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Gen. Mcclellan's War Horse

Gen. Mcclellan's War Horse image
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A writef in Por ter' t Spirit llius da Bcribea the horse v.hii;h sbrre gentlemen in Cünoinnati bonght in St. Louis and presented tp Gen. McClellán, when Ik! tnok charge of Üio anny JQ Western Virginia : " Dan Webster, or ITandsome Dan," the familiar sobriquut by vv'iich bo was knot n to the men, women and children thioimhout the city, is a ujuldin g of a beauliully dappled mahogany bay color, witii three white feot uad a star, very heavy flovving black mane and tai!, the latter a regular " epout." 'l 11e is nixteen hands hiirh, and weihs in ordinarv fle.-h 1.260 poiuuls. He was fiired 'oy General Juffkaoa, dam of Sir Ai'ohy and Messontei1 bloi;d lia has a fine, bony aud intelligent head deliuately taperöd eai1, and a proud, beautiiully wcbed oeck, capital shouldurs, very long and muscular arms, whose symiiietry could not be improvod were thoy capyeij tocrder; bis ehest is broad aud deep, bia legs fine, flat aud bony, with hts bocks aud knees well dovvn to his heels, and bis letlocks alraost toj the grotind, with a round, well ribbed barrpl of tremendous length. and a line and bips remarkable OE ftjrepgth and beauty ; indeed his ne pointe and even'y balnnced proKí'tions niake him in the fullust sense f the term, a model horse, not only for yrnraetry, but for spood and acuteess." ■' As a field horse, I never saw his uperior, bting very " topy " when in action, with a proud and nervous step is heiid is nigfh as his rider's he:i nounted, and bis throat latoh and the ips of liis forefeet almost on a perpendicular lir.e wbea in repose, lie posBetiííe? uiüiiy oharactcristics conmiun to 10 pther me of his species I have evt'r ;nowrh For inst!tnce,be wil! not.-tamp his teet nor shake niï a tíy if tlicre were a tliousand on him, seeming to entertain a coöterppt f:r all lesser anim.l; and his confidence in and íifFcotion for the human species is such that he wfll oot, uncjr any ciroutnstanoes, suffer bis attei-tion to be rirawn irom his uiaster by any romof object. To his own species be pays no at tention pa.-8;ni amopg th,m without deigning the lihteat tiotio.e, oven when turned looee lij the name yai d or field. Ho will fullow lus (Bastar up any Bight of atairs, or along any ]reuipico wherehe can get a foothol4, relyiii" on lii ; i:i:t' r's judgment for his s ifety will stand anywhere he is !eft withou conntraint, and is as brave as a lioi and 88 discreet qb a judie. " I.ay he besr liis mftster on to vio tory - conquering and to cmquer - until this foul rebüllion is orusbed ou and pouce umi unión reatored to ou distraeted öountry'."


Old News
Michigan Argus