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AT RIS DON & tlENDERSOiVS l?%E&gXm T[IE GENUINE 111? STEW,SRT'S . S T O V E3 - VVe wUh to cnll tbe attenUoöof the public to t li is Bflebrated COOKIiMG 8TOVE! Whiih is'ilie only perfect stove mrida. It will do ir.ore ' us ikss with one ihird U-sa fuil than any othcr STOVE made. Frotn t8tinioi.y given b-y the persons refVrred lolmlow on uccount of its du. ubi li t y and Fuel Saving Qualities, it Kas proved a (inving fram Twelve To Twenty Dollars j par ycor. Wc would refer yoo to the fullowing list of PERSOXS WHO HA VE THEM IN ÜSE: Prof. TflppnD, Ann Arbor. John F. Miller, Ann ArborI'ruf. Wo(i, "' J Gilbctt MnilU " l'rof. Winchell, " J.T. Aulls, " Prof Hojí su), " Joep Watts, " Alphen Keloli, " T. Wilkinson, " Wui K. Martin, ' Mra p. 1 entun, " lücliM Hoopr, " O. Hawkin, ' F Grangcr," C .Chp!o, " .1. W. Mnvnanl, " I Olüirles 'Ibaycr, ■' F. I.. 3tebbin. " Ma'iiiCiark, IT. B.WHMTT, " C. BwíTort. A A.TVwn. V.r.. O. Welcl), " Tliiiuias Wood, l'.tttfieW. Mr.. K T. WU:ara.f," A'ventaa Drury, ■ V hpn, ' Jaci'b Pol. iCmus, Pcio. C. II. Wond. " N.C.Goo.lale, H'. Wood, " Mi.FolIers, abaron. We li:iTo on hnr, n Urge íusortment of She besl kinda of Cuoting, fiu-lut and P L ATE SÏOVES, umi a general aasortment of HARDWARE AND TIN WARE, nnd Bent stuff for Curfinpe woit. l'niriicalar nttfiilion puid Ui fi tina u Kvi4ruUgli nnd Cnniiucrors mul nll kinds uf Jo'i woi k done ut the Sliortist Nutio KDON t HF.NUEHSON. Ann Arbor, Irlil. 0CE1 and EAH. 'm CH F. A. CADELL, BjQüi' Ol'EU TOR ON THE EYE AND ÍAK. Va DvaftieM. Illliitlnesi, and uil defect of 1-hl and Heining. DR C. PEIMi A REüULAK Physicun.with TWENTV VFAK -: exclusive pnictice in tli; trea'im'nt of 3Meases of thp KYh ANL) KAK, wiil Ije fuund qualiGed te give rt-lief or efleEi m cure tu any ose wiUiia tht rech of human r-kítl iVei chame fnr an examïn&thn or an opiniov. or fr u n9&GC8fitl ferviers. Dr C.'.h TMÚñnt os the Er aït Ea, tf 800 pp., eohtafn ng refore:ic4. Tc-timoni J.s, l;ejcriptio f üW ea-es, CkaM, aii't ttli'T unp ■■rtaiiT matter, iüujtruter witli 'uis, lu be hn rratat, b wodti Trn Ctnt to pny postale Arldteu Dr. CaOWIX ttU Uau'Jnljih SinH cotucrücalorn, Cíiícsko Ui. W708 Great Eeduction in the Frice cf SINGKR & COS Standard Machines . IVcll kvown to be the Best for Man ujacturwy Purposci. No. I, Btandurd StiuUl Machine, for iiiurly ld at SJO, roduced Ui $70 No. 2 of saine kind of Machine, for merlv 'ld 'i' 8100, reduced io $75. S ï NGE U'S T,ETTK II A MACHINE s the bet Machine iu wurid fcr Fmi'y Sewinpj and l.ight .Mnnufac' ui ing Furposí-.s J 'U Hcmmtr,) and beautil'iil uitumeoUd