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'PRINTÏNG .- L i OF ALL KINDS Neatly Executed AT THE A11GÜS OFFICE. WE ARE TREPARED TO FILL ALL ORDERS IN THE LINE OF PEINTING AT THE MOST EEASONAELE RATES. W have recently purchnaed i ROTkllY CABD PRESS, mul have n.lle,l ilie lafst styles of Card Type, wfaiob euables ua to print INYITATIOX CAEDS, WEDDING CARDS, VISITINÖ CARD8, BUSINESS CARD3, &c. !n the nontest styl s, aml ns chonj) na iiny othcr house m iho Ötutu. We aro alio prepared to print TOSTERS, IIANDEILL, BANKS, LJLL UEADS, CIRCULARS, . PAMPIILETS, &c BOOK BIN DEM is in c'.arge of ft FIRST CLSS WORKMAN, LEDGERS, ■ RECORDS, JOU RNA LS HOTEL REGISTERS, ind BLANK BOOKS OF ALL KINDS, HUL7.D TO ANY PÁTTERN An J Manufacturad in best style at New York Priees, Pcriodicals of cü kinds BOILXD ÍN AS Y STYLE. OM Books Ee-Boand. All Work warrnnted to give entire satiáf.;ct!on. E. Ii. POND, Prop r. Office and Bihdery, cor. ünia & Hui'on Stl 1861. 1861. FALL & WLVTER GOODS KOW KECEIVIXIi AT o HAYlNfi to pay CASH for neiriyall kimls oí Oooda ufcluisod m N w York, wo iirc nec'ss;upily ohliircd to rostrict fur credit lyrtem liere. Gonsoquently we elinlloffci' out Fall Goods for Cash, al :i very smul] advaiico on tho cot. V. 11 MILI.KN & CO. Ann Arbor, Sept. 24, 1861. bl'.!iu3 REAL ESTÁTE FOK SALÏÏ aaa icres cf lapd -i!h ;i wel1, of ffood water, jtnfi n U ' livíiifí Hjir.r.;_ jsti uc iu ui-o, harnanfi shodn, nnd '."UK1, oTchdïHi, ftrid r im lm ortired snu Bftj :trvcs iiïipp i i ThO rstvm is sitimrctl ra the town of So!o, ftnd nouih f ïr )''} 'k-u's plitiüs, aud four a ml ,1 h;i!i mi!.is JTI ÍA ÏIÜRR W. VM MrKRAY. lïrKö & áL"cxP I NFIRMAR Y. Fixhcr's Blorh Jl't odivmd rr Dtfroif9 Dis. S. J CAÏI PVJÍTKU & ItAlNAHÖ. ;o; D;ii' v i retend tUat í"r nsnmptii n h ÍLUI '-: 1 ' l!,i;, c:ii;]mI CU!'' íl tllt'lll-. lh ; but ti. ís ili ■■ n t I ■■ .1 inte. tneeban.OM .1 w rks on a job 11 Úy and r - tflr .ni.iií ii 't iiig but Kpif.l tbt mato rial they wiü tyon t nei r eao bi itdw n tíie wny yon watit it. Iïi bi íii ii.r to h lí! t f ■ -r Wol V ni;. ii - i iie wíitj thofougliljT iiinii-rrt j. d a - jou wlll get w vr vork a - i ■!]■''. ]n ilii.s );fcM therc1 is 11.1 í ütiif i'.jíícri-nre 1 1. foutul in all iri'1.'' iiu'l p' refeurfonn . 