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The Fight At Belmont--a Bloody Con­flict

The Fight At Belmont--a Bloody Con­flict image
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Special 1) ;iatoli to the Chicago Traint-. Cairo, Nov. 7 1861. A feariul engagement took place to day at the ton n of Belmont, Mo., oppoile Columbas, botwoen our {orces uudor command of Generáis Gr:mt und McClurnuitd, and a rebel force uiïdor wbose command we eouldj riot asoertain. Our forcé eonsisted of llie following regiment: 27tb, öO'.b, 31t j and 3-2d Illinois, 7th Iowa, Taylor'a ; Chiotgo artillery, and Oapt. üollen's oavalry, attached to Logan'e Regiment, and Capt. Delano's eavalry, and soine scattering companiee, bt tlie ioteoae excitcmoot liero to night penderá it mpnsfible to gst them. Tbey luit here on ;he Btttatnera Ales, BooU, Chancollor, M empine and Koystone S ate, aecotnpnnicd by the gnn-boata Lexiiïgton and II. O. Tylor. They were lasded at Lucas' Bond, thioe müus above, and lorniod in lino of butilo, General ilcClernand in cnmnwnd of Cairo troop and Colonel Dougberty in command oí Bird's Poitrt troops. They were then encountered by tlo enemy and fought over'y inch of the wuy to the enotny'e oarnp, making ead havoc in the enemy'a ranks. Golanel Buford was aaagoed the right; Col. Foulke tho centro; and Col. Logan tbo lelt. Colonel Buford was tho first to plant the Stars and Btripea in tho enouiy a camp. Colonel Dougherty's regiment ! oaptured the rebel's battery of twel.e : pieees, but Col Foukë'e men sutfered greatly, as thi-y were in front of the rebel batteries at the timo of iheirbeing taken. Tho 3üih then cliargeii on an ambuscade and were reintoroed by Col. Logiin's regiment, and routed thu eatire eneiny, Foulke eroly loiéngten men They üied and destroyed the enemy's oanip. The enemy finding our troope were in poesessioo of their camp, oponed a fiie on them trom the Kentucky Bide. Iiyut. Pitiinün, of Company F, JO'.h Regiment, sent out as a fcouting party by Col. Foulke, ditjcovered that tho eoemy were en sing over irom Keatueky for the pnrposo of attacldng uk in the rear. The! order was givon to return to the boals, when our men were attacked by a reinforcement of severa! thousand men irom Colutnbue. Another sovere ongagement 'took placo, in wbich our troop suffered severely. Tho lollowing is a iist as neur as could be obtained co-night : 2i)lh Rrgimorf, Colonel Foulke- 1G0 missing. Major Mc.Clerkon was wound ed and taken prisono-. Capt. Markley ; wa- killed while gallaotly leading liis rneu on. He was t!iot and feil at the feet of his Colonel. Lieutenant Dottery, of Co. K, was shot in tho breast, : but continued tofight; but was afterwards killed by a ball in tho head. - Sargeoh Gorden was taken pnsoner ! He refuseil to leavo bis wounded, and roinurked that he would suti'er doatli before ho would leavo hie men. 'Is Rtgimenf, Col, John A. "Logan. ! - Company A, Cupt. Kees, about '0 of his men are missing, Company B, i Capt Coen,six miaerag, two wounded, seventy-nine brought homo. UompaBy ! Capt. Laing, baclly womided in the breast, ono private killed, seven ! wounded, f'our missing. Company D, Capt. Williams, two killed, ono j ed, and five missing Company E, Capt, Latson, two killed, four wounded, and fifteen missing. Company F, Capt. líigby, Orderly Sergeant Wm. ; renco killed, abuut e:ght others killed, i fiftv-six wounded, among whom are: Jesso S. Alienfield and P. S. Ayer, and about ten missing. Iligby was struek by a Bpent gropo shot, and is supposed to be oaptured. I Company G, Capt. Striukler, five missiog and two wounded. Liout. Struklin, slightly wounded. Company II, Capt. Greenly, 20 missing. Second Lieut. Roberts, and James iiowles, private, among the miseiog. Company I, Capt. McCook, 20 missiriLc and many wounded. W McCok, his bfotber, is I oaptured. Company K, Capt. Sommervüle, three killed and four wounded. Cor oral Van Hining and private J. C. i Oole, killed. Capt. 8. was shot in the : hand early in the eogflgoment. 1 ÍNín:t SarjreoD Whitell was taken [ prisoner while attending tho wouodod in the battlo field. Lieut. Col. White had fivo balls pass tbrough his clothes, none taking efiect, Col. LJuíord's leiment carne back too late to get aoy particulun. The othei regiineota are at JBird s Póint, and cannot bu heard irom to-nil.i. Col Dougheny of the 22d Illinois, reported capturod. It is reported that Capt. Shellon is killed. Liout. Sihiili is killed and four of his companv is missing. Tavlor's battery lost one gono and two fïons were oaptured. Wc havo taken 250 prisoners and killed 300 - 'Til9 gronnd as completely strewn with dead bodies Gen. Grant nÓ two hordes shot f rom onder him, and Generr ! McClernand's horce wasalao twice badly wounnew, Wo killed one Colonel, John Wright, ot the 13th Tennessee, and on Captain of a Louiuiann Company. Gens. Grant and McClernand conduoted themaelvea gallanily. All the! men speak highly of them. Mnjor I Braymun was univeraally praitied for his ooolness and bravery on the field. Capt. Bialoski, of Gen. McOlernand'B Siali, was killed by a oannon ball. - Capt. Dresser, afeo of his staff, had liis horee abot from under him. Too muc!) cannot bo given to our men, as thuy fought bravoly againat great odds and a tarrific firo from tho enemy's batterios. It is reportid that Col. Laman, of the 7th Iowa, is dangerously wounded. Gen. McClernand mountod tho first cannon that was taken. Brigade Quartermaster Hatch was W.ounded in the leg. t - an ■ - -i ■ .


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Michigan Argus