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An Outbreak In The Indian Territory Against The Rebels

An Outbreak In The Indian Territory Against The Rebels image
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'., 1-t ] Wc I i iuturesting and imporit. ion íVoii! A." eived through newspipers of thnt State, wbich, i of ■ ka olJ, contain some iteiiis tluil are havo lud from aty othcr shhv:1. T':. L:rV Rock Trae trat of Oc L7tb, publishcs a leüer ! ; t.) Uberl i'.; , Lbe Confedérate [ndian G n from the rebol Col. ! Melntosh, in c :!inii:.:nl of regiment ut Camp Ploasaiit, &xpre2sing great alarra' : on account of ati appro hended at.U;,-k from a part; of Oraeká. Col. M;I recornmends that thc forocs n tlie ; kee and Cboctaw Natióhsbë itumediatêly Rent to hisa I irs tliat thc ; South-wcstt'in F n! i:i -s are Ly do irícana ' unanimons in hostílíty (o tlir; Federal Goyernrneiit, iiptsyiíbstaodiug tlie 1 tionn of Ucn. Pricu and bis secessioi) co sdjators. Tlu; Crcoks, ander tlie le&d ol A-poth-le hola, oue of the ohiefs of tho j trice, have boon thu firat to rovolt agaínst tbe treaties wliorcby lluir lovalty lias león attempted to be transfetred !rom the Union to the RioLmond dynasty. A poth-le-bo-la, gtttberinga íoree variotisly estimated at from 3,000 to 6,000 lately proceeded to thc Ureek Apeucy at Nort.h Pork, ánd tearing down tbu Confedérate flag, hoisted theru b}' Mclntosh's regiment, tab tip the Stars and 8tr'ipea of ; tbo Union. Groat eonston);it;u;i was ' creatcd anioog thu Uttioa residentsby tliis : uprising, and men, woioea aud children , left in groat nttmbers. Gen. McCulloch, then at Fayettè, ordered out 1,100 Clier okees, 500 Osiris, and a battalion of CoioDol Ooopers regiment to " crush the Outbreak.'' The expedition started pro'uably obont the I6th, but we have no means of knowiog llie result at present, A diepatclL froni Gen. MoC'uüuch, datod Ootober lOtli, at Faycticville, gires one Captain Davidsoö, to whom it is diI rected, koiuü iiistruction as to raovements I of troops, but contaii:s nothing from whicb it can bo inftned that McCulloch bimself in tended marchíng into Missouri to the aid of Gen. Piic?. At any rate, itis oertain tliat sevoral thousand secession soldiers will have to be kept in Arkansas to ho)d tlie Indians in check, so that thc rebel iorces will bo soraewha) distraeled and divided in thoir operatious i:i tliat qnartér.


Old News
Michigan Argus