Iu fact, every advance ig sustaiued by fortificatioDs, muk'iig it impossiblo for the rebels to make an advance towards Washington. The Michigan 5th laid at the foot of Munson's Bill, one of the members of which gave me thc fojlowing facta relative to its capture. The hill was proteoted byaslight breastwork of dirt, and it was snpposcd that there wouhl be a bloody battle at that plaue. But t feil very easy, and thc Michigan man íaid that wbcti taken they found the formidable battery of one piecc of síovo pipe, and two loga mountod to represent cannon. And that, lio said, had made Washington quake for weeks. Au oíd negro sluve tu the vieinity says there never was any caunon there, oxeopt occasionally He paya that genorally when tliey apprehendcd an attaek, they would bring up a few pieees of ariillery in the day time, and take them back i:i the niglit. 'There is an awful dostruetion of prop erty héro Wbeuever iiitreuchmeiits are throwu up, t be cora os neeessary to eut down the tiniLcr in the viciniiy, and wbole forcsrs are levclod to the round. Farms are vaeated, and the crops left ungatliered. llousos are burned, witll ev.iything Hurrounding ihfin. Hut t U I the DfiCeHSttV of war and cannot be holpeü I hope it inay never be the destiny of the Xorth to have her soil thus detiled. Whea I was over to I he oueamp ment of thc 5th, yesterday, I leariied that they expected to move to-day below Alexandria, some 20 miles from their present location. J. p Halis Hill, Oct. lOth. 18C1. Dbar Broteikr: - Once tnore we have hnd a taste f soldier' Ufo. On Monday evening, tha 7th. ju-l as suppur ivas un nounuedi there cümo up u storm of w;mj, rain, and huil; tho like of whieh I had not Heen cince I cro.-ted tho Pliiius in '52 It dehigtd our cani]), inakinr rivors thioiigli ciur tents, añil spoiling ur suppor, without as much hh suying "by ymir leuve " Six inihes 1 wator covereil thu fïoor of out tent., by huid work it dttchiug liv Sergeant Loliman und rnyself, we munaged to olear it of water. At tho eomméncement of the storm Lieut. Prentiss, wl o was in our tent. lent u belping hsind to hold it n). But he so'on beat a relreot, in hopes to find better quurters at bis tent; insteiid of which he found it. a livor, and boots, platee, knivesund f irk--, and everything iloatable, bidding farowell to hume, and taking leuve down streain. 8o lid laid h'.iüd to a spade, and at that inomeot yon might have been seen Capt. Barry nnd Lieu's. Bwon and Prentiss throwing up inlrcnchments io protect their tents, not from the rebels, but í'roin the waters wliich luid been let loóse from the cloudo. After it liad slacked up BOine, the different (Jompanius wero caUed out, and campfires ordered bnilt, wbich srion lit up the gloom, nfter which I spread iny hlunkel on the wet struw ol my tent, buttoned rnv overorat iround me and n eompany witti Ordt-rly G. V. Coók, of Ann Arbir Town. ];iid rnyse'f down for sumo rest; and I mn happy to say that I slept as Hound and ariwe in the morning feeling is well as jf [ had slelt in thu best house and bed in crèutiou. Ia the iifteruo:n of Tu;d;iy, : tho 8 h, "iu tents wtTe truck, und we moved hoiws u smali rhvine to high er Erronnd, where I hope we Hhiill not tic ngtiin druwned tit. There i s;ud to have been h skiniiisb near the Cliain Bii'lgu, un Wednesilay nioming, the 9th, ut ubulit oí o o'clcck. On the sanie d:iy, ten men frini eauh company "vore ('ctiiihd to help cut down trues a fow miles fnuii our camp On their return at nigt.t, tliey repoited ui üdviince made fiom hu Cliain Bridga f 5,000 men, and ui their takinji 300 rebel cavil:, piis ners. On I tliu ufteriiooD of Wednesday, oiders were given to he Regiment lu '%pack kiiapsncks ii. cl lic reiulj to nuirch at I live iiKilllto's notico." The ni)lio miven, avd knapsacks were sivüiil',1 but lor íotne rea-on or o'. her we cHd not inaiv.h, and linally the l'anks wero ' breken, mul orders to lili our eaiUet.ns with water, and that raliurm should bo oooked, reudy to bo dealt out f r twci dayn, and we do not know what motnent o rhoy be ordered to the enemy's , lino. It may bo bufure night, t inay I not be for days. Whenever it niay be I hope we 8h:dl be found ready To-day, the lOth, twtnty men from each Uonipany have been detailed for piulcet guurti, and huve gono out to vviirds tlio enemyV luid. 