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1 he Latest Fpccial Dispatcb To tüe citizens of Anu Arbor anti Vicinity ! ! INTENSE EXC1TEMENT! Uundreds Moaichvng he j)rogress of Daily EvenU ! ! Thc Federal Anny ngain Victorious! "The Union must and shaíl be Preserved !" " There was a mnnin our (oten, lie was so wondrous wise" Bul with all his wisdom, he wa not so wise its that '■other jiiffn," vho when he waut1 to bny thu The cJicapest and best CLOTHING! n this marJcel always juwjaed inio G V ITER MAN' S HEAD QÜARTERS! por tliere he knew lio alwaj-s got his monpy'g ■ft'orth. St-oing is believing and y:m that tvisli to seo come hi nnl belÍL'VO. Thoso ihat an't sec fkei., :ind as we always males ur customers feel good over guod LJargnius, licy aru ospecially mvited to our ñnsioua eat.thst they loo m:y realize how "good t s for tlu-rn to be witli us," and liow rauoh leasare can b obtaiiicd iu the enjoj-ment of SPLENDID BARGAIWS ! ' Come all 3'o lliat Bre wenry and Iicnvy laleu" - witli Ko' ks and we will do our best, to clieve too - giTÍnjtyou in reiurn llio Jinesl ind of Goods a! íhr íoice&t figures. Great bnttles aro hourly taking place in the C!otliir.g Une - wlic.le regimenté of Jassiineres, v istim-s ftc, are boing shiuglit-rei bv Gen, SoxriiKUi - to fit l lie rush of reeruits hat are pouring in from overy direction, all inxioiis to hará their niiiiies enrolled for a NEAT AND TASTY SUIT ! - iueli as can ouly be liad ut the Ilead Quarters of Guiterman & Co. Oncoftho fii'in, Mr. 11 Gcitekmas, linving ust ruturr.ed fr.nn Europe with a larga iaortment ofClotlm, Ca-eimerea and n nice lut of fine Vestings, also a few piceos of fine }eavt r for overooats wú hwewill make un tooriier in the litest stylt-, wo feel eonfidüiit that we can MrtUfy all. STUDENTS I Wo aro happ3' to groet yon fgn'n ít our City.aftor spending your vacat.iun witli th! ' dear cid folks' ut home Be nssured ve ■wish vou a pleasant term, :mj shall ever be glad to nie.-t you at the Oíd iíead-Qnai'íir.e, r,o. 5. asi mJl oí [ET Our .fermer eustonrers, we feol assured, will cali ontís agnin To yoú who come as Blrangcis -wfi _Rould s.iy a tVw worda. wc wish you to caí! and look t our fine Coat?, Pants, and Veste we can !o botter by }-ou than a y other h use in ihe City, and 'if ycu cali and examino oar frooils.and try tluir fi-,3, you will purciiaae r.owlure cdse. DON'T F A TC TO call j rr G5-. x-x. c?. D ÏCUOÖ FL ÍAK b"'3 BALSA MIC CORDIAL, For thc iiocdv caro of Coutjhs. ColJtt, Influenza, Crovp, lloursenesa. Bronchitis,, Vnenmonia, Dïsrases of tkt Bowcis, arisinq frnm Cold , Inc.ipient Coa suvuit'on, and for tht relief and ,if ut a il posxiblr) cure of l'atier.ti in adcanccd stages of the latïer diseass. rnHK Ralsamto CnrdUil is ontirely a VrcrM-ablt1 prprlucJ. li'.m cnii) nfng tb e hniin pmperlics f tl..' I I snm, with Uk inviguratingiqualities'of a Cordial, pre'1':í. ,: ; e dn!'