'Ihe ii nyli r i.t hmtIi. !,ímií . ti mi' avts. n law, iu tlirlugy, mul ii ■ - ■ And it íh trup Míey couíd nol ■- ■ :l nll mn m-rc like thBHehrea. Butíortunatlj tlieie n Luaothrf cluw oí mcii, íiimI lhee i ■ ■ ■(■ iu lifcixi, fio tL .v;.nl it, or r' iteTtt yon to hw.U, hccok ini to desire. We hav ■ tj ' y lo rcmrtnbei ti i 'iyt i o ttd i nii' nuce tbit .... ■ - ■ I , i by a p'-FüicssUiH I ■ ■ ufe De1 ü cnfiíiii, nf wln'ch lm han tíi tí m ■■■ ! ■ ''. ■ ■■ -'.-r [ngtaitj et hi mind, i;iii' i'Ci-flou wil) male o fio w! a1 oo uln-can. I -. it ip;iy bí bu ín phynic. And iit i tic v ry nn-uji whv I bve troeta rpftl RUMm ovor ll othiT-s in the treatmeot of Cüu titnpíion. Sy hiviig tlip originitl ííctiiii'. . by poaêtttt-ing tiiö l.uníf-Metei s ',.■■!, i ambles me toclearl; '!■ iioíihí Um BRture uf ll. (i i. -i -a -■ :i!i! ! '. httT ij . ■ .'-ii remi (líe f r Vn (ttfnptiúfi ; no otherPhj liointi erer béd,ntnki b)M tr y t'cat t ■ i can etfi el ;í curt) 'i t!ii-t dft?4e bjoml ti i rfach o( i . Po jiroTf tlili to h:ivc í-c ri ín Bombera upott mutVei of ccrtüi-1 i ■ i . '■ ii aud -Aiiüti ,'iv'n ivfr to f! e lfr;ivc, ■■■.'■ :. n CUI ! :mi''l H-.'or"! í'i ] t-ji !f íi by th f pti ■ i ;■ miu'iüf s t'.r Coristiiiijititin . lut il iü uní íieci ■:.■ v fue me to do ?■■ lit-rp, for D ilft n! O!,( '',;!), .[i ,] , '. I. , ■ , : t'III't CHDIlot, W svi In1 toaU uu-J! n' curamoa wiww. It Cous una] - ive wishes fut+hef prooi than tliis, ] can onïy nyf :(me ;.nl Batí ty yjorself bj triil uf y hktU in t) w ure i;l ftiir complait Voc-n'v c.r'nKr will visit Yjiyilnitti, rnl Ann Arbr. Iniiri 1 í.í-'-.l . .V n Arlji r. ftl CnbkV Rnvel, 8d dí4 %h of tch oionth; !!.. kioa HouKe, Ysilmtí, 6' 'i :. ith. ITie rfTiniT!(lM ut' the fctnftfe. Le ,vi:l be íoiiin'. .í Ws Lang Infii tuaij iu U uoíl 3j"J8 p1-. - - - Mr?. WINSIOW, Aneypfricn e3 Nut n1 FHfiolfl lTïT.-ic'afi, pRtfWrti t the alten ti on oi u tln iV.Iit SOOTIIINO SYRÜP, FOH C1IILDREX TF.KTHINÖ, wi UsTi freatlj facilitjrtcí thp procesa of ti-ctlrn?, fcrf S'p'un Lg i !.c l: lililí, rfli" 'n. ; ' !n';unuatijn - v i 11 ■ i.;, '.i1 H -!■: ■ , tB lil I cfcl Ï1, an' ÍS SUIiE to REGÚLATE the B0WEL8. Depen.l upon it, motUers, it wíl] gíve rtt t vutir-ulvcs, Kelief and healtli to your Infant? iVc lia'-f pi t i'P Mil and soM thifl :;r!ir!c for cv tn r-rs nii -'-ïX MYi IN' tüXHDI:KCK ANL I'KUTH "l t, wht wp have r.i-vcr bnlS ob! to wy nf, laittam i ■ 'íi - h.íshuü.Hi IX .1 SIVOLE JX.-'i Ni ; . 'JO H-IKIT A CIIÍK, lmi -;,:■:- I : ■ I IM TV Lo Ï 'H tilC CI iari T.f, il' ir i Vrii V'! wit'u Hl " ■ r ti i: . ntM Jieak ín tlÁil ni .