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NEW YORK LIFE INSURANCE COMP'NY. Aecumnlated Jan, 1860,81,767,133,24 MOIIRIS FRANK IJX,, J. C. KENTDALL, Vire President, PLINY FREEMAN, Actuary $100,000 DEPOSITED wifh the Crtmptroilorof the State of Ne4 Vork. Divideadtaver:ige4y per ctüt. annmilly. L S & 33T S - f.ivl, in Rank, SI .355. -Ui 1 ivesttKi in Hecurltie, created under tUe lawsof State or NVv: York aml of the ü. S., 258,870,79 Real Estáte aud Flxtures, Nos 112ndlM BrOkdmy 132,o 04 Boiurs nvr KorteagBa6rw1ng7 per et. interent 5S3,y9S.39 Xotes receiven for 40 per cent .of premíuraá on 1 i f o pohotas, bearing Interest, '; ■ 315-35 Quartorly and deml-mmnal premiums, due subsequontto Jaouary 1, 1680 0,550.38 InttTcst accruejup to Jau. 1, 1860, . 86.488.T7 Ronta accrut-ituptdjan. 1, 1S60, 1,708,84 Premiums ou policic.sin baadd of Agents, 26,(45.19 $1,7S7, 133.24 nri Wells and Lkwitt, IWira! Bwminer. 743t'f J. GILBEKT SiniU, Agent Insurance Agency 1 C. H. MILLEN T TH "■' 0F.NT for-the folloin? ftrsi clas companies: I)J(-, IXSUUANCK COMPASiV, of New York Cify.- Capital an.l Surplus, SI. 500,000. CITY FI51I3 IXSl'RASCE COÍIP.VNY, of Haif -Capital and Surplus, $400(100. CONTINENTAL INSrilACF, CO5IPANY, oi New VurkCity.- Oni:t ..I and Surjilos, $100,000. iThree-quarteraof the Dett jjiplUtf in Compaoy is dividod auuually amoug ite-irttiiL-y holdcrs. ;. II MIJLEN. Aun Arbor, December 13, lS'iO; Coi778Couway Fh-e liisaranee Co., Ot' Conway. Ma68. Capital paidup, - $150.000 00 Asscts (Cash), - - 2G9.963 12 Liabilities. - - - 16,440 03 D. C. Rogers, Jas. S Wliitney, Secretar y . Prei ident. DIRECTOFIS. 1 S.WIIITNEY, L ÍSODMAN, W. BLL1OTT, R HOM LAND.D e McGILVKAV, E. D. (ORGAN WAIT BBMENT. JOS1AI1' #KT,IS. A. Tí' BI" 1,KN W. U. niCKINSON, W T. CI..WY, O.C.HOGEIW. - tui Arboi' HfffrciirosS T)r. E. WEI. LH. L. JAMB3 h. TiorGE, KNOCIIJAMKP. CAPT. C.8. GOOniflcH J. W. KNIGHT, Asput.' á.nn Arbor, Michigan. THE PEORÍA MARINE & FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, OF PEOIÏIA, ILLINOIS. Capitaf, - - - SSÜ0.000 one of ffie HKAVIKST, S KKST and BEST Insurance Co'8. ti t lio U. S. Iusures on reasoaable ternis, Uld al rayRjpav promptly. There is no better Fire hiuiauc Cyiuiuy. Money Wanted, W U o v i 1 1 L e iï cl M o n c y T. IAMRÈQDiaTED ÜY SK.VEHAI. l'KRSOXS to obtin money for tljem at Ton Per Ceiïfe Iiterest, (Or More.) For anv ooe wiUing to Icail, I can at oihh inve1 on good uiii-iicumbervl aboiulant REAL ESTÁTE aecimty mj mmi of money and see that the title and security are au. uiciit. The borrower pa ving all expenw, ucludüig". K. W. MOROAN, Ann Arbor, Gct. 7. 1859 715tf General Land Agency PEUSONrf wantini: farma,or roaliinceu n orodat Aan rbof,caii by calllnguome tolccifroma Hm of over I OO Karma Kor SalJ OfvarioUbstücstrom TjtG i;J0"Hcr'f!ich;aome as goodsanv'nthisConnty.) Mornthan .10 Dvvfilins Hïtnsr.s n: nliOity,fromtwn 'madreii lo ijurthousajícdoarteach : an d ovor 2O iKJILDIWG rOTSJ A mo n g t b o f n r m a aro the Blthcusiarm i-'ÏOOncre, the iottr farm, in (iroenOnk, e-W# PlnctM'arm, a i ) nerf, the BlandOn nná Jnnks farfflt; i q Wobster; th stabSs, Michnl Clancy, Newton Boeifnn( and Fnltflhai fnrma. in Anr rbor; Kinj;s1ey'4 farm, in thrt ffitch nmï Hlnfc' farms i'h1 I-odi:tbe l'íttricíc "Ifiyufftrm In Freedoro; W. R. PavUnn, B. (ï. Raker -e nnl Bulíii farms lnSy]van MostM th'ïsf1 Tiany btbers oaa be Jivldodto uit purobaaeri " - ■■- - E W--1IO IGAT. AnnATUM, Jrn lt . 1836 53 i Á BE xoír upiLNi.'O. m...-- F::i)'i n m.isiiKi:.l AXii M.iuubicUrr,!! mil CoinpMvsKick ot LAW Sí. MElíJC'AL UOOKN, School iuohs, MUcellancous Baakti Blank liooks. dan statiowery: V1Í :r.' Whs.í k I';, ,,.v, Drairing and &Tatltematlca] InstruMeate. Mosii . i irnile IJbrarigs, EuvbljDpcs, Ink&jnd Cal -. ; i,r { other kind of Pens and Penáis U'ii:.luvv Cornioe, Si}iaU's ani l'ixtiirc POCKET CUÏLEKY! Aiul fvv. ;. :u:-i ;■ ni-i-taininj; to Ilio trad, and move U wJH9ttbè] wiiu Ui i ii vite theuttemion t the country. biconduating out busínoBK, we wballdu all tiiat enn heMone - tlial nó rpbsooable paan, woiuru or chiM sha II :imi utiy faalt. ii,,-.s:.. ., ■ ■■icilities which will ennble us to phpplj Liïwost Possiblo Fiofiircs. Tp propio tofvllfar RKAHV lAY aiö stuall afaDC6. ''f i iipct a [ítufit cid ou r oortí-; .■ but Oash Salos will Adirrft of Low FIGURES. V, bare ongaod urvieM ol JAMES F. 9PJJJMNG, Visitin?, Wiil ding and all nlher Cards vorittm l order, wilh neatness and dispaíeñ, fyy nt.ii' or otherwisc. Tlic "Kmi':r:-: BoOK Stokb," s mannpfl bv n Erond 'crew.' il Tin y -. l.t' fbunü r:i thf "iiujirtt-r deck,' ■e1y -.'; n - tö attenato al] wifh pleaisure, whd wil) ::ivor tliCru wttb a cali. licítwenibef t'nc "Empire Bocík StoFe.'T JAMKS R. AVEBSTER & Co Ann Artior, M:iv, 1S60. 7Jf ANTOIÍER 4ÈL A ARRIV'Al AT THE ÍWf OLD AND RELIA BLE CLOTHIWt EMPOUITJM!! Se-M1 3 PHCENTIX BI.OCI5:, MAÏX STREET. laitjiial r'turii':'l Frím thc Eatrn ('Ltics, witb a larg md desiráble stoütE of F ALL ÁWD VVINÏEJÏ Ci E -Ö : A A í iriicb he is uow uiTeringat uuusually l,Oe 2PRICESÏ Araoog liis Asöortnicnt may he fouod BROADCLOTITS, CASS1MERES, DOESKLXS, & YEBTHSjBS, uf all tlescription", ci.ic:;illy for FALL AND WINTER WfiAR! "bidt bc is cuiiiiiL fiixl rr.akin to order, in Ihelatest and besi silü, UjfeolUer wiUi a. superior aásortment of READY HADE CL0TR1NG! TKÜXÈS CARrirr BAüS, 17MBREIXAS, and 'Gentlemeii's Furnishing Goods, with niinicrous othiT articles usuülly found ia sirai'a: t'.