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AT RISDON & HENDEBSOK'S msm THE GENUINE WÉ? STEWiRT'S STO VE. We wih to cfill the attenüoa;Gf the publio to tliis cclcbralcj COOKINC STOYE! Whiïh is'ihe only perfect stoTe oinèe. T!t wiü do ir.ove Iu8iie?8 with nne iliird Ie faeL than nny otlier STOVE madu. Froa tistiriiony gh en by the persona rctVrreil lobolow on uccouot of ita duiability and Puel Saving Qualiiies, it haa proved a aaving from Twelve To Twenty Dollars . fjer ycnr. We would refer you to the following list of PERSONS WIIO HAVE THEM IN USE: Trof Tinpan Aim Arbor. ■ John F. Killer, flnn Arbor I'rur.'v„„.i, ' J. Gilbot imHh " Prut . WlneheU, " J.T. Aulli, Prof DoucuUj " Josrp'i Watts, " Ali.iifus I-olcli, " " T. wnUnaon, " Win. I!. Martin, " Mrs P. I'enton, " Rlota'n Booper, " O. Hawkin, Hon.H F Grangcr," 0 A.ChapIn, " J. W. Maynard, " Charles 'lhayer, " F. I,. Stebuina. " Maicin Cl:uk, ' Ü.B.WUson, " B. Botaforá, A A,Tiwn. Mts. O. Welch, " Tliomfiw Wond, :jittsfield. Mrs. K.T. Williams," Alveraton Onaj, " y fhapin " Jacob Poliiesaus, Pcio. e' ii WooS ' H.C.Ooodal, " Joseph W. Wood, " Mr. Fullera, tíbaron. We have on hnnl a Urs?3 naaortment of the beat kinda of Cooking, l'arlor and p l At e s t o v e s , and a general aasortinent of HARrWARE AND TIN WARE, ft„d Bont stuff C,;rn:geV.teuW ut the Short.s. Jggjjj ;5EÍÍDEKSO. Ann Arbor, 1861. ■ -BTB and E&M. 'fM DR. F. A."CADWELL, MgjJjSS Ol'EUMOR DN THE EYE AND EAK. Pot Dcafncss. BUmM, and all clefecta of Sijlit and Hearing. DR .0 HEINC A RECI 1.AK l'lijviciin.witliTWEXTY YFAH-' exclosiv practic in tlie tn-atmpnt of diacases of the 1.VI-. AND KAR, wiUbe liMind qunlifiMl to give relief at ifMt a. cure in nny case within the'reach oí' human fkiU No r.harfe. for an eTamlp&tlon or an opinión, r for uiitKcrwsfid service. Dr. Ca ÏKKJTisis o.v tite Enf jy Tak, of 300 pp., containiug references, Tontinvmiïls, I)ecriptionof Dueaies, Cases, an'l other important mattor, illustrateo with Outs, to be hadírníi. bv ssnding Ten Ctnts to py postaj.. A'ldress Dr. CunU 9S Randulpli Street corner Ui-aborn, Cliicasco.Hl. Iy768 Great Eeáueüon inths Price of felNGEB & CO.'S Standard acliines . IVell known to be tU Best for Manuj'acturing Purpoec. No. I, Standard Shuttle Machine, formerly Bold at S90, reduced to 70. No. 2. of g:unc kind óf Machine, for inerly sold at $100, reduced to 75. SINGER'S LETTER A MACHINE Is the best Machine in (be rorld for Family Sewing and l.lghl Mnufctring l'urposes: IKÜA Hemmer,) and beautífullí oinantsnted S5U. Tiifi No8. 1 nl '2 Maehioea are of great cftpacity and app tcation tor man-iactunng purpuwtv. OurKo, a Machines are t-specially auapted to all kinds of liirlit and heavy Lestber Vork, in Garrtage Triroming Boot and thoe Making Hurness. Makinjr, etc., etc. 11]..? areof eKtra ihe, and with i n arm lwn enouh to _ ake under ii and ititcU the lfcrgest jriae dwsbes. Tbere s scarctílj any partoiu Trimmers' titc))inL that cannot ju better done with tiiem than by linnd ; bo, too, th uring of time and is ve-y gre. Thetubleof Chase is 21 mcho lng, and theshuttle will nold six íimesthe usual quantity(of thread. Thelarge werk as fantas gm&U ones. We would ask for our i.etttr A Machines, tlie epeclalatttmtion of Vert Makers and Draa Mak, and all tboM who want Machino for ligHmnvafaeturinfpurposes. They erabody tlie prldcipleï of the stundard laachlaea, making Iikethcm tbeinterlooked uitch,und iré dfstined to be aaoelebratod Tor Family Skwing ard lig hl maaufactöri pwpoaêi as our standard machines are for manafact uring purjost in