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Board Of Supervisors

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Wr.nxKSDAY, Uct. 2B, 1801. AFTEKNOON SESSIOX. Board met pursuant to adjournment, Mr. Compton in the chair. Present a quorum. Mr. Grsy, tr&rk Cominittee Xo. 1 on Claims, reported as folluws : Clahned. Aïïw'd. 15S X B Nye, Dept. Sheriff, 67,92 $63,18 159. KT. B. Nye, " " 31,84 37,84 100. I). 1!. ijreeno. Justk-u ftes, 43,14 2SU0 101 W. A. Ilatcli, constable fijes, 28,88 21,33 1G2. O. ' W. Teek, tritne&s fees, 2,61 2,61 103. Tlios. F. Leonard, slierilT fees, 225,29 225,29 1G4 Thos. F. Lconard, sheriff fees, 229,31 229,31 Report accepted. Mr. Beahan moved tliat the report bc adopted and the claims allowed as recominendcd. Mr. Smith moved to amend by en cepting tbe claim of Mr. Leonard, ïiiimbered 104. Amendment prevailcd, and motion as amended carried. Mr. Bealian moved tliat tlic claim of Mr. Leonard bc allowed. Mr. Gray moved to amend by deductinv $20 f rom the claim. Amendment lost ; veas 5, nays 19. The motion of Mr. Beahan prcvailed, and the claim was allowed. Mr. Thompson, from the committee to which was referred the communications of the County Treasurer, reported. The report was accepted and laid on the table. Mr. LeBaron, from the committee to settle with county oflicers, reported that they liad settled with the Oounty Clerk, and íind a balance in his hands of 8102,84, wliich they recommend be deducted from his salary the ensuing year. Report accepted and adopted. Mr. Beahan, from cominittee TSa. 2 on claims, reported as follows : Claimed. Aüw,d. 105 S. B. MeCracken.'Printittg, $0,50 $6,50 106. Hutxell & Co., JaLl gupplies, ïH ' 1CÍ Dr. Wm. Lewitt, services at Jail. 8,25 S,25 168. A. A. Terry, jnason work, 1G,26 14,26 168. fm. Waguer, clothing tot Jail, 20,85 20,85 170. E. B. Pond, Printinir. 2o,00 2j,00 171, Eberbach & Co., Jail supplieg, 4,80 4,89 172 V J. Sutherland. Keys, 1 2,25 2,25 173 Dr. Wm. Lewitt, post mortem ex., B,00 5,00 174 1'. Davis, entof ÜiePpor, 26.70 20, i0 115. H. Comptoii. Superintendent of Poor. 25.50 25.50 nu. Seaman &. Cole, Prinling, 25.00 25-00 177 do ilo do 5.00 5,00 17S do do do 10,00 10,00 170 A. Bell, Siipt. of Poor. 45,18 45,78 180, SeamanS Cole, Printinjt; 5,00 5,00 181. Jbhn IMVstotter, services at Coun House, 7,25 7,25 1S2. J. W. Babbelt. Jury of inicuo i. M9 l.20 is:. ]. W, Waite, Supt. of poor. 50,88 50,88 184. 1!. MaUtiews, Ice, 5,00 5,00 185. Maynard, Stebbins, & WilSOn, supiilie?. 5,80 5.SG ISO. A bram Sager, poat mortem ex.. 20,00 5,00 187. L. Davis, Printirig, 102,40 1)7,40 188. liudi & Piersoa, Jail supplies, 9,50 9,50 1S9. K 1?. Pond, Books ie., Clerk's office, 5S.50 58,50 190. Dr. E. B. Gates, post mortein ex.. 7,00 5,00 91. L. Davis, Printinfr. 10.00 10.00 92. Jas. R] ('ooi;. iiKiuest 7,93 7,93 193. EdwardM. Jaekson, Jury of ii.quoPt, 2,00 2,0C 194. Simnel Xilpatrick, Jury of in: 2,00 2.0C 195 ,T. W. Balibitt, Jury of inquesi. 2,00 2,0( n1fi H IL Tookor. Jurv of L.UO II. IUUM.I, tílLIJ Ul inqu.-l, 2,00 . 2,00 197 üönzo Halleck, Jury of nquesi, 2,00 2,00 198 W. II. Phillips, Jury of inquest, 2,00 2,00 190. Jno. R. Campbell, Jury of iúquest, 2,00 2,00 ■(!D Samuel Post. Jurj' of nqueít 2,00 2,00 201 Délos Showermnn, Jury of incest, 2,00 2,00 102. John lílwell, Jury ot inquest, 2,00 2,00 803 David Coon. Jury ofit'.quest,. 