-Jtituliï-litnuiU".. Afl ANEMPUPIUM OFFLSHION, the ul) -erib'T I!:if. tr-r Ivmself, that his lonL experlence and genera lucccRs.irHlenablehliD to giro the greatwi -;itisf:if:tioii i. . uist hiuiiu the way of manufaeturiu' L'arnJii!3 to order. ïjjjrtl " IV M. WAGNEB. Ho for the Mmmcth C'absnet t are üoom. MARTIN & THGMPSON, Elegant War e-IJ o o m KA.-ï aLDEOF MAIN STREET, A complete Rtock uf ÜOSEWOOD, MAIIOG AJS Y ÖETB OK PAL0R PURNÍTURE HKXVMKG Sofas,Tctc a-T ■ Uohoganr Woort, Black Wal nut, rïuin ana Slarble 'JVippecl IIQSKVVOOD, ULACK V.AI.MT, FAXCY iSl) COlTACi: CITA1R3, &c, &:., Sc, Se. ■m zr jbí e 9 Elegant Mi:::;;)!; . :: RRAUS.SECRËTARIES. Complet BEU R'OUil SETS, INCLUDING LATttíT STYLES, -OKMATTEESSES Oftlio beirt qnatitjr ah1 WITereat Material In Fact thoy ïl.ivc Kverythlng with wbich tu turüibh PARLOK, ' liClCDOJR, S1TTLVG ROOM.. OK KiTHEir, AND OÜR CTTHTETiTS NEED NO luuger go tu DQttoijl cv elewbcre tu tiuJ u large aseortmout. Thi.s FURNITURE tnusul bë "h anti wïll Ije sold st ■ V E R Y L , O W QUICES! jjLg Let every man and UU urgoiüg to bc wifi COJÍEAÍÍD SKK. T!,.yalso have a 11 KA RSE ÜARRIAGE, And irf iil'.vay r'.v tö attvnd to the buriii) of the ileaJ i ii the Cit v and ad, viQtng -.untry. Wiire-lio'tm t' ■.-.lAv of Maii) r-treet, IwtWKQ Washington and Liberty O. M. MARTIN. émïSfl " Cj.B. TflDltP3ON Ilaagstevfer's lilocïc. DEA N T$c CO., INVITK att-m:on to tboir oew stock compviing aïl Ui:n!fi of C:ocKery, Glassvare, Lamps, Gas Fixtures :tnd :Imse-fuv;jislii:i,: 'nls,all of vhiota t!i]y are oll'i't ing At the Loweat I'ossible lïates. Frcncli Cbniii T' ■■■■'■ Kom $5 00 to 20 00 French ('liina dltmer sets frora 25 UO to 70 00 Sl.nii: china Tea wts In-m 3 50 to 6 00 Stonechina .liimor si isfrcim 8 .'0 to 2(1 (.0 ;lass EerAMhé Ijinps oomjilote fruni 37% to G2}á Mttrblc K' r'-in !.-in) complete Irom 80 to 10 00 Fluid I.-impt. from 18 to 6'Ï1A ■ 4ïy Irfimps of all kinda alteretl and repaired. Slimmer Hill Nursery. THEODORE. R. DuBOIS, PROPKíÍíTOTUjFTKK.-L'MMKKTíILI. NM'IÏSFIIY. ANX Arii Mich.,Í8 aoW ícady torceiveorílerfor êall and Spring Setting:, ïi orders f r Friiif and Orn&tne&tal TVeeS, Vines, i Shifctftc , vrü! bc li)Klf rni thql}8l Eaatorn Nurseries, nu) hiBTptrsonal artt oti m .vill bo givea to tite Rcleetiffa and Bliingtheaame. Hartog been regalarly edñeated in the NursiT' l'n-i'i's. i cooñdent tlmt with prompt attetftiori, aii'l ntvtet honetttj and intcgrity fie 1 wiil bi' ab ■ itisfactiou to every one confiiog tlicir orders t him. Allf;irmirs oi lYnit irr'iwrrü IDdo wéU to give hlït) a cali bOforoopflrinc thronghftther parties. ■ C He woulfl refe tomony cttizenaof the City anl Cocntr wit o purchasrüof him the puft Spnng for the o,uaüty of trees brouhlon by him, as wellan fi ti9 jynod ordtt in ' whk'li tbf) wcrcrccch L-d anddelirct4 ■ SOím'i ; GliËATBARGAilS AT ; Maynard, Stebbins & Wilson's. VITE HAVE AOAIX RKPI.KXISIIK]) OIT. STORE W1TU ' V the ïncjt iiifiiiiiVf tuelï ot o o :os 'In! W.YS cv r niïvivi n aoy pna eirtablijttiméat ie iUiu-, all af tvliicli è offer tir OgCD OJi [p 1 O (jjj O g is luw ;is cm bc found in the Cniou We want Moncy ï ui'l will inake (ïreat Sacrifices on Anyiliiiin TTefiave to obtuïü it, not cxceptiag O LD KOTES AND ACC0UKT5 We cordially invite ALL CASH CÜ STOMERS 1 1- ftall ftml exawiiae our Goods anü Trlcea. We alai invite au1 Prompt Paying Customers toconw n;il Imv tl. "ir Hnppliea for IlieWiotpr. Tó thos( li:i]if ui miotliHt ara afrala to cali, we iy tü thiun.takt COuruKü SIüIXjXj Your 'TOHEAI ■vithout Innger waitiig for hlghcr pricdycome iö, old scores, and the at such prirés as ivil] ni.kc np II losse It ia h;irdl nectsssRry to raiaimwlo om CkoiLrl'ur We have Every thing ! A large assortinent of CARPETING, CKOtKERY DRY GOODS, MEDIINE8, GEOEBIES, FAJNTS, 01 LS, ÏTATJ, CAPS, BOOTS, SI1OES YANKEE KOTIONS Lc., &c,, &c. O[LIL 53E) OHEI yOS (71510 MAYKAKD, STtUDIXS i V.'ILSO O - T3 Xj I S S FtiU in the Field! wrrn a LAllCrE STOCK of GOODS ie inv ctirccl frona New Vork. Bosion, a:iil tlie Manufacturers! Iihave juiit recetad ;i lare .lul -.veil r.electedassurtiiK'i of CLOCKS, VATrHKS r m -vr e i. :eï "st SILVER &PLATEI) WAKE, i Musical Instruments, Table ai d Pocket Cutlery GOLD PENS, And n great varicty of Yankee 25oc;od8. te I wouldcall particular atteutiun to my large stock of of Gold, fcilver, Steel, and Platud, with PFR SCOPIO GLASS A.superiorartMe, andagrm varictjr of arUolea in the line. CHEAP for ZJA.SH. Penone haratg düloult walohesloflo mthglaiw, tiin bo aceoramodated aa my stork is lange and complete, 1' .'S l'artlculrr atti ti.'ii faii ftlic EEPAIEING of wil timlü oL Kmo Watches, sucli u Making & Setting1 New Jewels, RHIÜNS, STAFFS and CYLINDF.RS, also CLOCltó, AND JE'vELUY, Neatlj Repalred and wairaiited. C. BLISS. August 28, 180P. TfiSli EtfEW Gr O O I &,. WLES & KNIGHT Are now rcccivingtlieir SECOXD and Siuniuei STOCK OF GOUDS Iu consequence of the Great Pressure in th? jsa:cTxnï"S" 3vr aulk iii JJLr we have been ennbled to parchase uiany kind of GooiU at our own prices. TVre can sell ino8t kinds of DRESa COODS for LES1 THAN WAS PAID FOR THE SAME KIND OS GOODS in New Yorr s r x w k e K fl s i n c e -. ■ We invite Ihe attention of all to an inspejtion }f our stock. VVITES & KiMGHT. My 10, 1861. j UNl'ARALLELED SUCCESS SECOND ARRIVAL - r_ SPS.ING 5c SXT3VE3SCEH Gr O O X S - AT TUK- ZBswtvs.iox' Store. A.. P. MILL3, PROPRIETOR. (i.'Ojs b'iiiiiiii nu il er panie pric.