ion. The Niw. 1 ani '-J Macliines are of great Oftptelty and HDiMicution lor Hwniturin8 purpowv, Uui-Nu. 3 Machines are MpBCftU? üiai'cfT toal! ki ds of ligiit aad hmvv Leithvr v ork, in rarriap Trinjinni, Bu"l iul thüe Mukiug Hinnik-, .Vükn... , i-tc etc. Tht-y ureuf ex'ra sizc, ttnrt ith n arm lurjy roougb lo (ike umliT il and stitttb ihe largeta izt' cUbw. ilicic is scurccly any part ui Trimmen' fet i telling (Uut caunot ba bMitr dw witb tln-m iban by luiiid ; k, 'oü, the Mbving ot l-nie iin l tabu is ve-y gif-ai. 'ilte tublcttf ibe mach fit is l mclu'.s taffw and thesliuitie will liuld six tiinestlit usuui quantitywf threitd. 'JhelHrg: mnchin work asfatH xuwUUkB W wouldftktortrt-r I ettr A IUbin, the ■pedal nttt-iitiori nï Ve-t Mi kei a ml &9a Uftkert, iind ;iU tnui-e ho want tor MffAf maitufnetvrinp purpiisca. Tii'-y wnbody tl. e (ritloiiif.s irf the atnÍAr] utHcblsvsi maliitiir tike '.In m tbvfait'tockiul sHch. nhtl ai-e df-itmud lo Lu U celf). rutel fur FaJUUT imI l'ghl ïninuhic1 uritj [jurioscs .h our st:in.i.iï"d iü.icliiue- ure for manu lucí ui ing pui-pose in genera] t liave ÚAav .i on ham!. USSIHIfcU UAI'ÜRS.MIJETTIj! UNKN A9D CoTTUX TUKK.D, ün tifOULS. BÜ-ST KACHJM3 ülL in boll les. etCn ♦"- W manufacture our inrn Kcerflrt-, ad w#W wam all penxm- using (H-rimtiiiim not to b',iy nny uthcr-t. Ve kiH'W tliat ure net-dies mjíiI o Í' c musí inferior qnnWy at bigHer jjrict's tiittn wecliargt fnr lliu 6e. Tbe m-edleti suld by uk are n)amifcturt'd csjfrinllx Ut our m 1 iiifs. A had Jieedteviay rtndiT iht bcit macht ne almost us'les. nar cuáUimer raay rest asured tlmt llour l'ranch (Jflict's at e luruifiiieil witli tlie "' gfnuint aciiele " In 'l' HQkul) luncliaM, the va aej inay bd ftnt ín stampa, or bunk notes. Corres pon d t ii us will pfe-ftM write tbeir dismi dis lï i ctly. lt id ail inM-rtniit tli.t we sbould, id eacii casi, kno the PbI Office, County, ai:d State, A.l persons reqaiting informatirm ftbunt Se:ng M:u-l)ines thei " sie, pricei. WorWng rapacities, Mtd tlubest meihoda ol u relias ip, caimbiaiu it by sending to ut, ar :inv of our B 'ancb OIRoes fur a cpj íf I. IÏÏ. Btajïr &. Co 'y Gazette, Whicli i i a Víuiliful I'ic'orinl ía;Er tíHirc'y dcwUd lo tliü Bubject- It wU bcsent siratiê. We lia ve m l'l tlie atw RF DU'TION IN PRirES wiih the two-fcld view of beueh'tii.g tbe pttUioaadonx sel es. Tl,c public lia ve bien BWindled l spurious in:ichmcs m.Mic ín imltritiou of our-. T e metil hitlu-m. fruni tin? iion cü-iing ti the ttmaJlest ptw, i qu.ili! v. TIn-T makfra hafe not the Altana to do their wnr!; #eít. Tlit-y are hid awaj i tt itecri't plaw, hi'ic it wou Id be imin'H.