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Our Export Of Breadstuffs

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The Aniericin Agriculturist for October repons that '■' at present the canals, railrouds, and river barnes are taxcd to their utmost capacity in bringing forward produce froin the interior, and yei thtre is daily complaint of deficiënt supplies in the market. Especial ly is this diffieulty experienced in the exeeution of foreign orders." Accordiug to the same authority, our exporta of grain for one year endino on the first of September, 18G1, were nearly equal to those of tho six years preceding. " During seven years we have expor ted 62,816,478 bushuls of wheat, 9,132 593 barrels of flour, (equivalent to, say 45.662,865 bushtls of wheat,) and 37,100,254 bushels of corn. But of this tliere has been exported for the gruiii yuar just closed, 29,005,866 bushels of wlxat, which, with the 2,793,790 barrels of flour is cquivaleut to forty two and a half million (42,524,616) busheis of wheat at the usual estímate of live bushels ol wheat for one barrel of flour. [t will be seca tl) at dar ing the past iear we have exported 29,005,866 htshtls of whea' against only 38,810,612 during thetchohof the six preoeding years ! The cxports ot' coru for the past year amounted to 11,806,179 bushèls, against 25,294,075 for the six years previous." " Rcckoning the flour as wlient, our exporta uf wheat and corn, for the past yéar huve reacfiéd ocer fifty million (ó4,330,995) fauhtk.' And our Western granarles are by no ineans exhausted. The arrivals in this city siuce our last report (27 buisness days) have been 479,800 barrels of flour, 3,401,100 busliela of wheat, 3,605,000 bushels corn, 398,9b'9 bushels of oats, 45.159 bushels of rye, and C5,92ó bushels of barley - equivalent to very nearly (10,000,000) ten milliou bushels of grain !" Just at present the scepter of power is passing from ' King Cotton " to " King Corn ;" and the Free States of our Uuion aru more necessary to the Old World thau those which lie iu the cottou zone.


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