-s. -■mí 'sola at priceit that willmake hard íi'iics come aijain no -more ! Fa ets for the Peoplc -OF"W ARHTENA r - 'N'D- iAÜJOTMING COUNTÍES! And their numorous questione ansvered. Why ís Emryharhi trading at the "BAHMSR STORE? '-Becautt A. P. MILLS, the Proprietoroi tbat Ebt.nllisliiiRiit lmsjust retuiucd trom tli Easieru Citieswilb the Lwg'iiU iavaéomettt, Cheapèst, and Most Attractivii tiluck f Sl'APLE ANDFANOY Doy f'ftñnQ! ver brought to this part uf tho State. Why is E'ccryïtddy ptcusetf tctfk kis Stock? ïecause Üisstyles are oaore boautitul, quallty bette r,nnl nices lower ihun ut any other store iu the county. Vhy has he always Snmtthing New and Cheap tu Show? ïtcmise lio hitsa frlond coönected witli M4 oC tho l:i: -■ i: v :■■'.. ■ 1 [.--i-i -in New wftrt i! Dniiiuudv 1 HOBRING ROUND for ehcap bargains and lata tyles, fts Ihey appear frnm time to time anl íttthia v,- y í'M'i lisnv s ii ppií'vl ivitli fy!'.1', and consequníí' cusoni'-rs can always find somethlogFresh, KEW CIIEAPand DESIRABLE Why does ne sell so muck Cheaper titan the rest? Becíiusc he lina n. buvcr in the city all the time to takt a Ivantage of the continua] change of the mnrket, ;im in thut way buys bis goiuls mm-h cbeaper ihau othcr c;in, and tïiec lie tnatkfl fhein down to the WA y does he sell Ladies' and Childrens' Skoes so miteh htnper than was ever kcard oj bij the oldes Skoemaktrs? Bi'cause lic buys bis stock in me lainl f jlioemakers, o: the manufiictniors. foily '2Ct por cent cbper Ihan Uil Nevv-VoFk Jobbers selltncm, and rouch bettor work tluin they jcuwaUy keep. Uiís course eñables him to boU i bet ter Gaiter for 35 Cents, than othersscü at 50 ceiit!t,aud a beíter FtíXED GAITEP at 50cèuts, thaó otliere seU at 75 cents. Ifas Tit any flats and Caps? Vesfl filiould thinb he has stack of thom, enough to tapply the State, ut priCM lowcr thau was ever Uoardol round these patts. Wliy i& hi Tea $o much better for theprzce %ay than you gel at OTher glacé ? Bccause ho takes groal c:iro in suloctin it, and giveshis Cuslumeis the benefit Of u real goud 75 ceut TEA FOR 50 CENTS, It is a w "- bafgot Wliere sjmiihl you 90 t(r gel yoar CLOTHS and huve tliem Cut or Made? TotheBAXNKR STORE, where Ihc Tcople's Banner il anfnrledfor the Pcoplegood. Smith .si Ju of PabUo Square, a few Jours west ofCuok'i Hotl. A. P. MILLS. Jnn IS, lgai. 760tf PATÉETE! KovemKr Ist,í859 _r_TI1K UEASURES' Ï&& íjV A, the distance _J-L1 tyWn rnind the Ncck. . nk B to b the Yokc yp'" I T D to D, Seüraoe j m aruund the Body 1 H _; r al the Arm-pits. I! T ■ I U.i E t E, the J1 i [englh of the PatinU'ii impioved ImciicIi Yo!, e SHIRTS. PaTENTEDNOV. lst. 1859 A New Style of S irt, warranted to Fit iiy oendtng tur above moúnrefl peí' mail'wo caninir antee a perfect fit oí' ur oew Blyle of Shirt tnd rotuin by exprés tu auy parí l the UsUed Sttes, ;U $. $15,$1S, 5'24, .Ve , íc, por doten. N"o ordor forwarled fr It'ss tiian 'hiiif-a-rlnz n Shirts Alm Inipuríersiiud LV:iU-r in UEK'S FURNISHIKG ÜOODï. ijí, W.iolesalc tr-io snpftlíM'íin tho usual terms. BAÜOU BSOTHERS, SOOtf 4UJ Brtfadway, ríe York. _ LOOMIS & TRIPP, Succt'ásors to Cliapin & Loomi.s.andCbapin, Tripp & Loomií : I ífíR aliovc íirm oí' lxmiis & Tripp havincr purchnset I tiu cn'irr íntortist of the formcr ompanies wiL COnilQ l bu :it tí.1 cl.Wl'iii'ls, '5ic:t they wíl! bf rcady, on the sUortPït noticc, to üll all orders in thf lino of Castings and Machineryy :n the most maiincr, mul on as libera tarnM (W anv other ihoj) Intlio Stute.Among tle vari oua :i iiiclesinaunfacturccl liv us, we woukl enumérate TEAM KN(INKS of all kimU; Mili Gearínj nnd Fixtures, wroughtaad casi, allthe various castiugí lor mnking and riiiring II oree Powers & Thresbing Machines suefa as are at present, or hnve formerlylwn in ase in tíiis part of theotate, as well as all the various kinds if casting ft ml macliiin' vrork calle! for by farmers and mchanic intíiis section of tho ebno ty. nf ai the va;ious pattenis, ti p in -sizsandprices. 11 he kf.t i.u)itant)y orr hand, got the most niodern and irapro ved stylcs. Tliftnkful for formor patronage to the oíd firms, we would solicit a continuance from oíd friendH,an(l atrial by all. wish ing fora nything iuour lineof business. LOOMIS ít TRIPP. Ann Arbor.tfav 18Ü1, 1S59. G97tf A. DE FOREST, Ahvays alieadin Low Prtees HAVIXG REMOVED MY ISTOKE to the East Ridc o ?.n TdOt) "ne door novth of Guiterman's. I aui qow receivitig New (Joottsj eottipnslng all kinds of Groccries, Fiuils, Exlracts, GUfiware, LtlDps, Lookiüg GÜMSN) Tabk-Cutlery , ilver-platei Goods, A:c., LOWEK i HAN EVER ! French China Teata, from SI SO to ÍS 00 Kniicii China Dinner set, from 20 Co to 30 00 ítóne China Tea St, from 3 00 to 450 8tno China Dlunír Seta, from 6 50 tolGSO Ili:.uitil"iil ülajís üoblets, 200 irílozen (lass Ker'jsi'iití 1 jiui)s from 37 to 6tJ Miiibl; Koro.sene I-anjps from 75 to ' 00 Fiuiil lAlnps ]G to 50 Kerosene Oil, good qnality, 80c pergallon All otb.LT Gtoooa at Oorreaponding prices. j(KS" L4mps of ftll kim iRerriland íepaired. I'eoplos Store, 799tf A. De FOKEST. New Remedies foii S V E RHATORK I! CE A HOWABD ÁbSOCUTION, HHILADELfHIA! A Be nevotev: íiutílutipn c$ífíblsird bv tpmal wifíWKtvnt for thr. reltcf of itt S'cli titd DiBtrcspeed. ajflicttdioith Vim-fn and C'unm'n: Dhensua, and csprnaüy for Ikt Cure of Diseasts-of iht. Sexual Orains, MKHICAL ADU:E given gratis, by Ihe Acting SurEteon. VALUADLE RSPORTS on Pnerma(orrhoea. añil othor DlwtMfcaf th 8iul Orna) ■ ■ th NKW RKM■J'i!1! omplojed In tbe Dis] -i;-:uy, sent in Boftlftd I6tt8f pnvelope", frtíft if chart'1. T lor tlircí tnmp for KKtage accoptjrtli!. Addre, Pr. J. SKII.LTV HOfGHrox. lloward Awociatíon, No 2 S. -Nintli ., l'hil;idolphia, l'a. lyouiAyeres Gherry Pectoral GftEAT.GREATER GREATEST BVUGilNS EVEIÏ OFFEREÜ 1859. ÍS.859. Iu thisCity, ;iro uow beiug offercfl iit. tli: CHEAICLOCK,WATCII, & 'Jevetlry Store 'TM!'1 ShbscriHor wou].] Kny to thr eitïznn o) Anti Ar1 b.or.l particular, And the ret )l" VVnbienaw rnnnt' Inponm-ní. tfc;ii heliásfust IMPOKTKO nï RËCTLY trom KUROpK.e Treinend ous Stock of Wat ches! Al. o! which hp binde liimu.