genera] We have alwaysoa bami, iikmsünu t;.ii;Kri.siiK t'tist [ INK. -VN C TT03Í TBHBID, 0 KVoOLS, ÏIEST ÜACHINÜ OlL ill bottlen, etc, etc": We nnuiutaetiireour own Xeedles, had would wam ftU psrsoox ysiog ournaaehiaea nottobuy anyothers. We know that thete are needles sold of Ihè most infrrior qunliiy at bigher prtces than we charge for the best. The iold ly iis are manufactarod eaprcJailj for our ma Linea. A had needie may rendw ihc best machine almost uBÜeOor caatomer may rest asured that all nur li ranch Oilices iii-oiiiniislicil with the ' genuino ucticle " In case (t 8mU purohase, the muiiey may be sent in postan' stanp?! o bank notes. i ,.. ■ ms wf 11 pleafte write tlieir numei. dist ir ctly. It lx all inp'Tiaut tli it we should, in eacu case, kno the Poa1 oiiico, Connty, and State, A.l persooi requiring iofortnation about Sewiog UacLüftea tneif siu, prioea, vorking capacities, aud tbe besi methoda of purchMïng, canobtain it by üendmg to ua, '■'' anjf "i our Blandí titees fura copy of I. M. Siaar & Co' Gazette, Which i a beautiful Ptdorial Paper eiltliely devoted to the subject- Tí toiíl besent gratis. &&- We have made the above REDÜCTÏON IN PKICK? wiilithü two-fóld view of benent i tig the public and our selves. Tlie public have been iWindled by spurinus maehinea made ín imitation of ourí. Tiie metal in them, frimi the ïron casting to tlie r-niallcst pt-ice, isoi pooiquolity. Tbeir makers have not the means te do their work weil. Tlic are bid away i;t secret places, where it would be imposible to have at tlieir command the proper appliances. It is only by doing a fiíeat bus;nc-s, :iti 1 liiivinir intensive mannfacturmg estabtishmeats, that Brood machines can be made at moderatnricea. The best deaigned machines, BAULT MAIK. are alwaya Üablö to get out of order, and are sure to cose conefdeiable trouble and money to keepthero in repairt The quali'.ics t bc lookod for in a Machineare : c r fjiiitv of corred nction at all ratea oi speed, simplicity of öflnatru3tion, great dnrabi'dty, andrapidJty of opera t-.n, withthe least, labor. MaeWne to cmnbine these ts.-i ntt:tl quRlitieB, {mast be madeaf the best and lini-lr il ti' perf ction. We havo the way and means, on a grand scaïe, to do tlii. The purchasereof machines, whosclaily hrend it may concern, wili Qodthai thoae 'havirgrthe abovequaüties imt nnly work ell at rápidas woll M slow rates -f speed .{b ut lutlongei iothfl ttoeatnoaslble worfcjog orfler. Our machinea, ;t made by us, wilt earn more money with feas labor than any othere whetliw in imitation o ours r in-i . In faet, they arecheavei taaa any other raachinesaB aglft. !- M. -lN(;r:u .V CO., 458 Btoadway New York. &L- ! etroit Office, 78 Griswolfl Rtrcet, opposite the Tost Office. K'lllf M. TT. GOODRICH, Agent, Ann Afbör. ï : JD OLD F III E N D JJ IN THE RIGÍIT PLACE. Herrick's Sugar Coates Pilis -- THE BE3T TAtELY Ca' A "W thartie u the -.vorM, Jlrf . use( twonty years ty J.y ''. i . five mi Ilion is of persons "■ u "' ' ■ anlllliX".v : al way s give i % satiüfaction , contain ji ing nothing ïnjurioun ; ■. --, k "CVB patronlzed by tho prinv '-(j' ciprtl i'liysicians and S' rturgeoos in Xhe Union ; ■ -, ütetrantly coated with '' ÍJf i-arge Boxea 25 cents; .