2:00 2,00 20 1 James Hutchinson, Jury of inquest, 2,00 2,00 205. (Jeorgianá Voung-, witnessfeea, 31 31 20G. Goorgiuna AVasliburn, witneu lees, 31 31 201. David A. Post, witness fees, 31 31 0S M. S. Bhntt8, witness fees, 31 31 '09 E. M. Jackson, witneas feos. 31 31 210. Joel llorubeck, witaeaa lees, 81 31 211. Marr J. Jaeot, wKnBBS tees, 31 SI 212. Mrs. John R.' Campbell, I ■ n ri n i 3j-tn í I i) í vitness iwö, JA 21?. Sarah 1 lollenbeek, witness feeS, 31 211. Jolm W EaUbitt, witpeaa fees, 31 31 215. Ueorgü Lawtan, Jiry of nqnost. l.0G 10G 21G J. li. Alexauder, Jury ofinqnest, 1,OG LOG ■jn. Win. Bteed, Jury of inquest, l00 '-O0 21& Jaè. Et Stevens, Jury üf ill('l l.18 J18 219. Et, J. Barry, Jury of inqúéBt, íi30 ]'30 220. Geo. Whiting, Jury of imiuest, ]i30 o[J 221 u"iistus "Widcnniann, ' J-jjysf infiucst. 1,30 1,30 -" " ■■■:■ T.üthro)), wilness 80 22J. Dr.'.wm, tewitt, witnegs I - feea, 80 o 224. Louisa Saxton, witness 25. ftoraco Lnthrop, wftnesa fecs 56 5G i 220. Sarah Ann Motmt, wit: ness BB, S6 5G 227 Wm J. Davidson, Jury of inquert, 3,0G 3,00 228. öriffin Paddock, Jury of inquest, 3,0G 8,0G : 229. Anilrew J. BangW, Ju, ry Of nquest, 3,00 3,0G 230. MahlöO Wines, Jn-y of inqucsl. 3,0G 3,0G 231. A, Blaekney, Jury of inqucsl. ",0G 3,06 232. Chas. E Letti, Jury of nquest, 3,0G 3,0G 233. Fruncís R. Gqrton, Jury of inquest,, 3.0G 3,0G 2,34. Jsaéc Denman, Jury of nquest, 3,0G 3,0G 235. Chniius W. Barber, Jury of inqueat, 3,0G 3.0G 23G. James B. Frazor, Jury of inquest, 3,0G 3.0G 237. Jared Hatch. Jury of inquëst, 3,0G 3,0fi 238. Daniel Fay, witness fees, Xfii l92 239. Wm. E. Fay, wituess fees, 1,M 1,92 240. Owcn McAidle, witness fees, 1" 1Jm 241. John Clancv, witness fees, 1,03 1,08 242. Christ. Geuter, witness fees, 1,02 1,92 2Í43. ilatthew FfllkBer, witness fees, 1,98 1,98 244. Wm.' Kellogg, witness fees, 5,30 3,80 215. W. J. Davidson, witness fees, 1,85 1,63 24G. C. I. Ingraham, witness fees, 1,66 V '-17 EÖwin "Winters, witneas fees, 1,56 1,5G 248. Ilenry Sallings, witness fees " 1,56 1,5G 2 1!'. ft. B. Gates, witness f,, (.s, 1,56 ],5G 250. Geo. Barnes, witness inquest, 1,50 1,5G 251 Thos. Webb, witness inqnest, 1,56 1,M 252. E. Harmon, cotlin, 5,00 5,00 253. Wm. Brook, burying body, 5.00 1,00 254. C.ÁVilPcy.diagiiig grave 2,00 1,00 Also claim of Dr. liarnos tbr 20, lieretofore allowcd at 5, and referreá back, reeortmoadiflg tbat it be allowed at Sö. Report acoepted, and tb o sovcral claims alluwed as recommended. Mr. Gray moved tbat fivc dollars eacb additional bc allowcd to Drs. Palmer, Sager, Ewing, and Barnes. - Lost. Tbe subject of tbc Yolunteevs' Family lleiief Fund was taken up, and Messrs. Beaban, White, Krapt', Gray and McColl appointcd a committcc witb instructions to report tbereon tomorrow moraing. A commnnication was fëöoiyed froin tbe 1'rosecutingAttorney, stating tbat be was unable to find a record of any forfeited bouds or recognizaiiccs, and tbat be knew of no fines duc tbe Covmty. Accept ed. Also a communication fi'om tbe Coiinty Trcasurer asking an increase of salary. Accepted, and referred to tbe committee on salaries of Counly officers. Mr. LeBaron was called to tbe cbair, wb eren pon Tbe Board adjourned to 8 1-2 o'clock, to morrow ïnorning. ThüBSDAT, Oct. 24, 1SC1. Board met pursnant to adjonrnment, Mr. LeBaron in the chair. Present a quorum. Journal of yesterday read and approved. s On motion of Mr. Wheelock, Mr. McColl was added to the Committee i on Unlinished Business. Mr. Beahan, from Committee on , Volünteer Family Relief Fund, reported as fullows : Hefohed, Tbat tfie sum of S1G.000 be and ia hreby appropriatod and called the Volanteer Family Relief Funf; tht $L,500 of the abovo nain'ed fund l)e ráísed by tai tilia ]n-esent yenr. and tbat