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Over The Rapids

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Fiom Ihe Knickerbocl;er Jlagiuine, Crimson and gold leaves were illuminating the summer vcrdure, liko a Christmas decorated fir, wken Theodore Granville again pusbcd aside the bushes, and stood on bis favorita rock, looking out on the m;sses of tintcd v;ipor, forever rolling over the world's water fall. After eloven mouths spent in various combiuations of the nine potent little figures, with the magical ciplier, it was a vast relief to attain a spot wher.ce noth ing but beauty eould bc seen ; wherc the eje was rested by the wealth whick does not suggest the thought or necessity of money. With tliis paradise of water he had become thoroughly familiar in the moutk of leisure he allowed himself ; indeed, so lavish was the love he bestowed on the seene, that he unconseiously feit the interest of a guardián in Niágara, and was really affronted when unappreciative or careless eyes glanced at the wonders whieli years of study only intcnsiñed. - The love of beauty was deeply plauted in Theodore Granville, and thirty-five years of cultivation had tauglit bis eye to feol exquisite satisfactiou in form and coloriug ; he had no patience with those who did not possess this keen susceptibility of visión. Most of this mau's life was neccssarily spent in a dark counting-room, where he worked, as uiiners do under ground, to procure the ore whicb, transmuted, may become ' a joy forever.' Theodofe Granville s rooms were situated on a uarrow street of the coldest town in America; hcre books, pictures, and ono statue, well chiseled, made bis evenings lcss solitary; ut these pleasures were limited, they could not reno vate his whole nature, like he watehing of this liquid emcrald aud amber, distüled by the fall iuto incensé, rheodore Granville's nature was not entirely assthetic ; bis standard of living was high and seldom rcached; it annoyed jim to fall short of perfectness himself: ne was astonished that others did not pretend to attain the Alpine point. A thorough bred Englisuiuan in his manner aud habits, he had learned to live within himself, and found most society rather distastet'ul. His hair was already iron-gray, while his upper lip was shaded by a jet-black jnoustashe, a little scornfully eurled, It was impossible to discover the color of his eye; gomutimes it darkened to the velvet blueness of pansy, again a fawn's could not be inore beseechini' in its softuess. You can paríially undersíaud now the ■ man who clasps a tree on the extreme , verge of the rock, aid looks entraueed at the water-crowned rauibow Nevertheless hia atteution is distraoted by the groups ever passing his retreat ; he ínwardly despises the lady who is more occupied with her dress and its arrangement, than the ovenvhelming grandeur ; ho looks coutemptuously ou the bride and her absorbed husband, too much pleased with each other to care for the glorious cataract - ho wondcrs how a woniau's eyes can equal the depth of the many eolored foam. The looker on is euraged because a young girl, caroful of her complexión, keeps down her veil, and he stares with indignation at a man who ventures to yawn, while gazing at the majestic flood. lie can ouly consoló himself' with the thought that these people are from ' the States;' illiterate aud superficial, he ought to expect from thein no greater appreciation. Theodoro Oran ville fully believed that the most foolish aud ridiculous human being in the world was an American school girl, espccially when .sho happened to be visiting his chosen haunt; her enthusíasm was affectation, and her siuiplicity palpable ignor anee. With these reflectious, his eye turned from a pretty girl just passiujr, and exelii'uning, ' Is n's it lovely !' to the sceno of which he never tired. Voices were heard very near, looking around, Theodore Gran villa beheld intruders standing on the moss woni by his feet. One of the party, a woman, pressed forward and looked in silence, Trans fixed, on the very edge of the rock her face was plaiuly seon - an unusual face at all times, for through beautifully moulded features beamed the rarer beauty of a cultured mind and a pure soul. From all the faces you have ever soen, few like this riso in remembrance ; it is a beauty of which the owner seems as uneonscious as the w&.ter-lily on a mountaiu lake - - She stood unmindful of herself or her companions, engrossed with the fascinating avalatichc of water, uutil the awe, and sublimity, and enjoyment of the first look at the