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MOTHBRS READ THIS. The followingtsan extract trom n letter wrltton by !h,. pftstpi ol a Kapt i-t C&orcb to tlie "Jouriiiil and er," Cmftiïinatf, ohin, nnd sprak volumes n favor oi that world renownwS mr. lic na- Mus. fflfc'tLOW?S 0OTHBa STRUP FOK ('HIUHU: '1'c.i üiM, : te an fcdfertiaemm " your column of Mrs. ' Winslow's Soothingdyrop. Nov ve oever fcatda word in fnvor of ii patent medicine befcre n our Ufe, luit we feel compellftUo say to yourrtüuler; tlia t thïs is no hmnbug - vk HATE TRIRD it, a"D kxuv ITTOBH '.m ir ■ claims. It U, ppobabty, one of the mout auccessful , mediciues of the day, becauna it is one of the Opst. And tliose of your readers whn have bubius can't do it botter thas to 1 y in a supply." Sfltfrid Vertí sement in anothcr 'olunin Important to Ladies. Dr. JOHN" ItAKVKY, liaving for upwsr-ls ui" tvei y vc.irs (lev. teil lus pmfpssionftl t nu' PXCl lHÏvelj to the tiwitmuitoi' ITeinale üifiiculties, .i"l haviog 1 in t bouwvaan uf cvhh iu renwringthtaiHictea to sound health, lias uow entere conOdence in oiïcnng publicly bis "GREAT AMERICAN REMEDY," HABVEY'S CimONO-ÏHERMAL FEMALE PILLS. Wliicli bKve nuver yot l;uled (wiilu the dirotwaa have buen sMictly followtíd,) in rumoving dUSooltiesarWag Ilroni Obstruction, or Stoppage of Nature, or in re&torinff the system te perfect healtl;, wlicn suf fcring from Sfi.íal 'affíxtionh, Prolapauh Ctbri, ths j Vii:tk3, or olhcr wonknoss of the Utebi.nk Obc.ans. Alo in :tll c&KStïf URBIUTT OR N'kp.vol l'uosrri.VTIN, llvsTi:nlCi, l'ALPrr.vno.v.s. kc, &c, wliicli arelhe forcrunmrs nf more Borious diaeaae. Thrce Pilis are parfectlR Jia-;n!rss o?i the cmwtitutioil, and viatj ht laken by the most delicate femóle withnnt causing di$trcss;s. the sanvi timo thfv act usa cuasi I y trengthe]itg, ; tlne, aiui restoring the sstem to a lifaltliy cundit'on. and by brúiging on tbe monthly period witn rcgularitj, no m:ittor from wliat canse theobstructions inay arise. They shouM, huwever, not be taken during tlie fií-st three or four tnonths of pregnaney, thou;h safe at any other timo, ns miscarriai:( wouW be tln1 resutt, Each box oontaina (0 Pili. rrio One Doliar, and when deirefi will be saní by mail prepaiii by ahy aaTer t ice i Aceiit. on leccipt of the money. Sold by IlrueiristKin Ann Arbor. .1. HUYAN". Rodiester, N". Y., Ceneral Agpnt. H. & I.. SIMONKAÜ, Detroit, Wholesale Aftent f Michigan. 806tf AN OKD1NANCE FOR THE PRKöKkVAT1ON OF OKDER AND QUItíT. BE iT ORDA1NED, by the Mayor, Reoerdat aud AMermuu of the City of Ann Arbor: Section Ist. Tliat no person or persons keeping v groeer , saloon, pilli:ird room, ball alley.auotion room, or fiotuuling house, or nny place of business wlieru wiue, beer er spiiituuu-! liquoi's are sold as a bevcrnge.j or liis, litr or tlu:ii clerk, agent se;'v:int oremplo,ee sloll kftip oiien the same at nny time ijetweeii tlia honra of ten o'clcck in the cvfininf and ft ur o'clock in the morning, or at any time between len o clock tíatur.duy evening. &nd four o'clock the folluwing ijonday niiirning, or shull alluw of sulfjr any perso.i toen er tlu-rtin during any parí of tiu: kiine above mentioned, for ihe purposc of trade or business, cr lo remain or Oiín'grcgate Ihercin during any part ol the time nbove iijentioued SüOTIOnSiI That no person oihi-r than ihe keeper or owner thereof, his, lar ;r their eleik, agent, sorvaiit or emplojree a civil ofKeer and Lia assistants in his oompnny on ollieiil buáincss, shall, for any purpoíe, Bnter nnv grocery, saloon, billiard room, ball alley, or iiuction looni: or any place of business where wiue, beer or apintuous liquois are sold as a beverage, a!, any tiaie during ihe first day of the week. uaually c.illed