! fat i 1: - noli nrtflptt d In Ihu JiUl inU'inJtMi, tl, ut Uure aro but Few casos oí' jitentte to liirh will ii(jt, at n:i erw ly periud, succuinb fo it litalingauá giving prujitTtits. For agt"i. fcí tlie treaímrnt nf pnimnnnrv disensos cccup.íiü liie greater poiiinn .f tho attuution o( the .-cii'iii ilic ol' Un' medicüfl wcrld, but ni no r.cquírfl moro eminence ín hiu tienfmont Bol' tbroe li.-f;.-fs, tban the cfclebrated Prussia l'r. HolñanH tle cWgoatoi oí tbe BülHmic Ciinliitl , II ís life wi j deyyiej to tUe production of remedies that woifld stami uní ivalied. Hów vrell l.o has sucrfí-ilcd. ths Amcriciin peoplo:iro aMè to jiidgoi :mi re posiiivwljr uert, tbflt no prepatetiáiM that have evor Utíen placad b ífupy thujn, lidve couieno-ï the same am'onní of wrtfnMm STiffiíriñg hümínily, or iiayje etícitwl il ni;uiv co romead ntions irom iil olai 0 f Rocièty, &h the teiñedlefl of lr. EEoofiaad, preparad hy IJr. C. M.JiiíksüB Co., of PhilndelphUv The Cordial is Icáigncvl for a cl;iss of li-;cfvp''s more prcjn']-ul itid 11:010 la'.iil tbmn Kvff fftkef to u i 1 : c 1 1 Bie peopfe Of Üiis (-oiniti-y re subjeci - ilmse Bprlngmg frnni a lllirht cold.'1 Tiiat eminent uitliurity , l'r. Bi'lljsays: "1 will iiot say Uku Colas nre toour inhab itiints what thf i'lame nu Ycllow F. rcr aro tü tho#c oí otlicr coübtrícs; but I can a ver conB leni 'y that tlioy usher in dlwiM of grwterjcwinpltdty :iud raoi'tality thene laiter." LnXrdp Vcgcíahlr Ko Alcolwlic J'reparatioft. DR. IOOFLAXD'S cTLKiír.ATr.n GERMÁN BITTERS arwl by LR M. JAClCíOX í: CU., I 'niUdel-hia, P. WilUnV'otualIy cure I.IVEK Ci.JMI'LAINT, DVSI'KP.-IA. JAUNÍHi EjChronic or Mei vous Debility, L)seaaca of ibe Kidiiejs, awX al I di meases unsing from a diorddred Livor or íítoinach. 9ucb as Constipatinn, ïtitrar.l Pilos. Fitrows or lilicl to ibe ücar, Ao'dttj of tlio Bic mach, Naaran, linrt ira, LMttffUht fur Food, FulnesB or weight in tlio Slomflch.r-oui1 KructationF,Siaking or Ptutfeerfi at the Hit oí' tlio t.iinacli, Swinimiiig of the He:r1 , llurriel and líiflicult Kifathing Fluttoring at ffic ii-;it, Cíhoking r Su ffbcuting M'iMilii.iH wlíen 11 a fying posture, liiiu ■ Hess di Víbíod, Dota of webs beforetbe sight, i'Vvor and ih.ll l'ain intbeBead, of Pcrpfratlon, Yellownees of theSkij] and i-.w-, i'ain in tlie Si lo, Dttck Cliest. Limbn, fce. Pütfdec RusheSW Ilont, Biirníngin thc Fle.sli , C DatBDtimagtniDgB of evll, ido great i'opressiors of Bpirits. and will poaitirelv prevent YKL l.OW FKVER, BIllIíDSF+.vktt,&fl Ihe l'ropi-iuii.T iu callmg (lie at'.tntion of the publio to 11:s prcpar'altdh , doo.