-if tr 8H1 CHBAPKH tb ai can bé bottgbl w' of Kw Vork ('ty. Open F are ('yürnitr W vichea trota ftij to Si' dn do Lever d do f to 2'[luujJng'Cww do do io H to 3." ifo Ta uyliader do do 9 to 2è Quíd Watche frora 20 to i5 1 1 ave aluu me CELÉBRATE!) AMER'CAN vV AT CHES, wblcfa I wil} 5eií ttr é3ü. Evtírj Watch warranled to perfunn Wfïll, or th tnunïy teintidóA. Cloclig, Jewrlry. PiatcJ Ware, Fincy GooíJb Gold Pen. MusitNtl Instruments and Stri(p, Outlery, Are, ;nd in Inct n varicty ofovr-i-y 'bituf uii]l krpt jyJow tl.Ts pmij br ('"ujihifor hft nfxt iiinity fhya ut v-'ur O W N P R 1 0 E 8 ! Persona buyinir fiiiytïiincr flt this wcll ttnown pstah siirjii' ui cim nly uijoii 2'Hting goofls exact'y as rep tetenfdiOTti&möfify rerunded. umi -!■ cure the tesi bureaint i'vur otlrn-i' in ity One word in renard to Rcpainnr Wearf pn-parpd tomi.krai.y or com moB Watchcs, evpnio m kiiu'cer lbo eutlre watcb il m-riaTj. Rcps-nnK "f Cloekg Knit TfXtoln a ntnal. lo the raunufactorine ot EtNQP üROOf'H or nuylhiiiK ili-sirnl, from Cnlif tmín (olí) onaboitnotlB. Eiierayipo in nltitsl ranches'-xot-nfed wit] ncal nes fiii(J didpatch. J r w TTÍ5 Am: Arbor, Jsn. Ogth ISSft. "Hw ÍK) RACE WATERS AGENT 3 3 3 It r o a d w a J , N w V o r !■ Publlsher of ?In-lr mi,! .IIiiKlt ünoks AND DKALKI: IX Piiinos, MelodeOQB, Alexanclre Org:i:iOrgan Accordeons, Martjii's celebrateti :md other Guiturr?, Vjpliae, Tenor Vio]?, Violindellus, Accordeons, Flurinas, Flutes, Fifes, Triangle?, Chili mettf , Timing Foiks.PipetanclHammori, Violin Bows, bent Italian Strinsrs, Bass Instruments for Bands, Piano Stools, Biné cover?, and all kinds of Musical Instruments. ÍS lx o o t 3&X xi S i o, f "rom all the pubhshiM-s in the i'. S., Bertini's Huntin's and Modero Schoof, and all kinds of IUstrnctïon Booh fof the above mstruiiKMits Chui'ch Kluste Books; ?-i.!-; i-Iciutly b-mud; MujíÍc paper, auü all kinds ol Mu.sii Uèrch&ndlae, A t t heLowest Prices New Pianos, At S175, S200, $225, 250. and up to $800. Secoud llhuv Pianos Irow SU.Viui-t. öir.o-. v.-.v Ut-!;..l,.,.:;s s-5. $00, $75, SlOO, and up W $200; Setiond Hand -Mdoileonfrom SóO to $80{ Aloxamlrc Óigaos, with iivi' stijs, SKio. niue Btopn, $lSi aiirl $225: thirteen BtopS] ii.":), $75 nn S300; fifteen stops, SJ20 and $-'i"5; A liberal discQubi to Chsrgyinen, Churca, Sabbath Schools, Seminarlcfl 'and Teachers. The Trade supplietl at the usual tradt■ liscotuits Testimoniáis of the Horacc Waters Piano lid Mclotlcons. John Hewett, of Carthago, Xow York, wlio 1iis ha3 onp of th11 f [iiïMcf Waters Piaitbs, writesafl follows: if A. frieml of miny wishes me to :i pïaoo t lier. ifliv likes the one yon sold me in December j I85ñ. My piano s bocomin popol&r in íhis place, and i thbik I can introduce one or ttfo more; tlit-y will more poj ü- lat than any uther inake." ilWe have tvro of Waters' Pianps in use io ov.r S't-niinurj, oce of wliich has been sevrrely testr-d for thrte vcars. and we eau testiffto thelr fpood quality a'd Iura bility.7' - Wood & (íregoVy, Mount Carroll, til, "!I, Waters, Esq. - I)kar Sik: Haring nsod oneof your :.:; Fortes, for two jears past. I have fonvd H a very superior Instrument. Ai.o.vzo Okay, Principal BtoySfyn Hewhts "The l'ïano I reoGtvod froaa jrou coutinnes t- glve ;itisfjittiin]. 1 regard tas udc of the best in Uu i];n.3 JambsL. Clarkk, Charleston, Va. 'The Ifelodeon has sáfety arrived. I feel obligeii to ym. l'ory oor discount." Rev. J. M. McCoJEUnCk, YarqjtcsviilcS C. "The pi aio waí dtily receivod. Iteáffin :n excfllenl condiüoiij and is very much admired by my numerou t;iniilvi Accept my thftoka for your proiniituess." - ROBKHT Coofkr, IVarrênham, Bradjoed Co. Pa. "Vuur piano pieases us well. It is the best oue iu oui county, ,-l aovas A. Latkam, CampbeUtov, Ga. "We are Ferj rtiuch obliged to yu fot bavfng sen! SHch a fine instrument for $-50." - Bkane.Hlld & Co.. Iinffalo Dr.riocrat. "The Horaco Waters Pianosare known as MttOBf Ibfl very bt'tit We are onabledlo speak of tbesa Instruments witb confidence, from personal knowledge ff thcñ t'i-i-!l'Mii time anl durable fni.'tlity." - ,V. Y. Evan#eli#t "We can speak uf Ihe merits f the Hornee Waters pianos f rom pomooal knowledgo, u baïog the perjf Soumi qOftKiy." - Chrislan Int ei tijeneer. "The Horace pianos are ouiltof the bf ftt au'1 noosi horouglily seasoned m&tertal. uae na doubt that huyera can do Mwcll,perhftp8 better, ;it thfothas at any otherhouse in the Union," - Advócale, a id Journal. Vfetera' pianos and melodeofis challenge oomparfaon with tli Anést mu-ïe auy where iu the country." - Homt Journid "HOToe WaíOTS Piono Fortes :re of TulT, rich am! cvi1!! tone, and powwfül - .V. Y. ftfusicnl Ësotem. "Our ffiendwlll finr!atMr. Wbte1 store thq c bLs1 Hss'ortmcnt of Muic ano! of Pianos to bo f uu ml in thi' l'nitM States and we urpe our soutuern nml travtern fronds to cjive hiin a cali wheuevt'r they go to New York.' - Grakam's Magazine Warehouse 