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The Toronto Globe On Seward's Circular

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Our dfspatohea Saturday nlhided to j loadinií nriicle in the Toronto Globe ■on tho eirotilnr of Mi'. Soward fuvortng immediate measures lor coast dèfebsè The Globe, af ter Stafing the poinls of tlio circular and Baying that thora is nothing in it calculated to excite alarm, Tcmarks : lf the northern States cannot conuor the South, the fact will bccoinc clear in tho eourso of time, and reeogDÍtion will theu be soon euough. IÍ on the contrary the North reduces the rebels to obedience, the nation whioh has recognized tiieir indepcndencc will have an account to settie with the United Statos it were just as well to ovoid. - Setting aside all considerations of justiee ai.d morality, &nd placing the matter Uf.on the lowor groilDtl of expedíency, We do not see that the repultlic hus the slighteBt reaaon to anticípate foreign iütorforence. While it wnuid bo a violntion of law, divino anJ hunian, it wunlJ ulso be contrary to that poliey wbu-.h looks only to gain The President, as conservator of the national nterests, does no ir.ore than his dtity whon he determines to place the country in a position to resist enomies from without as we 11 as traitors frotn wiihin. It is not a nico positiofl for any (roe people to be at tho mercy of' any Dution, no matter how chivalrous or how peuculul that nation may bc. We have seen for years past in Ëaglund, when the peace party have declared that the ruler oí Franco entertaincd no sinister designs, the roply has been, vvhethcr that was the case or not, it was below the dignity o! the poople of Great Britain to retain tlieiifroedom beca use Napoleon did not chooso to attack them. And the argu ment holds goJd on tbis side of tho Atlantic. The United States has entored upon a civil war, of whtch it inay be we have only seen the comrneneement. Tlie people aro enthuaiastic, they are dterinined to niaintain the integrity of the U lion. Now, whüe they are yet unbroken with the contest, while they are possesscd of their full fltrongth, is the ritting timo to provide for disasters which may befall them when thoy are presed with a load of debt, and when their blood stains the field. While tho Union was undivided, whilo each citizon who dwelt within its vast domain feit proud to bear allegianee to the stars and s tripes, thero was littlo necessity for foitiücations. But under present circiunstances, the govornitient, m inviting the State Legislatures to take into oonflideration tho tnatters mentionud by Mr. Seward's circular, is exercising a discretion tho wisdom oí which we of tho Britlab Empire, coneidenng our antecedonts, should bo the last toiinpugn. An attempt will bo mado to show thftt th'i8 letter of Mr. Seward was inteiuled to menace Ouoada. We apprehend ü' far of England was tho special ihducemont to tho initiation of the ' project indioated in the letter, that such foar has been caused by tho peraistent j mísropresoutations of tho organs of tho Cuaadiao go ver n mei) t. No sane man can suppose that visioos oí loreign conquext da.zlo the evos of the tneinbers qt the LTnitcd States Cabinet at this moment.


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