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T4ew -Advertisements. liangsitrlti's Hall! Two jiights Onïyï CRAVEN'S Excelsior JSd-instrel AND BimEóCtUE OPERA 1E0UPE ! Coinposeil ot Ttm .vtr Ptrfuimen oi acknowledged mvril, will Kxhibit at Hangiterfer'ö Hall, Anu Arbir, Ou FRIDAY & SATÜBDAY Eveninge, NOVF.MBIB 15 and 1G, 18U ADMSSION, O Cents. Do ts i'pi'ii at ;i nmrter before seren, i;erforniance to commt-MicL' atn cjuiirler to 8 u'clock, preciseiy. The most elipiblp soats invariably reserved for ladies and thop accompunjiiíjí Order sirictly maintained. íít ntlfnütnly iii-ln-is in attendance. Tickets HU noir lind at the priucipiil liook St.rts. als' at the Hall oa the "1 t-niiifi nifit. Fir full pM tJculars see ílescriptive billa and j;rogruninu's on arriva 'of tbe Coinpaoy QbO. S. COLK, UuK.ncss gent. The Original Cekbrated and World-Renowncd American Man in Miniature. Gen. TOM THÜMB, SmaUwtnuD nlivo, nt HANOSTEKFEB'S HA1.1.. Ann Arbur l()lTIVi:i.V Kol: ( jNK I'AY OXLY. TUESDAY, NOV. 26, Pwo IVllüant Kiiterlainnicnts-Afleinoon at 3 o'clock, and Evenini! at TH "'" rs upen half an prsrfoua The General will appear in hII liis ronderftll hnpersonaMim, Uan i, Orvolan M.ituo, &o, c.t ns-istc.i l.v Mr. W.TCMLJN, the Greal Engllah tnd Bmo, from th Nobillb'i Conocrt, Lomion -Mr. w. 11KVU5K, tlio cclebtmeil American Tenor, anil Prof. A. s. CAbWKLL, BrUlUnt PUnlut. ADMÍSSION . Day Entertainment, 25 I RmnlDg Kntorta'nm't, 15c Children undcr tra 13" ChlWreo ander va 10c Schooll admltted qn liuernl j l!e.irvel scats, 25c te-rros.J The (ïentral will ride in liis mininture Carriage fro3 tlie Friinknn lloune to the Hall previous to eacil tnlerAï.FmJ' CATCLT, BoImÓ Aj I lístate of Marvin Cadwell. STATK OF MICHIGAN County of WaMitonaw, At a session óT the l'robate Court for the County of Washtenaw, bolden ;it tbProbate OSce, in ili Cityjuf j Anti Arbor,on Fri iuy, Ihe eigut-'aj of NoTrinber, io I the '.-'ir une ihottMiid eight hui.'ii oi and sixty-one, I Pnutent, Thomas Ktnde, Judge óf I'rohate. In tW Matter "f the Kstatc of Marvin CudwcH, Uv uf iaM Cuunty di-ceased. On roü.ing and filinf? the petition 5uly verified of Amolla OulwalJ, mdow f iaid itopotaed, pravlng among other tlilnp.s tliat her dower in certain land of whicH -:i .1 deeamd died .eiaed, dflscribed in fii'd po'ition, may I e MMfgaed :nd .Vm 'íi.'U ed o h rjacrording to th ttatutoinmehoufl oudeuid provided. Anüon rvadinf an.ï filing Ihe petition üuly rerifïed of Amoo R. Oadwell, one of tli e heirs at av7 uf the wtid decae!, prying thiit !()■ residue of uch lm. Is, after said dower halt have b'-i-n ftdmUBUted, raaf be partitiom'd araong the hirs at luw of the ;tiii decpan(l, and further tliat comini.-'SHmeMinay b; appuioted to make such admoajurment .!:■! p;!on. Thftrenpóllft f Ohbrafj Tliat Mondaythe ninth day : of December nfxc, Rt "-n o'clock in the lorenoon, b m iigned fr tlie hftarfng of id paUÜOOS, and tha th { heirsnt Invr of Hel di-coasedtanl alt other persona int-r.