orders drawn on that f'nnd from tlie first dar of November neït. nntil the eaab fund is exhajisted, shnll be drawn without interest ; Üiat the several Superviso be and are herebj requesled to iuform the Coupty ïreasuror, afterordering$2Öto)epaidoutof8aidoa8Urund, and that the Counly Treasurer be and ia beieby requesied to iuform eaeh Supervisor when the cah lund ia nearly exhausted, and tlien issue orders to all Supervisors of the County as hereio&re, Imt only at 7 per cent interest from the clate tl ey are issued. The report was accepted. i Mr. Sraith moved that the report be ; adopted, vhich motion prevailed- yeas ) 18; nays 1, Mr. Thompson. Absent, , Messrs. Compton, TUdale, Lay, Crittenden, and Childs. J Mr. Gray, from Committee No. 1 on claims, reported as follows: Clairned. Aïïotoed. '55 J O. Polilon. Jusliccfocs, $14,37 $13,66 256. Jas. R. Cook, " " 1,86 1,86 251. C. II. Yuucleve, " " 19,41 79,-U Tho report was acccpted, and the claims allowed as recommcndcd. Mr. Haire, from Committec on Rcjected Taxos reported, recomiuending that the rejected taxes reported to this Board bc assesscd back npon tho several wards and townships as fbllóws: Ann Arbor city, 3(3 and lth wards, 269,52 Ann Arbor town, 4C8 Augusta, i'f Dextor, "L Froertom, f MmiclifSter, J Northtteia, L SylvsB 4' y'i'.'sü'uiü ''ity, ' 1 Ui 'tai m WM T U'G8 Áccepted and adopted. Mr. Beahan, from Comraittce Xo. 2, on claims, repoxted as follows : Claimt-'. Alknoed. . "58 Thompson & Son, for jurors, (,63 ,63 259. B. V. Koot, wituoss lien, 1,88 1,8 Report acceptod, and claims alloived i is recommended. Mr. 'rhonipson, from Committec on Compensatiou of Meiabers, roportcd in favor of ftdopting the rosolution of Mr. MoKernan, aUowing Supervisors fivo cents eaoh desodlon fbr leVying Swamp Land Ditfli Tax. Report acoepted, and the resolution of Mr. McKernan was lost- ycas 8, im-s 12. "" - vocecdings Mr. I ,A, ,,. '.■"" ot u.o , igonVo,. tooktUc cUun Mr. LeBaron, Ffom Gomtnhtee to settla witli county officers, réported ] due Judgo of Probate for quarter ending Septemír 31st, $408,52,and ( mended tlmt the Treasurer be s ized to issue ha certificóte for the sanie, and also fe thc balance tbat uiay be due t the end of the present qoaH. Tlie report was aeoepted and ed. : Adjourned to 2 o'cíoek, P. M. AI'l'F.r.XOOX SKSS1OJT. I Board met pursuant to adjottnametot, ( Mr. Ootnpton in the cliair. Present a ( quorum. Mr. Gray, from Committec Xo. 1, on claims, deportad as follows: Clainid. Alluic'd. 2G0. Wm. Mclntvre, constable feea, $13,57 $18,17 261. Vm. 1 lloth, Juaticè fees, 41,33 -11,3:! 2G2. "Win. F. Roth, Justice fees, 36,13 30,13 2G3. John I. Trayer, witnesa feos, 1,13 I," 264. E G. Traver, witnesa f,,,,. 1,12 1,12 265. W. A. Hatch, jailor fees, 2C0,D9 2G0,50 2GG. Timotliy Fallen, witnosa fees, 1,80 1,80 Report accepted, and claims allowed as recommended. Also claim of W. A. Hatcli, of 12 for night watch, on whicb the committee were diuagreed. Mr. McGoll moved it be allowed, - Mr. Gray moved to ainend by allowipg it at d. Bfir. I'almer moved it bc laid on the table. Carried. Mr. Gray moved to tafee bul of Mr. ] [atch from the lable. Carried. The amendinent pre van1 ed - yeas 12, naya lo. The motion as amended preraited, and the bill was allowed at S8. Claim'd. AUone'd. 2G1. "W. A. Hatch, for uigUt wateli, $12, $8,00 Mr. McColl moved to reconsider the vote by which the bill of Thomas F. Leonard (Xo. 164) was ycsterday allowed. Carried. Mr. Gray moved that the bill be allowed at 209,37. Carrkd- yeas 17, pays 5. Mr. Childs, from