= so wítb ;i frelmg f the utmost co lili 1 Ion 0.0 in its virtues and adaptation to tlio diBOanu lor wbioh it is reeommended., Itisuonew and nntried article, but on that has stond tlio tfl's) nf a llrelvc voar: trúl bePue (be Aincrirán peopk'j and r-'iMi:.! tinu ;niÍ -ai ■ are uni-ivalloil by íny similar prep ■ nnt. Tlio u-VUrnrili; in ils favor given tjy tbe niust protoíaftai and well-bnown 1'hysieians and individua 1h lo -all partí of the country is iniimnso, ainl a car' lul peruial ol llio Alniannc, pubLaihed annaally i)y tbe Proptietorp, and to bo had gratis of :uiy of' tlifir Adonis, canimt but satisl'y the pppticnl tliHt tb h roinei.lj i.s i'íally dcerving the great cek-briiy it has obtained Xtcad thc Evidente. PromJ. yacton Iirtncn í. P., F.diior of thc Encyr.npr,d-:a of Rcligiaiis Kiicicïwlgt:. Altliough nt t rtiipoBcd to faror or notaanuod Patent M''lncs in general, tbrongh distrust of tboir logradiints mil clltvrs I }"' l knotv of no uifficiont reasojp. vhy a irán may nftt to.-li(y to the bon 'lit he boíieves hmiseli to bavo, r00ÍT6d from any simple preparatif n, in tbo hiijip lliat lie may Ihut contribute to thc bouefit of otheia. I tío thÍ3 tfce more roadily in ronrd tn "Ilooflnnd's Gorin.'in Bit ten }" propared by Dr C. M. Jackson, ot tliíH city, beeaun I was prejudíced agalust them for yaarn, nii'ler lbo ímpreiojí tbai V.wy wcro chieflLy an alcoholic mixturo. 1 am inaebtod to my fnend liobcrt Shoemaktr, Ksf{ .. íor tho reuinval of this projndico by proper tcsts,ani for cncoumceniont to try them, wheu sullerlltg ríini reut and bng contiu-Ctl doljiliiy. The use of thiL-e bottles of these Bitters, at the frogmoing of the pfesent year, was foltuwo'i by erMfint relie!, aml rosto rati'ii to a dtfrrwtl bodtl; and mental rigor whieh 1 had not feit for six months bcloro. nul bad almust dospaired cif rogr.inincr. 1 thorefiiff rhaok (Jodaurt iy frionl lor directing öiofj tüe UaeoTtncm. J. XKWION BHUWN■ Rea-1 what tbe cmiatnt (.last; Klanufketarer .7OIIN H. WlUTAlXays of the U.LSAM1C ('nKl)l.W, Dr. C.M.'3rÁPksnl!&- Reiipectch Frléml: Havlng for a long Urne ben aoqalnted with the virtuei of tb y IVnámlc Cordial in Cou.ha. Cold, Imlammafion of the Lunpe, &rc. 1 tliu ■ l'rj 1 ly beat LesJ mom' to ís olticacy. 1'or í-l vor;il 1 liavy liövur beeïi ivith'Ult it in mv faniily It aNopves me pleanare tn state that I haTtj uied U witb entire miocu in tbe trentment of lïowel Complaiuts. Tiiy fritnl trnlv, JOHN M. WIIITALL, FifÜi Mo. ::, If63, Race fctreet, above 4ih, f'biln. These medicines aro ffr sale by all respectablc Dni?gists ml dealen iu niedcinet o theUalted Statu, Brifc 1 isb Proviiicen,anft Weptlndiee, flt 75 coots per bottle - Jtf Boreandget the genaine, with thesipuntiro of c. M. jACKWfiOU tbc wrauptT nt cacb bottle, all O'kcre ire . wtüUrttM, Fr acíjiií ' T1'-. m 1 f m F.icl r ■. % Arch tireet, Ph'iav'irliia, Fa. B2fyl AT RISDON Sc IlENDEllSON'S F=mm THE GENUINE W& STEWÜHT'S We wl to cali tbc altenlion of tlie public to tías celebrated COOKISyC STOVE! WI113I1 is"he only perfeeí atove made. It will do irore I neineas wit TS t.