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__ ___ -g "wTInTstrong NALL DTOCKLEE & Co., -' PITMt iliulrrs in Drv Gooils, CarCoiwrofUincflst., - n "■_ BMïl .Or-fcr. BoJWtetfM i'romi'tly iitteodeJ.t, W . ' RAYMOND'S FHotogrnpliic and Fine Al GAbLERY Nos BMdWTJefcnoa Avem.o, DirrciaT. sn.nd. ____- "iröröTFr w-r-risnT--w LODOE Xo. 9, of tlie Independent B.G SUTnÊÏÏLAND&"S(iN, ní+BOLteilü SD RCTAn.Giöia Gojnatarisn Vr"k':,aa;s.F,,.liU. IWnSWel Aon Arbur. " "drbThesse, ïtraet, Am Arbor Miclij ' K. I!. Kight cilla proinpiy Jlt!" ■■ TWITCHELL íc CLASK. ""jTmTscöttT t koon Perfect atfacln_Lan WÍÑES & KNIGHT. rVEALER in Suplo, Fancyl.iv Gooüs, Boote and Shoe, J te. Sc., MainStréet Ann Arbor. ' MAÏiTÏïnTTlïOMPSüN. DoWTOHiWAM[.Boo?.,D__lerJallkViofruHilta, I &c. Kew Block. Main 8treet. ""ËÏSDÖNHËNDEESON, D TtloWare Sc, ie, K Mogk, Main, Street. _„„„ atoóle Dry Qood, Orooerfei, Boota rad DhSdBÏÏr Stó. CtoÚling, Huron8te.t Aan Arlmr. BEAKEÜ & ABEL, A'SSy. Offlee ta City Hall Bliek, over Wbirt S Co's Hoos Sturi'. Ann Vrl)or , ' KÏNGSLEY & MORGAN, bor. j"amês"rTcóok7 Xcsnc of the Peace. Office ncarthe Denot, Ypsilanti, J ineidgan. . " Wm. LEW1TT, M. D., rliw_ii_il _ Bowamr. CM rft W residance, Nortli Pswé.L-on street, aad 2J honw Westof Divfaion itreet, Ann Arbor. O. COLLIER, k-_nUDnHBUl deaiet in Boots aml SLoen. F. M otongeBtock, ZdoorsSoath olMaynard, Btebbinü k Wilson's itore, Ann Arbor, Mich. MOOIÍE & LOOMISMunjFACnnwra an.l dealer in Boot an 3hoes, Phcenii Hlook, Main Street, one door Nortli of :Vasbngton. mTgüïteeman & co-, Wiin,Ks.u.Haiid IMail.Valwf and manufi. .-tur ReadyMadeClothing, Importen of Clotfis, Cas neres, Doeskins, &c. Ko. 5, He lilock, Ann Albor. 0. B. POKTEK, " ,_ Si-rcíkox Dkxtist. Office corner of Main .mífh & &nl lliinin -Invts. nvcr 1'. Bach's store, mtfilk Aun Albor, Michigan. AVm. WAGNER7 Deaier in MaiJe Ctethiag f'l'.tlis. Oisimfrcs and BgS", Hals, Calis, ïrunks,C'arputUags, i:c. Mam it. , Ann Arlxtr. "BACH -PIEIIBON." DEAl.F.ns in Dry fJoo.l!, Rroccris. Ilnrilwarc, Boots & Shoes, feo. , Min si reet, AnnArbor. MAYNAHD, STEBB1NS & CO., fFiEKS ia Tiry God, Groceries, Drugs & Medicines, DüBoots &Shoi, &c.,cuincrorMain and Ann streets, UBI ool = w tho Exchange, Ann Arbor. 8LAWSO1Ï & GEEE, 1b6okb8 T'uovisiox k CoTümimion!'! dr-a.X levsin Vathk jxk. LaO rutan, aud 1'LAaTüK OF ?akiíí,oii(! door Eastof CooV's Hotel. C. BLISST" DEAi.KRinClocks, Watchea, Jewelry. and Fancy Goods, at the sign of the Big Watoli, No. 27, l'hocnix Block y."crvATT i ". 7 DEALKRinClocks.WatclieSjJewclo'andSilvL'rWare No 22, New Block, Ann Arbor. ï. B. FREEMAN. Bariikb ano FashinmiUe Hair Presser, Main Street, Aun Albor, Mich. Hair Fronte and Curls kept souhtautly on tiand. SOHOFP & MILLER. DRAUCU iu Mi-c-SuinoouB, School, and Blank Bonks Sta tionery, Paper Hangings, &c, Main Street Ann kxbor. MISS JENÑÍEIe. LINES, TEACHER OFl'iano Korte, Cuilar, m.l Singiog, being desirousof enlargingher class, will recoive pupfla ut he resiíencB of Prof. WINCHELC, hioh befng near the Union School, will be very eonvenient fur uch scholrs attending tlieru wlio iiuy wish to pafSttfl ln sludy of musicin coanêcUon with ..Uier branches. Ier ms tlO, half to be paid at the middle and tlie baljauce at tbe close fo the term. D. DjsFOEEST. ITThoiksalk and Re t uil I)valiu-jn Lumber, lAth, ShinVV glea, SaahjDoora, V-. Water timo, Grand River Piaster, Piaster l'aris, atul Xails of aü Bizas. A l'nll añil perfect aásortment of the above, and all othor Kinds yf imlldÈg materials coostftntly ob band at the ;Ujwüüí jiossible rates, on Detroit Street, a few roda from -fcjie Kiiilroad Depot. Alsu opeiftting exteusivcly in tlie iJ'ntent Cement Rooñng. WASHTENAW COUNTY B1BLE SOCIETY. ÜKi-DsiTORy of Bibles and Testamenta at tbe Society prices at W. C. Voorin -is'. CHAPÍN, WOOD & CO., SUCCES8ORS TO JLjiXTKTID, GLEPUST Sa Go MANL'FACTi.I'iKK.SOF 0Erlriti Bools., AND - COLOREO MEDIUMS, A7"r,ipi3in.g 3?apor,it!O. AN.V Altnou IrtlCII. CARDS! CARDSH CARDSÜ! H:ivni pnrchased i RuaOLBS ROTUEl Pi-AJtOND Card Prens, uilj) ;i lint' ;usortiiif-nt of C;ivl typ, ilio ARGCS Ollici-is prepsrtd to print cr.l of all kind in the eatest posriible .stylt) aml ui ;i graat raduction from Tonner pricos, inchulin BnsipeBi Catúp formen f ;ül aviiet-tjoMs ;i ti'ïiiroi'isiniis, Ball, Wtjiiilin, itnil Visitlog -'r'ls, etc, etc. Cal], givw u ■ )'Mus orders anti sye huw it i dtne SEWING MACHINE FOU aALE. Fin ,.u.n CHKAI' il new lirst plM Fajnfly gewlng bLaohiae. Warrjiínted no bttc íu martet. Terina easy . É. 1!. FOM). Ann Albor, July lst)i,1861.


Old News
Michigan Argus