cataract shone through her face. With bared head he etood, for the black straw traveliug-hat had iuterfered with her freo and interrupted visión, so she held it in her hand, while the sun turned some of her chestnut hairs into gold, and the breeze stirred her graceiul curls. Theodore did not look wliero ehe was gning, but plainer than he ever saw tho Ilorse-shoe Fall, he behold t lio ininutest details of her dress, and tho crowniug glory of that radiant, hannouions face. - I beg your pardon, but jou are rentaring too near !' The young lady drew back, startlcd by a rtranger'g abrupt words, and found herself alone. Theodore held out hia hand to load, her tg a safes footing, she her tbauks, and quicldy disappeareü through the bushes lo join he friends. Twi-light was this man's favorita hour on his rook, yt this evening ho did not lingor, he looked again at the inist, tinged with the sunset beauty, and iinding no rpflcction in a woman's eyes, followed the path tbrough the springing bushos. During tlio hours that romained of. bis holiday, Theodore Granville hauuted every point of interest, pretending to hiinaelf that he must hav-o a. last look frovu his oid friendly nooks, in reality disquieted wlien ho did not see in any place the woman who could understand and enjoy Niágara Ín the samo mood Mr. Granville paced the dcek of the steainer which would eonvoy him to his daily drudgery, as he bittorly thought it now. when about to be soparated from his dreamy idloncss on the banks of the uvifatliomable stream - Never had it been so difficult totearhiinself awsy from the spot ; usually thoughts of business and the healthfulness of work mado him willing to hear the deep niusic nomoro; now he impationtly waited for tho beat to be loosened, the plank to be withdrawn, still regretting that his journoy was unalterably commonecd. Tliere wero not many passengers, only a few late tourists, and the common number of uninteresting people ahvays traveling. ïheodorc (Jranvillo pridcd kim self on a freedom from sentiment, and could uot endure souvenirs of places he had seeu. Still as he strode the lowcr deck irritated by the dclay, Le wasbiting a ccdar branch which had grown on that mossy rook. lts perfumo rocalled the scene, and the fair visión of a faco cloar as a orystal, ever looking toward the misty flood. He presaed liis fingers on lus eyes, shutting out the dull steamboat and its tiresome surroundings, when suddenly voiocs were again hcurd, aud on the plank appearcd the black straw bat, ibadiag that graoeful hcad. The lady in advanoe was Dot young ; sho had those pretty silver-gray curls which snit fair faces whenee youth has faded, and a penetrating eye, withal kindly and sensible. - Loaning on a gentlemau's arra, carno bohind her the voung lady, in a dress so fresh and well arrauged, that she was at once pronounced a brido by the majority of behoWer. Tho gentleman with whom she walked, was nobly built, and carried well a head covered with light clusters of curls. He bent a little toward bis companion, tevealing a smuoth, unshaded face, and a laughing blue eyo. Theodore Granville's face grew darker, it fi-owned at him from the water iuto which he looked as they passed him. Every body of any preteueions sought the supper deck, when the luggage was well sottled, and the voyage commonced - that delicious voyage, buginning with the wati'r fresh frota tho cataract, onding with the ocean. It was very natural that Mr. Granville should find a seat not far from the ladios, and their attendimt gentleman : they saw inerely a well-bred looking gentleman reading. a scariet raiiway book, whilo he was quietly studying the gro.ip, with well disguiHed interest. A n:v gensatiou is ofton agreeab'e; Mr. Granvillo bad never feit the pleasure befuro of fiuding out from trifles bow strangers were conuected. It was a novel thiug fur him to been involuntarily listen ing, trying to distinguish from their tones wheuce they canie, aud how they were bound together They were, evidently, ' old country ' people ; the eider woman spoke in a olear, distinct way, and looked thoroughly Euglish; doubtless the young lady was traveling under an aunt's eare, o her way ' home.' Their chairs wero drawn together; the lady with the silver curls wrappcd her water-proof oloak about her, and scunned tho boat, and passeugers, aud the widening shores of tario. riioodore feit her sorutiuizing eye pass over bis face, while be triod to read confusod and meamngless wordi; the young lady was sitting in such a way that he could only see her chestuut curís falliiig under her