333 Broadway, W. Y. Sa b ba t h S ch ooi Bell. ï OO OOO issrctl In ten Motiths. The unprecclentPil ale of thisbook has ïwJucert tbe pubwher to aáJsome 30 new tuncsund liyiuns ioita presi-nt izo, without extra charire, except on thecBea) eBi. tion Among thovftoy bc:tutiful tunes and bvions addd may be fbund; - "I onght to loye ooy moilicr;" UO 111 bp a good fliil! . iïll 1 will." These and eight othei'M from the Bell, were song at tbs Snnday ScfaoolAnniver' v;nv of the M. E. Chtirt-ii ït the ácademy of Music, with great applause The Bell cortains nt'ariy '200 tunes and ivnin--, and r. one of the best colleotionfl 0WiaHad l'r :■■■ ',,;, $J0 wMjhundxed, postage 4c ElegaDÜy bound. emboüsed gilt, 'lóc $"2fl per 100 It has been introduced iuto n:any of the Public 3ehools. The e -1 pubttshéd in sioal] aambttra entïtlcd Anntrorsary and Sünday School M isio Books, ■■■ ; 4, in order to aocojnnicKÏatQ the milüon; i rice Í .v S:; itói hunüred No. 5 v soonbo Uswéa - commöue&mii ol another book. Also, Beviyftl Uusio iïooks, No, 1 4 , price SI íc $2 per 100. postago lc. Hdre tllaa 300,000 copips of the abovü books have been issuod the past efghteoD monttla, and the demanrl israpidly increasin. I'ublished bv HORACE WATERS, Agent, 333 lïr'udvay,X. Y. Publisod by Hor ace Waters X. 333 Broadway, cw Yorli# Vocal ''Kinr! Words can neverdic;'' "The Angels told rae so;" "Wilds of the Wort;" "Thoughta of God;" '"Gira rae back niy Monntain Home;'1 "i)ay Oreams:" (tDaudv Coclf BobiDj" "l'm with thee still; "Pet na mes j' Í "There's no darilng llko miru;" "Soiah J.xne Lee;lJiiEver of thee;" Ml'm lenving thee in Sorrow;" "Bird of Beauty;" "IlomO of onr birth;" rtGra.Tfl üf Kosatel,'' and LV:iki lady, wak,',' price 25c each. 1 IxrïTKL'MKNTAi.. - ( 'I'alace Garden, or ininjï Bird Polk' 4Cc; tSwtnghqf Bchottteche;" "Mintbcl Sobottisch;" 'Thomas Bkerfn Schottische;"' "Hceolomtoi Polka, 35 cfiïts each. The übotepreoes hare beau tifal VTgnettee "WelmerPoöa;" líAraWan Wm cryHárcÜ,' the vcry last: "Vassovianna Donlellfl hfaxurka; "Rea-l: injt Polli.i;1' ''Crinoline Waltz," and "Laocore1 Qua drille," 25c -aeh. "The Kmpiio of Reich's Quadrille;" a new dance, and "The Biberoian Qnadrille," önceach. Manv of these pfecefl are played by Bakert oelebrated ocohest ra with great Mailed free. A La-rgelot of Foreign Music at half price. planos, IWelodeons and Organs Tö Horoce Waters Píanos and Melodpons, for depth, purity of tone and durability, are unsurpasseJ. PrfoM vory low -ccond Hand'Piauos ftnd Melodeons fronj $25 to $150. Music and MusicElInstriictiouR of all kinds, atthe towest nriees. UORACE WATERS, Agent, No. 338 Broadway.N. V. Tkstimoxiatíí; - "Tlie TToracú Waters I'ianos are known as amoiijr tlic vory bot.f - Evangelist. "We can speak of their merits from personal knowledge." - Christian Inteütgcncer. "Nothingat the Fair displaycd greater excolience -" - Ch urch man. Wters' Pianos nnd Melodeona challenge comparisou with the made anywhwoin the country."- Home Journal. T19tf Irving's "Works - National Editiou 'pHIfi Fine Edltlon of the Works of Washington Ia l visa (including the life of Wa.shiiigt.u.) vill be pubis hed for SITBSCRIBBRS ONLY In Montlily Volumes Price $1.50 Puyable on Delivery. Beautifully Printed on heavy suprfine paper, of the vt-rv !'-t quality, and substantially bound in heavj bi'Vu-'l boards. O"Each Volume illustrUer] with Vignettet ou Steel and Wood. jTfl KüTckeriockeir'S New York, Sketob Huuk, Cloth. Columbus, 3 vuls. Bracebridge Hall , Astoriu, Talos of a Travoler, Crayon Miscellaoy, OapF SoñnevíUoj Oüver Goldsmith, Uahomel voIb. Greuado . Alhambrft, Wolfftrt'a Roost, Mt't' ff WafthíhgOB, 5 vols. Palma?undï. Thiso'lilinti will be nld KXcrrsivET.T to 5uDCnbet( nnd vvill iy grfatly superior to aay bcÓt"O isued,A vul y haq Is me set ijf these natvcr-ally popular work, i th rlaced within the an r all - & i. PUTNAM..ATK, Publiibet; j]5 v. . . ,Kn-,v York AYER'S Sarsaparilla TOS PURIFYING THE BLOOD. A ml for the spéedy rare of l. Mlowhig cuiiluliita: Sc rofii la iiiid Srrofnlong Aflfei tlon,rch iis Tumors, Ulcera, sores, Kiuutinns, Pimple, Puntilles, Blolclic, Bollg, Jil.iins, and uil sitin Uleeases. ■ sd, [nd., Btu June, 1869. . J. C. Avi:r Co. Geilt: I r-l il my dmv („ acknowledgo ii.ii. yur tursuiwitlln hos dou lor in. ■ ililii'lltfal n SciululuUS in I ictlull, I hllVtJ . Hum it i ti vurlous way for voars. Sometimos il buret ouc in Ulcera on inv bands and anus; miotimos It torn d luward nnd dlstieswd uiant lue atumadi. ïwo years ago i lrfce on.1 uu nu lieod umi covered mv seulp l.i-ra witli i wru. vvhrcli wiu painlïil aml beyoiid dwcrlptiou. I tlird manj medicines umi verul plijrskhUM, bul without nnu:li relicr Troui mj tlllu In tu, !, tlie OiaorUer grew ivoiae. At li-ngth I wiis ivjniccd tu u-ad in Uiu ;. .-;..■! Icusciiger ll,.,l ynu In, nniuutU au nltorattve (Samuparilla), tur i knewfioin out u'uutatluii Ihat uiiji tliiiiK .ni modo mus g(,uU. 1 siu i., Cinchiuatt anlg,it il, umi uaal il lili t cnred ma. 1 to..k t, as you mlviMt, iu alliull doM óf a teaspooDftll uvera mnnth; nnü uw! iillnust three boltli-s. ï bw nnd lienllliv skin oun baguii U) foim nndor llie scaü, wlilcli aflwi liiiefillull .My skin g uaw cli-ur, oud I know l.y inv Hint tbe iliaeaw bus sDnD lhiu uiy Bistum Yq c:ji wull beliava tlntl I rwl bivt I bui uyiug ivlien I teil yon, Umi I li"ll yoii tu lx ouo of IJio Matiaa ■! tbo okb m.I ii'iiiiiiii enT gmu-1'ully. ÏiiiA, Ai.i!;:: n. tali.iov. St. Aiilhouy's Flrej or Cryal pelas, Ttir nnd Snit Klirnni, Scald ileaü, Itiugivoiin, Sore liycs, lvoisy. Pjr. Koliert M. Prfble vrHtea from Salem, Ñ. V.. V-'th Si-pt.. l'si'j, t luit Ite linfl cilred au inveterftte case of Viois, whlcli ttirealened to teruiiuicto futally, by the pergeverlnK "se of aar iiiiiparilla, nnd umo ;i diiiiKt-Tous ' EryHpela by I.ikl''-1 doses nf tlie sanie; saya f.e rures the eonimnn Knipt ions i.y it coüstruitly. Uioiii lioille, Joitre or Swellcd IVccU. blilon Slimu ..f ]'i,,..