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Claimed. Allowtd. 63. Jas. R. Oook, Just...

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Claimed. Allowtd. 63. Jas. R. Oook, Justice fees, 18,78 69,16 64. Jas. R. Cook, Justice fues, 118,12 115,47 Report aceepted and claims allowed as reeommended. Adjomned to nine o'clock to-ruorrour moniiug. SaTUKDAy, Oct. 19th, 1861. Board met at 9 o'clock, A. M., Mr. Cumptou in the chair. Present a quoruni. Journal of yesterday read and approved. Mr. Jones, from Committee No. 1 on Claims, reported the following claims: Claimed. Allowed. 6C. J. F. Starkweatlier, Constable fees, $17,90 $15,00 66. J. S. Heuderson, Under Sherifl', 18,00 18,00 67. W. Freeman, Constable fees. 7,93 7,01 68. Edwin TV. Wallace, Constable fees, 18,03 18,03 69. M. Warner, Const. fees, 16:1,12 154,12 Report accepted and claims allowed as indieated. Mr. White moved that when this Board adjonrn it be to Monday morning at 10 o'clock. Carried. On motion, the Board adjourned. Monday, Oct. 21, 1861. Board met at 10 o'clock, A. M. - Present a quorum, Journal of Saturday was read and approved. Mr. McColl moved that the equalization made at the June session be adopted as the basis for apportioning ! State and County taxes for this year. Carried. Mr. McColl moved that the two-mill tax be assessed on the equalization a mado by this Board. Mr. Mi-Kernan moved to amend by requiring it to bc assessed on the Supervisor-i' assessnients. Lost, and the original motion carried. Mr. Krapi'oilbred the following resul ut ion : Resolved, That the sum of fourteen dollars be nppropriaU'd tor the purpose ofenabling the Register to revise and complete the Record and Tract-book, froin the Records of Wayne County. Adopted. Adjoiirnpd to half.prirt ono ""c-s, r. m. AFTKKNOON SKSsroV. 1o:ml niet pursuant to adjouninient, at fcj o'clock. P. M.j and was OHlled to orJutbv the chairmau. Undor the special order the Supervisors reported the amount of relief extouded to families of Volúnteos, to date, t'nc names of families reliovod, and also thcir cstiiuatcs of ninouut uecJcd for coming vuur, as foilows: t'pfinif-l . Eittficiüeii1 Ann Arlo: City, R. Bealiaa, W families. 101 Off $1,500 Ai.r. City, C. Kronf, Ql fnmiliis. ' 278.5U 1,800 , Ann Arb(p, Town, O. White, 4 ÍMiiilii-a, 37.1)0 l.'M) . Augtisin. A Childs. 4 families. .18 00 450 Hridgcwater, IJ. LeUarèll, 2 families, 30 00 ÏSO I)xt er. L II. Jones. 2 families, 64 00 S-1Ü Fre.dom, no vo anteéis rwlirved. ],idi, CO volunUils relicved. Lima, vo! u'u teers uppuiling s. l.ynlon, Thomas ClarU, l family. 2G00 200 Muncbcstor, I Coon, 7 familici, 123 50 250 Northfield, P. McKi-rnan. 4 fr.milies. 60 00 20U litt rttit-lii, voluutcers supporting tlllnííclves. Salem. K. WhceWk. 1 family, 68 14 188; Siline, A Bond, 6 families, ] 15(10 400 i Seio L. Pa-lm-r, 1 1 tamiliea, 367 71 6uO Slmron. do volanteen relieve-d, 60 Superior, Wm Uiscoek, 4 families. 54 00 2ó1 öylTan, H. A. fmith, 5 families, 198 io 6nn Webster, R. McColl. 