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Senator Baker Killed In Battle

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Washington, üut. 21. Gen. Stonc croísou the Potomac tilia morning, witli oüc portiou of Lis ' munrl, at Eihvaitls' Ferry, and lbo ofber ' at llarrisou'.s Islnud. jKirmisliiiigbegaa bt-Uvccn tho cnewy ir. uuccrlain numbors and Gen. Stonc's coiiiinaud as early as 9 o'cloc-k ii tho moraiug, and cootiaifed without muoh effoct until 5 o'clock iu tlie uftenioon, wheii lar'e rciiiforccnients of tho eneiny appcared upon our rtgltt, which was comnmnded by Col JJakcr. The Union fojreoa egagcd were abcut 1 800, and wcro atíaokcd by a forcé supnosed to bü íVoin 5,000 to 6,000; At this junc'urn Col. Büker fell at (he hikd pf bis brigade while gallaBtly c!icer!n on his men ti) tlie conflict. Immcdiatvly beforehe feil hu deapatcbed Major Youug to Gcu. Sio:iü to Rpprise him at Leesburg of tlio co:ditiun of r.tíairs, and öéo. Stoiiü mHueditntt'ljr proeocd in t.erson to wards tho riglit to l.iko coiíimand, but in the coufusio:i crcated by the fall of Ool. Baker, tl:j rigbi wing suslai:cd a ropjlso with oonaiUerabla lnss. Gen. Stone re purls tuat tl) e left winc; í-ftired in good order. Hü vnl l;o!d the approaches thereto. Siraug roiufaceoinents wül bo sent forward to Gen. Stó'no duruie the night. The remaina of Col Baker were removed to Púolville, and will be brOnght to th.s city oq Vec!ur(i;iy.


Old News
Michigan Argus