-iblc lo h;ive t their comiQAnd tlic propermecliHnical apBlíiinces. U Ín onlj hy ámng rH be'new,&nd hvlnj extensie man -ifacturing estabMih m.-nts, ihat eo-'d m icliiiifs can be made atmodprat pricís. ÏÜC be-' 'Jeálgn&fl ninchint-í, BA1 LY MAl'K, are ühvays llable to gtt out of (ir lor, anl are sur ■ lo cose cuii-i''o: :ibk' Lrimbie ftud money to kfOjp Uif ID la rt-pairt The quulilics to beloalteflfor ín a Miicïnne me : c r taintv "I" errect acin at all rates ot spt-ed , simpücity of ciustrucli"n, grcat flurabtiiiy . and r pulity ot opertu.n, withthe liast lalr. Machinen to c mbine thsp eflüfntial qunfítlcp, maM bc marie of thcbo.tme Hlaud finl'-bd te i' rf ctio-.i. We have ll.c waj and mcans,ün h j,'iin 1 léate, to do i. i%e pW chacera of michinos. whocftUj Vred it mav COr.efrn, will tu tlat ihoso liavirc Hio ubtequalititi not only Wik -iell at ra]l as wt'll as ratw t-f sped.jbut last lunger ín th ttn1 pssiblc wnvking order. Our machmet, as made by ns, will eainm-Temonoy with It-'ss labor ilinnnny others whi'tlirr ín mítatiou o ourp or Dot . ín fact, tlicy are clira ir tnm ;in y ether i naeliiiMRRagt(t. 1. tf . IKGER - rO., 458 T'radway Njw Vurk. SSS ltroit Offic', 7S Cri-wold Street t oppnsite tLc Post OflTice. l'tf M. II. OOPRICH,Agent, Ann Albor. jíf iLÜ jgi IN THE RIGÍIT PLACE. Herrick's Sugar Coated PilisssE-zss THEBEBTFAIOLY Ca'- ■■-'■'- '&L1, :"r iioiliing injuriou--. ; C'' a' pliysicians and ttLr I-;rgo Boxea C5 conts; HHIkí fivf hnx(ti for 1 'lollar. ag!rgg Ful! dircciionii wi', b ea. b TTt..imssn% I,kov CnrxTT,) Florida, July 17,l8fi). ƒ ToPr. IThhhick, Albnuv, N Y - My Iar I-neto :- T wriie thi( tninfoira yon rif t'ie wondernil ' ÍTec of jut Silgar Coated Filis on mj nlttftr 'IhukIiUt. Fe i ihree yiari-lie has beca nffiic'í'O with a billinus neranmont of the system. wtly taApftriu litr hcalth, whicli has beeu ste.idly lailing '".urmft thnr ppi iod. When iu New VoTfc Id April l:tst, h fnenrt ndvww mo to tpt ynur pill Having tlu fullt st CfQÜlcncr in tbr udfnSMt ei my friend, I obtainetl a upplv of llostr-. Barnes v Park, Druggltts, l'ark Rpw New Yrk. 'n returnínff home. p aceti6e I 11 oiher tioafnjfrt, nnd aminiRTrod your Pilis, tino eacb Mtrlit. 'Ihc rniptovrnifntin her feolinírf, ijfiTnulexio, fligtfilion, fie, mrjri3 u jl. A mpirt Hiurprmíinent retiJTt'n te hfaltli has bí-n tie resulta We use-! lexa than Qve lie. rb3 oonsidcrhír ont'rely wpII. I confiidcr the aboo a juut tr.V-nU io yu hp ' n, mil truvt thatit wíll be tberaeanx of i'nduciBg miioy tn aiiopt your IMHr p thoir family medicines. I re toa ín, ficir tír, wüh naany 'hankR, Your obod eut porvnni. S. MOBR!6OSf. Henlck's