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PRINTING !, OF ALL K1ND3 i Neatly Executed , i 1 I AT THE ARGÜS OFFICE. WE ARE l'REPARED TO FILL ALL ORBER9 IN THE LINE OF PEÏNTING AT TUK MOST REASONABLË" E ATES. We har rocently purohaied a IVUTQ-G-JLES KÜTARY CARD PHESS, aid tafids afLieJ tin Int'it ntyles of Card Type, wliioh enables ut to print INVITATION CARDS, WEDDING CARDS, tlSITING CARDS, BUSINESS CARDS, 4c. in tlie nontest styloa, and ns cliap ns any olhcr house in tlie Stutu. We are ulau ftpared tu print POSTERS, HANDBILL, BLANKS, BILL IIEADS, CIRCULARS, TAMPIILETS, c THE AIRa-TTS BOOK B1NDERY is in c'.iargc of 8 P1RST CIASS WORKMAN, LEDGERS, RECORDS, JOURNAL?, HOTEL REGISTERS, and BLANK BOOKS OF ALL KINDS, RULED TO ANY PATTERN AnJ Manufactured in best sttlb at New York Prlces, Feriodicals of all kinds BOUND IN ANY ETYLE. Old Boóks Ee-Bound. All Work warranted to give entire satisfaction. E. 13. POND, Prop r. Office mul Hhulcry.Jcor. Mnin & Hnron Sts 1861. 1861. FALL & WINTER GOODS NÖW ÜKCFIVINO AT O H. MILLEN & Co's HAVING to pny CASH for neiirly 11 kinds of Goods purclinsed in New York. we nrc nccossarily obliged toreatrict our credit systcm here. Conscquoutly we slinll offer onr Fall Goods for Cash, ni, a vory mail advnnce on the cost. C. H MILLEN t CO. Ann Arbor, S-pt.24, 1861. 819m3 Oval Pictnre Frames AI.T. SIZES. ttfftm nl PRICES jift rcccircd nrt forsali' CHOFF & MILLER'3. 188O.Dec.2, TSOtf Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, X.17NG & BiLOOD INFIRMAR Y, Fisher $ Biock W odicard Ace Detroit ii. s. a, cAitprcjvTKn & uaiaiii. DOCfOTlK gtm. fully pnWnd Umt OmumptU n M iBotfrahíe, becau-if tlu-v caiwutcure il tbvin. í ntt thi.-í doea ttut mrfta it (fue. Manv mechante wiil wi rks un a Job all 'Iny and fer duing aotbing but poilthe material Un y will t' ron it nyvcr can be atine iíi fta #y .mu wi.m it. P jv appfyfng tn a bettt-r wuikinan-=i h; Who thoruughür aJuí liiii buninesa - yon will get jour worlt :- lüTnjiIfftheü in shape. Iíi Unx rcsjmct tlifip is tl.e ífp diffcrwice t I round in all tradei and ptofeMXn Ihc bi.nglir a mcciiHiiiHin, in tliu fcrt, in law, tn fhWig v , hu1 ut physic. will sy iiicfa thi&gx C&nlMJt tt &ut. And it ■ truc Lbat thcy cuuld no' be i1 all men wer likv tWaselres. But íortunaU-ly tlicre ti Hnoth'T clnx of nitn, and fijóse, whvn tlif-y jour Wie ín hand, do iLw (jbas you ' wunt tt, ÓT restot you ti) lif;iltl), accorc Um t(i dtttttrp. We hKY9 rly to r.munb'r tl ia ct 1 undcr.-ïtand whl w pli sirínii shouKI ronctiïicé tLi t incurable vrtlictl hikMht Cftn ciuo. In nn-cíianiei, mefH)nwiiiBW fcM thfct V c osíiica nf Ruperior raepiw, by Rome Bw nx.-ntíii, irf ibíeh lia the solé uno, o'r by thc yrctcr íngcnity üí Ïmi mind, onc persfm will mute r do wbat no otíicr caBExaetlj it mny tx) so n physic. Aud tbii i th 1y rcnion why I huve sncli gtoist ñucci's otw %ll othei-6 in the treoiment of Cuiirumptiun. By hiviac ie original gcnhiH. by pos.scs inff the l,ut]jj-Mutr hich enaliles me to cli-íirlv dutt nnbiu tlrt nuíur of lL sea-senn! by haring sui-h remedien í' r ('oiisumption n o othorFiijHiciaii ever bad, htskeboli] t say tï I Hive, and can elíVct a cure of this dúeMf fcpyond tl-v 'ach of any