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How To Have A Warm Tent

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The correspondent of the Providenco Press, writii.'g from the Seeoad Rhode [sland Ileginient's camp, gives the following useful account of the maüner in whiob that regimout has protected kself froui cold and frost, while in tent : Camp Biughtwood, ) Oet. 15, 18GI We havo been getting fora few nights, quite a touch of' winter. Indeed the cold has pinched us " quite smartly," ;is our Southern neighbors say, so that we uotonly feel the need of warmer blaukets and more of them, but of good üres also. Necessity is the mother of invention, and the need of proteetion against the sudden cold, has set the ipvputire wits of our Yankee soldiers to work in good earnest. A plan was soon hit upon which answers the purpoae most perfectly. ïhis is the description of it : A hole Lj dug in the centre of the tent, about two feot in depth and diametor. This U walled with stonos laid in soft olty, and covered at the top with the exceptiou of a small nperture for tho introduction of fuel. - For this aperture there must be a close fitting door or cover, which can be opened and closcd at plgasure, Across oue pide of the tent a trench is laid and covered with wood and earth through which tb,e cold air is conveyed freely to the bottom part of this subterraneau firo placp. - ' From the top of the same and across tho opposite side of the tent, another treneh is laid and carefully coyered with stone and earth, through which the sinoke and surplus heat is carried off. ïliis is tljo wliole machine. The njorits of it are obvious. It is universally praeticuble. - It can be easily introdueed iuto any tent or dwelling. Thp econo.u;y of t; it qosts only a few hours' woyk for three or four men. The eonvenience of it ; boing entirely under ground it takes up none of the precious room of our small tents. The utility of it ; it dries and warms the earth within and even beyond the entïre circuit of the tont, and thus prevenís those damp, cold and unhealthy cxhalations from the earth which are probably the chief causo of the ill health among soldiers. The tents are thus also furnished with a moist and genial atmosphere, the heat of whicli eau )e easily increased so as to meet the oxigéneles ot' the cold est part of tho se;ison, To realize the importance of this you must remember that the walls of our houses ara only thiü canvass - that they are so rapidly j peuetrated by cqld, or Jjeat, or napjsture., that the afuiosphere within follows rapidly tho changes in the coudition of the atutosphere without Indeed, sq far as this is concorncd, there is but very little differouce betweon living undcr tho tents and in tho open air. Without some such eotitriyance what, theivfore, could persons do, who, until within a short time, been aecustomed to live in close and warm houses. I had rather, it is true, tíjke my chance for a long and lualthy life in the open air, both by day an.;l by night, rathcr than in a close room, and upon the bare earth rathcr thnn upon woolen carpets; but tlien wisdom must be oxercised, and timo must be taken for a gradual chatige. The effeots of thia expedient upon this regiment are easily traoed. The oases of illnoss from severe colds and intermitteut or billious fever wfaicb havo reoently sprung ijp among }s, are, I believe, uil iu the tents nol ihinpratected, It must be also, in pnrt, at le.ast, owiiig to this arrangement thqt our pneampincnt still oontiimt so litíaltliy, .vliil furms of sioknoss incidental to these enld snap, are prevailing iu encainpnients near to us. I havo been thus particular iu describinü tbig anangonient and its advantaes, for two reasons - Ffrt, bëpaose I am eertain that it wilt be eoinfoft to our frienda to koow about it, nnd to be that witli this and a few aoditioiial blatikets, Uid which we hüve no doubt wijl h.a sout tu us, we shall get alung vory Seoundly, there may ho othors who will ünd it fr tlieif advantayo td adopt tiiis methud. of warming their touts or dwellings. VVjth tie hope that my lettel may thus do oJ to . touic oue, Ha.yes' Prlar Fxyeditio. At ;i jmblic diniii-r tu Dr. Hnye. roceiitly giveii hy tlie Nivt buntia Medicnl Society, at Ihihfiix, tlie An-tio cxplonr made the folluwing aiiusiou to hi lut af peJitioii : ' You liave intiwtcd to uii, Mr. President, lliat a sketch of our njnye woiilil be cceptabie to tlm gpnüciiiuii wlio honor uie witli tbcir cntirtcous attelflion- V e visited Sinith Struit, ou tb. 2öth of Atiijust pf lust year. Iluavy ic-ü and stormy gales pravtlited out penttmting f ar withm tlie Strait, aud, aftcr boini; twice in jwupardy aiuong the bergs, uid thre times driven out af the Strint 9y nortbeast rales", we mem f reed to gcj into winter quarturs on the east side of ihe Strait, iu latitude 78 degrecs 17 min - ates Bouth. I espected to havo reached the west coast, and to have fecurud narbor Hear latitude 8Ü dogrrea. JAj plans of exploration werp dependen t upon iogs, of which au amplu etook liad lueen :btained in Kontheru (irei niaiid, Mot of these auimal died during the winter, jad 1 was obliged to take tlie field lat 3Mring with a ml forst and iu au tjiifavorable position. I enrríed witli me a boat mounted upon runner, for service iu the opeu sea to the northward. Atter a trial of' neavly a moiith it wns found tbat the boat eould not be transporte aeross the Strait, and I aceordingly seiit it back, nd with three coinpaiiions and two skdgos drawn by dogf, I cor.linut d uorthward. Ou the 18th of May our provisions were exiiausted, aml we rourned, having reaehed latitude 81 degrees 35 minutes - a degreo of nortliin which I believe net to hive lean exceeded by any other person rxcept Hir ídward Parry. The land wbtch we exilurcd s the nesrest to the North Pole )t' any which is known. Beyoud tha and L believe there exisls a perpetual open sea, which ruay b navigaied. For tliia purpose, however, steaui power U necesaary. l' It is my purpose to renow tlio ntietnpt uext year, if eircamstanoes provo 'avorable; and I am still of the opinioii that, with steam power, n ttrnng force of mun and dogs, and a well organized syntem of aófvanoe d.epo , the .North Polu can be reaehed. '1 bat tho regit n abont the pole sliould be explored, you will I think all agreo. Tt l.a long enough reïnained a terra incoynita Öpeaking an one interrested in the advancemènt of scirinee, I may suy that I care not undur what fiag the eoterprise niay be oonduü tod, whtlher ander that of America, vr England, or Franee, seience will claim the houor of the advancemènt.


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