Kld Strengthenin-; Piasters curft in five hour', pains ;md weaknfs of thebreost, Rirlp nrl bicli.n'1 Kheuraatic C'ompLiiD'Kin an ei)iully Rhort prlod of tint. ïnrea 1 on bautidil white larab ektn, thfiruss R-ibj'-ctK th mftsor in no 'ni-onvcniecft. aolft-'n"ne m '..ff from ooe vek to tlirue mnatbft. Frio lJÉ ccn:IftrrieK Papwr Cfltt4 Tillf n Eid riafcr'1 ut foIW V IT ]crgiwt aoi M'TChant" in t]l part1 nf ih1 T'nitix Stat p, ranada b4 aouth Ammca . nnd mtyoo obHiiaei bv iaüicfif fót tfc'TJC '- V Lrt-ir ful! nao. !tfc rF. I. B HERKTfX & r. Aï--ir, V. Y. PttlWTLNG i, Í OF ALL ÊINDS Neatly Executed AT THE AllGÜS OFFICE. WE ARE PREPARED TO FILL ALL ORDERS 1JT THE LINE OF PRINTING AT THE MOST REASONABLE RATES. We have reccr.tly purol,iOJ a ROTARY CAED PRESS, nd linfrc n.Mc-d tlie latt ftflet of Card Type, whicli ennblc.i u to [jrint INTITATIOx CARDS, WEDDIXQ CARbS. VISIT1NG CARDS, BUSINESS CAKD?, Ac. in the ceateal t-tyli-, an nj elieap rb aiiy otilar liuiuv in ilie ütat. Wc ure uUu jt ul J (O J'I'iüt rOSTËRS, IIANUBILL, BLANE8, BILL HE A DS, CIRCULA RS. PAMPHLETvc TKE AHGXJS BOOK BINDERY i in c'.arge uf a FIRST CLS8 WÖESHAK, LEDGERS, RECORDS, JOURNAL?, HOTEL REGISTER3, and BLANK BOOKS OK ALL SINDS, RULD TO ANY PÁTTERF And Hanufacturcd in bkststtl t New York Prlces. Periodicals of all kinds BOÜXD IX ANY STYLE. Oíd Books Ee-Bound. All Work xtarrnntefl to give entire satisfaction. É. B. POND, Prop r. Office nd Rindcry, cor. Mail & Huron 8ts 186L 1P6I. FALL & VVIxNTER GOODS NOW ItECElVIXG AT O H. MILEN &Co' o HAVING to pay OASH for neirly nll kind oí Gooris piirohnstd in NVw Yoik.n ar n'O-urily ohligcd torestnct our oroilit system here. Coruequently we hall offer our Fall Good3 for Cash, at a very small aáraneo nu the oost 0. H MILI.EN t CO. Ann Arbor. Scpt.24. lf-61. ei9m3 tr W. JVt O R G A N , Agent tor Li. Mutual I.iftnuroi Compaay, K"Tk. 44UMtAAMlt1 ■ i-,350,000 tkf Ie;tun2 Life IHf-urine1 Coölpyny in tlie S. tCnicktirbooker Life ïnsuranco Corapüny, Nw Voïi ;t first c!as ƒ' Co - ter reatoöabir. ííumhftldi Kire Compui;y, Kw Virk. Cpitl, "th ;. lirecnurplu, iJÜO.OOO. I Ven;U Mar'.n: Iiwu;-aaro Cv, ? -m IU. _,„.v , v. I i-rvP-.f-irast-t. ■ "071! r,t.v.:, .... ;- INFÍRIHIARY. F tifiaos Btock JHodward Ave Dttroit, Di S. J CAUPi;.'iKU t KA1MABD. DOCTORS gen. rally rrciind tïifti CnHcmpttofi It ivuial)k i bocau;e il .cv cHííí'jI cure ii KtHMttW but Uièê duvntt't KJi"f-' it ïrue. Uta J nicljaiiics wiil wi rks oh b Jub all dry niid r.fter ., ng Btrt'Jtag bi.t n.l thf mntrml they wifl t y-ju it iivvt r c;m bc d.