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Detroit "politics."

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The Dernocrats of Detroit have nominated full City and Ward tickots for the ensuing charter eleetion. The candidatos for city officers are: For Mayor - Win. U. Duncan. For City Clerk- Francis PramstaDer. For City Treamrer - Daniel P. BushnelE For City Attorncy - Thomas M'Entee. For Ci'y Surveyor - Eugeue llobinson. For Director of the Foor - Luthev B. Willard. For l'olicc Juslke - Mmot T. Lanc. lor Justice of the Feace - John Fuller. On Saturday last a ''citizens' convention" was held, and a tioket nomiuated irrespective of party organizations or considerations. This convention was participatcd in by tho Republicans gencrally, and by large numbors of the most prominent Domocrats of the city, among tlicm Gen. G.vss who expressed full syrapathy witb the no party movement. The lollowing ticket was noininated: For 3fayor - Iïenry P. Baldwin. For City Clerk - James M. Wclch. For City Treamrer - Heman A. Laccy. For City Attorney - Iïenry H. Wells. For City Surveyor - John Shaeffcr. Tor Director of the Foor - Luther B. Willard. For Folice Justice - Edward V. Cicott. For Justice of the Feace - Thomas S. Bkckmar. Full ward tickets have also been noniinated by citizens' meetings, and in several wards, llepublicans tickets have been nominated. It is also said that the anti-Sunday law men are to hold a convention, and either nomínate a separate ticket or select from the two already nominated, such candidates as they may think favorable to their " free creed;" and that with these will co opérate the anti-five-gallon law and free trado in lnger men. V& On 8turday of last week we mot Cnpt. Siiaw, of Kellogg's Cavalry. Tho CaptAin thonglit thetworogiments, now both full and mnsterod o, woukl break camp in about ten davf, and k-ave for sebt of-war.


Old News
Michigan Argus