„ci. Téxiu, willes : "itifco Imttlew of your Snratpal illa cured ipa ft-om a Giiitrt - :i hideous awalllng on the owk, wliieli I had niilTored íom over two yeara." LencorrUoaa or"l'lil(-s. Ovartnn Tumor, Utvi'ilie l Hnatioii, Finíale Uiseascs. J)t..r. H. S. riiiinnhiii, of New York Cily, vriUw; "I most cliMiTolly coniply tl, the reqneal oryonr agent In sjivíiií; I imve IblinÜ your Saisapurilla a excellent alt'-iarive in tin. nnnienms complaluta fur wlilrh we amploy sucli a remedjr. hut aMwcMIy in Diurna of Srrofiil.nis (iialhctiii. I have cnred inaiiy invetérate cases of Fxqionrrlian hy it, nnd enne where tlm coinplalnt waa ransed hy idcrutifm of Ihe Vlcrut. The nlearation itSdW was snon emed. Noliiin witiiin my knowledgo cquals it for these fenuilfi deraiigeoieats." Kdward s. Msrrow, of Newbury, Ala., wdtee, "A dnnaerou! ovarían tmmn' .n ono of the fenmlfs iu my famlrr, %■■ hi.'li had dptiud all tlie remedies ne could employ, has : It lengtn been eonipletely eured by your Kxtract of'Sarsaimiilla. physlcblll Ulought nothlng lint extirpatj'.n e ■ ijl.l aflbrd reltsfi bat be iflvhad Um trial nC .'.ur 3ai,i -i iltn ns last rt-wn-t bafore eHiMng. nnd ft provi 1 lliTiiiai. Aller lakbeysuT tanjedy elgbt weeks uo syniptom of Ilioiliwnae remains." Syphilia and Nercnilal Diseasc. Nkw OüLKANS, 26IIi AiibusI, 1859. Dn. .T. O. Aïr.n : Sir, I rhoerfnlly comulj Ui Ihe reipifst pTyödr agent, mul report, toyou aome of tho eflects I reallsed wilb your Sarapari!l;i. 1 cnred wltji it. in my praftire. most of tlie complaintn fur which it in récomineilded, mul hare iimml its effects trnly wotidwrful in thö cum of Vmerettl nnd Mrrotrtol Dittnie. (ïi f mv patlents had SypMlitic uloers in Iiis tlnoat, whicli were connomlng hla ualats and tho top of bla niüutli. Vc.ur Bonaparilla, steadUy tnt-n, curod hlni iu Bve weeks. Aootlier was itttackcd by secondaiy ayuiptoms In liii mee. nnd the ultoration had uuay !■;-' - : ■- 1 . fit, s.. that 1 b.lieve tho disorder ivould soon reacli bis Lralii and l.ill hiiii. Uut it yielded (o luy admiiiistratir.n of your 8arsaarill; the . ulci-ra healad, and lie i noli agalu, not of cóurse itliout ' ioin,, dlafignmtioi) to hls face. A woman who bad been forti lome dlaördtn l.y mercary mu miüesing fïoni iliis poMn in lier bon 'Ihey hall so sensitivo (, lbo w.alhir tij.-il cm u ilaiuu doy slio aulTered excruciuiiiii- puin in har jubila :ind banu. She, too, was curad enthely liy yimr Ittnauarllla in n few week. I kri-)W fioni its tbrmulu. wlml; ..ui ;i-cnt gwe J'ic. ll.:it lilis l'u-i 'iNiliuii frora jour hjuiiiiliirv musí he u grcat lenicdj; consoque-utly, these tnily remarkobls resolta ivitli it uave uot suiprised me. Viiitiinullj your, (. v. LARTBIBR, SI. D. Rlieumntlsm, Gout, I.Iver .C'omplnlnt. iKDCPEKSEHbi, Prestou Co., Va., tHli July. 1S69. DR. J. C. AïEn: SU, I Imvo beun aíllicted witll a painfnl curoDlc RheumaiiSM fur u long linie, wlilcll bafllctl llie ■kill of pbysiclans, and aiuck to me in sjiiie of all tho rnMSiea I could liud, untll I MM-ear Sareapmilla. Ouo bottlu cuicil nio in Mo weeB, and reatored my gonornl hcaltli ao mneb Umi I na lat keUar ihan bafcrel was attacked. 1 iliink Uunoiulerfvl medicine. J. 1'ltliA.M. Julea Y. Getchel!, of St. l.f.nls. (rritea: "I liavo lieeu aflliclnl for jeais witb nu agédtm "' llif. Livr.r, wliich ! ni)I heallli. I trii'il tivc-ry lliiiig, and every thiug fniled tü relieve me ; and I Jiave been a InoUc-ii-tknvii in:in for tome yeara from ao other cause tlinn ttmtngcmoitof . ■ . ■ i . )!j ÜelOTed pastor, the Hcv. J] r. Kapv, ad ise'j ic tutiy jronrSanaparilla, bennue hc snid lic kcew you, and any Uiing you miL'li: iraa irortli kvying. l'.y blessiugofüod it lias'cmed lue, aml basso puriSed my blood as t) make i oen man of mo. i fcel yoniig galo. Tho best tlit oali be Siiid of you ia uot half good cnougb." SclïImi.s.Caiirir Tttiiiors, Kiilnrfnieiit, t'Iri'i'alliin, Cnrlts aiul JËXfuliutio of the liunt-n. ■ KU ifly of oases liave licen reportad to us wliere cures of these foriuidnble complafuta have reaultod from the use of tbis remedy, bul sar anee hen ili nct a.imit tliein. Some of them may be fouud in onr Amiicaa áJjBanac, whítli the agents below Damed aro pleased to ftarnJafa jrratis to all who cali fur theni. Dyspepsln, Ilcnrt Disensr. Fits. Kplltpsy, Blclniiolioly, Nenrajgia T = i y ronmrkable enres of these KfTectiöna havo been Aade I'V llie uHeralive power 'if tbis mc-cliciiie. It :-tiinuUtteB vital riiDétlona Intp vfgozom aciicm, and tima overeomea Mmoien wliich v. .uld be anppeaod bojond trcacli. Bach a ramedy baa Ung been required by the neof the people, and e are cooBduit tkal thls will do lor them all medicine can do. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, ron tui; it.wm COeb of Dongl&S) ('Iils, Influenza, ïlonvscness, Ciii-;. BroucTtlils, Iiit-ipicnt SUtll i t :o, ir,O. ÍOV Iil icf of onsumpt i ve Pat itiits i 11 advaixcd Sin ges of tli e Distase. Thís isa remtdy so mtivomllv known to ny othcr f r tlie cure of tlimtt and lung comolaints, ;lmt it ta nseless hi ve lo puWish the evidence of ils vlifuM. lts unriviilk-it excellence tur cougba and cokls. and its tnily ironderfnl en res of pulmonar (HÍsease, hare made ft koowu tlirODgboat the civilized nations of earúi, Fi-w Ihe ci'iiiniunities, oi' evon families, amom: tbem who hare not somepr8ona1 experfence of lts effect - soniü livhiK tnphy in their luidst of its ictory over the subtle oud ditngerous dïsurdtTS of tlte thnat ati-1 Ii:i;l. As jiI] know the drcudfnl btalitv of Ihese disorders, and as they know, too. tho effecte of tli m remedy, we iu-ed not do moro tina to asMtre tlieui that it hns now all the virtucs that i' lid liave when nniUing [he cnrw Vfatcfa have von-so etiüiigly uptm tho couíidciiee of nmnkiiid. refdred by Dr. J. C. AYEE & CO., lowell, Mass. Maynard, Stebbiffs & W.iscn FAKlilXn, ?ITELEY & CO., Detroit. .1 l[ BÜRRILL, Travelling Agent. ,Hiile . F atcr y A. J. SUÏIIERLAJVD HASretnovedhisGun Sfaoptothe New Block n Huion stri6t ftoutli uf the (ïonri II use.oi tticiccond Hoor, when bo is prepared to furiiieh Guns, Pistola, Ammunitiön , FïasJiZ, Fe .. :hes Gaarne Bags, and Eyerj other ftrticle in bis Line. Ün tbo ui tl rcasonablf terzDB,ahdto dó nl' '■ ■ thehuritn[ice.aii(IlnrliR brfit mannei full ïs3.irtm uit alwnya fttpt on luind.ond made te urilcr. Oity Oheap Lumbcr Sa7 Doors BUndx, PL-tsfrr Paris Grand liiver Planter, Water Lime, Nadls of all sises, Glass, Paint and Putty, cfetf., dbc. , S, DeForest, HAVtNfi ncreased bie fncilitic lor doiig buelDfi! aurl enlarged his Yard and Stock, is propaiod the present aeaaon, with tï t bpa inrgest and cheareat aeasoneii stock everin this oisrttt to BRtisty the rnHsonnbl1 expeotations f alt. Om motto Ís not to be undersold Tor ensh on delivery I wit 1 not nndt'rtakrto frighlenthc public hy naying that tb v wil! pret aha ved it they uu y ülsewhere, tor we presume that othercwillsüllaalow aathey cun aflbrd to. All kuiils of Tiiuber, Jefets, and 3cantling, Piue, Whitowood, Basswood, Hem loek, Planed and M?.tched Pine, Whitewood Aeh Klooi ins-Plftucdand roneh Pin e and VVhitewood iiïiriü . i'c ic Post s, Oek ndCedar Poste and IMckets o! all kinds. JJtne fatl), anii UH)HcwooO C. J Vitic, Ashan1! Whitewood Shingleii, Barn Boards and Barn Flooi Plank Black Wrt-.iUt.ind Chorry and thin stuft', Wagon and BUGGY AXLES and TONG U ES, [ïoxniid Lïody Lumbcr, Mnpit; Log Tiniber, Ilickory, Oak, Ash, Sim, Beech, Of i!l;hicknc39CB,width3 fti)dlnnths)&.c. &c, Piaster Paris, and Piaster ofallllinds. lNTi.ilSI o!" all aizoB, c, Sic. 6'ASll DOOBS, & BL1ATDS, mado by hand to order os lowas factor y p rices, on he 8'nortoBtnutice by the beat of workmnn, and Best Seasoned Lumber. Bill f ofall Acscriptlop Ín the obove building line furnislied'Hi.!v-ïhorteBïof nólltê, t'fr We kave Mills Cutting Regularly. A ful' anda pétfect aetortment oftheabovo anc other krn! a o I liuilding Materials Constantly onhandatthi lowestpossible ratos Cali and be Convineed. A few rods soutli Jrnm R. R. Depot or. Detrmt Street.Ann Arhor, Mich. ROO F I N Q, N.B. - I am now operating Bxter.sivelj !n the Patent Cement Hoofing. Mortgage Saic. rUTAt'LT Iiuvia bwn in;ulc m tho conlifíon of a ' ■"■; :: -xfcuifd I.-, AiiffiiiMK. HU and wif .mía Maviiard. guardián fi.r ■ Fletcher raary, A. D. 1853, and reconied in the i fflce if I ..; Dceds of Waahtenav tiüty, tu Líber 19 of MortgAKf, r,n pnee 69 uM -.1 Vhircli A D. !Sö:i, it f.voo'clnck wenty-sï:clh dnroY August, A. D. 1R■ - ■!. witli the ■■ Gertiwle Kletcti'■■■■■■ i iicíl accww ; iLiiKÍ27tli A '■ : "■kA,M..l:v ivhicïnU: jiu!i ciii .r ■"■' ■ n --i I &írl ■ vc : ;l" ! ;' ■ i eu ïnstituted ai l&w ■■■ UUsecun-d iv ij MorigagQ.oi n' pari Uiertof; uní thenfim offmirrewi luindred höiï Mrfcntv!■ bo due tliertm. and bicorne lue Uieroon. Notice ïh ffHJtofore": ■ ■ ■ ■ tO-wlt ■ AJI thai ceitnhitrnct rjr'parcieof fond linown and decribéd .i. fullows. In v.;i - comroencing on the we.-t line ui Ham Street, T-.v.-nty two feëttwuth of ttte north-eaM p.uTitT ..' l'i nutnVr -.-vmi, Bloc X.i. tvo Dorth of ïluron Sii ■ Uiree. in tbe City. of, Ann .Arbor anTruhninq v. ■■■■: pi ralle! wrai Ihc nnrtli lino of said lot. and twcii'.y-Iww f.-ct rb.-refrnm. f) he west -i. ol ■ -M l't, tl . twenty-two feet, thenco eastpnrallej wita uw I:;)-. iïrJ ti'iit two fret t}iorffrtmito Mn)n streel the&ecinortb. twcol4wT feet tolbe placof boir'Uüinu' or si roe part tíiereoí ;it public vódun at ti-ie ('ourl IImií-, n Aun Ar : ;:!yjn tlie-Scvi-ittV dayot J' .- ml r k ntm on . JTAMES KIN'CSI.KV. A'}rn;n!-í.;it4.T wiïli WÜ1 aunoxfl,ot' Guitrutiu l-'lvtclicx fiecaa ed. E W, ■ Dat.i, .'...: hrbor, Aug Stb, A. Í. 1861. Morfgagë Foreclosure. been made in tlie piiymcnt ofrilii llast inslaliix.'iit RïCUMfl bjc a inoi-tpam' f.tcuted bv JmoesIL Murria wul M;t: P ,Ioms feuKI ■ daj tel the ür-i ilay of Jufy, A. 1) lT, nnd recorded in tbc sterfe office n tuccuiiiy of V:i.-l,trii:iwr i Libet ■ N ■ i o) i rtgages, a1 pag 67d, oi iho scovnd dav ol Jnly, A. r. 186Ï, atofleen minute paf 9 o'6lock,'A: M.f til t'-: power of sale poatyjnad in suid nvn!. operatlye, and bo snit or pro. .i-_' ' a iii.-;;hi'i-i Hla t' cMofO! ! ' . , tortgajn or ;iii pari lu reof, nw ho inm of nn.rliNii'lrctl ant sicvj dollars and sixty-three cents being noiy plaimed t'ü Be due :!■■ r--"!i. Ñotice U tlicreföft' iicreby eivui, f liat tLo Dflld im.riuii-.