ïiu .n the uy you u.nt it. fc iiy a-ppljinc to íi bettuf woikiium - i nc wUo ibiruugMj iis budlncss - juu wiil gtt y uur wurk M r uïSj Itrtlind in simpe. In thia reutelt tbr Er tl.e same differnce t be finlin kU tfidea and praffaitoM. 'Ihc buógltr' ia mecb -nm. n the ur%t, in Uw, ia tbeoiogy, and in jjhysic, wiil ni neb tUiftgs Ofcn&frt be done. And t i true tuat ÜmJ could bot t il all men mtf likt theuiso!reH. ïiut t''jiti.nitely tïjeie ib aunthT eluui oí ïhh, and Ifaea, whn tl.ey tako ywor cuse in Und, do it job as you want it, ar redt re y uu to beult 1 , accur itif to fie-irf'-. Wt Iihvo nly tu rccjnibei tl ia net t& undt-rstft'ntï vfh on blJlehU) nhould i-rjiicu&c th# ffic usable ',incïi en tlni cm cuit-. In lOechBjiics, wecmut lm- iitul tb at by a ponersaWja' Of fupericr rotanu, by mtoe ut' in vt-utuji, oí wkicb h ha tb solé use, ur by the fii'ator ingpnity cl ïai mind, one persrm will aiüra r fic wint no ttlici cun. Exactly it may be so in pbraia And tl i ii U4 vtTV rOiiflP wby I bavc such rent tiuccci over uit ptMta in tlie tfeaTment oí fou-umptluD. By biTin(f tlie original genius, by poftex ing the J.unfï-Mttcr whicb pnables rne tu clearly detf mi i.v tb Diiturv of th deasennd by having suc.h remedies fir Coiisuniptífn ttf &o otbcr rhysician ertr nad,aukk bold t ■ tlat T bflvf-, k:il cim etft-ct h, cure cf tbis bevond the reach of any otler mnn. To jjfovp t lus to htve Yevn tbí cuse, I might piv ycu number1 uj.on numbfr of certiticates ii'-m rcrnn arrd wunien givcn uvtr to tb gr&t, wlio Iisve bcn roscued and rt'siored to hralt)i by ihê ptrs;v?ring use oí my r mliin lor C'unsuinptin.' Hut il ia not acci s--a y f"r me tn do fo here, for 1lii fiict of one ma n doinK wbat another cnonct ciiDttOt, U evldtrat toall men oí c inmon sene. It' the CrQftfcpive wiibes Farthtr ruf ihnn thtl, I can only in, eme Mld patisfy y ursell' by tri .1 of my skïll in L ure of your complïiit Doctor Crpf-n:tr wiil visit YpiUtBti, n(' Ann Att. uring lSf.O- 61 - Ann Arbrr, ttt rok'HUl, 2d ai th of eacli muntli; üuteKins Houc, YimilneU, Cth iind Oth of eacli montb. Tlie remainder of thv tixne. h wiilbe fouad at his Luug Infiimaiy ia_U-tnit iy778 .. , -..-■■, ■ . . - . , _ -...r i Huif fili 8Ï W ïsvïi Mrs. WlftrSLQW, Ancxpfricn ed Kurse n-i Femaie Phy?'c;fin, prenont to the atLcnt1(g ol iïKthei.ïicr SOOTHÍNG SYRÜP, FOR CHILDREN TEETH1NO, which ?riut!y fiicilitHti-i the pro ol trtthinj, bj ulttnng tb gwm!, reclucint uil n!iniiniiati.n- wirt alliv Al.l. I'.UN aad ■{■nxUr att n i.nd SUBE to REGULÓTE vhe BOWELS. iK-ponii upun t, ra. iVtti, It Till glrc rest tn 7oarolTe, Relief and healtli to jour Infantí Wc have int up nl rd' solil tin iirucl ffr frc tPn rws, i.3 VaH AY IN (.'UNKUttNtt ANt iHC'ltlut ir. wlint we . r.evir bein ab to J .f. iBv otlicrmedijf - MtVm HAiTl lAlitli IN A Ii,lX IN.