■!■,:,!., ,,;;;i. 11 i llüljcal tCfcU III'! UK'dllilI virtu -. '.'i. fpmk iu thi matl r VI1 'T K 1') i 0 .. ,ii'.r Kl -ii-." i-..ri.i AND l'l.EM K !)1 II BJ I I 1ATK N ' FOR THE MI ITLJ JU NT f V ■, I '. KIR) iiiCI.'.IF. !n aJimw' ci ry .n t:n. i ,vl t'n ii'iifi lalTcT Dg 'riin i .i n rt i ■ vy lftnsti n, ri! i [ ' , ■ in P.tteiB ür íwtBtj n i'lr : ii ■ ■ rí: i 'i;. ;:.:■' r r-"'.. rn ij t'i" pri-tei ricn of raif f thi ni BU and ÍKI1 : ! I I. M KIS :n Vti-vt Iü'Im' ; -i i bari I ■ í- -, i US I M til NKVW ■.,11. N: al 'iiiOUSAND )T" CASFS. Knot oúy i h'f'.f! il" pP n. tuit Ínri-Mi tli" storaacli I ■ , con I ty. ftO'l giïfip .ti i'" 111 It H a.llio-t UlMllUlI GIUPINí: IN TÏIE riWET.f. '..! !t'XD CO1.IO nrfl ov rcome non ilsion . whih :r nnt pePiílT r'ni'' ■ : i in Oeoth. W Mici ir tii BhtT and SntK , H 'I HE W0B1 : in 11 csse ..f HYf-;KN rn:y iinl niABHHffiA IN'lilI. U1R, whcll.' f 1 ar: - r ni ii ti i! r or ;V m ín otl ir chusca Ww vih:I -; vi r wii' 'u b ;i chíW n(Tir:ni? 'i ,; i ■■ t. r.' ■ ■ ■■ u. in' - ' ' KO'l' 1!T Yin K 'i l.l . :.' : 1HK l'l i ■ I'. KÏP '♦ !:'!] ÍF.1ÍS, st i ' . r ne cliil-1, and fellol i!. : ■■ iB (ll i ll'l.Y - í" follow ti" u -e üf thi; ni', if tiiiw'ly u.-ti. Pull '■.('■ .i tor imiiuc "IV PRiih bottto, I i'Ri Iri ü 1 Ki:Tíi s, ' r:n P' f, i ■ ',■,'' i ■ ■■ [ rr ■ 13 rrñ r í-f.c.t N. Y. ■ :, KK'.i J ,i. t' F.ííala by Kli',;icli s Co. I fnt. Jïbr Me Spctdy and Fcrmanrnl Cure nf Weakncu, Nocturnal and Diurnal Emiti(mt Jfervous and General DebWty, Impotenct, and all Diiease arising fi-om Solitdry Habits or Sxangwe Induigencé, rPIIERE are thousaniís of Yoi;ng Men, fts well as Mmnr, i. Ageii ilnd Oi.n Me.v, ]io aic siiHiuing to sii. -xtont from tlie aliove diseases. M:m. perhaps, are ii"t awan of tlieir trae conjition, or wlien anbl u ri-iliy Bd . For the benefit of siich, vp hei-cwiti: frive a few of tlie most common syioptoms, vií: HVníiMJ ƒ the Boek lid Iimí, 2'niil 11 Al HnirfaiKi Súfc, D'Mn f Sigtl, l"l' nuil !! before the A'v ■. í'":' iti ia "' -;" ■-, ).';), i" " Memonj, Cu.iiuion o Iil'i', .,,.■, .-...„ .,; Sjiwii, Ma to SoMy, Self-Diêtrml, Timidüu, ■!