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Important Telegraphic Discovery

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Tile London American inakea public tho Biecovery rf ' a telegruphio c;ible anda mode of vvoiking it, tbat renders dintantc iiid 'lic media through wliicli a ich cable s laid an auxilisry nsteud ot an bbstructiou, obtahiiog liköwiaè Buppües of power IVoni a bitberto unBOitpected sourco." The iivention ia the product of Wïlliam P. Piggott, of London, au eminent medical eleeliioian. The peculiarity of the cable is that instead of requiring in cnormous electfic charge bu Jurcud through the wholu length of a lino by powerful butteries, at. euuh suscessive transmission of a MgDal, as at present, in long sea and land routes, the wire continúes statically charged aa it is laid, whilst tlio least distnrbance of the eqnilibrium of this yassivo electric charge - innperative and uninfiuenced until oulled into action by the operator - answers through all its lengíli to tho síigbtest transmitted inHuenee, aul so parvea every practicul purpose. The onormous teneion that electric cablea qow undergo, arlsing from the graat power of the cleetric current required for long distánces, and whioh is belicved to have eaued the f.iilure oí all marine e;ibles more than three hundred and iifty miles long hitherto laid, is thus obviated. The earlh cuirents, wliieh havo previously been great obstados, are absorbed aiid utiliz id. The cable dependa for iu lupplies, either on tho voltaic current oreated by bringing together wires ef diff reat electrio propcitv 'i its conutruotion, or by self-actiog gencrator placed al any desired dis'ances throughout its length, as so many rolays o( power absorbing iroin the moisture ol surrounding inedia, wh ether sir, or eorth, or sear enongii electricity to beeomestatiually charged; and so, at tho flightist, is capable of conveying communicatinrr U any conceivabl-distnue. The invention js in tho hands oL tht British Government. Not its least inerit! id the piobabilitv that itwill reduce tWeost of teiegraphic Communications tn a fift'h oí the pres it ratea.


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