1 fnmily, 15 OU 20 Y-silnnti Town.E D. Lay. 2 families, 4rf.00 150 Tpnilaiili City, C. H TisJale, 13 famili.s. 157 25 2,400 Ypeil.mti City, II Compton, 3 fnmUies, 80 00 200 Yirk, ïhog. Grny, 1 family, 15.0 none $2,3t7 5.) $12.900 The se v eral estima tes aro based ui an incrcased numbor of voluntecrs. The several reports were acoopted. and referred to the Coimnittee on Voluntecr Relief Fund, eonsUting of Messrs. Coon, Jones, and Lny, with instructioug to report at '2 o'clock, V. M., on Wednesdáy. Mr. Jones moved that tbc Coiumittccs on Claims be instructed to rctx-ie no claims nftor Wednesday noon. Can iecl. Mr. Siuith moved that so much of the vote adopting the report of the Committeo on Claims, on the lTtli, relatie-e to tho cl lim of Dr. U.irns, ba re co:isi:lercd. - Carricd. Mr. Smith, moi'cd that the claim bfl allowcd at $'Í5. Jlr Gray moved that the claim be recojinrttoJ to the Conimittee on Claims. Carritd. Mr. Palmer, from Cjmmittee Na. 2 ow Claims reported, as follows: Clftiued. AUowcl. T0 M. Moltuuga'.l, holdi:ig in. queat, 3 57 3 57 71 C T. ÏCifielJ, jury of inqKt. 1 (16 1 00 73 Z. T Stnrr. jury f inquest, 1 "6 1 G 3 Urinh Ev.-ry, 1 OS 1 06 74 G Ü-. Kix. ' " " } U6 1 06 75 W. W Ann n," " 1 06 1 OG 76 O W Palmer," " " 1 06 1 (16 77 Win BigeloW," " " 106 1 0t 7ö J. Watêon, " " " 1 06 1 06 79 K.lwr.rd Drake. Justice- iaquesi. 3 00 3 OU 80 L.o:;ard Wallington, j'iry ir.q'iet, 1 Oñ I 0G PI 1 hos Booth, jury inquest 106 106 M Jului Bloke, '■ 1 06 1 0C (-.1 i lus Cornell, " " 1 (6 1 OG bi Henry Woo.iiuff, " " 1 06 1 06 P.S KI. sim Cornell ' " l'6 1 OG 66 . WiiJon-nann.repB forjnil 1 43 1 45 üco C Pjtt. jusliee fats 4 18 4 te 88 Kisdon t ili!ideron, for jnil, 75 75 W E. B, Ponfl, Books for Kegisler'n offiee. 80 38 80 38 90 E. 13 Pond, Books for Prabate office, IS 25 lp 55 91 John W.t, forjail, 9 13 9 13 92 Milleri Son. Pump forjail 2 50 2 50 John Wng-ner, forjail, 12 31 12 31 94 Dr. A. Kwing, post mortem ex:miination. 10 00 5 00 95 W. A. Hatch, woik at Court House, 6 75 6 75 96 J K Webster, stntionerv. 16 06 16 06 97 Deun t O".. (Jas pipo for Cwi t tli.use, 2 50 2 00 !8 J W. Hm,t, forjnil, 6 03 6 03 99 W. C V.orluis," ■' 2 26 2 26 100 C. H. Minen, for Court House. 19 94 19 94 101 S D EIwor.d.PtBiioiinry, 24 50 4 50 102 Spaldinj,' it Kloming, stove pipe c fwiailj 7 59 Í .'.9 103 Dr. A. B; Pa! mr postmdtt tem exaininai i n, 20 00 5 00 104 C. H MilU-n .fr Co, jail uppüis, 27 SS 27 83 105 Spalding & Fleminjf, for Probate office, 34 18 34 lf 106 E H Spaliiine, drnwirg Jury. 3 00 3 00 107 Spalding fc Fleming, for Court Honse, 1 93 1 93 108 J. B. Ganson, Constable tu. 1 99 1 99 10Í Hll, Duncklee fe Co , carp!-t for Couri House, 55 40 55 40 lieport accepted. and claims allowed at moucts naincd. On motion of Mr. LeBaron the resolution of Mr. McKernan relative to swamp land drain tax paid byThos Earl, was taken from the table. The resolution was rojtctcd. Mr. Crittenden moved that the Swamp Land Commissiouers be allowed to report to-mnrrow morning. Carricd. Adjourned to ?J o'clock to-morrow morning, at Firemen's Hall. Tuesdav, Oct. 22d, 18(51. Board met pursuant to üdjnurnment, Mr. Compton in the chair. Prosent a quorum. Journal of yesterday read and approved. Mr. Prepton, in bchalf of the Swamp Land Drainage Commissioners submitted thoir annua! report, which was read bv tho Clerk. Mr. McColl moved that the report of tho Druinnge Cotnmissioners bo accepted. Carried. On motion of Mr. Cliilds the report was ro'orred to a coinmitteo consistinp nf Messrs. Childs, Clittendun, and Lo Buron, with inctructiohs to report on Thi'iraday, nt 2 oVlock, P. M. Mr. Child, from Comrnittee on diriirxi of County into lleprusentiitivo dimrietf, roported as follovvs: The eommiitee uu lieprosMitnlive Districtu hare had undcr conaidoraiion tho difiaion of County in. to UulrioU, and nould rcspeotlully submit the folluwing report. The last census gives t the County of WnshtiMiaw a populationof 35,793 ihe ratio of Kepresentative is 8,948 yiur coinmiilee nfter a careful exnmintio of the different Towns of the Coumy auto poputation and location, are of tho opinión, that. no alteración c.