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A Fight In Missouri

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Pilot Kr.ob, üct. 22. A special to the St Louis Republican ;ays: ''Prom roliable parties who ivitnos.-'cd the f j tí h t ;it Predriektown yes terdny, I gt the fo'lowing pafticltlarg: Col. Giirlin with paris of the '2 Is!, 33d and 38lh Illinois regiments, th 8th Wisconsin, Col. Bakër'a Indiana Cavalry und Muj. Sehofield'd battery röached Fredricktown at 9 p'clock in the rhornlng and f.t one P. M , wris jrtinéd by the 11 tb, I7th and 20th Illinois si ml 400 cavalry from cani] Girardeau. They ihen advanced in pursuit of tho rebels undcr Jelï. Thompson and Col. Lowe, who hai] left the place twen'y-iour hours before, and were reported to be rapidly rotréatirig South, but about a iiiile from town tliey disoovired the entno föróe of the enemy drawn up In line of battle, pürtly posted in nn open tield and partiv in tho ftdjaoent vvoods, with four ii-on eigliteen poundeis well planted in ihoir front. JVt :ij. Schófield iirüTiedintclv opened tiro. Ai tiio lourth round hu süenced öne of the rebfls' guns. The engagement then becamc geuértil ond lasted about two hours, bat afler the tirst hali huur the rebels left the field in disorder and took to the woods, closely iolloved by both our infantrv and c:ivalry. Bélpre leaving tlie field the rebel Oól. Lowo vraa shot in the ln'ad and instantly killed. Jlaj. Gavitt röééived iive bullets w-liile leadiog a cliargc. Tiiirty yards in advance of hi:n Gapt. Ilighuian was killed in tho sume charge. Our loss is reportcd five killed, five rnorlally nnd 20 slightly woundéd. Tho onemy'd loss is not asceitained, but supposed to be considorablc1. At last accounts, the rebels werè in full retreav with ti)eir bflgtfflge train, and our troops were in pursuit. A special to the St. Louis Democral says: 'Two rebel Mirgeons ca'füe inlo Froderiekton iir Col. Lowe's body. They acknowledgo a loss oi over two hand red killed nnd wounded, butit'; must have been arger. I counted , twonty-five dead bodies in one stubblo j field. Their annon were liacily managed. Jeft'. Th'inDpson got infórnHition ' of our movements by capturing a becrer of dispatches froin Col. Plumuier to Col. Cailin. lp Ile who puts ii bad constructidi) upon a good act, reveáis his own wickedness at heart. êË The (iloasantest things in tho world are pleasant thoughts; and the greatcst art m life is to have üs many of them as possibla &L" Life has been called a war f are. Ble8sed then, is the periódica] armistiee of the Sabbath. Itisonlyin the pauso nf the figSt that we can see how thé battlo is g')ing. Maks and IIvmkn. - ït is stated that (reneral Btoneman, chief of cavalry, is smn to niarrv a nieco of General Mci Clfllaii. ruw a resident if Baltir.iorc.


Old News
Michigan Argus