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From Stockton's Regiment

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IIai.l's Hul, Va., ) Nov. lat, 1861. $ Dkau Brottier : - Our pioket guavd retnrned on Tuesday ; they report baving secn no rebels w hile out. Lieut Williams took a few of the guard and went on a scout towards Fairfax Court ITouse, but saw nothing to indícate that there werc any rebels bctween the Federal lines and Fairfax Court House. They went in sight of tbat place. The inhabitants of the 6ection whieh they visited represent the rebel army as very poorly fed and clothed and that they aro dresscd in all kinds nd variety of stylc. Sonie of them are ' neaily naked, and some are barefootcd. ; The inhabitants, thcmselvcs, are just as bad off. They have nothing to eat except what they have had the luck to save frora destruction from tlio rebel army. - They have no sueh luxuries as tea and coffee. Salt is worth six dollars per busbel, and is Boarce at that. In fact, it ean't be had It will be far better for them wlion the Federal troopa make a move and pass between them and the reb el liues. TheD some entorprising Yankao will furmsh them with such articles, while, it' they have any produce to spare, " Unclo Sam " will purchase it at fair pricee. I have often heard of women smuggling articles under their crinoline, but never &aw it demonstrated until a few days ago. One of the boys of our camp was standii.g in a grove, situated on the road I uing by here, vhou bis attention was attracted by the stopping of a wagon, from which two women alighted, and, taking some bottles therefrom, stepped into the grove. Of course bis curiosity was arouscd, and he detcnuined to see wliat was up: he made his way fowards them ; and on a uear approich he discovered that they were secreting the bottlos un j der their crinoline. They saw him nnd niotioned him to approach ; of course he obeyed, when they infonned him that the bottles contained liijuor, which they wihed to smuggle iusidí! of tb o linos of an Irish regiment, situated a short : tance from there. I presume that some of the boys of that regiment had a glorious good drunk on that liquor, thus ingeuiously smuggled uto camp. Hurrah for the women. Orders have been issued to this división to drill one hour every day with their knapsacks on. Tliis is for the purposo of getting them uscd to it, in expectation of a forward morement, which I hope hope may soon bc made. -Wo are baving most glorious weather now for a march, yes for a fight, too, if it should come to that. The weather is cool, and the ground dry, so thatiu an advancejust now, we would have ueitlier hot weather nor mud to eonteud with. There have been some very cold nights lately, and several very heavy frosts. The tree tops bogiu to look red, and the winds that vvhistle through them scatter the leaves in all directions, iuforming us that wiuter is near. The season for the ca mpaign in Virginia is iast passing away, and it is timo that the Government was up and doing (Jov. Blair, of Michigan, I believo was in the camp on Tuesday evening, and in eonsultation with the Colonel ; and who knows but what he may offer to take us under his parental care and give us a name, or rather a number, as I see he has Colonel May's independent regiment. On Thursday, the last day of October, this división of the army of the Potomac ' was inspected by Geu. Morrell, preparatory to receiving their pay. He higlily complimcnted this regiment On Wednesday teams were sent out after hay, and were accompanied by a i guard. They weut some tliree miles the oth'jr sido of our piekets. While load-1 ing tlny discovered three secession sol-; diers, and managed to takc one, and brought liira to the headquarters of Butterüeld. His uuiform was made of blue jam, He said that ho had rather i havcgiven one thousan dollars than have beun taken. I supposo he would have paid in Virginia sliin-plasters, one of which he had on his persou, of tlie value of tucnty ceuts. I ain well and doing well. Scsd.' y, Nov. 3d. It commenccd to rain evening and kept it up till sometime during . urday night. Thia moruing tho sun rose bcautifully, but after an hour it clouded up and is now cold and windy. Tbcre was to havo been a review of thirty tilou'and troops here Saturday,which was j delayed on aocouní of t'e storm. It ; will probably come off in the course P a day or two. It will be a grand sight, and I will try to post you up. Every j one seems to think that there will bc a move made now tbat Gen. Seott bas re gigoed and that Gen. McClellau is Oom j mauder-in-Chief. i J. P. X5P Maj. Gen. IIalleck has been assigned to tho coirimand of the Department of the West, vice Hunter who temporarily superseded Fiikmont. Hallkck graduated with honor at West Point, served with distinction in the Moxican War, eince which, preferring active business to rusting out in the army, he has been engaged in civil life in California. It is understood that he was the choicu of the nov coramnnder-in-chief. Gen.McCLELLAN. L3C" Iieut, Gen. Scoit left New York, by the Ai'ago, on Saturday last, for Europo. It is his intention to join bis wifo at Paris, and thon proceed to Rome, whorc ho will spend tho winter. Ho is very feablo, and it is more than probablo that ho has looked upon tho shores of bis nativo land. for the last timo; thougb every trae American hopes and praya for his recovary and return. - Turlow Weed and daughter went out on the samo steamer. The Prize Scholahsiiips. - On tlie 2d inst. the exainination of the candidatos for the Uüiversity prizes took place - ïliere are four prizes of $50 eauh ; two for the best preparation in the studies preparatory to the Classieal Department, and two for the Scientific Department. - The examinations were conducted in wiiting1, so tliat the stricte&t impartiality in the awards was secured, the committce passing the upon various inanuscripts without a knwoledge of the namo of the student submitting them. There were ten candidates for the classieal and geven for the scientific prizea. The clasaical were awarded - The Woolsey Sckolarship - To Sanford 13. Ladd, of Milford. The Barnard taholarship - Divided between Horace E. Burt, of Detroit, and Sara Vincent, of Milwaukee. The sciiMitific awards were - The ïïmyhton Scholarsh'p - To David S. Harlcy. The Piercc Scholarship - To Gcorge S. Godiugton, Aun Arbor. Mr. Lüdd and Mr. Codington preparcd for the University in the Union School of thisCi'y; Mr. Burt mainly prepared in the Detroit High Schoei, but had been part of a term - the present - in the Gcliool of this City. We do not know what schools have the credit of preparing Messrs. Harlny and Vincent. This spcaks vell for our School and its teaohers. KW Washington letter-writers say that only the companie garrisoning the fortifications around Washington have been ordered to buiid log cabins for winter quarters. LíL The Government has ordered the erection of barracks for the of rebul prisouers on Bay Islaud ucar Saudusky, Ohio, and the work is in progress. t Got. Bi, ai 11 has crtncluded thut, [iotiihstuiuling the war, we, llie coplo of ichigan, hhve much to bo truly thankful lor, mcl h:is, thercfore, designatedjTbuiHday.Nov. Ö8th asThanksgiving Jay. For once we endorse tlio conclusión of tho Governor. See proclamation n another column. L The official report of the battle of Belmont, Mo , States the Federal lofs at 85 killed, 150 wouudcd, and about the same nuinber missing. The object of the attack was to preveut rc-inforeements going from Golumbus to Price, and it is pronounced a sueeess. The enemy's loss is supposed to exceed that sustained by our force. $jLT The telegraph saya that General McKinstry, of the depnrtinont oi' Missouri, has boen orcercd to Washington, and thut bis chiaf clerk, Charles W. Clotcents, bas been arrested and confined in Jeflerson barraoktí to nwait tho investigalion of McKinstry's aduiiaistratioa of affairs.


Old News
Michigan Argus