-in be made for tho bsttfer, nd tec gommend that they remain as before. Tour eujnmittei would alo report that ccoriuv to the last eeimis (be populatiim of the sevt-ral Oii,rirts of the Couuly, as hcreby cstablithed, 'm as follows: D;êt. No 1, Salem, Superior, Ypsiianti City and Town, l'itlstild, 9,419 Dist. No 2, Arm Ajbor Oity, 5nd Town, Konbfiuld and Webster. 9,015 Dist. Ho. 3, Augusta, Biidgewaler, Lodi, Manchester, Suliue, and Yoik 8,963 iíitt,. Ho, 4, Duuir, Frccddin, Lima, Uyndou, ciu, aliaron, Sjlvsu. 8,396 All of uhicU is resVJCtirilly submitted. A A KON C'IliLUS, Lbijjruiaii. On mot ion of Mr. Beahan the re[iort ww itocepted and ndopted. Mr. McKoniun offered the following j resoiutiou: Wkereat, There lins been no visión made in what is kpnwn :is the S.vamp land law to pny the Supervisors j for re iowiiii; itml uopying the repoi t of the Sw:imp Land Commiwionerx, n ri c i cdding assesior's lees to the iliflcfent uiioiinlj therefi r', l'csnUrd, That the Supervimn of these Townn where Swiirnp land tflS j is lovitd, be aliowed ó cenis for eucb, j desci ptlu.Q in tlie report ol Baid Swuiun ' Land Oornri.iasioners. Mr. McColl moved that the resolu' tion be reietred t tho Committeo on . C'iripensalion oí members. Oarried. I. r. Jones fiom Com. No. 1 önl claims, reported as follmvs: . ■ 110 ,T. M Yokuni. Dept. S'ieriff, 8 16 8 IC ' 111 Pmriek Donnully, Coiittn fees. 14 64 14 01! 112 F W. Cleveland, Dept. Sheriff. 4 50 4 50 I 113 Nuncy McCunncll, Witnesa i fees. 1 35 1 35 111 T. J, Hoskins, Constable feos, 55 61 f-5 61 i 11') M Warner, " " 18 61 13 64 116 N orillan Cuse, " ' 3 .r5 3 19 117 C. H Wrtllacc, Justieo feos, 13 "7 13 C5 lh O hattuik, ' ' lfc 6i 18 41 Report nceepted and cluims n'lcnved ua reoomniended. Alsoaclaimof Edwin Winters for $23,00 recommending thatit be rejeeted. pluim rejected. Mr. Gray offered the following resolution: Rtsilrrd, Thnt tho Clerk be instructed o withhold all Cour.ty orders duc Justioes of the Pcace, SliuriffV, D.piities, iind Constables, until an afliduvit is made that tiiey have in their hands no m -ncy belungiiig to the Countv. Mr. LeBaron moved to amend b}; striking out the wprda "and Constabien.'1 Lost, Mr. Gr,jy's resoljtion was adopted. Mr. Thompson, from Committee on Coinpensation ol Mombers, reported a.s f.llows: O L. I i 'ë & „ í P I i l 119 A. Childs, 5S8$:)5QS 12 a4 59 28 Í2 O. VVIii'e, 6Í23 37 68 12 24 61 68 121 C. Krnpf. 1014 6084 1 10 70 84 122 1!. lWülian, 800 400 1 H .r)8 00 123 D. LeBaron, 720 43 23 9 18 Cl 2i) 124 L. H Jones, 544 32 64 9 18 50 64 rj: E Hniie, 732 4:) 12 9 18 6192 1Ü0 M. Thompsou, 586 33 16 12 24 59 16 127 E. P Hnrwr, C50 39 00 13 2& 66 00 128 T. Clurk, 511 30 66 9 18 48 60 109 P Coon. 945 56 70 11 22 78 70 130 P. McK.inan, 629 37 74 14 2S 65 74 131 A.Ci-iUeiidn,576 34 56 12 24 58 56 132 K. Wlieelock, 5G1 33 (G 12 24 57 fi5 133 L. Palmer, 1342 80 52 12 24 104 02 134 W. Hiseock, 6(!G 36 36 11 22 58 36 ltS5A.B-.