straw bat, and brushing the plaid thrown over her shoulders, for the air was fresh. The gentleman was leaning on the arm of her ehair, looking not out on the lake, but at her expressive face. Would a brother tlius lean on the arm of her chair ? The reader grew restless, and tbrowing bis book down, tried to enjoy the noble lake. The perplexingquestion would return to Mr Granville's mind, and glancing again at bis pleased, satwfied smile, the thought would forcé itself that she neust belong to liim in anticipation, for he never dreamed that be could be her husband. There was a strango laseination in the group, not a movemout escaped this man, although he could Beklom bcar a word spaken by one ol lbo party, the young lady's voica was too low ever to reach his e ar. When ho next looked, the eider woman was, holding a bit of ccdar, and gay ing 80 loud thathü distinctly heard: "You tbink this will bring back Niágara, eh, Victoria?" How that name rang through tbis man's heart - the name of his .sovereign, oí whom he always said, ' God blees her V was this her name, too, this English girl's? In his pocket he feit for his eed ar souvenir; would not this indeed briiirj back Niágara to him ! The fair-haired man said ploaanntly, but in a manner diaagreeable to the lit-tener : ' You sball go ther9 every year, and not have time to forgst.' Had ho a riglit to take her there? The young lady assumed a lees languid attitude, and soon left her chair lor a seat nearer the water ; tho gentleman stood by her sido, at tentive to her worde and loofcs, the other lady watched them narrovvlv. There carne a grating of' tbo boat and a neanng the iittle vvharf of a stop ping-place, in tho course of' the morning the delay was nocessary for taking ii wond, and did not promise to be short moreover, the deck was sunny. Th young lady quielly drew irotn he traveling-bag a skotcb-book, and began to point a peneil in a noat,'skl]ful way Tlie gentleman leaned on her chair aiul looked exeessively intere.stud ; tb sunlight feil on the white page dazüng there wa not a bit of abade to intu pose, the young lady turned to see some relief'. Tiieodore öranvüle is proud man, and nover oiricious, never thelesshe unstrnpped a light umbiclla, . and going forward offercd it to the gentleman, saying : 'I beg your parj don ; the sun is vory troublaüome,.' 1 At these words the young lady turned with unaflected wonder, and again , bo(vcd hor tbank?, Tho ulder woman looked op distrustfully, and watched the man until he stood vvith folded arena, a safe dist&Dce, Meanwhüe tho pencil moved with dextrous stroken, outlining tho bit of' landscape seen through . tho opening. ' A lodge in some vast wildernees, ÍS it ?' said the lady with the solt gray curls ; ' where is your hermlt, your hero ?' 'Here!' cried tho gentleman, springing up, ' I wil! bo her hero; let me run nshore, and strike an attitude I" Before the latter words had been spoken, Mr. Granville was already CTtussiBg the plank, and strolling along the shore to a point whenee could be seen the sketctier, shadod by the weloomo umbrella, held by her watchful compn'nlon. The handsome gentleman threw himself ander a tree, direotly opposite the ladies, and caíled out, that he was ready to persónate her hero, f that expression suited. The dark-eyed man stood in the shadow, unobserved, apparenlly, vet he, too, was looking up in the direction of tho upper deck. Presently Mr. Granvillo Uiaappeared doeper n the forest, and did not issuo until the warning-bell bogan to striko. As he reached tho deck, tho light-haired gentleman was leaning over her shonlder, looking at tho sketch. - ' You've made mistake,' ho said, with an annoved air; 'you did not take me, after all ; so that fellow is your hero ! 1 Victoria thought you did not suit tho scène,' tho other lady interposed, "you looked too debonair, too heppy : that dark, tnisanthropio mnn was the better hermit, and owner cf that dreury lodge." The pencils were put away, the utnb relia re',urned, and the party sumrnoned to the dinner-table, where tho genilernan's soiicitude for the young lady's comfort s'ill ootltioued. They were ovidently old Uieod's ; thero was no appearaneo of tryiltg to please on either side ; the handsome gontlernan took it iirgranted that he might take care of her- at least during this vc yago. Tho after dinner hour passed idly away, tho young woman whose presence transformad the boat into a temporaiy Arcadia, was invisible ; the fair-haired man was in the forvvard part of tho Btearaer, solaced by a eigar ; on bis return to the upper deck, Theodore l'ound the lady of tho water-proof reading bia book so attentivoly that sho did not immediately notice his presence. At lerigth, laying it down witb an apologatio look, ehe unfastenud a reticule, and arranged the contents in a more orderly way. Threo or fonr letters were not disposed of when the geutleman approachcd. ' Come hero, Harold,' she exclaimed, ' I ean't quite mukc out this name; is it Granville, d'ye tliink ? Mr. Ilamilton is s very wretohed penman.' ' Yes,' aoswered tho gentleman addressed, deliberately, ' it Iook3 like Granvillo - ever hear cf him?' 