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A Good Move

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lisiotis in night maPdhee betwoen our own troops. whtch havo ilresuly cost tlie ivQlkfrtlng nnd denth of rn.'in)' eo!diefH", hss induced General McClellan to próvido ngainst suoh accidenls in futuro. 11e hns dctniled BOino sixI hundrcd Lieutenants fro:n tho aun y for a 8gn:d eorp; lo serve in case ni night marclics. In this m inner co'lissions :iti:oníí ( Ór own rcgi nonts wiü Im irevcnted. Cï The Democratie City Cotnmittoe of Detroit has cMermiued to eall a convenlion Rr the nominalion of pnrly candidatos for City officiers, despitu the rernonstrance (f large numbers of nfluential Demócrata whn favored ut this linie (hé postponing ;ill political issue?, and the nomination of' candidatos independent of all party organizuiions and considerations, as bas been donu in New York, Chicitgo, nnd other places. One oí these reiuonstrnnces wás signed by S. T. Dbuglass, G. V. N. Lotbrop, C. I. Wiajjwr, Elisha Taylor, Eeee Wilkins, and other equally well known Dwnticrftte. We think that the Cominittee has írmelo n misiake. We would nol iidvïsp u unión vviih the Kcpublioan party, but a nominaUon of good, truc, loyal, competent men, without regard to parly. and on k platform to consist ' oí the Crittenden resolution adopted at the late extra session of Congres?. Thia was dono in Chicago vvith the eonourrenee oí the leadiog Democrats and of both Democratie papers, liie Tunes (Storeï's paper) and Post. L:-S" The Sfate Ntu-s, of Tutsdny, pitches into the Board of Supervisors or into the Argcs, we doirt kno-.v which, and y don't know as we care We get no moro llinn pay for wliat ue do, and we concede that the otfur papers ai e not offoied enough for publ'shing procpe dings ; but that they are not is not our faulf, neither is it the result pf'áriy political intrigue. Thé iVbwi wellktiows whore tho diiHfeulty is, bul has not t!:e innnliness to point it out. - Thal's all. %tS" Thfl venerable Wiu. WoodBkidok, of Detroit, died on Snndyy noon last, nged 84 years. lie has residod in Detroit since 1816, and has oceupíed rnany prominent public po6ilions, and aiways w;th honor to himelf. IIo was elected Governor in November 1839, and while Governor was elected United States Senator, in which body he served six years. The " old land marks" are passing awny. EP The two regiments of Oavalry, in rende.vous at Grand Iiapids, raised by O). Kkllog, liave rècëived orders to procoed immediately to lientucky, and repeft to Gen. Siiküma.v. Such horsea as have boen pnrchasud wiil go fonvard wi'.h tho regiments. These regimehita will give a good report of themselves. T3T The Ninth Regiment Michigan Iriiantry is ordered to luave Detroit this morning, " l.y rai1," lor Jeftersonville, Indiana, opposite Louisvillo. - Kentucky carne to theaid of Michigan in the war of 1812, and now tho brave sons of Michigan go te the aid oí Kentucky. L3LT" JíiiODiE, of Detroit, lato Surgeon of tho Michigan First, has been attaclied to staff of Oen. McKinstry, commauder of ono of the divisions in Missouri, as División Surgeon. II. Hkes Whitixo, late ''local" of the Detroit Adctrtiser ia Aid-dc-Camp to Gen, McKlNSTRÏ. J5-3T" The divisions of Gen. Stone anil Banks have crossed iho Petonjfto and inlrenched ihornsolves the Pototnac is blockaded, and it " amt ''; Gen. Prico irf marching South ; and there liave boen numeroua little skinnishes in Missouri and Kentnoky, in fact and ou paper, and a great batlle is expected - by tho reporters. Such is our lates! sumníng of columns of sensation headings and dispa'.cbes fonnd id the dailies. L3S The threo companies of Cul. T)1;odíieai)'8 Cavalry, left in rendozvous at Detroit when the regiment moved, have been ordered to join the regiment at Washington, and :;ro al - roady in motion. They tako tho horses forward with thern. L3T On thelGth, Col. Geary had an engagement with the rebels atBolivar, d suburb of Harper's Ferry, and cnptnred a 32-potind cohirnbiad and considerable arnmuniion. Col. G's Ios3 reported fur killed, nino wounded, and one missing, and rebel loss as 150 killed and wounded, including a Culonel jCST" We havo had no time to writo editorials, and the proceedings of the Board of Supervisors eeriously encroach upon our newa columns; but as thorc is really nolhing nevv or important, exorpt rumors, we trust our readers will bear with us y et n littlu whilc. SrST Since our last issue the tc'egraph has removed Gen. Feemont full half ii dozen times, and has rc-iustated him as many times. Just now we can't teil " which thimble the littlo joker is under." The President nnd Cabinet owe it to the country to decido the status of Gen. Fkkmont at onco, aud stop this telegraphio ljing, LT Washington advices say that the great uavid expedition sailed froni Annapolis on Monday, and was largcly rc-enforeed at Fort Monrnc. Dcstination not known, but it will be hcard froni j in good time. The 8th Michigan, Col. Kknto.n, accompanicd tho expedition. tíL.' On tho IGth., mst , the Secrolary of the Treisnry drew for the last inI st:dlniont of tho flrst i.odi i ],,;,„. (


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Michigan Argus