-nd, 772 46 32 12 SI 70 32 136 H. A Sinith, 8.i3 49 98 12 24 73 98 137 O Rnymond, P32 37 32 12 24 61 92 138 R.McColl, 600 36 00 13 26 62 00 ri9 Thos Gray, 615 4170 12 24 65 70 HOEDLny,' 673 4038 11 22 6238 141 H Cumpton, 978 58 68 I 10 6á G8 142 0. 11 Tiadule, 654 39 24 1 10 43 24 Report accepted, and inotion of Mr. MüOoll to lay oo the table was lost. Mr. Palmer rr.oved that the report be adopted. The Report was adopted, aves 10: naya '2, Messrs. Crittcnden and Mo Culi voting no; absent Messrs. JSeahan, Smith nnd Gray. Mr. Knipf, from Committee on Public Buildings, presented report, The reprvtstated that the SiOO appropnuiea lust year for jml roof had been expendttd, the work overrunning 78 cents. Of the appropriation of 12 for floor in tho Register's office, there was an exc'ess of Sl,f3; leaving on the two appropriations a balance of 85 cents. A resolution accompanibd therepoit approprinting 8-30 for repair.-j on juil, Clerk's Office, and Court House f-r the coming yer-.r. Accepted, and with resolution accompanying adopted. Tha Clerk presented an affidavit of tho Président and Secretary of the Vashtenaw Cuunty Agiieultural and Morticnltural Society setting forth that it had raised and. expended the last. year the eum of 8800. Also, a petition frorn said ifficers asking an appropriat'on by tho Board of at least l-20th of a mili on the dollar in aid of such Society. The report was acoepted, and a niotion of Mr. McKernan to refer to a special committee waa lost. M.5( LeBaron moved to refer to a committee of two, with instructions to report the lowest sum required to be levied, l-40th of a mili, and to reeom mond the disposkion to be made of it. Carried. Meísr. LeBaron and Boud were appointcd such Commilteo. Adjourned to 1 J o'ulock, P. M. SES8IOM. Board met at 1 o'clock, P. M., Mr Cumpton iu the chair. Present a quorum. Mr. Gray, from Coinmittee Nj. 1 on Claims, reported as fullows : Clim!. Allfwp.l. 143 John FnulkiuT. iit fte?, 1 70 1 70 144 Elins Haire. justice fe8, 3 !)8 3 9H 145 Herman Volland, eonst. fees, 4 24 4 24 146 H J. Miller. Ü-pt Sheriff nnd Constable, 107 83 107 00 147 W. H. Pat liso:i, sher. fees (2 30 62 30 Report accepted and claims allovrcd as recommended. The accounts of Drainage Commisaioners were presented and referred to Special Committee on that subject. Mr. Lay, from Committee on relief of volunteers' families reported. lleport aceepted aud laid on the table until 9 o'clock to-morrow morning. Mr. Gray, by request, offered the following resolution : Jïtiiolved, That a Committee of three be appoitited by tho chair to proeeed to the ToWDsIlip of Lima, and examine the South Branch of Mili Creek Dïtch, aud report to thiü Board Friday evening next whether in their opinión uuy injustice has been dono in the location or in assesstng the taxes on said ditch. On motion, the consideration of the rcsolutiou was postponed to 7 o'clock, P, M. Tho Superintcndcnts of the Poor being present, Mr. Bell, iu their bchalf, presented and read their unuual report : To the Honorable Board of Supervisors of ihe Cuiudtj of : Undor the provisions of tho Statute requirh: Ilic SniicriiiieiKleiits of the County Poor to report nnnually to yonr Board, vo wouUl rcspictCiillv si;lrnit tiif; folloving report : The vilote amount oxpei ded this üsimI yeur la g6,539,8J The amount expended at tho Cmiuty llouso s is fbllows: Finishing ncw brirk house, S 17C.02 Stoven, pipey, benehen, and tables, 'Ji::.47 Paki Bupcrintoiidin He fiuMiing of lrick house, ■i:;."" Genera] repairs. 