ïrfrd lesa fflel tlinn any other STOVE made. From t stimony given by the porsons referred to below, on account of its duiability and Fuel Saving Qualiiies, it has provcd a saving frjm Twelve To Twenty Dollars por year. We would refer you to the following list of PERSOSS WHO HA VE THEM IN USE: Prof. T:ppan, Ann Arbor. ; .Tr.l n F. Miller, Ann ArborProf. Wond, '; 1 J. (iilbprt Smith " Prof. Winchcll, " : J.T. Aulis, " Prof. Doug ass, " ■ Josepli Watts, Alphsui fVicli, " T. wiUiinson, " Wiü. P.. Martin, " ! Mis. S. Dentón, " RicU'd Hooper, " O. HwkD, Hon.B F (inniger," CA. Chapín. " .1. V. M.iynanl, " ClmrUs Ihayer, " f. U. Stebbiua. " Martin Clark, " L'. I!. Wilsun, " S. Batsford, A .V.Tuwn. Kr. O. Wcteh, ■' Tliomaa Wuoil, :jittsflcld. Mrs. E. T. Williams," Aiver.iton Druiy, " V. Clmpin, " Jacob Polherau, Scio. Ó. H. Wood, " N.C. Onodalc, " Joseph W. AVocil, " ; Mr. Fullera, Slmrun. Wc havo on hand n hirga n3sortraent of the bost kinds of Cooking, Piirlor and PLAÏE S T O V E S , and a general aasortnient of HARDWARE AND TIN WARE, and Bent stufT for Cnrringo work. Particular attention pid tp filbing i Eavctrougli and Cnnduetors mul Bil iiiuds of Job vort done at the Sliortcst Notice. lílSDOJr A HENDEKS05. Ann Arbor, IS: til. EYE and SAR. 1 DR. F. A.IÜDWELL, S OPERMOR ON THE EYE AND KAR. For Ücafnrsfl. BJlMdnCS, nnd all cicftcts of Sïlit aid Henrlwg. DR. C. HETNG A KECULAIÏ Physicim, with TWENTY YEAR-í' exclusive prctice in thi; treatment of d;seaaes of the KVK. AN'l) EAR, "i,i bfl tuund quftlilioü to give relief or etféet a cure in áhj" cuso M'iihin the rvaeb jf humnn efclU. No chnrgt. for nrt examhinilon or an opinión, or for un.iuccc-fil si.rvicts. . 'Dr.C.-A Tf'.EATIdR ON TI1K KVFAXTï KaU, Of 300 pp., cóntaïnjng refpi'Pocea, Tcstiinoniuls, Decription of DUea-bfi, Cases, ,md otbnr ïmp-Ttimt matter, illustratfd wiili Out, tu be liLi-1 fratiê, iv sending Ten Ctrtt to pny pcsagu. A.liess Dr. Cauwit-ï. 93 IUndntph ilret-t corner Deatorb, Cliicao UI. 1 vT7C8 Great Eeduction in the Price of blNGKR, & CO.'S Standard Machines . IVcll litovcn to be Uit Best for Man ufacturing l'urpose. No. I, Standard Sliutilu Machino, formeriy scild at $00, reducud to 170. No. 'J. of samo kind uf Machine, for roerly so!d at $100, rcdueftl to 75. SINGÊH'S LET TER A MACHINE Is the bost Hu chine in the world fi-r FnxralvS8wIngi Li.iht Wmiacwirt l'urjMiM; ttüih Hunmcr,) and büsutifuUj umaasttok-d fc&0 The So. 1 -'inM S Uaebtoni are nf Seftt capacity and apbilwlioi ti Biaiü&.cluring (VutpürtH. uur :ï Tfachinefl íre esjwciiHí)r tfroptcd to all kinds of liplit and heavy L'-ituer Vork, In CurrtlUQ Trimming. Bot iCQÜ 1hc Majtiog Hitrut-.