Committee to which was referrcd tlie report of the Swanap Laud Drainage Commissioncrs, reported as follows: Tour committeo wouW report tlmt tbcv linve had unüer consideration tlie report of thn Drátr.are Coininissiuuers, and altor a careful eianmiationof tlio saine are satisfied that ïey have discharged tUeir duty in acéordánoe with the Drainage Law. Your committee would further report they have exaniined the unoiuit of cozes on each Ditch in the gevend Townshlps, whieh is as follows: A.EGÜSIA- Miller Marsh, 548,09 Bear Swamp, 29,67 Pliuy Harria, 11 2,35 G90.ll Kiïeeuom- Bnss Ditch, 322,'. 4 Diederle Ditch, 209,94 Sharou & Sylvan Ditcli, 157, 10 GS i, 1 8 Lima- South Branch Mili Greek Diteh, 3025,91 3922,94 Ltkdos- Lyndon-Sol, 1066,63 10CC:5J ' S'OUÏIII'IKU - B ranch ofTIorso Shoe Lake JMtch, 9T,33 Grove'a Piti-li, 1520,40 Mud Lake " 846.M 1863,23 5IIAU0N-- Sbaron & SvlvanDitcli, GGü.05 5Go.Su 3YLVAX- Sharon S Pylv;,n Ditch, 87.G4 8i,G4 TfsIUKK, Cheeny IMteh, 566,11 l'linv Harria Ditch, "2,50 1 318,07 $10201, Si Your eommittee wonld rocomnicnd tlic adoption of the report üf the Drainage Ooi.umssloBers. . Aarox CbilDb, 1 Allen Crittf.ndkn-, - Connnittec. Daniel LeISakon, ) The report was accepten!, Ponding the inotion to adopt, Mr. Thompson offered the following reaolution : Resolved, Thnt so ranch of the Drainage Coramissioners' report as relates tohe assessment for benefits received by the oonstmctionof the Ditch known a's the Lima Ditch, bc relerred back to said Drainage Commiasioners, with instructions to review and amend the same, it' in the opinión of said Cominissioners the ends of justiee would be pronioted thereby. Lost. The report of the eommittee was Mr. McKernati moved that the report of the Drainage Commissioners be adopted. Carned. Mr. Thompson, l'rom committee on Compcnsation of MemVrs, reported, recommending thc following nllowances to Supervisors for services in atfording relief to the families of volunteers : 268. R. Wheclock, l-'-éety, U,60 209. R. lieahan, 20 days, 30,00 270. Thos. Clark, 1 u 1,50 271. II. O. Smitb, 3 " 4,50 272. Wm.lliscock, 2 1-2 days, 3,75 273. L. II. Jones, 2 1-2. days, a,75 274. K. 1). Lay, 1-2 day, 75 275. A. Eond, 2 " 3,00 270. P. Ooon, ' " 9,QQ 977. L. Palmer, 7 " io,óo 278. C. Krapf, 3 " 4,00 279. O. White, 1 " 1,50 280. P. McKernan, 2 " 3,00 Report accepted, and. olrtSms aHowed is reconaménded. Mr. Raymond, from committeo on Salaries of County Ollieers, reportcd, L-ecommending tlie scveral salaries bu lixed asfollows: Of County Glorie, at Í700 " " Treasurer, at 800 " Pi-oseouting Att'y, at 100 Report accepted, and moüon to :uV opt was lost. Adjourncd to 8 1-2 o'clock, to-niorrow morning. Fbidat, Oct. 2oth, 1801. Board met ut 8J o'clock, A. M., Mr. Oompton in tbe chair. Present a (iuorum, Journal of yesterday red and : jroved. : :: Mr. Gray, from Comrnittoo No. 1 on ' '. Jiaims, reported (ho following : í tel C. II. Vanclüve, drawingjury 6 00 G 00 ; Rppört acueptod and claim allowed, ■ Mr. Childs offerod tho following j )ltion : : liesolred, That the Supervisors of í lie sevcrul Tüvvnships in wfliish Ditches iré located and aro under contract, nnd ; for the pnyment of wliicli aaseH6cnenfs ■ ïave been moda by the Drainage : nissioners oí the County of ; iav, bo and they aro hereby i cd to charge said assessmont upoo ■ saoh piece or parcel of land set forth : n tho report of said Drainage Tussioiiors, and that the proper : ship Treasurer bo directed to collect :he several amounta so charged, ;md : pny over tho same to the County i'reasurer