otlier man. To prove tlns to have Vjwi ï dSse, I' mlTlt givo you liumbcrs upon nvimbr cerliiic:tos frnni men and wonifn giTen ur to th rave, wlio have been rt;"upd índ rr-töred to lic-nltíi y tilo pf-ríTverih UM "f iny telttedh s tor Copsumtivir ut it id uot noe( ssa" y tbr nie to do s ln;re, for tlitf áct of oneman doing wliat another cannot c:tnnot. U 'ident toali tnon of common Konse. Ií Couxwmyve wilies further proof than this, I can only iay, jme and satisíy ynurself by tri-il "f ín y skill ín th ure of yonr cnmpiait. Doctor Carpenter will tí rit Ypsilanti, and Ann Arbor, urinpr lSfiO-61 . Arm Arbor, at Cuuk'K Hotel. 31 and th of each month; Uawkiiu House, VpnUanti, Slh nd Cth of cach month. Tl;e remainder of the time, b ill be found at tílñ l.ung Infirman' iu.lctrot ly77S. Mrs. 1XTÏMSLQW, ti excorien cd Nvru iin'l Fuñáis i'hysic'an, iruiDXi to the attinticn ot mothtrs. her SOOTHING SYRÜr, FOR CHILDREN TEETHÍNG, vbich grt-atl.v facilitates the procesa of tt-etliin;, lT often n t lie gnm, rwluein$ lili in'lBn]:üalion - wüJ lhi.v ALI. I'AIN ;ini si.u-ni..iiir actiën, i.nJ 8 SURE to REGÚLATE the B0WJ31i#. )ppen-A upon it, mofker, it wül giVe íe-t to Tyur'-lvc, nd Relief anc) health to yonr íñfiufc Wc have jiut op nnd and aold thln rticln for oví ten vorts, and CAN' AY, TN CUNKllENCB AM TOÜTH oí it, wbüt wc l.avp nerer 1ih-ii oblo to a f. anv othermedi3im- NhVKK HAS1ÏKA1LEÜ IN A siN(.;i'E íKtiTAWVft, to urrXT a éxhe, wh tixnftlji u sel. Never did we know un intBve of luati-siactioii by any c no wlio use! it. On thc cntrary, all Bfg deligbu-.i witli it4 optr. ti n-,, aBti sj t'iik in ti-rni nf cumincüilai itn ü' it-i mafcal eflVfts and ni"ditl virtues. We rpeak in fhla 'WIIAT W LO ívNUW,1' afttr t' venís' expi-r-nee. A ?f T rl.KD'i-fc OL'R RRJÜTATf(.N ' YOU 111 K FUIJ1L1-MHIT O' WHAT WE HERE DffiT LARF. lnahni "t 'v"7 intancw wlurc tht inluijí is nflcr nt? fnun p:n and pxhau.tttiii( reliet will br fi un i in tiíutn ,r twt-nty m duUd aftv# the srup is athnlnistred. This valuahl" ríp.T ition is the pnrïitioa ef '■ nf the most EXPKKIKNVED aud Ll. NTWttt in New EneUnd nnd iins Iteu used wítli XKVLK FAII.ÍNG BUCCfS n THOUSArVrï OF OASF.S. It aot otly nliewi theclilH fi-'mi pam, bi't invliynM stomach an 1 bowel, correct ucid %. aad gJv.Qf t# ,-nl enorgy to tíií wholesysleiu it vríll ft!m'ikt in-lwn'l relieve GRIPiNC IN TII1-: BCWfiU?, AND WÏND CO1J nn 1 Tercome convulsioB1', whlch íf ir t apeedly to) died 'n'l in deuth. We hel:eve it tlio BKiil aJ SL'HKST REMKI'Y IN 1UK WIRI.D. in all ce ut DY-ENTRRY od MARKIIOCA IK f HIl.iRl fí, whtth r it arivcH Ir ín tfi -th:ní? frm imy othi r cmum. W would -ioy to i-vt-i y iiuh'T wfap h cbil'1 -uflrntí rrom anv of tlie f r --'oinT implo nt - I U NOT 1 KT YOÜR 'PREJÜi ICES, KOR TUK PHJri1CKII NT OTIIKRSL -tmid In-twfen v li tuid yoi.r sull. r n? chilO, and the íe'ief thiit w-m WPCRK- TKP. AB OI.L'Ttí.T - to fdílow t!n afta o!' t'ii-i nii'lií; nf . if t:mely bm4. Kuli diectooj fir af'.tu ttill ccropnn i'ch butilo, N'nn" prnu-nf nleah t' e fríe ■íiini't" f ' TIM'IS V PKJiKIN'S, N'i-w-Yui k, ']■ ;)■ Khe nutiiHfl wt1 p1 r, Pola bv Druistn tln-Mugnut the w rM. Principal flïrr 13 CVrt. r S=irft. Bí. Y. PIÜCK uNLY -5 CENTS FKlíDO'lTI.E Fit ale by Eb. rXu:h & ('. l77t) Jbr the Speedy and Permanent Cure af Scm&niA Weakncss, Nocturnal and fiiwrnal Emisstoim Nervovs and General Dcbiïity, Impotence, and all Diseasrx ariêingfrom Soitary JKabits or Excessivc ïndulqcnce. rpHEIÏE are thou?ands of Yorvr, Men. n wel] na MinnLI JL Aged and Old Mes, who are mffariag to i-jni extutU from the above discases. Kwr. rprhapii. are nt a ware of their true condition, or wlien aseiït.