-'n_.Mukini:,ctc.r etc. Thfiy'iireof c"ra bík, and itli .n arm tong enougli t'.cnk unócr it ayd Btitoli tlie Iaii;et jife? d:;ilies. ÏUere i,s scurcflv uny part oí ;i Triüi.nuis' ïtftclïing tliat cannnt bo bettor done wlth Uhmü than by hand ; so, too, the Mivlng ot time 11 ml labox is ve-y gicat. Tbtableuj theiiè macb.nés is 21 íücíiea liinjt, and tlieslmttle w;ll huid six times tlie UHual quftnittyof thread. Thelurge ■nnniuna W'f.lks iiSl'ült ,li illlllÜ UiMMk V.' v, onlï ask tor uur IMttf A NfacliilWj tbBPclalaitcniion ni tfeJt Unkcrs anfl Dress Maken), ánd TI those wHo want Machines for light mav afatturing -purposes. T'n'-y em'ii'i'.y ttte prtdctj)]ofi ti' ilie standard machines, in.ikin; likethrm theinU'i"l'cl;ed sitcli , nii'l are d'-stinud to be fca Qulebratüfl t'or Kamii.y ömriSÖ ;u d lig hl ina ti ufact uring pur posos as our stnndurd machines iir-fi'r manufacturing in general We have KAvaysoa ha tri, m;.mMjv; i;aiiíks.mik tvtst I.]i:X AND L'DTl'UX THkUvAD, OS Sl'üOW, BKST MACIÜNK ('IL in ïnftiiuliictiirp "ur own Xeedles, an'. woiiid wurn a!l peryon- iiKÏïifï onr machines net to bny imv nthers. Wf know that ihero are tieeüieri oll oj tl é raí ii-ftrior qjiality iit higher prices thnn wc charge [or tlie beat. The iu'Cll(.8 Rukl by us are nianuÍH tured ts] -fcialiy for our ma Lines. A bad netdU may rendir tht bcsimochive almo st ustlcsfa Our cuslomer-i RUT rost .i'sured liiat allour Pranch Ofllcesarcl'uruished with the ■' uAuioeaciicle " . rjf smull pur'..;isc-,. tht ta r.9 n;jy be sent in poHtufc stampa, or baiik notes. CurrpsjioiHlc-iii s wílluli ase write tlieTr namea Oi.-tii dly. It i.i elÜ itipfirtaiit íliit we should, in each caa-, Liutw the P(al Office, County , and ;in;e. Kt)" A.l iK-rMuis ii'(uiriiíí ifurnia'ion ahotil SewinR Machinas shc, prices, wopnitijr onpacitie.. ml tke best niflboOs o purcUaaiug, eau oblain it by teudi&g io UK, or any f or Rranch tHlioes for a opy ot' I. UI. Singar & Co .'s Gazetto, Which is a ')o:uitifiil Plctorial Paper cfitirtlr dcvotd to the subjfet- It toill besad gratis. ÍSZT We havo mi'le the tbuve TïFDL'i'TTOK IN PRIPE-ï with tlic tiro - 1 lel view it benéfltinjr the public nml our Ktlve.i. The public have been awmaled bj spurious drdlintM in imitati"ii of (mrs. T e niclul In tht-m. trom tliy non casting to the Fnia!lett pt-ic1, is o! poor qunlily. Tlifïï ïnalicrs havo not the mcaiis to do their work weil. Thcy arehiO u-.vny in lècrei ]lacefl, vht-re it wo uld bc imposible to have at their cominnnd the propor in-li:niie:il applianccs. It is only by doing a ÏWt business, and hnvin oxtnsire ma nnfact uring establishni"nt, thal crO'id nitchiues can be m;ule nt motk-ratDl'cei. The best denigaetl machines, BAI'LY ,IA1K, are nlwnys Hul'lc to got out of order, an'l (trtstire