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Prof Winchell's Lecture

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The introductor) leo ture brfore tbe " S'B ' dent's Lictuiv Association," wos del iv red Sturday evc-ning{iít the Methodist Church, ■fcy Prof Wiscbell. The large building w;s filled to overflowing with ftn appreeintive udience, who listened attentively to a reeiul of the learned geiitleman's " Glimps 8 in tothe Future Ages. ' H bogan wilh au al. lusion tothe grcat event of the day which ia beorbing and rnonopoiizing our at tention ; but we can let these greal interests rest for an hour, witli the young arm wliicli is now tbrottling the iiide ous monster whioh is dia turbing our pene, and look at the -;reat rev oluliuns of nature whicli are fur more impar tant to the univeise if not to us us individual. He poke bnefly of tlie Uindoo, Kgyp tiau, and Aztei cusmugumifs, and toe uiiivereol ideas of cacles of iharg The geoloist assign indeínite duration for their acc-omplisliinent, and finds thcir bis tory legibly written in the lombs of the ae6 We are now to look favther s.ill iuto the future The forces iof matter ar.' unchangcable - Mutiuu resulla froin h want of equilibriuiu. - Rest ia a átate of equihbrium. Evtrythng is tendiüg to this. Tbe mnchiniry of the universe is running down. There cannot be ft perpetual lüotioii. Tbrre 8 frictiun. The rising of vupir, the falling of rain, the run n ing of water rausi ceae Jt cannoi ake ai eternity to level the Alps or the Cordillera' The eterna' bilis must bow ; and tbe sea sha] reign again, eureme. Man, then, will have gene to hia destiny. Marine animal will be the last as thev were the first inhubitants o the earlh. The carth is growing colder Everythin will become conge led and solid in the com ing night of winter. Heat muse expaud i ■ elf. Tlie sun is ceoling off. The reiUity will far surfaês B ron 's leailul dienm. 1 he solar sysiem contains the seeds of iia own dc8truclion. The entire univorse of matter must meet at, n conimon center. The n-sult will be a frozen, blawkenèd, motionlesa tna-s. The hummi mind. uimble to ouoesiru tlie inca, culiible núes vhieh will elapte before the great et astropho Tlie leotunr dedaeed nuinc-roas corolbries from his 8ta!eraents and c!ost-d wit i i a glowing idel tif i he future ut the iminortsl rn:in. who wil! Burvive tlnj wn ck of worlds But ït Í8 m0S3Íblo tu givi a just idea of tlie f.rgument or du tioti of the very ablü leot re in na ab3tract. A.. C.


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