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General Mitchell Taking The Field

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Frota [be CiuolnnaU CommeroU. Jhi.s week Brigadier General Mitehell takes the. iield at bead of the forees which are to Ularcll upon tho 'Jumberland Qiip. Tiiis conminad is snid to have been itísiguied to bíñi by Seeretary Camclou, luist hero last week, and nieotg with (lie rórire eincurrence of General SIktih :ni. Tlius, at ieilgtÜ WO sliall havo i step fonvard, ind the wliole country irill be refreaued with this mach of tho Soeretary'a western mistión It is welt hu fias gclectod a leader whoso zeal, plièrgy and ability uro uiuloubtcd, and wlio ig uutaltc'i-iiig in the preseuco of diffiouliy. Liitlo mere than a inontli ayo he rissf placed ín conimand pi tliis dupartmeat. The suddeH and alarming ioroads mto' Kuututky by Zolliuoffer and Buckner disuloxed notliing but weaknoss and want of pruporation on the Ohio. Greu. Mitchcll, at t!ie iistance of the Governor and citizens, had been ordered to tho coraïr.and of tbia departmenf, and in tlic midst of the exciteinnt droppcd áowu upon us, with nothing inimediately avaiíable ut liis dispnsition. Regiinents, whieb. the Govenior had engagcd to place at Camp Dcnniaon for our dofenao, had beeti sent off under the most urgent neecí.sity to W estern Virginia. Not a rcgimcut or a haltery was at hand. A changi; lias come, and with but üttle noise or confusión. iSustained by Gov. Denuison and lus staff, whose efforts in this regard have been deaerving considérate app'rbviil, Gen. Mitche.ll has arined all the coiiniiandiiig puiiit.s in this vioiiii' ty, and tlironi into Central Kentucky ten regiini-nts of Ohio infantry, tlirea f il 11 batturies of' liglit artillery, and one or two Indiana regiment, besides orftanizing a vast transportation train of wagons 'and horses, camp c(iiipi" storea and aniniunition, now beillg sent forward. Thus, by a bod and timely array of Ohio aud Indiana, slmuldir to fh ml Ier with Kentucky at Uainp liobinson, Zolliuoflcr has b':ei cliecked and our turn is iiow to come Gou. Mitehdl has before bim a nob e field l'ast 'J'eiiessee is to be disentliralled. Hls path léadii lo the yery heart "f the rebellion. Diffieultiea wiíl ixpainl, but the nip Gitanee aud interest of the ( nterprisi! will increase te;ifold evci-y ndvancu tliat he gains, nnd resulta of the most vital eflect wil! attuud hia suecess


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Michigan Argus