Suuday, or after t' n o'clock Satur_ay niglit, or befoie four o'cloek, Wondoy morning, and Uiat no person or persons o her than ibose 'first mentioned in this jeevion, shall remaiii or congrégate thirein dunng any part of the time mentioned SectiON 3d. Every person cnnvietcj of a violation of the i'trsi section of this ordinance, ghall be subject to o fine of not less than ton dollars nor more than one hundred dollars, with costsof prosecution. cr be confined in Ihe County Jail not exceeding thirty doy, or both, in the dis;retion of thü court. SKCTiox4ih Every person con ciofed of a violation of the seemid section of this ordinance, shall be sulject lo a fine oí not less than one dollar, nor more llian ten dollnrs with cesta of prosecution, or be confined in lie County Jail not exe .eding ten d'iys, or both, in the discretion of the court Section 5th. It shall be the duty of tlie Marshal, Sheriff, ornay Constable, who shall have knowlcdgc of tlie violation of ihs ordinance, lorthwith to arrest the persona so oñVnding, and copimít tliem for sale keeping to the County Jail, or nny otlw safe place in said cily, until niñeo clock the next dy fíer such arrsst, unlrgs thnt sliall be Suiiday, in which case they shall be coimnitted until nine o'clock on Monrtay and llien bring them be'fore a magisl'ate for exaiuinHti n. Made and passed in Common Cour.eil the ?th day of Oct. I&G1, J. F MILLEB, Mayor. S. M. U'ebstke, Recorder. i líurraii for thc Union! Dcath lo iís Emules! A-TTËÏÏTIOlSr ! 100 ablo-üuütc-tl steady youug men VVANTED! FOR Capí LB.BucIioz' Co.cfLanctírs! n .... .-■ MEN OF WASHTENAW! Most of you have knóWn me for the laat 17 ye&n, and udw in Ibis buur of uur country's noc!, I cftnftileritïy appeal to your patriotisro in ai-lin? me to ralee a Company of 10') truc, brave, mul síea y younjr men, willing and r;i'lv t siaml by au in Bghting the eHenrfea of oor b?loved' Union. TU MT'fl MEN 1 plertge my hnnur anl Ufe to sec theiïi well treatect, anl n ver order Lliem to go wlicrc I wouid n t bn readj to !ead. GOOT ON ! j-o a brave, patrinth! boys, your time tíaa come, giveme Jie opport..n;y óf pfovfng the truth of niy word, and I will enlist you in the nroirt dftfttifng and rrps of tliid or any other servic. lt has nc-vi-r boen Burpasptl in splnicr and execution in ihj Beid. Our equipment is to be complete and rverv way similar to the itHh Engitsh Laocefs. Oor CoToiiel, HömraDle AR'IMCR IMNKIX, is a prentlfinan in military matter, as well as a brave aoï accompüslio"1. cilifcr. Ilis wish is to naake hia Begiinent a model oLe in evtry rc-spect. and mine, BOYS OF WASHTEKAW, is t- ni ike Buehoz' Company of st;;ud A No. 1 in that Regimeat. ÁViíh suoh mc:i all I Ji-s'r? I (Uut t-he onr-my .liould L;v us an opportüüity to ittake tlirm foei (Lancera fashton) q' "'hal meta! tUe ffflahtentttv boy?, ure made et' Andaowmj fnendswho Ikiyg Ireen aiting forme toget over my b roken :cj scrapc eml $t y cimmission, I an rraüy for vou. anu the sooner you ghow your welcome face and sign youv nimo i-n tho Muster Koli the borter ymr i'riend and Captain wili !ke t. jC-S Further ïnformatioD ay to Paj, rcjul)ïu;ntJ cc, I will bi? happv to give at my Rccrultlng Q,uaittrs 1 J. M. GOULD'S Hat Store fraiilln lílocls, Aun Avbor. li U BVCUOZ, Captrun ín Col. A, Rankin 's Lancera' Cavalry Regiment. MICHIGAN SOUTHERN & NORTHERN INDIANA RAILROAD. 1S61. ARUAN'UKMENT. 180i. Tiaras now run on tliis road, Euc&tfn escepted, m Mllows: IiCave Tnlerto ror Chicago at 9 03 A J[..andOP. II., and via Air Lino at 0.05 A. M. Leave Detroit for Cbie&go nt 7,75 A if. r.ud C.HO P. M. Arriving in Chicago froia Toledo and Detroit at 7,U0 I. M. and 7,ü() A. H . and ia All Lite al 7. Cl) I'. II. Arúve at Uctioit ftom Toledo, at C:tó A. M.. 6:05 p, 3. Leavefl De'.rií Tur Toledo at 7 15 A. ir., nndG-CO P. M. Acrlrfl in Detroit froiuChicairoatG. 