-intc ia reMly necie-i. For the benefit of such, we btrewith giVf a few of thtj nvt common irmptoms, vi%; Weuknrsa of the H.'-i. ntl f'". JPaAi i íto Úiaá íi"'l Dime óf Siffbt, I#rt and W hefore the Af, PalpUnlion the lïmrt, J.vvyni, .Y Memory, Coufitaion kha. DepftanoH ut .smjí-. tnoi-w to Society, Se!f-Distnwt, Timittit.v, rV. For ech and all of the above svmptoms these remedies wiil be fuuuu u "üuerThese remedies embrace threc prmptions : A box of Pastéis, a box of Ksrrou Zbm'e J'i.V. "'d b..x ut l'trifc Umie Ptíl, all of whitíti hv important offlre M wrf"S jind should be nsed togetfwr Ín every ease. 'I ?nperiurit other modes of treatiueut uuiy be britlly sutud ai fwllows, tii: , They diminish tlio rt1onee of netnaï ucumi. Thejr iintnedjately arrest nuclurnul Haü diurual tiluMjggXber nmon IomI wrnluio. causins the orgi-tu to usuine thair natural tone and vifov. Thev strensthen clie oonsttfcntloB bv ovorcoiamji ntrous debility'and cenaral woakno-sa. They euliven the pitïts, which aro onWHj deprtnee% bv expeiling al! excitinK causes from the sv.em. '(ÖBy tlieir iiivijoruting propertu- tlifejf rfistotto ptient to lus natural tiualth tvnd vifcr of nutnh..ud. Thev cure whb all othvr Mans bv raUwl. S-Ïlicy contaia Mo Mrrn.r,,, „o (%, "r anytl.hif that can lp any event prove in.jurions. flsy Tliey are eoty and plcasant to RW, Uní r not mtcrfere witli the pfctient'n Quftl busioeíH or pK'Miir. j(fy They can be faflftd without suspiiiou. w kiiowloclg m ren a roum-matc. . That they raay come withïn the ronch of all, we linve nrwi the price of the' PiutU-U ut Í1 jht bex, anl the 1 at # ents perboxeacli. In oraerink bv n.;ul. m a-ldifon t t.. price, twelve ceuts in stamps slionld be lacloMd tor NHH '0tK. XiADTES in Mant nt a mft umi afféttuM tKéf-. Tri Mmsri ot any iüsetuw ptctllint to th-ir kcx, ,OT-JM shonM usc 1k.Gatk?5 Ikwaik Moinar ■■'St1 Z &■ Pui-. Price, )v niftit, % nné nc Mtnp. j.'.jfe (,'actio.- These lills alioiild not be un.4_ ffSpp y- d)irinj;ji'-'7KttMíyf iw linwwrirt will bt tb ÏS coï:Xr"r; n.-i,.,n!,.J.-rWmtr. or nny other liraiw and reilblo cm-, lcom "- ary to avoid au InoraaM of family, oan ! M -illiont "'""■ rlni dnScr to healll' or con.tituti.m l,v tlia n "f }l. Sj í.'r,,ii.c' ÍVcicí, 'rcníúr Juircí.f. l'riic, kj ifaail, $1 These Powdcrs can only be obtaiMd by -.IJressini tS General Aíffnts, R5 l)e]'. , Send for Dr. OiTes's PriiHüe td!cal TrtatUI ot .Sert Disfï.ies. Piuce Tkv Cents. H G. MU.LEIt k CO., Ötoerii A-i'. I,„.ii-vill, Kv. For Ir'alr lv MAYXARD, STEHülNá. A VVIltON. y"88in Ar.n Arlior Mióli. IIAIH INVÍG0KAT01 AN EFFECTIVE, SAKE AND KCOXdMk'AI. IX'Ml'OVN FOK RESTORING GKaY ÜAIR to lt original color w.' out dyenig, an-1 j. revenir lite Huir Krom turninji %t"-f. FOR PUK"JS CÜííJ ÜA1 DNEöS anl curii.