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Major General Halleck

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The New ïork Stm thus daguerreotypes Major General Halleck the newly appoiüted commander oi the Department of Missouri : General Henry W. Holleek, who bas reeently arrived m Washmgtoa froui California is a Major Geueral in the United Otates arruy, and third in rauk froin the present Commander-in-Chief, General Freuiont, whose comiuissiou Í3 dated earler, outrauking him. Gen. Èalleok bears the highest reputatiou in military circles, and was generally looked upon as the successor to Geueral iáeott before General Meülellau caiue promiïiently on the stage. Geu. Hal. eek is a nativo of New York, in the prime of üfe, and iiot yet arrived at tuiddle age. lie is a gradúate of West Poiut, of tüo class of J8ci9. - Uu tood third in rauk in a elass ot tüirtyoue, I. J. tjievens, late Delégate iroiu VYasbiugton Territory, and Coiouei Camerou, of thu ü. ï. ÍDili iliguiaudeis, who was killed at Mauaaaaa, outraukiug him. Hls eoniuussion us bruvot 2d Lieuteuaot is dated Juiy lst, tiy. lie reïuamed as Assistaut Proiessur of Eugiueering at the Acadeiny tul Juue, lö-iO. His lite was early devolud 10 seience, aud as early as 1S4Í ue was ihe author ot a work on "BitumOD, lts vaneties, properties aud uses," and ïu ih-l(i ie puol.sued au elabórate work eutitled '-Jiieiuenls of Military Art aud Seienee." ïu 1846 ue was appoiuled lst Lieulunaut, aud Brevet Captain, May lst, 1817, ' tor gallant eouduet before tue eueuiy on tiie ïy.ü aud Oth of November, 1847. and tor luuritonon services iu Cahforuia.'1 He was Sceretaiy of State of California uuder ihe ïuüuary goverumeiits uf Geuerals Kearaey, liiley aud Mason, froui lts ! Uest iu la-íl all Jlc-oember 1849. i)unug this penod he also acted as uhief of the staif to Coinniodore 8liuijnuk, in uiiliiary aud naval operauous on the Paeiüe coast. tóiuce 1850, General Halleck served in various military eapaoities iu California and gained uiuob prautioaj kuovledge iu wart.ue agaiuüC tlie ludians on tne ■ frontitrposis, which he doubt, I (urn to good aocouut iu Jjatewr service be niay be appoiüted to. At tlie breek ' ing ou; of the war, he was eilief ol the De[xu tiueut of the West, whieh, previous to that time, eiubraeed all the country west uf St. Louis, aud eouiprised Washington i'erritory, California aud Uregou Tuis was a vaat field, aud formed au invaluable preparatory course lor the still more coniprehensive operations whieh willsoou be entrusted to his guidauce. A few months ugo he was superseded in Califor nía by General Sumuier, aud ordered to report iu Washington, wherc he has been for tlie last couple of weeks in commuuieatiou with the authorities, and musteriug the plans of the eauipaign agreed up ou by Geuerals Scott and McClellau.


Old News
Michigan Argus