05 P. M., an'10.05 A. II. Arrive in Toledo froto Chicago 4,"0 P. M. and 4. CO A. M., and via air lineat 4.15 1' M. 1 cave Jacküori for Toledo at 4.45 A-M. and I,f5 I'. W. Arrivc froia Toledo at 85 A. M., and 4.20 1'. MCON3ÍECTION8. At - Witli Cleveland S Toledo Rail Road, nrltlj Wabasii Valley Buil Road. At Ixtkoit- Witli Grand Trunk Rnilway, ïvith Oreat ■ iuilway, aUo, witli the Detroit and Mihvaukee. Railroad At Nbw Aumxt f; Sü.EM P.. R. Cr-.ixc - AVilU Train for 1 afayette, New Albany and Ixiuisville. At CllK'AGO - With C!i: :nro aal Koek I!anl, Galena . Milvaukee, ChicaKO, Burlington anrl Quincj - North 'v-;t Rallway - Chicago, Altun and St. Louis, Xlliuois Centra!. and to all l'oiui.s West aiid South. jO" Traina are run V.y CMcago time, which is 20 minutes slower than Toledo tirne. Patent Slepplng Cars accompnny tlip Nijh Trains on this Route, aa" Salsbur'ya Patent Ventila tors and Düftterfl are ued on all fturnmer Tnins. Timo and Fare Ihe sair.'e as by any other Rai: Koad Rontd JO. D. CAMTEEIX. Gené-al Superintpniient. LIFE IHSDKaNCB. The Connecticut Mutual Life Insuranca Company. Accumuhted Capital, - 3,500,000. WnXINStTRE IJVES for any amount not exceedlng S;C.UO::r the hole term ol l.ife orfor a term f reata, on tlie lavorable terms. r N.B The Company is purely mutual and the policy hólders get aUthe-surnlus over tl.ccxai't cost of insurance It aecomodates tho innrel in tlie settli-ment of their prciniunis ON UTE PQUCIiS, If desired, by taliins a note for one half the auiouut, bearing interest at 6ix per cent, per annum. Dividend are Dcclared Annualhj! and ilnce th'?}' now uooant to rliTV per cent on tbe prer.iiuni, :ash anl note, and are mcreasing thcy nviy be applie ' to cancel the notes. The ratei t premiuma areaslow as any othcr reBponnible Company andtbelare accumulaied fund of B,500,000 is aecurely invesled, as may be Been by refer(■!.(■ to the Btatement made accordingp lo la-, on filo In theoIBceoftue Cunty Anu Arbnr.-S?d JAMES GUOUW1X, Prest. Got ïï. rBLP8,Secy. Forparöoiüawapplyto JAME 0. WATíOW, 763) 1 gent at Arm Aibor, Mich. II. O. I1AKVEY. TJ EPECTFtJIJLY offen Mr. orvici to the eitizens of Aon Arbor as aTaacherof Vocal and instrumental Éuiie. 13F PIANOS TUNED AND REPAlUEDC'x V&mxvonñ. - Tícv. Mr. Bladen, Tífv. y.T. Chapín, Fev. Mr. ('orncLu;, aoè Prof. PffñP. Fot furihT pnrticuljirs Iqqairenf Mr. ffftrroy t Mis RntaanHi, Washingtir ■- .. 1i" v "' n IiriDn ud rntTrtt; ■ ■ 821 tf. SCHOFF & MIL LEU ' A RE8TILL ON'HAKD ;it thcrfr olí! Stand, ' n. No. 2, Franklin Block, tviíh tbcmost completo assoríment of Books and Stationery, PERFUMERIES, FANCY GOODS, WALL AND WINDOW PAPEJiS, SHADES, 11OLLERS, CORDS, ' TASSELS, GILT CORNIOEP, CURTAINS, IIOOKS AND PINS, STEREOSCOPES & VIEWS &c. Ever offercd in this Marlcet ! ivnd tl.oy woulil tothosc n pursuit cf :iny thingin ( SANTA OLA TTS' LINE thatthey can secure a Doublé Christmas Present ! by purchasing from tliís sfock, as onch purchaser gttp un additional presi-nt of Jairak, &c, Ranging in valué írom 50 cts. to $50. 4 that theirlon? experinneo in seleetinL goods for tilia maiket, and strict attention to thfl waata of Cufloniers, inay eutiilc tliiin to a liberal sliaiv oj Palron;ic'. Ann Albor, Dpc. 5. 1SG0. TTTtf Important National Works, Published by D. APPLETON & (., 34G AND 343 BROA DW&Y jSEW YORK The fullowing works aro sentto Subscribor n any parí of th ) couiiiry, inpon receipt of rctail jn-ice,) by inail or pxpress, prcp&íd: THE NifiVVAOIERIAIV CYCLOPDÍA; A Popular Dictionary of Onorfü FMited by Geo. Rii'LEr and Charles a., aideti liy a numerouí; select corps of wrltera in all branches of Sciences, Art and literatura. TJixa work i.s being pubünbedio about 15 larcee octavo volumefi.