'I faney so;' the lady replied, ' he is Mr. Hamilton's best friend ; he particularly desired us to find hiui out, as he would mnUeourstay very agreeable.' ' Where's Victoria?' inquired the gentleman, playing with the etter. 'Is tho lako too rough ? ' ' I told her sbe must rest,' said the ladv ; ' she has boen too escited at the Faïls to sleep vel], Hero she cornes fresh as ever.' Aa she neared them, the deck was ligbted up tor the two men like ' clear siiinir.g aftor rain.' Air. Granvüle had a fuller view of her calin serenity of brow, her depth of eye, her self-possessed vet gentle bearing. Harold siniled aa if sho were coming back to him. - There was a freshness ftbout the girl, in hor faco untroubled as a child's, on her cheek with its soft peach bloom, in her mauner, showing how well sho understood herself; when you saw her, t brought back the roviviniï iragrance of the sea-shore, with its pleasant dash of tpray, She sat lookiog off pn the joundlcss lake, whilo Harold went boow, bounc] on a secret tour of investí. atioR oonuerning this man with ronray hair and the disti.nquished mein. As the bout moved en tranquilly. Victoria thought of her ovvn life, its peacaful progresa, and wondtfred whether any thing would ever give lier a no'v sensation again like the first sight of the water-lal!. Would liie Btill rise and fa 11 like the regular motiou of Ontario, or would there vet come before the peace, the hurrying rápida and inajestic fall, surmounted by the rainbow ? Througb Harold came the tidings that this stranger was froni a town in the Lower Province; he might know the gentleman to whorn thoy bore letters of introduotion; the eider lady signifted that she liked his appuaranco; Victoria acquiesced ; their escort toolj advantage of a triHa to ongage Mr. GranvilJa in conversation. Meanwhile Victoria saw the scarlet book ving on tho bencli, and took the qucstionablo liberty oí ascertaining the owner'a name. When she read ' Theodore Granvjlle,1 lier heart gave a peculiar little fiutter, and the ulder lady looked, also. ' Can itbe posaible, dear, that this is 5Lr. Hamilton's lriend?' Jnst then tho two m?n approached, and after that the party was iicreased to four; for of course, iïarold was aot long in discovering tho eoincidenco, and Mr. Granville gladly acknowledged the letter was in tended for liimself. Before Tbeodore Granville could trust himself to haar this wom-an speak. he sought the expía natory letter, hoping it would reveal their ties, Mr. Hatnilton begged leave to introduce to liis kindest notice, bis particular friend, Miss. D - , under the care of her brother, an unoxceptionable man. Tho lady with the soft grey curls answered tho deeoription fully. Wbo was tliis unknnwn Victoria, the queen oí' bjartsf The letter vouchsafed no further inf'orniation. When Victoria said, ' Harold, let ns go forward for a change,' Mr. Graovilfa atood oonrteously to let them pass, but lus ej'o darkoned, and ia his heart a now pain stirred. Miss. D - - was ui unusnally agreeable girl ; she talked well and nol too mach, listoned in a way that was ftkltering, and made yog cofifest that her ■fiieiidship would be vaiuablo. Sho porsisted in talking of thoge .ubjects implying a knowlecigo of books and art; not onc word did sho say relev;int 1 to tho two standing m the" forw ai'd part of the boat.. ITsually this man wquJJ have fallen readilv into cí-.fii siili-ration of topics quite congenial .with his feolings; now ho iiswcrcd ratber vuguely, studyingto find sotne unnoticeable w:iy in whii-h Victoria' relation to the two travelera might ba more apparent. Wlis this PruU(J. dig" nifiod mn thus descondmg to lbo de mands of ordinary curiosity, or did something withio urge superior claims? Just as Mr. Grunville was becoming very restle.cs, the two returned, her emls tossüd by the breeze nto lighter clusters. They found a shültered corner, and tho four, sonthed by tho regular surgingof tho boat, feil into tliat pleiisant, desultory way of talkiüg which un