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M. C. R. R.--change Of Time

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A new time table went into opevation on the Mienignn Central Rnüroad, on Mundnv last - the "Fall and Winter Arangemenls,'1 the " bilis" suy. Trains now leavu Detroit and the sevei'al stations in t his Cuunty as follows : G O I N G WEST. Mail Es. NlghtEl, fletroit. 1O.ODA. u. 4.60 c. m. 10 CO F. M Vpsilanti, 1125 " 0.45 " 11.15 " AnnArbor, 11.45 " 7.10 " 11,40 " Dcxter, 12 16 P. M. 7.4.'. ' 12.05 A MChelse, 12.88 " 8.15 " 12 -.5 " Ar. Chicago, 11.10 " 10.45 " G O 1 N' ü E A S T . NiglitKx. Jack. Ac. Mail Li. Chelsea, ö.15a. ï. 3 32? m Dextir, 6.40 " 3.50 " Ann Aiior, 4.35 A. M. 7.15 " 4.15 '" Ypila)it, " 7.45 '■ 4,40 " Ar, t Detroit, 6.05 " 9.30 " 6.00 '! Perhaps this arrangement, in view of east. ern and western connections, is as favorable to local intereats as Snpreintendent RiCEeould make it; but so far as the Mail Train ís concerned it faiU to give satisfaeiion to uur citi eens; and we presume that the same may be eaid of all other towns ou the eastern half of the road. To wait, and in these times, until "high noon " for our m'iil and the Dctioit morning dailies is ])l:ieing a grievous burden upon the suoulders of all interested in the preeciit events daily oceuring. We hope that some remedy will be devise J, and that speedilj ; and if tlie publishers of the Detroit morning papers do Dot wisli to be entirely dj-ivcn out of circulation along the Central Eoad.iBpecially :it all pointe west of Jackson, thej wijl ui'ge au immediate ohange. JC3E Bvkon Green, of this City, is ftgain in the market buying Cuvulry Horses. Farmers having good, nound, liiiy, Bruwn, Sorrel or Black ijorses, from lö to 1G hends tiigh, can get cash for them Sce uoticc. (3T r,'ak!tnmr; FJMurgh Magazine, íor Oet ober. brings Mío fol!ov:r.g labio of eootents : Democraey Teaching l-y Example. M diúrioaa on Pypffl.- Ho. II. Tlio "öhronioles "f Cni-lingiord : Th Doctor' Tam y- No. I. ... Tn Bonk Hunteri 3.ub, Si ciiil Science. What teems to ba Huppcnnigjust now w:lli th Pop, ng 1: ■ r.oihs. Ouptnin OlntterbuPK Olmmpagne.- A ■Vr6t. Iruiiiiü Kimioiao bïs. - ra-t I, Tlie firet paper is of courseuoon American iiffivii s, inid is, of course, too, atrongly againf.t (he Ünion, gloatnig over tlie downfull of tlie goven nu -11 1. nnd thi dt-at.Ii thrjcs of llic pu'.ilic, na n wild benat gloutsover tlie ead carease of ils viotim. - SS a .ycar , tha fonr Reviews $10. AJJi-(s8 ! eonaed Scott it Co., New York. 13T" Gao. P. PurxAM, New York, anJJ.l! Gii.moee, Tostón, are io oommenee in December th publication of The Confnen tal Montlily, " to be devoted to literature (ind National Policy." It is to ba dooatêth preserva ion of the Union, never violding uit lier to peaeftbï or forcible disraption. The Continental Monlhly will be edited by Q Leland, one of the most genial of writer-s; and we mistake both editor and pobliaher f it does not prove the most popular of ïr.ngnzincs. $3 a yca,r,postagc paid, Address either publisher, Ijp" We havo reoeived dom H. M. IIiggns, 117 Rar.dolph Street, OhieagO, 'The Prsetieal Binging," oting Part I of The Festival Chimes, a new musical work " designed eepteially for Elemental and Advnneed Classea, and Musienl Festivuls : By S. Weip Mastín." TM Puit contains 93 picces, many of tliem v(rj' bcautiful, leajing tho niu;ieal pupil from the first etep to mi advnnced stnge of tbe seience. The work -when completed will be a popular ODe. - Proís the same we have the " NeU) StarSpangled Bannen" words by Edxa Deas Pkoctor ; ir.usic l;y J. P. Webster. It is a epiriled picee. JJ" Tbe officers of tbe New Yoek are arraoging for Iheir Second Anniversary Festival, to oeonr on tlie 35th inst. Th usual address will be dispensed with, and the exercises will be entirely of a social nalure. Tne animal business meeting will be held at iha Fianklin Houae at 7 o'elock P. M., and the mem ben, with their wives, sweethca?t, and ofher fritnds, will dine at 8 o'elock, P. il. A good diniier will be served good speeches will be made, good music pro vided, and a general good time had. See oard in another column.


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