-'i. Ni i . 10 imiT A CtKE, ifó tmelv usen. HwfrUd we l.iit.w íiti irit nee of diit H'Vrti.i. bv aii . ni' wlm i wil it. On t!it ciEtruty, 11 jir.; iMighteil tu .ta ppi r ti n-. anti pjifaii in urmi t c mrn(.-ti(iaü' n of mi;icnl ami mcdicil v'Hem. ttV ipwk in tliia m.ttr -VH.T %X 1O KNOW ■' alter ton veais' pxp. tiincf. AND Vl-El'l K 01,'K R, 1 tlA'Ili N 'FOR lliK KUIHLU11KT nv ÏUAT U'K Hth DM l.AI'f . !n a u n fTry iíftí wlw r" tla miVKt - aufl'i r ny rrmn pn n nrt nbn-in relift wil! bf in (ifu'.n r twtntv w rutes aftrr -ru] is n'lïnjni't rt'd Thül .reparttion is the preciltit'O f fM ifth mm) EXPERILNCH) and PKIlJJt'CL NJ.BW3 n Ni'w ! niflnn'l, tul lias bitu u;d with SLV1JI FAlUKO ?tCCtü.- !ta THOlTKA'Nr OF CASTS. It m otlv rcLeves tbeclil 1 fMtn pa-ti. bot (nTif(if".t tho-t 'machBnl bovrcli. orreitf aci'l t. andK'%"--a '""" ■n'l tnergy to the wbolcystein )t vrill a'.m't JbjïmiU relirr "SRffüfG in tiie nowrij, and wind couc ni overeóme convulaii n1, which If 1 pt'C'l!T tiuj Aid u;l in dentli Wi" WIve it tlie UI--T irno si l:K-i KFMEJ Y IK XHI Wi Ii! V in Ml tc- of !.Y KNTHRY.n'l I.ií,:!IlA IHCHIlJiRIR, w'aeth.í il :if:" 'r m te-t'i nx or ff m nrty tjlliir cnu. V irauM mf (" iiry nuth'r wil" h' n cl -W nirti-'iie fnim mf nl th fT.ip f' aap1 nt - 1 1 KOT I IT Vi.l'K 'PKWO KKS NO i TUK 1MJV1 K 1'TIIEÜS. st'iiil hpfirwn V u nul T"t r mitTor I" cliilü, and t! e roüef lh,.t uiil h SVRK- YK-. AH ('l.LTI LY - tn Wllw t'ie me of t'ii mclicne. if t'melv uiM. fiili ft'? ii-'ï) Nsill aicinpanv t-nch boltU, ualnt t e facsimile í rtRllá !t PKHKIN' K v-V.iik. i. mi tl"" nulwlt' wr-ipr, Si!i! bv I,-u,'u-it4 t'ie mm. Prlitclpn' I15r 13 C1 r Stirit. K. ♦.'E QKl.Y .5 CENTS FEK DUTOI F. rmil-hr r'..-' Cti. 1jfMf iar L F j'jj L'M x. 1 luLLlu For the Specdy and Permanent Cure of SemtiuA Wtakncst, Nocturnal and Diurnal Emissiont, Nervous and General Debility, Impotenct, and all Viseases arisingfrom Solitary Habits or Excessive ïndulgertct. FTMIEHE are thousanda of Yolng Men. as wcll % MtDM X Auei and Old Men, whoare suflbring to jm txtenl from the above dinans. Mnn, vurliap, are not win at their tnie condition. M wlitn Msi-üincc is relly necde I. For the benefit of sucli. wc hei-e-.vith rivc ft few -jf the mort common sTinptoms, vit: o ! Har "J ""H J,iin i.i til: llend aii'l Sfc, DitanM tf Siiibt. )' ud II .W before the Lƒ'. Pttlpirithnt of Die ll'nrl, ;yt}yiia, i" Y Memury, OetfwMH of hl-,, BjpwiiM tSÜpirtit, "■"" o Sorili, Se!r-nitnisl, T'ioMitu. ■ Fr fch nu.l ll if the abiive svinptoms tlieae