- -Y war Bvc for 1 ilollar. TALUnASsE, I.FO.X CorXTT.l Florida, July 17, 1S60. ƒ ToPb JIrriíipk, Albany, N Y - Vy I'ear Hoctoi :- I wriie th! toinfoimjös of Ih e wonriorlul effect of your Sugr Coated 1'üln" mi nj flder daughter. FcrttirM yt-'ú-s sho has beentSlcíed witb a biljoua drumal nf the lystem. fwlly ImpRrlng her health. whlcb h i a te.l)y faíling duHng tbutpprlpd, WheninNew York in April last, a fnenild.?8il me to test your pill. Havlnl the rullest cooSdpRO n tht judgmeLt o( my frienil,"1 I obtataed wi oí Mwti, Baibu Park, Druggiets, l'nrl Hn', N'cw York. On returning liome. treaceaaed all othor knktoMnt, l adininntcnd youi ÍUÍ oue snch ght. ïlie ImproTcmeatla hw feeling, complexión, digeation, tc, surpniied nl. Aiapid and'uermnneDt rertoratiOD to liraltti tas boen the result, We used lessthanÜTeboies, and conrfderher mtmqr ell 1 MnBlder th aboTS a juft tribute to you a a Jhylcl"n,nd trust thatitwUlb tbsOMMU ofinduolng many to a.lopl your I'IU ns rntnily medicines. I r'einaiu, dttarsir] Witb m;mv ilianlis, Your obedent seryjnt, S. G. MosRisox. Henioks Ktd Strengthening Piasters aan In B honf, jrt nfl ■■■ oí th bmrt,' and i..,,',i.nnil uiioum-itio Romplatotiln an equaHj ' ahori pprlod oí time. Bpred on bëutiful wWt lamb Klli,, tbc i et the munt to laooBwnlse, an ! MCh one wlB -r IVom OJM wei-k to tlirec nionths. Horrlcli's Suga'f OftaKd Tilln nn.l Kid Ptwter rr W „. DriiKglft iinl Merehant in a puto of the United ;;,.,.. „ r ,1 ,, l Joutti America, and may bo olitained 'L$& t0IthiI" by """db'lTuebhick, & c. 1 AH'any, K, Y. PBINTIBG I OF ALL KINDS Neatly Executed AT THE ARGÜS OFFICE. WE ARE PfiEPAflED TO FILL ALL 9RDEE3 IN THE LINE OF PRINTING AT THE MOST EEASONABLE EATSS. W have racently pnrehsl RUGÓLES ROTARY CARD PRESS, nd httvo atMe,! the lnt'it styles of Card Type, -which euables s to print INVITAT1ON CARD3, WEDDING, CARDS, VISITIKG CARDS,. BUSINESS CARDS, Ac. n the nen'test styles, anj as clieap A3 nny otber house .'o the stut. We ure aUo prenartd to print POSTERS, HANDBILLÖ, BANKS, TALL I1EADS, CIRCULARS, TAMPITLETS, &c TUS AHQUS BQOK BINDERY ia in clisrga of FIRST CLASS WORKMAN, LEDGERS, RECORDS, JOU RNA LS, nOTEL REGISTERS, and BLANK BOOKS OF ALL KINDS, RULED TO ANY PATTERN And Manufaoturcd in bkst sttlk at New York Priees, Ferie die als of all kinds JJOUND IN ANY 5TYLE. Old Books Be-Bound. All Viork warranted to glvc cutiré &atisfection. E. B. POND, Propr. Oirce and Bindery, oor. Min A Hurón Sta 1861. 1861. FALL & WINTER GOODS NOW RECEIVING AT O H. MIJLEN fc Co's _____ f) _ j , HAVINGtopay CASH for neirly 11 kinds of Goods purclinsed in New York, wc are necessarily obliged torestriot our credit systeru here. Consequently we hnll offer our Fall Goods for Cash, at a very small sdvanco on the cost, C. II MILLEN A CO. Ann Arbor.Sept.24,1661. 819m3 SEWIN(Ï MACHINE FOR SALE. FOR S.M.F. CIIKAP new flrst c-Uss Family Scwinf Machino. Warranted o btittttr in market. Term ""'' E. B. POND. Ann Aror, July lth, 18IVÍ. Ayer's Sarsaparilla. I.UNG & BLOOD I ÏM F I R IV! A R Y BStktrê Blork Wtodward Ave Ditrott !]■. S..T CARPKMKU & RAIN ARI. BOCrORS c:rn. rally pret nd tfcftt C nunmpü n I. huarabie, becaum m-v oanantmm t theinelvwi bul IBM l'iesni'i mttke it true. Many mh4 wtíl vcrlu "o a job aïl day nd fter dom.!,' nwt'íing but iqwl tUe material thoy viil t yon it oen r non êutm m th ay u wwnt it. h I byaii!yinf to a btter woikman- me who tlicroiiglily und( lus buaiami - you wiB get your wurk bp. eomplMied in Bbp# Id lilis ri'spcct tlitíTP i; the fiarne difTcronce to W fuunrl in ;ill CradM aiiil prwfoMioitt. 'lbc bunglf-r i mech:ii)iin, in llie arts, in la, in Qnology, and m physic, wil! s;iv rad) thinga canact be done. And t m true thiit tViey couid nol !