í'ach containinp; TriOtwo-column pages. Vols. I., II., 11 J. , IV. V., VI., VI!., VIII., & IX. re opw reudr, each containïng neur 2.í)(iüoi-ginal arti cles. An adilitional volume wül be pubUshed once in about thvee mouths. Pnce,iu Cloth, k$3; Slieep, $3.50; Half Russia,í4.50 each. The NW American Cyclopffidia is popular without bcing superficial, learned without beiug pedantic, comprehonsivf but saniciently detailed, freetVüm personal pÍQue a:id pnríy prejndice, freíh ainl yt accurate. U fe a complete stuienient of all that is known upon evevy important topic witliin the scop of huinan intelligence. - Every important ftrtícle n it has boen spccially wntl'-n for its pages by mea who are au'horitics npon tbctopic on which tliey ?ppik. Thcy are reqiirc-d to bringf thp Nubject up to the present moment; to state just how it wianiU ftW. All the statUticalinformiilion is f rom the latest reports; the geograjihical accoiints keep pace with the latest exploratioiih ; hi.storical matlern include the freahöst Just views; the Biographical eds ik nol only of thedund but also of the living. It i.s a librarv of taclf A ■íR1DGEMET OF THE DEBATES OF CONGREyS liein; a PotítfcnJ Ilisiory of the ï'nitod States, from the organiziition of the lirst Federal Conpeu in 178" to lS5fi. FditMand compiled by Hon. Tuo Hart Li;íXTON,fvom üie Oliicial Recordd of Cougress. The wtuk will be complet ed in 15 royal octavo volumes of 750 pages each, ll'of which 'are ow rondy. An addltfoonl volume wil] be pubüshed once in three monlhs. Clotb, 5-3; Law Sheep, S3.-0O' Half Mor., $4; Hali Calf. S4.50 ench. A WA Y OF PROCÜRTXC THE CYCLOPJEDIA OR DKBATi:.? Fono a club of fotir, and remit the price nf four books, and live copies WÜ1 be sent at tilt; remitter's expeosefor earriiige; or for ten sub.scriberst clcvcu copies will b" .sent at our expende for can-iage. To AfUfcuts. Ko other worlc will so liberr.lly voward ilie exertions Of AN' AciEVT WANTKO IX TlfiS COCJCTT Titmis knowu on application to thu Publtshev. ;Ann Arbor, March. l?.V,i. ö902amt "i Bev, TH08. Wrhjut, agent at Kinuo A: Smiths Eook Store, Ypsilanti. BOOTS "ÏTSHÖÉS MOüBE !k LOOMÏS Ire now receivlng a lare &f Beo ta and shues aud I TJ B B E IR, S 1 Whicli tliey [Topóle to scll 50 per cent bclotr forncr prica for cash. Men's good Kip Boots, from $l,"0to$3,00 Men's good Thick Boots, from 2,00 to 3.00 Mon's good Calf Boots, from 2,50 to 3,75 Boy 's Calf, Kip and Thick Boots, 83 to 1,75 Ladic s' Gaitera, from 44 lo 1 25 Laclics' Morccco Bootecs, from 75 to 1,25 Anti fin emllesfi variety of fc!raitl Hhoes from Fancy Baliriorafe to Tnfants' Creeping Slioes. IVc aic nlso Maiir.faciuilng nll tilnds of WAREANTED BOOTS & SIIOE8. Mens Fine Frene h Calf Boots Pegged and Sc wed. So g!vc us a cali befórc pun-tir.sliií rtspnlirrc, ai ivc uro bouiil ""t to be andersoli. lütrAllUNO DONE Ü.N H'-T KOTKXBV ItfOORB & LOOMIá Main SI,, Ann Albor, Mich. 820tf CHOICE NEW GOODS! Oheap for Cash. BAGH e PIERSON Have just opcned n FULL AND COMPLETE STOCK 61 tall & Winter goods, embracing Drj Gcods, Grcccries, and EArERYTHlXO A FAMILY WANTS. They were Uought for Cash, nnd WILL BE SOLD CHEAP KOR CASH. CALIj ES uêL "FL L "S" . BACH & PIERSON. Arn Arbor, Oot., 1861. 820tf ROOMS TO LET. riOOIl alry Rm ms (o let in n quiet pur) of Ui City, I" mar the [Tnivcriitj-I'or pnrticulari inquire iit tho Aius Book Bindery. SPECIAL NOTICE TO GUST OIMIiEIFl SALT. accounts over sis montlis itiit bo tott'.od at onc. Cali at the offie an 1 pay up . A wl .seieofl stock of New (oods Chear f6r r,,h. (■Sl'tl UATKAItD , STüKBIXS ."-■ '■' II ' n' -


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Michigan Argus