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Business imtrtnm. _ ' a W, N..6TRONO - -k-itii - KALL, DÜECKLEE & Co., TTTBÓL&ÍLft an" RBTAIL flc.ilcrs in Pry Gcmds, CarVV . Kloor OH Cloíb, Feathen., Pape.' Hanging, and a generalato,' ment cf Cooda, Xo 74 WcodivnrJ Avenue, Corner of Urned.t., - - ■ TETKOIT, Miel, . ta.Ordt-rs soUdtfd and promptlj nf.eaded to-g iO'yl RAYMOND'S Pliotogvsplnc and Fine Art (ÏALI.ERV Sos. eP5 and 'JOT Jelterson Avenue, DETROIT. Ia" "'"'f' or plain, cabinet, muna. __-__ I."7. O. F. bTg íütiiehlaND & bn. ITniOLES U K AN"D RETAÍI. Grocrrs and Comuiiísi"! VV ll.Mh-.te, Eat sida Main St:eet Ann Arb,,r B. IlESSE, Phtsician k 8B1WWM1 Re„p', lully tenfler Wa pro. fe,,lon.l „ervice,. to the citi.cns oí Ami Arl -r ;.. u ■icinity. in Muck's -New Building, Jm ■Street, Aun Arbnr Mch. N. B. Níghtcall prumply attendei. to. "tWITCHELL & CLAUK. i Trox-ys and Counscllors it Tatt, General Ufe nd i Firo Insurance agentí. Odie in City ÍIhII :n Hurón st.. Aun Arbor. Collcctions prora ptly niadc -dremittc.i, aivl special attetltlon pmd to convcyancing. l.l.tnráu, f749tf1 i.r. ci-AKK " j. mTscott. tmtorm k PHOTOG.OTI to tli rooms formerly occupied by Curdle y . orar llio store of bperrj k Moure IVrfec t MtlsfacWon tntmntegd. ' WINES & KNTGHT! ' DKiLKHinStaple. FancyDry Goods, Boots and Shoes, ice. c, MainStreet Ann Fsnram W_oaiiDtoi in aii _m.sof R_nton, c. New Block. -Main Street. KISDON & HENBE RSON, DtAUERS in H.irdware.Stoves, house rurniliinggoods, Tiu Ware Sc. kc., Xet Block, Main Street. "" A. P. MILLS, DÏAI.KR in Staple Iry Goods, Groceries Bnot and Slioes nd Keady Made Clothing, Huronf&trcet Aun -r!.r ; BEAKEs & ABEL, mnn i Counseli.ors at ü, and BoUettor. in [ Chanoery. Office in City Hall Btack, ovi-r _ Co's R"" Store, Ann Vrlmr 53ÑG8LEY dB dOUGAN, TTOK-V-YS, Counsellora. SoRdtOr, and Notnries Pub( lic have Booki añil Plata howittg titles ol all _ncl( n the ounty.andattend toconveynncingand coüeiüiijr .manda, _nd to pljing Uaea and chool interest in ai.y jart of the State, office eastsi-eol the bquare, Ann Aroor. JAMES R. COOK, JuSTirKOFTnEPEACK. Office nearthe Peuot, Ypsüaati, Michigan. - Wm. LKW1TT, M. D, PHT9ICUX amaiW. Office at bis residence. Xortli de of Hurón street, ardid house West of División itreet, Ann Arbor. __ O. COLLI Eli, MAXUTiCTCRERanJdea'.er in Buots and Shoea. Excnange Block, 2 Soors Soutli of Mayo&rd, Stebbinï k Wiluon's Stort, Ann ArW, Mica. MC'ORE & LOOMLS. laruiCTACTOJUtBa inri ieler in Boot nd3boe, l Plioenix Block, Main Strnct, OM door Sortb of VaFbingtnn. M. GU1TEKM AN & CO , ÏXT'bolesjle and Reuil dealers and manufacturera of TT ReaJy ilade, Importen of Cloths, Cassintres. U,.eskins, c. Ko. 5, .New Bluck, Ann Arbor. "O. B. POJCTE1Í, Sl'Rgkon De.vtist. Office corner of Main MfL 3K. n.i Hurón Itreet, ovr