reuiediea will bc fuuud a "jwt'?lie remedies embrace threo precrhnion: A box ot Pmtel: a bo of .Wo'. T-.;ic l'ilh, nd a box of 1'wtU Ibiuc Piíí, all of wliiell have important orllrsi to rerform,I and ahouM be nsed to[othor in everv case. Tliar suinvriv other inodea of MHuat mav be briotly stat.d fJöp They liiminisli the violence of sernal icitonK'nt. ]T TUay iiumedjately arrest nocturnal aud diurna! !■ gg-Thty remove local woakiieüs causing tbe orjaai assnine theír natural toue and vigor. y l'hcv strengthen the constitiuion by verwmin narv0U9 debility'and general weakaess. aa-Tbev enliven lic spirits. wWch re mmlly deproiw, by exrelling all excitiu canses fiom the systsm. 3T Bv their lavii.ratt! propertics they restor. Uu patiënt to hij natural hea'tli anj vigor ol mnnhond #y 'J'hev cnre when all other means hjive failea. They contain o lermry. o Opium, nor anythln that can in any event prov.; iniurious. Jgg Tliev ai e un and picasant to in, uil ill not luier, iero witli the patient'i unmil buiuess or iileasum. They can be used without susj.iciou, or kuowiedg m ven a rooin-mate. - - That thev niay come rithin tlio rcaoh of all . i havr Br ■ he price of the P,lMU at $1 per bos. nd the W al S ; mtl perboxeach. In orderinE by n.ail, in ad.lii.on .o t„4 price. twolve conta in stampa ehonlj be incloaoJ lor rtlo, Sv I, ADIÉ? in waöt of m rat tnd fferturf jrfjrL remiï'lv iuT [rr'fufitrttie. S'ippreS'inn of S iaf SSM ,honldnM Dr. Cmis Ki-iaik Moithli #& L: JPi l'uw Price, bv mail, 1 uil"ieanip. jöfflC-fef% CAU'tnw- These l'ills shou'd lint be ns4 [f-v fi (liiriui; nr)iivtc'j, as wíwcaríugc will bí t! '-'' CI"i,a1)i"i':S 'wlin .Oom HMioaHh. arformltr. or any fither liummc and rpasonable cnnje, liofin it - ■ary avcid an inórense of familj. can do s„ witlwtó tam ring danwr to ,.r co„stit„ti„n i.y the f V I-f (V,fu.r'. i-mie Prw&m Vtmë, Pnce, by mail, $1 iJ Thaan'pow(lers can cnly b oblalncd by iddr.'i!nj 0s11.'d1foArS)ï!'S'.Tb'rr,vn. jü r,,; s Da. Puici Til CeSTS. H. O. MILLER k CO., Gooor: Aconli, LouiiTillo. Kr.' F..r ïU by MAY5"a!:D, STIJHïKV, A Wíl SON. yï88in Am Arlor, Midi. FlïoTTl ' j ' l l e ir s MAIH INTIG01UT01 AN KFF3Ö T1VE, SAKK ANIl Ö O.VoMICAL COMl'OUK KOU IUTMUNú(1í.aV tl.UK in Ks original clor WuJ uut djíinjí, au juvvcaU the lUir Ir-m tuniiüij frrajr. FÜ.t i RKVKKIIX; ItA.I.JNK ntl curisg it.wlieu t'tcr. i tlie lottHt partióle of vluliiy ö? raë'upcri&Virahfg$ reraainin ;. FOR RËMOVimJ SCÏBF AND PAXHRLTF, ani .illcota. uousri4lfi-t;:ion.s of the : calt). FR iIEAl;TU 1NO 'UIL H.MR, inntir!i]to it n n erfuuljed gl's-i and brllliaRcy, maJtiii it óft auc ftlky Inits lexture au ( caurting i( toeur! nmdiïy. The grft celf bvit v inl tlie iufcie;Miij; lU-UKind for !?..