'l'hu Michigan 4th, ín encamped about one milu fioin us, townrds tho enerny's line. As last a our trr.p; :kf; rr .'Iímmi thb gDvernment put up twiegruph wiros trom the different headqtiarters of the Brigades to the heudquarters f the ' Cotniniindor-iii Ohiol, so you seo they ure working ystPinnlically and with a determinaron to win. ünr Kegi'iietn is fast gaining proGciencv in the use of arma, and when the fiiflit comm we will not be beliind nlder Regimenté, It hua already to ceired the cominpndtition f oenen! McClkllan. Wj havo gcod OlfiOüK. Cu). Stockton is a good Colone!, and reody tfi fight t ny time he gvernment culis upon hitn Lietit. Qoifonel lIi.icm.K is a fino oíBeer. Jinth of these oflicL'is do not mean that this Regiment shall be beat by nny (rom Michigan, or l'roni any other State. Major wklch, wcll in Ann Albor a3 a thcroughgoing yoi'ng man, I am happy to süv is n gnod offiwer, attends to h;s dutii's, lorfcinij aiter the welfare of thj men, and pooiablö witn thoui all. He has gained the good will of the raen, all of whnm spi-nk m his favor. And in the caso oí a battle he will be foi:nd at his post, and in case tho conunund ttbould by any muand devolvu npon him, he will tio foiliid equal to it, and vill not show the wtffte l'eather. Afijutant Aloiuiií, formeily from Ann A hor, also filis his place wol!, and W a good uffiver, and will nat be found wunting in Ihe d; y ni l);itt!e. As for the e.ommissioned fficerï of oiir Cnrnpiiny, tlu'V cannot be beat. They are kind and gentlemunly to al., divays lonking afKT thü Wellare ot thoir men afwnys rea ly lor dut v of ati}' k nd ut a miuiifu's notice, and as ..nxions to meet the enemv as any of the ".en ; and in the div ni batlle :hey ; will be found by tho -Aj o their men and lead them on to victorv. They are from Dotroit; andaré il folio vs : Captain Thos. J. Barrv, Int. Lieut. Oljo II. Swuii, 8nd. Lieut. Geo. l'rénti. Tlure are a nuinbor of Ann Arlwr bos il) this Ooinpany. (i. W. Oiok. lm is ürdei ly SwrgealH ; llcnry Gillmid, wlio is 0rpinl; William TieTliy, private Wal luce VVeK-.h, of YpMan i, his fuwn taken frnin tlu; GoinpMiy anil (int inlo tnc Q itirtvriiiastfi's Department, and is at pl;-öut tii(!igt(1 in weiijli ngf out bi'ead bacon, eto. He as on if tho color glliirdri Tiiev are g 10 1 bovs and Uill met, kind nd tioo D n 1 tti i, d ii i_; lor encli other w'i id.-vor Ihoy ciii, considering themselvea bro Ikts; and I hope ihut they mny alw.iys ba nu wlule 'hey .re tgether. The n:st ( tlie Company a e from Like S iperior, and are ha dy min rs, a!)l; to stand and e'idure most every.hing, and conquer every obsale that comes in their way. Tlu'y aro A Ni. 1 boys. and of course hold Ihe position ol Co. A, wbich ;h-y wijl retuin with honor t themsflves, to their officers and to the State. They uie liarman. üur Regiment has ono oi the best bands thefe is h re, a number of whom are from Aiin Arbor, aid ure lead by one ol the G inner boys. The whole of the band is composed of tip top bovs Tiiev are awf'al'y down on certain bovs ot Ann Arbor, who wero anxions to come with them, and two of whon ac enmpanied thein to Detroit, and thon refnsed tt take the oath und returned home. The weuther in thw country is a chanjeable as a woman's smile. While we were encamped on Muridian Hill we had warm days and very eoid niirhtP. While eri'-air.ped nuar Fort Woodbury thé same; qolder I presume than yon liad in Michigan. Since we have been here we have had excessively warm, nay almost hot days, and warm night; and sinco Tue.sday rnorning we havo had a kind of winter. While 1 am wiuingitis trying to rain, and I should not be surprised if we got anothor euvh stop as w had Monduy nigbu, In sight of whero I am now scratcbing this, I can seo six Kcgiments, composing ai least 5.U0J men, reudy at a moment 's waniing to rush al "Doublé Qiiiuk" to baltic. Every now and then tho booining of ounnon can be heard, whother against tho enemy or to try tho runge I uannol say.


Old News
Michigan Argus