P. Bach's store, "' 'i'" April, 18S9, _ Wm. WAGNEH, Dulek in Ready Marte Clothing ChXln. Cassimrres antl Vesting, Hat, Caps, Trunkí, Carpet Bags, kc. Main rt., Ana Arbor. EACÍI & PIERSON . DKALERs in Dry Gooís, Groceries, Baráwam, Bootu & tíhoeH, &c., Main stn-ct, AnnArbur. MAYNAUO, &riEBBK8 efe CO., rïALEBS in Dry Öoodb, Grocerica, Drus k Mf-uiciiiPs, lCiíiiuin & áhoe , &c, coi nerof M;üq aud Anu streets, at ocl 3 w clie Evchange, Ann Arbor. 8LAWSON & GEER, Irockbs, Provisión k Comuiisbiun Meií-hants,and dea .T lrfiin WatkkLimü, Lam#la.stk-, and Flastkk ü ?ABlS,one door EaütofCnok's Hotel. O HLIS, DC1HR inClocks, Watches, Jewelry. and Fancy Goodi. t the siga of the [!ig watoh, No. 'i' , Plioenix Block jTcTñvatts. DUtXR in Clncks, Watcho, Jewelry andSilver Ware N ÏS. Niw Block, Ann Arbor. T. B. FREEM AN. Bariibr and Fashioniible Hair Dresjwr, Main Street Ann Arbor, Mich. Ilair Fronts aud Curls kep SonUanÜy otl uand. SCHOFP & MILLER. DEALERS in Miscellaneous, School, and Blank Books ?ta tionery, Paper Haugings, kt., Maiu ttreet Anu krbor. MISS JENNIE E. LINES, TEACHER OF Piano l'orte, Guitar, and Siuging, beitig desirousof eulargingher class, w j 11 receive ai he residence of Prof. WÏN'CHfcLL, wliieh being ncar the Union richool, will be very cnvenient tor sucli soholrittending there who ma. y wish tn purnue the study of niusicin coniiection with other branches. Term 10, half to be paid at the roiddle and tlie balmoe at the close fn ihe ifrin. D. DkFOREST. ITTHOLESALE and RHwil Itpulerin Lumber, Ith, PhinIT gle.i, Sash, Doors, UliinU, Water Lime, (ritnd Kivf-r ?l.xtr, i'laster Paris, and N'ails of all sies. A fiill and perfect aHortment of the above, and all other tindfi oí building material confct;iiitly on hand at the {oweftt possible rates, on iletroit Street, a few rods from kho Railroad Depot. Also otieratiog extensively in the Patent Cement Iioofing. "WASIITËAW COIJMTY BlIiLE SOCIETY. 1 kpositorv of Bibles and Testaments at the Societj - prices ..tW. G. Voorheis'. CHAPÍíí, WOOD & CO., SUCCKSh" B. S TO tiTJPiTID, CHAPÍN Co MAMüKACT'i-iKRfOF Book., ANDCOLORED MEDIUMS, Vt7r,ii3iixs Paper,o. ANUI Al! KOK llli II. CA.RDS! CARDSÍ! CARDSÜ! Having parchased a Rr(;r,i.(cs Uotaky Diamond Card Prem.witbafineiissortment nf Card type, the AKGl'g Ofllceis prepared to print Cai-Js of all kinds in the tjeatest pnnsible atyle and ut a (treat reduotion from "ornjer prices, including Bluincu ('ardn fur men of all vucatiinp andprofösRious, Ball, WeiUling, and Visitii g Crds, etc., etc. Cali, give iis vours orders and lee how it is ■ ne SfEWINÖ MACHINE F0& SALE. IjlOR SALE CU E AP a new fon class Family Pewing Machine. Warranted uo better in market. Tcrms any. e. b. roN'n Jtim .Irbwi, Jnlr l-!h, IBfll .


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