-í t.wlwwi rr is the Itót'irt parttcle of vitu'l'.v nr TfreuHrAtivV ni rgr remaiiiing. fORREMOVING ?(TTS AXL : AXDIU'll', arí allcstaneous iiftVviion.s ot the Sculp. TOR Bl-I.WTirYlVC TÍ1K H.MTÍ, inipnrfito i art nttpquaHcl iiin-s auil brUli&ttCJ . na iíiug U iof1 anu sHk ƒ In lts feit re ant CRining it to curl romlily. Thf Ki'f;it. oelftbrity mul ihe inirf.'isiii h'i!i;irn] for thii unec[uallüd prcpiifalinu, rfiivnu'c the prftrit'loi th;il ai triül isonlv uca-ss:iry to utisfy ;i diccrnïlff j'ubiii ói iV sujerior qualUios ftVt ;i ot lier jirt jariit oá nf pit-siif in uso, H clflnnog tUe htsafl nul hchíji íroui dmitlrtfff n other r.vuinco'1 distases, (tuses tiie luiir tonm lu nnnntly. rw ■■■■.■ i R ricli, sott ,■ lcsy nul ilxililf ap. pcarniH'c iuii alsQ whero 'h Iimíi i& Lonten itia au 4 thiuninf?, ii will gtve dtrenfftli itn1 virVr M'tlnr nnfV. .Hnd rr'nrt' tbogiowtli to tliosa parla wlich )tyy hcotm b.iM, CaVtBffag t to J'M t fi t: hor L!■L Oj'htf'r. TdwefcM ttotidrtö nf lAVrfnnd (rentiï-iiio'n ii. Nr YotkvfUo have li;ul Uu-ir ba,1r nttorH hy tho n-o #f thlit Invígnrtov, wfien .Vil rthpr rppnr rtíiñs íimi'f)iiíii I, 1,, M. )mtt iü lus potwewon lettt s init)iHH; ; Mc iirililyii ■L ti' tbf kbove facte, from pejtftinn ttftie hialn-si r}vct. Liilitr. Il will f iTecfuanv prevent tlic huh'from tvrith 9 gre$wa tiU In Wat pwrind of lift; awl iii mm wh j tlif pair lian rhnngpfl its nlor, the up ol liiviKoratwi will irflhceriarfrty restore U te fiW orifrhial h$ , piTfiyf ït a (l;irk, glnssy appeanno. a perfuriie Sur the tníVt anrt a Hafr Bstorativp il is partVuliirly n cnmrtv.rtIei. barhrg nu nrrabf fMjrVArnie; nriil rti( prVjif fifiiliVicf it nlfoidct In dn.hi# tkt knir, whcli, whon inoist with tl. )nvi;rnrnN"r ron bc drenxed in any nqyir1 fitnii sn ij to rearrre its pXici, whetbér plafri i-r iri cin'i: - linu the rrat dprvi;unl for it by 19 i;ifii ,v 1 s'avimd li)et mrtitíf. wïiïfh noSle on'gfit tn wpfinui, as the rite plapf-H it wffjftfl tbf rfftch of all, hem er ONLY TWKNTY-FIVE CÏNTS per bottle, to b ha'l at U rr?pet?fhíe drugists' rtd perfnrnars, L MH.LEIÏ wonM cnll the nttcniirn nf Parontj nnd Guariliiinn to ihe nne of bis invini-ator, in rnsps liAfi thft fehflárenV Hair inclinen to le wpk. Thp nxf nf tt lays fnuiiiiatinn for fi ponri ïiPaH of hafif ns it rrmn iiiv ropuritji4 tliat may hT becomp ronnccifd wit tiu1 sralp. tli! [■(.■mri I nf whïeliip r.f-i.Ts.-;i 1 v Imtli fur tfië health of the child ,-ipíI the frvt rtrr fprmnrtfp nf ?♦ !Utr. f'imnV. - Xono prnnino iítVnuí ffip fac stmftp T.1 IS M]lJ.KKhPinti imilipouli'r nrinintr al-rt,J„ mni.t.ll Í HAIBINVÏGORATOB, N V hlpvi tnthryUiif ÏTHoïw1p rvpot, SP rey St. ;,i,.l PoíTI Ifi nlltl-pprlnci. pin XarehantH nd Diugiöirti" t)irnugH"u1 ilif Y.rld. liberal rliscoiioi to purchlit'n by [lip r,uan'itv. I siso flcsiro i' rresrnt t" f nr inrrlcrtn PuMÏ! mr New & Improvod Jnstantanecua Ziiquid Hafr Bye wliicj) after yvars cf sei ntifie -por'nn rtinr I hrt hriigiit !o pórfpctíort. Ii ilym bínele m Imow it-t.-.i 1 r without in.inn t' thr ïlfl'f nr .c?;iii ;i mint cd tho ti Ortirlr of thr kind tv fi-i.i.ff, PRICÈ ONLV rirTY CFNTS DEPOT 56 DfiJ" 5T.. Vrw 3or


Old News
Michigan Argus