■. For ei and "II "f the above svmptoüia these reme'iiet, v. ill be fouiid a "svereign Bahn.f' These remodiea embrace three preemptions: A Do 'r Paslels, a box of A'erooiM Bmtc PilU, anil .a box of VmU I Tonfc Ptíb, all of whii'h have important offii'i's to ptrfenn. and öhould be nsed tosether in every case. Tla-ir anpcnOi-itf ove.' other modes of treatment may be brieny stated ni ÍV1$- Tl'iey diminish t!ie Tiolencc or sexual excitóme!. JfcL" They lmuiedjately arrest uoeluruai aud diurual aiuij8fgThey remove loeal woalcness, causing tlie or-aag to asdiiine their natural tone and vigor. g They strenpthan tlie constitución by overcomini,' nervous debility and general veakoess. fly They onliven the spirits, nhitli uro Birtfdly doprusseu. ty expelling all causes from tlie lylMm. &g-By their ÏBVlgoratinK i-r ■ -ostore tlia patiënt to llis natural iiealth and vigot of innuh'"d. Tliev cure when all other means liavu faitea. #-They eowain .." .V'r,;,n,. „n (Jjjíuiu, UOC uvUltlJ : lat can in any event prove injurious. J6É5" They are easy and pleasant tu use. ana will not inUTfere wltb Uu patieut's usual buainess or pleaíur. They oan be used WÍÜWiit susl'ieiou, ur kuuv, .ojge X aren a room-mate. That may come within the reaeh of all. M-e linve flxed . r.,-í.(l ,if tlm risrls at SI per box. and tilo l'tlli at H tents per box eaeh. In orderinje by raall, in nMition to t] a price, twelve ueutd iu atainps slionld be iuduscd for Kttu postase. . _ , g I.ADTES in want rf a safe nul .■:!■ ■.■' . EpWÖ remedy for TrregHlHritte', N'Hppwi"H ' tho SÍT-S-Jl Uenaet, or any diaeaae ec ie. 3ïli nhoulduse Dk. Oí sss Fatu MnjTfiLf ft. Piu,. Price, bv iiKiil f.1 :r,id . IJlim. AfeW L Caikiox.- These Pilis 8lio!d 'i',' ba itofld &&8r k durillo lrr'!WltlCt, ad intsfiu 'i:t V.ill üe tl4 -t '""ÍV-v'ÍÍ'mís 'wiio. f-mn n ''i rfcfmKe, r anyotlior humano and reawinablo muso, dewn t uecwry to avoid au inersasa -f famlly ■■ ,■■ ;i wil iwrt naar, ring danirer to lioaltb .ir oonstiratioil lij Uia i u( . '-' O-iij-1 fr.i,. PritaMht rouien. Prie, by muil, tl tThcsènpóivo'crs Cüil only bc obtained by áírfell ttl General Aecnts, as below. . , Send for Dr. Gatïs's PriVaí í' r,v.íií on .-.,:( Diseases, PKC TkKOents. Addn II G. MIJ. LEI! S CO., CsaerlT Aï'i!I. Mi-, Ivv, For fcnle by MATJTAÜD, STEIÏi.'IXS, .(: WT1 SON. ÍÍ88Í1I Arn Arbor, Mieh. PLO4'. I M ■' l L KL ' V HAIK INVÍG0KAT01 an k;vk' rr.". SSAFi - ti. cojín i n FOU RïfcTtïRTNÖ G ' ■ .tuUt 'l)-u:, un i in ■ ;;■■■ iirrr I ■ fi y. ld ! 1 HEVKKTIKiï I i ,1 en t',,-r .- lie letirtt partic i ijiliw iu. :-:y remaiamff. ïuKHü-M' ' 'v' ' ''"v at. [■.