jonsciously reveáis the character. There was, however, generally one üsU-ncr. Victoria preferre'd wntohing the untojding of other minds to the revelalion rij her true self; 80 sho studied carefully the two tnon who irnpcroeptiblv luid themselves opon Por her eriticism and observatii)i). Outwnrdly, the two ivere utterly unlike, and Victoria traced the saine dis similarity through their tastos and orgaoization. Sho knew woll tho fairhaired man, and like his sunny eye and winning Bmiie was bis generóos, frank, and untuspieioua nature. The changeable eye of tba other man was not uasily fathome'l. Victoriaj only perceived at first that their traveling companion was most deferential, and very rnindful of those little attentions, particularly attractive hen vendered by a man ot his age and temperament. JVliss, D had tho capability of drawingont both men, and throwing iri those suggestions and gnidabceS that smooth Hway ill roughnei. AgVin ' Victoria oponed her travellng-bag, ! and instead of her sketch bonk, ! duced i folding chessboard, and set i oí chess-inen curiously carvfid and damtly smalt. Tho two men watehed her pretty fingara trranging tho pieces for their eontest. Was sha tryiiig their skiii Btill further ? Tiiuy liad adjourned to a tabTe in the saloon ; horo 'ictori;i threw nside her ïat, and preparod t" watoh the gnntfe with cyes i'ull of interest. Hurold't well-shaped hand playod ftmoug tho criinson nen, movino; thein in a light, dancing mannor in eccordance with bis spiiits. Theodort; Gi'anvül'i's brow contractod; lis pieues wee pushed with a quiclc, decidod uaovement to tho alloted place; ie was thoroughly in earnest. From x sofa Miss D watched tho group: Bunlight and shadow sho rnused ; oppotiite shone Victoria1 tranaparent faee; of which side was aho tho guardián angel? was the rod itt white queen her favorito V Hui old grew more ioijcitous, for the game was being wol! conto.sted. Suddenly he looked up, exolaiming: ' Wh'at rev.,rd, A'ic'.oria, shall the conqneror receive?' ' AIv bit of uedar,' sho said tnutnphantly. ' that 'Vagrani branoh pickod from the bough overhanging tho rock whence I first saw Niágara. Is that enough ?' Mr. Granvillo's eye grew darkor; ho looked oloser on the board, white Harold gayly ponteo! to Vho very buttonhole it ghould adoro, noarest his haart. Harold was evidently on the winning sido; his cheoks flushed with pluasure ; tho poach-b'oom deoponcd on Viotoria's, vvhen, by a few adroit ond and fareauhing sirokes, the orimon king wa enclogëd in a net so entangling that only one avenue of escape rematned. Harold bit his lip, moved once more in d espera tion, when gradually the white kinc was by hor side ! Without a word. Victoria aropp, and in a queenly way, fautened the bit of eed ar n .Theodoro Granville's buttonhole ; but she did not esprees by look or sign whethor she was roally pU?ased. The8unset was too gorgeous to bo lost. Victoria, well wrapped in shawls, stood on the deck, exhausting no adjeotiveií on the scène : her two companions snw her faco : that was enough. Miss D , more prudent, sat bv the swinging lamp, reading and glancing ocensionally at the threo figures not too oíd for romance and sunset beautios. Harold began to sing melodiously ; his tenor was delightful. Theodore could not Fe f rain frotn u rioh, when he heard ' God save tho Queen !' 80 t'ney loitered thcre, until the stars were out, and Victoria vvna a little ohilled ; although nu ono proieásed to be iired, thora wns a tendenry to silence on their return to tho saloon, Theodoro was entertained by Miss D , whilo Victoria walked pp and down, steadied by her companion. It was quite easy to say, ' I trust you and your niece do not find the voyao;e vory fatigueing,' yat Mr Granviile'n voioa fultered : no, that man could never be lier uncle. "Doos Miss Eaymond sing?" lje vciitured to icqairein a smtable pauso. "No, not habitually," Miss D replied. "Harold's yitu was a charming musici!)," Theodore fult very gi-atcful to the shadow for shiclding the astonishment he feit; a strange buoyancy possessed him, whcn that word wai turned to annoy and perplex him. IIis wife was; tho verb douoted the past ; he inight still be freo. "Victoria is uulike her sister," Miss D went on to say, "hut I hopo she will fill hor place; it is ïny dearest wish." Theodore did not liko tlio tono with which his companion said this, nor the Bisterly look she directed toward Victo na. Vould not the friemUhip of this wom-in suffjee the sister and brothu;? At au carly hour the two ladies withdrew. Harold took a cigar, and did not linger