-p will be forech Bel by :i fea of mortwiti All t'ual eert ai n tïjict or parcel ■ "■'■"■ as ftrflows, r nrit : üeing n {i th uuitli-eatquaf4er of section o. twt'nt v-uhio in towpshin No. two soutb of rango Ni, sis east, bc- hos üOTtb of spontt t.r intersection ol a line . ■ centre of tturoa &rwt m f A : i : i Athor afórefeaïd, thence running éaét udt:l tt strikes thB-,eat1 df mid ssetien, tliencc wesl : and parallel wlth SHÍdline audfttreet ontUitstrlki t lam uwiiiii ï.v Klra. f'::. t u A.vil 1845, thencë nóHh liv -:ii-l Kullcr's la-.i.i a;bout thirtoeo rodï uutl '.t ti.rí ■ ■ t, thence.ooitb by sa ld Page Ptrec'1 tventy (Vtur r-tid-i to ï]ip ndrrli-v.tsr COTnei of blpck N'O, 2ö"o(j Paare & ' rmbyN additientotbe viltagc qI Ann Atboi : eat by the n;rth Hnc of aid ïiectfon t th# nnrtb-easf corner of rid sectf9n ihence south on tbi i-nsi . ■ ■ . ■ ( fnrH' rmli to thp place oí begin iing four acres . or sóme i ;i 1 1 il.reof, ut public önduf at Ü Court Boufco in ilu city f Ann .rt;or i ij the nintb ''av of November n-xt, ftt nopD. EÜZA EO'VülUvMortsasce. K. '. HtaBOS Att'-A I aie4, August 4th, A.D ,1801. 813W Èefeate of Marvin Cadwell. STATE OF MICHIGAN County èf Wasliienaw, ss,- At a Pi-si'. n oj "the !rob:ite Court Ur the County óf li te, in kbe t'ity oí Ann Arbor, ou Woneiday, tbc nïnth Jay of Uctobe, -in !:■■ Vf.-a ■ n:-t' thoHinnd elght hundí I f-onO) Present, 'finnuu Ninde, Judge tr Probate, In tlrt MaWcr of tltè Rstate or MaHin Citiwolï, (feéeaéd, ; Uwell .V.min : B8tAte,C nflrt int'i ■urt and represente that shc isiiow prepared to render bei lii.a! Hccouiit ;: Buéb Administra U:x, and .isks ifiat i tinie and piare muy b i tbu examiniaanfl .liluwiüg of sucb accoiiDt, and that noftce tlitreof may ui-i' v-t -ii Q bftid e-state, n sueli Therenpowltfis 01 "■■[■.liy.lhc Rgbtïi d.iy "t NoverabeTj next ' b In tiie forenoon, bcasBpaodtortbe bearing of said account, anti üiat tbe iieirs at law of s;iiil iïci-i , ■!-!■■]. :iTi'l all otner pertbnsiB■ required to arpear ata -.■.-on of said Court. tl e&atthe tnrobai Office, in the Oityof Ann Arbov. in s.:ii '('ixiüry. and Bbow cause, fanj tlitrc lc, whj the said account should not bo Anl it i fintlier OriVrt'il that said Admnsr;itn": D8,ínterebted in said estáte, of the pendencj imt,and thé hearing thereoft by ■ausfng b copy of this order to be DnbTiébed in tbo Michigan Argt.-;. gevgnaper. printcd anJ circulating:n aid Cuunty of WaeWeuaftr, Ihfee suecosMve weeks, toa i ing copy.) TBOMAÖ MN'DE, Jiidjc of Probate. ■ " Chancery Sale. STATE OF MICHIGAN, tiik ÜbccttCoüBT fob tii Cucntyof Wasiitkxaw. I.IïzaA Perk ds ve. ícbrah Per kin- -In Chanccry; In puxsuance oí a decretal of Uie Circuit Court of the Count of Wasfatenaw, ::i Cbanc ry nade in ilio above cause oü the sccpn.d day 1 Dwaiber, A. f), eighteen tiuBdtedand fifty eíuc, nd a fúrther order of tliis Curt Jó{ i-'bruary , A. l eightqeQ liuu.:-■. wiil be SoW, under the dfreetïon of : i' rircuit Court Coinmissiotïer for the Coonty of Waeha, ai tle south or front dior of the Court House", in the eitj ol Ann Arbor, on Saturdaj tin sixth 3ay t' July, eïghteVii tïunSred and sisty ■:■■■. .t twi ivf oHüodk, anos, of said day, ail thosa eert in trncts or parct-Is of land lying ftn,d being in the tovhsbi 51 Si;.t;. in Hie Cotiniy of Wa.-lttfiinw aforsa4d, ;inl described in Raid decree as ftdlows.TKt; The west half oí thesouth-eastdaarter of section afteen, aad Mié vest half of the aortb-eaèl qaarter oí sec-tioo ïft'cnty-two, a Cownshin one aoijth, of range sevñ east, or bo mucta Chcreul Rfl ta&y bc neces ■ v the nmount du upon said decree,together with inleresi and eosts. D s iv:' i:m.i . 1 of Waai -wik-t O. HAWKINS.tfolipitor for Complatnaai apd Assignee Ann Arbor May :(, 1861. The abuve salfl s adjoai ned until the 15 tb day of Noui' ;tud placo, latcd, July Otu. 18fil ]). S. TV-MTf H;ï ., Circuit C'urt Com aohtpnaw Co., Mich Ann Arbor Marble Worus. lOcAiclaolcaLe i i A5 on ban! i Sne AWorcuaent Ameritan anti 'ALIAN MA BLE irhichbs is prQpSMd to raanuriicture into TOÍIB 0W9jj í'l "í TU;r'rs' n -ill their varietit's, and in a Wl tRKMAKLIKE inanner. II:lvj;il' had considerable experteoce in the business 10 (bitters ':■!■ ■-■":( thW h wïll bc ablp to picase all wha m;iy faVQr mè with ILcir offef. UU prices L O W AS T TI F LOWEST, th'iso irisfatüg nny ihÏD? in mr l!nc are rospretfully n -ited to calí I. U. BAÏCilI-.LOEK. Anu Arhor. May Í0. 1861. SOltf ]). L. W001) & CO , HAVE JLST OPÜXED A LAR6E & WÉÏX SELECTED STOCK OF Seasonable Goods, For the SPRING ál SUMMER Trade f lBOÍ Haviug purcliaseltKéir stoet at much kssthan the usual prices, tliey are prepnred to offer GREAT 1N-DUGEMENTS To Cash & Rcady Pay Buyers. Thankful for pnst favore they tvüI bc ever ready to show their Goode and by fair and liberal dealing' hope to reeeive their full share of the public patronage. West side of public square. Ann Arboa April 18G1. 200 Cords Wood Wanted ! T)ROPOSA1.J tot delivering ;o(-J. Sobu' HARD WOOD, 1 a nart seaióned and a pari groen, at the ctiff.put School Thodsm in the City ol Ann Arbor, n rjui.ntüits rriMnlU to 10OCorJs,ai1'""'!1it'11ll.v t'.iu gcoool Board. K. W. B0BGN, )c WM. C. YUORHËIS, ;Lüm' Ann Arbor, Sopt. 25, HUL. 8S0iv3 REAL ESTÁTE FOR SALE. jn a acros of lanilwith a woll of i:"1 "'it'-, and a ZJ) livfngrspring, stonp houae, Barn an4 ódw gheds, nd good or'-iiai'l, nil rnO bundrftd :ttn) lilty acis m:-,,.] t... r:l.;,i ,-:unitl 'ii Ihc towq of Scio, nnd outh of Mr. Tïoyden's pliiins, and four and a half milos rom Ann Arbor, JULIA MTKHAY. W.M. Mt lil:.AV. 24, 18G1. -!:. Ayer's Sarsaparilla.


Old News
Michigan Argus