as the luw directs. Adoptad . , : ]Ir. Thompson moved to take Op : the report on Cornpensation of Alembers, adopted AVednefday, and to amend the same liy striking out the words "school tax " wherever they oecur therein, and insert " two mili tax." Carried. On motion of Mr. Gray a claim of County Canvassers was referred to the Coinuiittee on Compensation of Membof a. Mr. Childs ofTercd the following resolution : Raolctd, That the County Clerk furnih as soon na convenient eaeh ot the Supervisors of tho several ïownships in which a Ditch Tax is asseseed, a ei py of so mach of aid atsessinent as relates to his Township. Adopted. Arljourned to 2 o'clouk, P. M. AFIBRKOON SESSIOX. Board mot pursuant to adjournment, Mr. Compton in the chair. Present a quorum Mr. McColl moved that the report of the Committee on cumrnunicalwn of County Treasurer be taken from the table. Carried. Mr. Gray moved that io report bo adopted, exeept so much of the samo as refera to tho Volunteer Relie! Fiind. Carried. Tiio report rocommended the following appropriations, wl.ich were accordingly made : ïo ]i(iy deb' to Insane Asylum, $1HO 4-) Jury fees 1800 00 for Safe for Treagnrer'a offiee 150 00 For County Continguent Fund 600 00 To pay en sulary of Judge of Probate 1200 00 interest on debt to State 490 00 Mr. MoColl moved that the vote by which the Hoard refused to adopt the report of the Gvmmiltee on salaries of County offieers, be reconsidcred. - Carried. Mr. MuColl moved that it bo adopted. Carried. (See Report in yesterday's proceedings.) Mr. Gray moved that tho sum of $1000, bo raisod as contingent tund lor the support of the County Poor. Carried. Mr. Thompson moved Ümt $500 be 44 ruised to pay the interest on the dett J due from the County to the University. Carried. Mr. Thompson, froin cominittee to - whioh was referred chtims ot County - canvassers it the Judicial election, reporled, rscon.mcnding their allowance as follqw?: 282 R. S Smit li 3 12 "8:1 ü Kb.u-kieli 3 12 284 Thoe. Enrl 3 12 2-b E, B Tond 3 12 286 A M. Doty 3 12 287 O Wliile 3 36 288 T. Dewell 4 93 289 PM. l'.ilmer 5 4(1 20 W L.Butcter 4 96 291 W, liusi 4 6. 292 C.C. fVmor 4 :)2 2(J3 N Shetdon 4 SH 294 T. Chuk 5 G4 293 O. Priest " (!l 296 J Ryon 4 08 297 J. L. VVnllnee 84 298 John PaeblíS 4 20 23'J W. Ilu-iij 4 20 300 W. Qeet 4 20 S01 A. BoWson (' ()() 302 G. O. Arma 4 56 303 C. Sliior 4 44 804 L IJeadricks 4 2U 305 N.C. Towner 4 806 L. D Non-ia 4 2;' 307 J. Luwrence 4 308 R. J. Bnrry, :i ' Kcport necepted and claims allovved. Mr. Smith moved to reconsidor so much oí Ihe vote adopting report of of members as aüowed claim of Mr. Beahiin tor extending relief to families of volun teers. - Lost. Mr. Uisoook askcil loave to withdraw hisdaim foe similar servic-e, Leave granted. Mr. Gray, from Committee No. 1 on claims reported the following. 309 H. M. Lazalle Const.fees, 18 71 13 CO Report auoepted, and claim allowed as recomrcended. Mr. McOúll moved that $19 bo allowod to J. Gr. Hcflstetter for services as Janitor oí this Board. Oarried. 310 J. Gr, HofTstettcr, services for Jïoard 19 00 Mf. .Ceahan, from Committoo No. 2 on claims reporled as follows : 311 O. Sanfunl, witness fees 3 39 3 39 312 M. üuit.Tinan, J 56 } 913 I S. Picrsoa' 1 6 1 bb 314 D Burlingame, 1 56 1 60 315 f. F. Leonard, J 5 f 316 P.BMh, Vïï ifS 317 D Loouiia, ■ " '" :18 13 IUihUt 1 W } 5S 319 L. R Slawion, 1 ' 1 j 320 Soaman Cole, Printing, -25 6 25 3?1 ñchoh A Miller, Stntioncry, 96 60 93 bj 32S Sclioff & Milier, Cir. Ct. Oom. Kec. 5 00 5 00 323 F. 8wg.Paink.4 Glazing 1136 11,30 324 M. öultirmn Jail appU8 1 38 10 :!8 35 N. Kellogg witneis feea 1 :t.r 1 :!: o J K. ü 2 40 2 40 ilIJp 329 ,1. W. LoB.