# uiuqualle-. jiieiraratHJü, lile jnopiiiloi t!l:it nü trial Icoaly ii--cesíiíir3' to Kftfiéí; ;t dÍKCrningpubllc ni itrf superiur mer . nv otfeer prefariio0 M j-reeu in uw. ït oleaBï tb heal and s(;ilp n-n dovdaff an üthcr rxiianeo-'B clixtnsm. ( auhes the imir tftjnwlu' urmuth ', uul give.s it a vieh.snit, gflfway And fipxihle ap pcrt.rrtnCf,anii hUü tvhere 'be ha ir i-. louKeiiing aDd thltjuinjjr, it will gfve rtticugtli ati.l vi_n t iJie roots, &u lostore the gttoirtb tö ih'f1 purta liich hrc LecoiMf b.ilrl, eUfing il to i.'-!'! fkfwk roreiKf afhair. Toreare buodrwlx of auri gnilcmfn it. y#w Yofk whn have hifi thr hair reitorH bv the ns f thi Inviorator, rben ;11 ntbfr prepamtfnof liad fW, L. M. hM in hit; pOBMSftiDii tftttMUi Dtiume:Ui tfttifffn tn tbe tbore Faet, f rom eroni ■! the lng)ift rfne(M hilitv. It will effpctually prvon1 the Aaír.Vasi túrviif íiraij nntil tht ïatest #riorïnf Hf-; nd n '-upp.-. w'ryv tlie hair ha changa! iff ct'lor, the nv ofth lavtfmrati i wíl! wit'bVertft-tyty rMfr i ie (u nrvr hü-, giii(t it adrirk uloiijrMiiTn. Asajerfnneftii tbe tilfi in'! a Hair Ketoratitfo 11 is pnptaïir}y r(corrm'nded1 haviiig .-tii HjïMrblt' fraífmu, ?i;- t!ie rest '".icilitiPF it affoidrf ÍU th. kuit ivhe)l. v-hf;-; nvifií Wittl th Invtporntnr mu h drew'! in nny rrriuired form k ir to prN tvi.' its plust wVt-iher pi In i r in ctir!-- Brpé i ;..■ kirefti fl"m ind vr i' iiy tht isülas as n standard taitt r.rticU whioh non flujttit tn b1 without, as the rici ONLY TWJSSTy.FrWS CF-NTQ ptír bottl-, tn bv ha at all ref-pjcUbfc ruggUïï' and prfuoirs. I M1LLKB treuM o.-iH the BtíMilífin of ]'rrniF m-ó to ihp ui ftf Viii iriicnritr. In cp vtir t! chiMrons' (fit inclinas tn b rnlc. Tlir iikc rf it layn tho frmnd&tiaa for ■ c:'! hi of isfr nu i r.rmv(-t nnv [mpuriHffl fh;i+ my hiv benw onnntfí5 wíth tho ali. Ibe rem oval of KMi ; hícmíjii Tvith for ' henlth f the cliiH art tSií ÍVure jppeirt f r# tUlr. rTTT.-v. - "Sorio ernvivc vxihfv tï'iTar "'iHT' I.T'IB MIU.KRbffnïftn thpiifpr wrapi rr; íilo, I . 3JIIU!: ! HaïK iNVU.ítKAií'K. N V. WfMift p tv Vm. j-I Mroifaiït aiil í'rnsrsiVN thrótiar)ieu1 il-.1 wnrli. I .i ii ío i moni t. Am. ■i-icHjj Pu nliV mf New &Improvorl Instantanooitf Xiquid Hair Bye ■■hicli fcfter yr of i ií-i"iti ïüïsr I b' bronghi to nerfectirn. H it"jj ! Ijtck nr Kro p n-'t-ii t!y witl.i-mt in;iiry to the TTnir er S'.ijj v;rra:.i! tt h rt arliíí 'f th Vin-i iu rxjs'crcí1. TRICE OKI.Y FIFTY CENTS DEPOT, S6 DÉ'l' ?T., PV ï'!


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Michigan Argus