with his eompanioD. When uiidnight made Ontario very lovcly, .Mr. Grauvijle still paced tlie deck ; at every Step ho porcoived tho fragrancc of thu eedar bough. Victoria lingered in Miss D 's state room, and was very helpful in unpacking her diessiug case. Finally ha turned tho conversatipn inglüriüujily to Mr. Grauville, trying with 1 woman's tact, to fiud liqy he stood in tjia lady's critical estimation. Misa D - . - was sufficiently versed in a girl's perveraeness to make 110 disparaging reinarla (reating him rather as un intiiiisely co!d Enghshmun, polito by hubit, pi) not a suhjeat fcr very especi:} OQHGidpratlou or attcution. Victoria opened lier sketch hooi? on reaching lier own stute room, dnd alrti-i'd j the cxpivsKinn of the figure plainly out lined ; lie was not a misa-ithrope, hut r living, thinking man. In tho nur.-ow borth, looking out 00 dark Ontario, 'iotaria meditated on Harold's charaotcr.-As her sister's huskind ho had hitherto beco a good-uaturcd, kind brothcr; of late their rolation bad changed, slio must think of bina íiow n bis true liglit, and weigfa the nttainments of bis manhood. - I 8he thougbt of him iu bis daily life, carrying into Lis business tïiis hopeí'ul, cheerful uaturo, shunuing the troubles, courtios; tli o pleasurcs of existence. 8he remembered liis unvarying kiudncss, and the filling of her sister's brief married life with constaut brightness; sbe knew j na dcvotion as a brother, Lia pleasant acquaiutooo with all tlic arts wbich make life happier: yct sbc could not feel that in this man she would focl that repose of soul for wbicb sbe yearned. Tho brotber-love liad not worii away with bim ; the voy age would bo monotonous and placid ; slie lungod for the leiping, tumultuous waves preceding the pluuge sublimo and beuutiful. The visión of Harold faded away; the words "I beg your pardon; you are too near I" rang in her ears. Was she too near the edge to be safe? Sunrise on Ontario found them floating through the Thousaud Islea. Victoria was alone, watching the boat's courae, wlicn Mr. Granvillo carae on doek, still wearing the cedar priue. Morning shows the bright and practical part of our nature; at evening we raay poetizo. They were talking vcry freely of lifu's aims and rt-sponsibiüties when Harold ap proaclied, loaselated thau usual, y et stoopnifr to kis Victoria's hand as he s;iid, "Good raorning!" They were drifting into the St. Lawronco, thc waters still tinged with memories af Niágara, pcparating two nations, yet bringing them together. Theodore Öranville had feit no dismay even wheu he (HscovereJ that tliis ÉDglighwoman ' liad never touched British soil ; it d id ' not matter to which lieniisphere Victoria belonged, any country miglit be proud of ' her nativity. So the day woro away, ' with iucroasing disijuietude for Ilarold, incroMÍilg Mtisfaotion for the fourth ' age?; be had long ago found out tbat this womnn oould understand him, and be trusted hiuisdf in ber band. By a woman's iutuition, Victoria noticcd the shadow in Harold's blue oyes, and by delicate manoeuvres restored bis faitb. Thej two íren weru less domonstrativo to day ; Victoria carne from ber reserve and charmed the hours roagioaJGrave and gay, child-like and womanlv sho still made visible the raiubow over the water. ïhrough life's smooth and rough places, the voyage would be safe witb tbis woman ; from the river she would snrely reaeh tho ocean beyond ! The boat was nearing the rapids, that perilous part of the noble river, wlien the heart beats íjuicker. Victoria triod io caiet the hurried pulsutions; why shoukl tbe rapijs agítete, ber, the pilot already 'on board! Nearor they drew, until tho bat bogan to rock and tremblo. Theodore had passed through these rapids scores of times, yet never beforo did bis heart bound and trcmble in unisón. Tbe four frionds werc stand ing, exhilerated by the novelty of the raotion, and the apparent danger. More convulsivoly tho boat plunged. Victoria could not stand alone ; there were two arma offered for her support. At Niágara sho wished to be alone, to drink in that escessive beauty. On the lake it mattered not who amused her. - On the narrower river she was independent of aid. When danger threatened and the rapids were under their feet to wbom should she oljng ? Who would best still her fnghtened and helpless heart. ' Harold's beseeching blue eyes claimcd the privilege; he must not hesitate: with a suddun impulse she drow closer to Theodore Granville's side and bis strong, loving arm bore ber then and always-over the rapids.


Old News
Michigan Argus