--'-t in said tülate arerpquíredtr apptíarata miiíoq of wiid ("onrtjthen tobu holden at tbe Frobato Office, ín the City of Ann Artor, in said County, and show cauet if nuy thore be, why the prayei of the petïïioner ■houM not be iit.uitivi: And it in furthcr Ordered, t'iat said, Petitioners pi ve notice to the p4ffOHI intcrestod ia saiil estáte, of the pendency o) naid pctitionn and thO hearing ihe eof, bv CuIng a cpy of this order tob piulisfied in the Michigan Argus. a newspaper printad and circulating in aid County of Washienaw, thre Succq vc vnkl prviou to aid day of hearing. (Atruecopy.) TBUlIAfl NINDE, Jddgaof Prabat. IsrEW GOODS, Seasonable Goods, CIIEAP GOODS, For Cash., BAGH PIERSOIM Hnvp jus'; opened a choice stock of Wiuttf Goods, Bought for Cash AND TO BESO LD FOR CASH nt sucb prirfs ns wili make the buyers laugh nt the idcn of Hard Times. The stock incluyes a choice lot of LADIES' DRF.SS GOODS, GENTLEMAN'S CL0TH3, CLOAKS, SHAWLS, OROCEKIES, fcc, te. Now is the time to buy your Winter' supplies. BACH 4 PIERNÓN. Ann Arbor, Nov. 15, 1561. 3TJsJ W Gr CD O X3 S . WLES & KNIGHT hare just receireda fuUttock of FALL4WIHTERG0ÖDSI which they OFFER FOR OASHI Priees being Low, WIIVES & KJV1GHT. November, 18C1. O. BliISS Is now feeeiving a laige anl weïl selccted assortmtnt of Ciccks, Watchos, . GP mi r lt m Vu PiJw.aiwii::a-'rriit-T).,'in:Ji)rjflniLur,i.iiifninhiiitJ'i)pwtnpTg Silv r and Plated Wave, TABLE AND POCKET C3 -wLj "" " "a: jek. -mr RAZOltS and SHEARS, GOLD ÏEHSTS, Musical Instruments, Stripg f Bookt for lntlruments, SHEET MUSIO, COMBS; aniï a great variety of TfANKEE ITOTIOÜSTS, SeO. He wouid cali particular attentiou to hit large stock of of Gold, 80- r, Sittl, and Plaled, tcith PERÍSCOPE GLASS,, a (superior articlo. Also üuntiogton 4 PUtt'a celebratl CALENDAR CLOCR! Kuilablc Tor OOicis, Tounting Rooms, Halls or Dweiling. Thowolocki re reüable time keeper and Cale'n.lir cnml)ineil,and requiie the windin? hf tlic time mor. ro.-nionly,tn secure all the requiied cl.angej at m4ui.l.t. Ihowlng Ihe 1I.1.V f tne eek the m.mtt and dy Of tl.c m..nth, incluilin,' tlo i9tb of rebnmrjr of Leap nu Uisgor-ls are inotly -f recint ).u rollase from New Vork anü tho m:itiuicturers, aul w ui be som to s-iit the Hmes. IVrsnn havin? difllcult watches to fit 'witb glass-scan be accuuiodatecl, as my ituck is larg am' complete. 1. S. l'arliculïir attention to tbe HEF A. IH. ING of nll kinils nf fine Watcbes, such as Making and Setting ncw Jewels, Pinions, Slafft, and Cytindcri. Aln clocks, sc nB"w:E:L:Rr3r nratlv repaireA and warrantod, at hi oM stand oast 6ide of Main Street, C. BLISS. Ann Ubor, Nov. 15, 181 M Ayers Cathartic Pilis.


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Michigan Argus