to cose pitfrabte trotíu1 áttá Bitony to kopptlu-m in rcpaiit The qiiu i . k t(1 bc Wokod fnr in a Machinare : CT tainly frf corred afitlOi il aU rales of peed, , íimplicity of construcUon, grent dnraljtüfy, iind mpidily of operaiit.n, mthtUe least bor. MdóhtncK ia combine thewc etaentiftl qualULcn, [must be made of the bost me'al and finish. A to prrftctH'ii.'' We have the way and mc.tn8,on :t frrjiii'-l Rale, to dn this. The purtihasors of niachino. whosoaily bread Itmfty concern, Wül flinl Dia'. Ihuso Iiavirgflie uWVjeufttities not pal y woik rell at ranH a well üs Blow raten tf Rpood .but last Jonger intlip tuiert posSiblo worküig o nier. Our machines, as made by us, will earn ranro mnm-y with laaft labor thanany olliers whether in imitatiun o.' ourfl or not. In fací, tUeyrtfchcanerthaii any other njachincaac a gift. I; M. bNGKR & CO., 4:-s Rroadway NowYork. jjfjf rdi-oit Ofnco, T8 Cr.-iwold Stn-c(, the Post Uilice. 811 tf U. II. GOODRICH, Agent, Ann Arbor. 9".'ÓLP FKIENDSI IN THE RIGIIT PLACE. Herrick's Sugar Coated PilisgJtmL""- ' - v ;il"";''!.v ' ahvays fíive j[HHPJBk ■ J' I-arpo Boxos'25 cents; whl Fulldirectioim wïtheach Tau.ait.sssk, T.eov CorirrT, ) Flnrirtn, Jnly 17,1561). ƒ ToPb. HiiBRini, Albany. N V - fy Deftr fiocfn : - 1 thia to üfotm y nu of tUewinrtcrfal bffeci of ymir Su;,ar Coated T'ül "ti my eldor ñaQbter. Firdirot j ;irs (tbc lias boon RÜlicíed with n billious iierangrmon of Öié systom. Badly imparint; her health, which ha bten sto":uliy failinj Bu'ring that partod. When in Now York in April lm-1 , :i fncTul íi1vsc1 me to tost youf pill Haviiijr tho fulhst cnnSdence (n jnd.cmer.t of my rrtend, I obtainod .i supplv oí Mosr.s, Üirnos & ïark Drugglstij Park Row, New Y f rk. Ou returning limue r Ceae1 all otlior troatmet t , and administt-red vou l'iïl-, ui . Tl, f improvenKutin her fettíings rnmi'U : n. f te, M:rpnsi"l us njl. A rnpú ftjd'permaDent re torRt'nn to boitli ban beep ihe remiH We 1 1 . ( ■ l 1 thiin tive boxes, au 4 coiyidf r her ejt'n:l well. I ciinsider tlie nboe =" jut tribute to yu as a □, and truftt thatit will b the mean.i of inlucin; many to ;u!o]t ymi Pijl as tlioir family medicines. ] remain, duarsir, wiih in;uiv Lhnakft, Your ubc'l out Kryant, :-. (1. MonnisoN. Henick'a Kid Stiengtheuing Piasters cure Ín five honrs, pufnn and weaküo of thebreast . .ido and back.itnd liho-imatic rnmplainisin an oqnall ghort pfM-ioil of tinr-. th-ctiI on hrmlttfu] u-liite lam F.kin, thoirnse s-ibjroN tho ïvcarcr ío no incnnvcirrro and e.iich onc williver frota ono wor-kto thrye months Trice L.8V conis. Herrick's Sntrar Cnrif1'! T'üls rrd KM T'lnptrrs aro P"l ny DrtiCgjstn anl Mtrchantn in ]I part- of the Uttite State, Cunnda and Foutb Arefiien . na may be obtainc-f lr ?llin fr th' m v ihirful' Dairr.


Old News
Michigan Argus