■.:;: rrvr. u;..1. ai1. cut;v ia affect lona "t i lie Scilp. l-'i.R FtSAÜTTl 'i IX IH1 H üH i'nin ;ta te 1 ure hu '. c ■ cui - ulïlv. 'v ffl 6a1 C ■ i ■■■■'.■: ui :i'' Iit tli i 'nciji ■ ■ IMi Ii;i! ni ñ v:n' is nnlj i, ■ . ■ i uii rpul J ! Itj nuK'i ifr naalitieu ivt?i uny uther prepara I ion t present in mu. Ü '■'' ■"'r "■■ W dnmdtufp ,,■.',■,'■.:,■■ ■:.-' ■,'■ -i - ' 1 1 ■ ; tr-c Imif til 1' ■ :i rfcli, Putl , ■;'.' sr find "i-xibh1 i ppearaact), aud also wher 'In1 bair i loofieulpij und v. niiiii, tt viU LMvr sttvi-:i!i ..r.l ' ijir ío p r'nis.itiiil redore thegrowth to ii . . , bjñvip b'jld, -ausi ■■: it i" vipl i af rA r.arci. g of heit, 'T.' . -t(j citl lcii!Ti h. N'cw , -aIi o Ikivc lia! ihr'r lü.ir it'stnred ': tlif wf -l' thto ín i igorp,tor, wben aü i ■ h ra ' ■."■.i ■ I f.-üt ,. 1 . M. )■ 's in t, ■ , ■ . ■ . t i ,, l li-t; ■ ' M-[ H wiil '.■ffíTÍunll;. . ■ 71 tutti" j[ Itrutj HO til Hu1 !;n f pTÍQÍ ■■! lift ; nn(1 ín Cllf-es wtu té 'i Lts C !■:'. I iir is,. , ■ ,,, ;- - ur M'il v.i UÍC6 (Í ÍO ÍÍP wijP fatal 't_ _riviii' it ;i ■■:. f] ■ ' . ■■■,- ;■ j.i'{iran(--. , i, [M and, a H ttiveitH part-enlarlj ;H-runinK'nd-1, havkig a n agiwabïp frtifi u ■ ■■; c-i (1;t e' üth s it il Hor ■!.-; ín 'h-i ■,' ■'.'.■! .-nV, wbipj . n ii n itinir w ih th fnvigoral r cua be tlresscil in n n v Ptjoired tnvm bo ;h to prtvt-rve 1ti pbvoe, wbeth plttfn or ha h-nce thcfivat demiind i , ;i . wdard toilM arttch. wbirli nono ■ - .. : pla a ii ithin - '.f ctdh nf 't, : ONLY TWJKNTY.PIVE CENTS per bnttlc, 4o hui at uil ves;iooij;llf draggtati' ni L MH.Ï.KS ivo,(](l wll Hip 1tenÍB of rnrr-ntp :ird (uardiaas u t);i' ;:-■,' ol 'I,1, , tu OH S6M whcre th. chtl rens' Haïv inctina to he -Ak, The uw of H Irtvs f( 'i : ■ ■ nd of hfiir nnit n mnvi ií hxwurltieti thai bmi) ui'.ve become i-onnectd wük tt. ■ acalp. tberemoi ;'l of whlcbis tiececgsiv b#1h for tin huüUh (j the cUilil and tko future (Miti-jüict oí its Unir. MIJ i.: . . kBj ÜAlt! I N s [URAT K. N. V. bK'Vr n t] ■ Vh.i[i-iir t)i ) nf, ■''■ 'vv "'. Rr ■ ' ■ ■':■( ■ ii rpip M.-n !ru:ts ;;ii'l '■ ■■ ■ 't lip u . ri( [Jbui di ico ml ■ i ■ I al. a ñire l . Vln my Nov &ïinproved Instaptanccxis Xiiquid Kair Uyc which titer '-;nf ■■■ mttine ' 1; bi-..iti'Tif Ii' pWfpction. 't r!yen blück ni hn n-ii in t ' wit!;i,dt iiijiu-y t tin' lïaii ■ r Sïti;i Tantf! l -i ariielo of the Mnd ia existfJ3c ■ PRICS ONLT FIFTY CK'TP depot, se i)Ey sr.r v r-


Old News
Michigan Argus