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SPECIAL NOTICES' O. H. R JLH '..' :■■■■■■■';■■,:.., .■.■■■■■■■■'j Passenger train now leave Detroit and the several Stations in thi followg. G O I N G WEST. Mail Ex. Jack.Ac. NightEr, Detroit. 7. '5 a. a. 4 30 p. M. ti :i() r. M ípailanti, 8 30 " 6.O5 " 7.50 AnnArbor, 8.63 " 6.20 " S.15 " Doxt-r, 'J.15 " 7.08 " S.40 " Chel.-ea, i). 30 " 7.30 " 9.00 " Ar. Cliiciigo, 7.C0 p. M. 7.0 A. M. 6 O I N G E A S T . NiShtEi. Jack.Ac. Mail K. Chelsea, 6.30 a. M. 4.00 P.M. Dexter, 6.55 " 4.15 " nn Arbur, 5.13 A. M. 7.S0 " 4,38 " fpsilanti, 5 35 " 8.00 ': 5.00 " Detroit, 6.40 " 9.40 " 6.05 " Trains do nnt stop at stations wlicre figures are omit ted in the table. A CARD TO THE SUFFEEirTG. Tlie Rev. Vh.m.m Cosgkove, wbile laboiing us a Miss ionary in JiijiMn, fu cured of C'Misuaiption, wiien all other meaiu IkkI faíled by a recipe obtairjcd from a learoed physician residmg in the prvat City of Jeddo. Thiíi recipe has cured great numberí whowere BUffertng frtun CoDsamjition, Bronchitis, Sore Throat. Cougbsaod Cul'U, and the dobüity and oervcua depreasion caueáby tlii'e disorders. Deafroaa ot Ijenefittíng others, I will send tlns reciie. which 1 llave brought heme with me, to all vho needit, hee oí charge. ACilress I'.kv. W'.U C09GR0VE. L23yl 4C9 Fultou Avenue, Brüolilyn, X. Y. O" Why ii it that HOOFLANDS GER11AN BITTERS is perferred to all other reniedies for the cure of diseases of the Nervous System? Simply beeause it never fails to perform all that ia sai.i of it. Itead the adTertisment in anothcr column. 624w2 HOOFLAND'S BALSAMIC CORDIAL has nequired a reputation that ilaces it at the head of all remediei fer pulmonary disdiseasea. An advertisment will be found in another col urna. 822w2 PRIZB POETHY. Let Chieftains boast t f deeds in, And Uíofltrela 'une their oweet quitar, A nobler thems my hcarl is ftlled - In praise ol Hkiuíiíjk'.s matobless pilla. Their cures are found ia every l.and - Amid Russi-L Rnowfl - and Afric's sands ; The woodroaa wotkn - the papers fill, I'roduced by IÏerrick's matchless Pilis. Dnrs ilisase afíiiet yon ? nerer doubt This chiirming compound will senrch it out, And healtta a:un yovrsytiteai 011, If you fly at oneció IIeiirick's Pilis. Thej''re safe for all - both old and young - ThEir praises are on everr tongo : Diseae, disarmed - no IobLt !ills, Sine we ato blessf d wlth Hkurjck B Pilla. j5 Put up with English. Hpani.-l; , (crinan and French directlons, Prlce 26 eeats ptr box. Suga Coated. See advertisement on thinl pagu. 804 New Medical Discovery. Kor th( speedy anl permanent cure of Gonnorhea, Gleet, IJrethal Disc harges Gravel, Strlctur, and Ajfections of the Kidneys and Bladder ■whicli lias been usM by apv&vdfl "f ONE HUNDUED PHYSIC1ANS, ín their prívale pr&ctlco, irtth aotlrc BiicceB diig C fBEBS, Copaiba, Capsulu, or anycompound Uit her BELL'8 SPEOIFIO P1LLS, aro si('('iiy in action, often effectlng a cure in a few days, and whfn a cure is flfrcteil ü U permaneot. Jby are preparad trom vegetable extracta that barmlws on ' -in , find nt' ver QAiuieate the stomaclt or Imprégnate th brakth ; aud teinsr auffftr-coateili allnaneona 1. Vo change. of diet ia Jieccssary wkilst uting them ; nor does thoir aetion nterf;:e Wlth business p:irs a ts, Bach boa enntaiifi bík dosen FUI. PIUCE QSB DOLLAR, and will bespiit by mail posj-paid bt any advertined Agent, fin reccipt of tbe monef. Sold by Druggists in Aiiii Arbor . None genuine without rqy signature on the wrapper. J. BRYAN, RocheRter, N. Y., General Agent. H. k I,. PIMONEAU, Detroii, Wholesale Antf for Micliigap, 806tf


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