-u-ob 2 58 2 58 -i'10 .1 S. Scor 2 5H a 58 391 W W. Anil.vo e 3 00 3 00 'V' .1 P. Schut 2 28 2 28 334 j. fc. Jncfewra 2 -8 SS.' K llansoii witneu ftos :t 30 ■"" 33Í U. Kauek 2 00 2 5J 37 O. Gilman 2 28 2 2S 38 F. Ford 1 35 1 35 ,; 9 II. UwreBc 2 10 2 n 140 AUx Boyce : t 3 -4 .41 ?. R. Gorton 3 '4 3 f-4 !42 Chin Mol rit 3 Hi 3 !-4 !4; C. Bojot :i v :t 7: UI E. lin.s 2 l:i 2 1:: 45 J, M. JCelsey 1 17 1 47 )46 K. H.-.p;uú I 5S 1 47 li fliïii 1 83 1 M 34d A. J. Brearan l (-3 1 8 349 M. CJ Edward 1 83 J 83 i.r.U Ü Mar-dtn 2 25 2 25 (51 1) A. Woudards 1 89 1 S. 159 K 11 Pop 5 45 2 K5 353 lien;. 1 helps 1 98 1 18 354 An.iw li. l'lu-lps 1 98 1 'M 355 A. Y. Óuse 2 ('4 2 P4 356 Sampson Parte 2 04 2 04 357 H. (J.Hall 2 (4 2 0Í 158 David Cae 1 04 1 T4 35!J A. V.Case 1 (U 1 04 160 Amos li. Plic-lps itó 98; 361 Her i J. Phelpi ■ . -■ 'Á . 9S, MiS A li. Mai khum Jurcrof imi 1 00 1 00 363 W. S MnyntirJ 1 00 1 OU :n;i James M. Cola 1 00 } W 369 Chas. F. Wilson 1 00 1 Uu 3üG M Clnncy, 1 tiO 1 00 . 367 J W. Johnston, 1 00 1 0(J 8 Daniel Hiscock, 1 0i) 1 Oa G!) W. H Scribner, 1 00 1 00 370 W. K lvmedict, 1 00 1 00, 371 J.Viiiideliiiden, Juror ofinq.l 00 1 ÓO. 372 N. H. l'ierce, " " 1 00 1 00 17:3 11. Buteobsrk, " " 1 00 i orf 374 P. Donovan, ' " 1 00 1 W)4 375 N, l'.tnlK.m, " " 1 00 1 Ohi 76 M. II. Cowlcs, " " 1 00 1 mi 377 J. W.Juhuson, " " 101 100 7H S. Feloh " " 1 00 1 ülf :379 D. H. Vnndercook, " 100 1 OU :38Ü K. F.Hall, - " 1 00 1 0(1 381 Isaac Fu3ter, witness fees, 2 97 2 97 :2 Geó. W. Lowree, 1 83 1 3 :iH3 WiÜard Minnis, 1 83 1 83 384 John Young, 1 83 ] f. 385 Daniel Kent, I 83 1 83 386 (Jims Kelk-gij, 1 83 18 387 H Manie, 1 95 1 9Í 388 M öeg r, 1 95 1 95 3t9 S..T. t'hase, 2 10 2 11! 3D0 A. Cnk-y, 3 (il) 3 60 391 J. W. Ciiilds, 3 21 3 21, :3U2 S. K. Pust, 3 60 3 fil) 393 J.Oarpcnter, 2 10 1 2'1 394 Jacob Cady. 2 10 2 10 395 Chus. Dupont, 2 10 2 10 396 W. Pementry, 2 10 'ÍK) 397 D. Cowles, 2 10 2 10 398 Mury S.-xtcn, 2 10 2 10 39'J A. Pral !, 2 10 2 11 WO T Alexander, 2 10 2 10 401 V II. Putter, 2 10 2 10 4(2 W. Stevens, 2 10 ii 10 403 Augustas Peters, 1 35 1 35 404 Ü W. Huyes, 2 10 2 Jl 41)5 C. A. J. llenes, 1 56 1 56 40(j H. Viukle, w.tness fees, 2 10 2 10 407 Roben Dftvany, ;i 10 2 10 408 H. Van Vinkte, 1 35 1 3a 4u9 Lawson tfe W uater iron. } in irisüiier, 7 00 5 00 410 A. Y. Caga, wít neos fee, 86 L( 411 J. MeCoiuiell. 1 35 1 3f 412 A. Smherlíina, 81 PI 4J3 E H, Yost, 1 35 1 35 414 W. B. Yust, 1 35 1 35 415 CIkis miih. 1 35 1 35 41 (! H J Kt-lsey, 1 35 1 35 417 J. McConneir, 1 35 1 35 418 T. J. Caaey, 3 24 3 24 11!) T Casey, : 24 3 24 420 J. 11. Ö Koster, 3 24 3 24 Report accepted and claiais ullowed as rcuommended. [In all claims whero services aro not stnted, the' nro Barfie a? last named "ditto" marks baving been necesfarilj' omitted by compositor.] Mr. Beuhan moved that no claims be auditcd by tfaio Board after 7 o'clock tljis evening. Mr. MoQoll moved tliat the sum of $120 be raisec and placed in the hands of the Treasurer to insure County Buildings. Carried. ][r. Thompson reported the follovving clriims of Supervisors ior voluntoer relief services : 421 A.Ohilds, % day ,75 422 O. H, .TfsJale, t days Tí 00 Accépfód and claims allowed as recommended. Mr. Tlionipson from the Committee on Oom p nsation of Mernbers reported, as füllowa : Pnys. Miles. Atnnunt423 .. Childs, l.r 18 ;S 1H ■H O. Wliiio, 15 :i Ï3 4 4-J.r) li .IViilinn. 16 1 92 bS 4 ii I). Li'Uaiuii, U 20 ÜJ 7l". 