5 i. I Priiitinï. ,00 Knel, 2fS,00 liuriul expenses. 25,00 Keeper nul assistaots, 672,8;! Mcdicil services. 45,00 For provisiou, litïü. 10 For uiereliandizc, W61,ït Total expended at C". Ufinse, 13iS;59 Kxponded elsowhere Ulan al County House, Bllrial expenses in tmvns anrl eities, 611061 Teuiporary n-lid'. 17!J2. II Transportación, n.-ll Supervisors' services, 2U3t6Q KOruoval of In.-anc fiöiti sylmn to County House, 20,:tO "Whole amount, 2l'JC,:t6 Tlie item of teniliorary relief lias been incurre'l in the dillVreut towns and eities as Ibllows: Ann Arbor eity. 011.82 Anu Albor UJwn and city, 10. UT Aan Arbor town, #5,42 Ypsilaiiti city. 3Ü0.U' Scio, lWg Manchester, 42.S7 Sylvnn, 24,00 Freedom, 31,00 Salom, :2.00 Saline, 1 00,14. Dexter, ?S,'M Northticld, 42,00 "Webster, 60.00 Pittstield, 2.5 Transient, G,ou Whole amount expended, (J339.85 [,ess the contingent lunxl, Amount to be r.iised, 55;:!),! .") The nuniber of inmates üt the Connty House at fouinieneemeiit of the fiscal yenr was 6S ['■■ivived durin;r the year, 124 l'r'jseut nuniher of inmates. C'J Average numbur iiupported during tlie year. TO Average -oat of eapfl pauper (kt week, exclusive of the producís of the farm, $1 00 Presc-nt number 61 lite insano, 1 1 Xmnber ot deaths at tlie County Honso, :s Ou settlement willi the Couiily Treasurer wo fiad tliat tin.-;e are uu fimds iu his Uaudi suhjept to our order. The farm contains ono humlred and twenty acres, of whieh ene hundred are improved. The prwiucts of the farm tbr tho past year nre na follows: 242 buslicis of wlieat, 800 (o " oafs .of eorn, 125 do " oats, ISO do " potatoes, 10 do '" boan, 5 do '; onion.s, 100 do ',' apple?, 30 tons of hay, 350 lbs. o( wool. and a good supply of pens, cabbaffe?, turuips, ruta bagas; and vegetables geneniUv. Tlie stotrk consists of 1 span of liorsc?, 1 yoko of oion, G cow?, 2 ycnrlinga, 1 20 sheep, 27 hogs. Estimated expenses for eusuing year, $5000,00 a!l of wliich is respectñdly submittod. Büxj. W. Waitb, 1 s fs fíf Co P. Da vis, ■ j()Oi. J' Anukew Beli, ) The report was aecepted. Mr. McCüll moved that the report be adopted, pending which Mr. Wait, made a:i cxplanation of tbc expenditures so far as pei-tained to the ncw building, wheu the report was adopted. Mr. MeCo'.l offered tbc following resolutiou : Rcsohid, That Andrew Bell, Parnienio Da via and ]J. W.. Wait be and are tierel)y appointed Supcrinteudents of tbe Foor for the ensuiug j'ear. Mr. Bealmn moved as asubstitute that Mr Parnicnio Davis, Andrew Bell and Morgan O'Brien. bo appoiuted Superindents of tbe Poor. Lost - ayes 8, noes 14. Resolution of Mr. McCull was adopted - ayes 1G, noes 6. Adjourned to 7 o'clock P, M. KYKNING SESSIOX. Bond met at 7 o'clock, P. M , and was callud to order by tho cliairman. Present a quorum. The rcdolution oöered by Mr. Grny, in tbe iiiternoon 6(jssioi). providing for a CeminiUee ol three on Lima Diieh was taken tip as the ppéciul order. The resolution was lost. Mr. Jones, lrom Comrnittee No. 1 on claims, reported as follows: MS J. M. Yocum, Dept. Shcriff,70 20 70 20 149 N. H. Pierco. Confiable, 10 78 10 7H 15U li. Goodycur, Justice loos, 2 7K a a-J 151 C Boylan, Constable, 4 60 4 fiO 152 N Brown, Jusiec fees, 2 2.1 2 29 15:1 W H McIntyre.Const. 