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The Pursuit Of The Privateer Sumpter

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An ofitber oí the war Bteamer l'ow hatan scnds lo the National Intelligenrcr a long account of that ves-sel V c;1kku oí the privateer Sutnplél'. Tin; following are extrnct.s : " "e lontid a cuujus state of alLiir's esis'ing in Muratiliain; tlio puople, íi'QJH the Governor down, boing Sumjíer-mat! and politici running us high ís t liov over clid n thfl South- the Brnzilian Kympalhizing almorí to a in:m with the eécessionists, under the apreeeion th:.t the Boutfa was fightiftg ihö batlle of BraziU-iighting to prolect their property in s.aves. "Addresses had been riüide tlicru by Captain Semines, oí tho Sumpte", t( the G-ovornor and peopie of MuraiiKum, ia which he uacd the most speciouf nrguments to pmvo that alter the North had libwüshed sluvery in tho Southern States, slie vvould tuin her attuntioi? to abolishino: slaver; in tho Jíra.'liun Empire. 01' course, the arrival of the Powhatan as looked npon with distrust, and a rewurd of $500, (mudo by an Americnn) to any one who would knook a hoL in hef bottom so that she could not foüow the Su raptar, was rceeived with gtetit fuvor - tho Government tuLing no steps to step such prooeediogs. "In all oommunititjs t; re aro weakininded peopie who cannot keep i secret enliusted to them; theie wera some sucli in Maranhain. Captain Semines' pnrticular friaodi lot out many in relation to hi.s tnovenieats whujh he would rathur have kopt seeret, We found cjiiL all wc wanted to know aboui the Sumpter, what eoal she could stow, whnt was lier speed, what nuinber of men, and whal kind of crew she had. and whore shu wonjd ükely turn her attdolioii to capture pi zes. "Any smart saiür.g vessel oan run away trom her on gn easy bowltDè, lor on a wind, undur sail, she c:in du nothing of consetjiience, and she cannot carry her eail on that courso, without ta ghuking rtr getting auauk. ïhe range of her largefltgl-n is only twelve hundiod yard at higli elovalion, uiid she cntilil not hit anytliing at a greater distanoe thfMi uiteen hmidred yards, and COtlLd uot earry her ports out with a heavy sou on. " Mi opinioi is that the Aumptcr will finally turn pírate agawut all commree. Sie Aas a crac composed of all na'ions, the catesl portio:i benig Porttguese, Spaniards and Bnglith."


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Michigan Argus