4-27 I.. 11. Jimi'S, 15 Ü '.'6 SS 4-28 E. Haire, IJ 18 ïa -IS 42.1 M. Tl ni[jsi.n, 13 14 ïTStf 430 E. 1'. Huur, 15 U 0 4:jl T. l'lnrk, 15 -'-' t1 i 432 P.Cuon, la ' il S 33 I'. HcKrrnan, lí 7 55 O :H A Cilllfn'lcn, 16 1) K 14 .:;■:, n Whfetock, ló H 27 .":! M L. Palmer, 10 I -S9 ,:;7 n. kisoook, 15 7 5 MI i.;s lie ,, 15 U -7 10 ,:);) 11. A. Milith, 15 M -S i-í l ( (ÚyumiA, lñ 24 31 12 [H R.McCvli, 15 8 3 3 U2 X. Ury, ! W Saí i43K.D.Iy, 13 H . J l44 11. l..iii:.t"ii, JS -5 ' U 11. lU.U.l-. 15 D Í74 WCiKpf, 15 1 '■Y Acuepted and adopted. Mr. LtíBaroo moved that the tuin of $20 be allowed en clúim of Dr. JJos-' heimer, ír four post mortem examina. tions. Canieil. 447 Dr. Boilieimer, post morlem rxmnination, 30 00 20 00 Mr. LeBaron írom the Committee on communiotttiona oí officers oí. Agricnltural Society, reportad as foltowa : The Cuiimiiitce to whom was reforred tlio reporting tbüttmount al lo ved by thia Boiinl to " WiifhwiKiw Uounty Agriculturnl unj soeiely ;" abo the disposul of tin1 simio, woild i ijinit: Tliat t!e amour.t raised on llie tnxablë i roKTty ol' tli-J CiHinty al oiie fortietü oí a i;,,ll wl'l btí$3á2 50. ' It is aUo the opinión of your Committee, bnoked by lina of tlie Progeouting Altornoy, it is competent fbr tliis Boftrd to disoee of ftriy iiim ruised ft t !uj aliore eperiíed im-]iuse, viz. Aj; iculuirc lloriiculi uv und tlu Mechanio Artf. Aml deemii.g it for llie Ust interest of nid Öoctety, nnd the people of t lie Coatty nt larg, t lint general infurmation in regard lo th nbove nainid object 3 would best Rubatirve thoe interes:, would recommend. to your body the expending of $222 50 by tlie Treasurer of tliis County in tlie párchate oí " Saxton's Rural lland Book," and tliat tliey be hvlil by s:iiil Treimirer subject to llie order ef llie Directora of cuiiiinuu êclioola Lili UUÜl'UU L11C VUUlllV . f The ihjvv u.üüoil wuris on Rural aff;irs on different subjeets aré mblished in rminphlet íurm, oonvenieut to read and highly rocoiníiH'iulcd. And we propose an equti] ti isiri bution by tlie Cuun'.y Treasurer uf tho-e works tocach Directer of coEimon sehoo a for tUe use of the ÍIllbÍUnts of tbose distiictü, , Allof w'lioh isreapectfully pubuiiited, and your cunuiittcu n.-k to be diactiargod froni 'thu further cousideration of the subject, O. Lf.BA.RON, ) Coinmitte Ann ArbDr,Oct.24, 1861. Acccptcd, ani rnution made to adopt, Mr. McCol! moved to amend by or deiing the aihount paid to the Waöh-" tenaw Agí cultural and Horticultural Society, to be expended in payiug pre-" miurns oí tho present year. jVIotion lost - yoas 5, nays 14. Tbo rein:t vfi3 theD adopted - yeas1 14, naya 5. AdjourneJ lo S o'clock to-rnorrow' SatpbdaÏ, Oct 26, 180Í.Board mot at 8 o'clock, A. M., Mr. Complon in the chair. Present a quo rum. Journal ai' yostcrtlay raad and approved. Mr. Gray offerrcil the fóllowing vcsolution : Wh&teaá, a great source of oxpense and taxatidii to lln' Oomity is the ci-iinina! pfosecntions eoromenoed and ontried on befer JnHioea of tlic I'cax', thorclbii', 7!r.:o'rfJ, Tint r1! Jiiktioe?rphprelvy ik;íi;m1 to reqniie evlfv cbnipliiinwit t givc bail tor (.-'tv iii criminal )i-oscc::!Í(í:is, pvl (b;i( . in p.'l cases tito pnrtifs ■■'Ul or where thö (í;')t, refnst'S or neglects to jjji-ccntc. or where the prow-iition u'sin maliciou. tl),. Couilty uiil not. 1! } ti I-ii cosis: titat tbo .1 iisi'n-is, on tllifl i1i-iJ"lítÍ!Mi;)i!