57 7u 57 70 l.r4 D IJ. Greene, Juitice fee, 7 04 7 04 155 T. J. Hoskins, Const. " 230 55 22tí Ü4 156 O Collier, " " 1 19 1 IU 157 W. A. Hatch, Jailor fees, 1,146 31 1.I4G 31 Report occopted and claims allowed as reeomnionded. Adjourned to 8 o'clock, to-moirow morn'ng. Wednesday, Oct. 23d, 1861. Board met 8 o'elock, A. M., M.r. Compton in the Chuir. Present a quo rum. Journal of ycstorday read and approved. Mr. LeBaron from Coinmittce to settle with County Treasurer reported as follows : We the undersigned, Committej nppointcd tosettle with the County .l'rfnaurer of this County, beg lenve to report, that we have this day exnmined the voucliers in his hands and the books in his office, nml find them cor reet, and wc ulso iii.dthnl. the balanco duc from the Treaeurer is uine hundrod and twenty-nine dolhirs and sixty five cents cents, ns nppcars from the following statement, to wit: Dr. To Balance from o'd account, $ 465 53 Stute, County. Ditch.and Rejected Tax.-8. 46 144 00 Piirnary Schuol loney, 4,S22 P6 Fine iíoney, 184 oo Taxer paul nnd rvdrmptionii, 707 37 CrsIi deposittd by Suptrintcndents of Poor, 736 20 Exccsa in lïoll, i 04 Miscillaneous rceeipts, 829 18 $52,890 18 Cr. By Mi'cellaneous disbursemenls, $14 .608 14 County orders, 10,564 5b Poor Order, 12,136 37 Jurore' Certificateg, 1.566 B3 Pitch Order, 7.984 26 Piiinniy School llone}" paid to Treasurer-s. 4,822 56 Fino Money paid to Treas lirers, 184 00 Compensation to City nnd Town Treasurers, 89 72 Deficiency in Roll, : 80 Bulance to new account, 929 G5 $52,890 18 Al of whicli is reBpectfully sunikniittcd. 11ANIKL LkÜAÜOX, ■ PU1LE1US COON, V Committeo. Ann Arbor, Oct. 22, 1861. Aecepted aod adopted. Mr. LeBaron moved that the report of tho Committee on Families' Voluntoer Relief Fuud be taken from the tabic, Carried. Mr. Beahan offered t!ic fo'lowing rosolatioc : Rrunlced, Tliat tlie suB of Twolvc Tlioubiiud Dollars be raisud by a ilirect tax, iirul placed n tlic hands of thcTnias urer of tlie County of Wi'sliteñaw, tobo ealled the Ytlu -teers' F..iuily Kalief l'nnd, ti) be dravvn upon by caoli Swpervistr as tlie neccssitics of tlic families of roluntucre n Iiis district iuay rehuiré. Hr. WlritB moved to amend by tli-iiing out " twt'lve " and in.scrtir.g " Dille. ■ Mr. 13e:i!i:in made an abie gpeerfj in Buppurt ni" his resulutio'.i, ;uk! iífter fur thev diseiissiüil, A divisiou uf the question boing calluu foir, tlie voto was takcq on e.triUiag out " tvel , " wliich was lost by tlie follow(ng voto: Yiras -Messrs. BjikI, Coinptnn, ' den, Gray, Biscock, Lay, MuColl, yV.Iicplockj Wliite, Hay mond aud Thompson - 11 Nays -Messrs. ]3eilian, Cliild?, Ciarle, Coon, Huiré, Harper, Joius, Krapf, LeBaron, Palmer, Smitli, Tisdale - 12. Mr. Thompson offered tlie followiug substituto. Reaobed, That the sura of SI,0()0 be raised tlio present year for Voluntecr líelief Fund. Mr. Grny moved to postpone the i jeotuutíl 2 o'clock, P. M; Lost. The previous question was ordercd. Mr. Thompsou's substitute was then lost. The question recurring on the resolution of Mr. Beahan, it was lost, by the fullowing vote : Yeas - Mcs-rs. Beahan, CÍilld, Clark, Coon, Gray, Ilairc, Jones, LeBaron, McKeruau, Palmer, Suiith, Tisdale - 12. Nhyi - Messrs. Bond, Compton, Crittenden. Iliseock, Ifarper, Krapf, L:iy, Mo. Coll, Whcelock, White, Ilaymond, and Thompson - 12. On motiüii of Mr. Gray tlin subject was poítponed to 8 o'olock, P. Mi Adjourned to 2 oV.oek, P. M.


Old News
Michigan Argus