-i' 'it prin'in:)! inwriiiTlï II oiil,-r I-i fll'llW tlicil' l:iv i'or MT in. I1HI1-! ■ i-i'i i'V :IWOrdïl)jf t !:nv, lllll RO -l:itc II tlicil' liiils UVS-, ;1 d 1 to ilu' i'.mnly lio.nil ; rtiicl that. cvcry li'stl Horca r presentcíj hy íi fnsíicc óí' the Pcaci wrHIifrifforliis Ouj'nity,. imist iifrninivi1 ly ati iffiilüvit that he ]i:is n.) lunil in iiis liamls Imlongjiug o t!K' CoMUj . ffesol&d, Thai theCönntv C!erk be n)Ui}iv(l to servo ;i copy pi' tlie fore■;iii'j; re.suliüin on o:uii J.nalict; oftlie j'ciic.-. Shc;;'. and Dcpiit)L$heviff, and tlföt Rvo tiofiars ht' appri [jriéted from )w c.oiai-.iLiciit. üiinl to defray the cxjk'üm-s in couiplying witli iliis (esolutiöD. TheM'csoliiiioiis were adopted. ]lr. MpCoII, tVom tlie eomiuitteó on apportiouraont oí State and Countj 'i'axcs, rcported as tbllows: 'I'O TUK ClIAlliMAS Of IBlt BüAKIi Oï Sl'I'KHVI.-oits : Tho ooramit!l?e to wliom va3 rofcrred tlie aiiportinnmt'iit of Stateand Ooimtjr faxes, wold xubiuittliu k)l)o'wing repon Kiimcs of Amountof Ktatoïax. Oormtj Tovviiships property Tax. ;.iul (.'lied. aücq'lized. Aiigiwtn. $180,000 t.3i' S "-■'Ml A. A. Tuwnsliip, 120,u0ü iaiii..vJ 1369, lï A. A. City, Ut nd'M wnrtte, 500.000 18:7,09 190), 57 A. A. City. ::d. itk& 5th tfhrdS, 463,000 1 125.9Ï l ' JSriilgvwaur, 334,000 1028,66 1076.48 Drxt.T. ■-■ 0 33,00 767,0i KrecUoin, ' 264,0'0 1X07 850.81 1,ima, 310.000 f".7t 999,13 1,m:,' 427,000 1315,09 131 .22 i.vndon. 158,000 48,ei 1)0 i,2.1 Mdhchéstor, 3(5,000 11J1.11 1176,39 ifieU, S22,l l ' ■'.■1,70 1037,80 i'iitMii-M, 4B1.00JO !42O,00 ltí Salen,, 415,000 1278,18 1337,54 St-ii. 635,0.00 K5-J7.7O 1724,30 P:iperíbr, S-.OÖO 1290,63 1S6O.10 S in,'. 520.0.00 1 C01. 50 1G73, C Mlva'i. 278,000 856.10 895,! 9 s'liaron, 3l2,bbÖ 960,90 1005,07 el)Stér, 343,000 1 ( ."'.:; 7 1005, -19 -,-, ,, k . 3 3,000 1170,56 1234,41 fpsüahti. 447,:000 U7G,67 L440,C8 Ypsilanti ls(. -Al i ::.l W.. 170.000 1117.52 K"ü..s; Yjjftilauti I ' ■ ■U!. .ï 5:!i ,.. 238,000 733.00 ÏC7.O7 Total, fSilOO.OOO $27410,47 $2384,6-1 TutaH't-!n(y dml Stato Tax, 5C095,ll Robert Mi'.'oi.i., Chalrman. Wliioli, ailer consideration, .was adopim1. Mi-. McColl offered tlie follcving rcsolutiüii : ïlesolvid, That t'ic thanks of tbis ISonfil are rluc to tlie chainnan, fov tlie ;l)k' :inl impariial niaTiiïCV in whioli he Iiüs üisoiitirgod iliu dntíos oí' his oce. Adoptcil unanimously. SlrJ Crittciuk'!) oilV;vel llie fWfowirtg rt-so!ulioii : Kesólved, That tho Drainage Commissioners, on deterntiniiig'td construct :i ilitch in ;iny Town, Rhall bo reqnirel, m ïi]]iiii-.ition ot'tcn pt'rsonn inttrested in said ditch nnd liable to pay a tax on the same, to make ;i statcnicnt ín r.riting of tln lands that would probably lie assesaed, and of tho probable iuñou'nf oí taxes on eVich section or part of scctio:i, nnd give noticc of tho time auó! iilace of thoir meeting by posting Guticta in two ofthoraost pnbVu-, places in the vicinity of said ditch ten days previoua to a-.úd meeding; ond it a mnjority ot Ihoseliablc tobe'táxífd foi" cón8tructing said ditch shail Uien and fliere stilte 'm writing tosaid Gommissiojuis that they do not wish to bate ?;;!'i ditch coustructed, theu said Conmii.s.sio:iers sliall take nu turther r.ction on said ditch. Adopti'd, and the Clerk recjuested to fitrnish j;y to eaeh Diain Cominis.sioncs. Mr. ?.lrColl novA that 3,18, bhvj)lus in the Co'.niiy tax, bi' ndded to tlic Inanram-e I'iind. Can-ied. On niotion of Mr. Beahan, the oflieers of the Agricultural Society vrere pennittcd to makean explanation as to the iiltenté of said Society ; and remarks frere made by Messrs. Mayuard, Leiand, and also bv Gov; Peleb. Adjounied sïne die.


Old News
Michigan Argus