■■;( all iiii trer liketliewelTes. But lurtunntflv there il anoflte cía of mu, and tlif-e, when tbey laUo vuur oaM in ïiamlf do tL joba you want it, or retftnrv you to heaïïdv aent ing to delire. We br oaly to rcmrmber tKi tnet t BBdrratand wty ob pbyslofafi should pronoaooi Jt incurable which vnoHMT eau cure. In mechtolcz, wesometilDM lind that br r poRncssU ■ of MipBrtüT mfiins, by Mnc new invcntion, of whieh lw ha tUe solu ut-, or by tbe sreater ingenfty I W mind, om pnun will maVe orowfaai u(. ocbercam Exactly i inny bfl BO in pbysie. And tbli is tí Tcrv feasoo wliv 1 liavs bct great success otw il criben Hl tlie tnatnomt of í'onumption. By bTiu the original eenins, liv posses.iug the I.uutMlettw', nhich enabies me tocíwarlv deUrniine tbe nature of tlie dUeawand by haviog nich remedien Tur Cousuraption nu uil.' rlhvsiciun ever hv l.make bold te say taat I have, and. aan effect a cure uf this dieease bevond th reach of any other man. To nrove thu to have beuu the case, I miffltt pive yon aurabers Dpon uumbeni of certifie.ates tiiin i'n fi :iinl v;,'nt'n (men ovtr to tb grave who have been iese.ued asjd restored to healtJi iiv the i'i-i'vci use of '■'. r med ts tr taaauaptfoa. But it is not nee Ra y foi ie to fia w-her, for ta' factof oneman Aoing nh'at another cannot caunot; ia evident to ali men of . common oense. lf the Coumimptivc wiV'ii-s finilKT proof tliíin tlii, I can only ay, ■ome nd sati-fy youraelf b tri a of my skIU in tb ouro of yoiir d' Doctor Cnrpmter wül visit TpillMti, and Ann Arber, il u ri ut' 1860-61 . AnaArbor, at Cnok'B Hotel, 3d aad 4th uf ach month; Ilawtin Home, Ypsilanti, 61 and 61 h of each mimth. Tlic remainder of tlie time, h willtw foundat ktoi haag Inirnuujr ,1 ttreit ly"7S. 11 ■ -r. : - " ■ ■ I ' - Pfib Mrs. "WINSLOW, to the altcntiou of nu-tlu-rs, her SOOTHING SYRUP, FOR CHILI)RE5T TEETHTNO, wbirii srpatly facilitates tlie ix-ocfis of teethinfc, b suften i tie gun, reiïuclng all inflaminitio-iU allny ALL PAIN :md spMaodio artion, and ir SURE to REGÚLATE the BOWELS. ïïepend upon it, raoterá, it will give rest to yoursWe#, and Relief' anf] liealtli to yonr Infant? AVc have put up and rfnd sold tliis artiele for otv tn reara, and CAN S.V, IX CONFIDENOt AM TKUTH of it, wht we havti nevor been abie to iuj of, any otnertnedi3in - NtVER 11AS Iï FAU.ED IN A StSGLE INbTAKCC, TO UH.iT A ( IRK, hen t incly ued. Never did we klunv an intance of diasatistactloli by any ono who Uned it. On the contrary, all re dvhghted wltb iM openitt ns, i spe in ttrm of cominenüiiti. n of itd mágica] effecta and medical r'irtaea. We fjwak in this matt r WIIAT AVE LO KXOV.''nii ; -■■, yen experïence, AND HSD6K toüH ": FOR l'Hr FULFILLMEBX OT WHAT WE : 1 eefj instam- wlure tfae :n:'-.t;.. anffe Bg from pan and exhaoatMB, reliel wilj i.v Ifii'l u Ii'-Ltn or twinty mlniitea aiU-r the nysup is HrimJxMAti red. This i .■.-.-clptiop of one of the mosl KXPER1EN;EU :uii M'vIl.I.FLl. NI.'PSKS in Ni'w 1 reln, anl lus beeu uea ivlth NtVLB FA1L1NC BUCCE&S m ■J'HO'i;SAXD OF CASES. It DOt "rlv r'he-- thefltMlfrom pain, hnt invini.rnte the itomaeh' aafl bovebi, cnrrects acidity. and givea tnp" endenergy totiie whole "Vslem. It vill airoot instaoll reliovi cr.iriNG in tvsz r.r.v,r.T,;, Asr ffnoi cono and overeóme convulsiona, whifh if not ppepdly feln died, end in death. We believe ifc tiie ËEsT hui SUKEST KEMBIIY IN 1HF. WIRI.I in all cae of I)YJKNTKRY and P1ARKHOSA IN ('HII.1R1 N, wlietlisr it arisea fr.nn teetliins;. or from-any other eaW. We wonld fny to cwiy mother who h 8 a child auffermir frum any of the foregoins comnlaint-rJO yOï 1.LT YiH'K PRETünlCÍS, NOU THE PRWT7MC1B OK OTHERS? stand between yoit and yonr pufrT:nor eWM, and the relief that will he' BÜRK- YES. OI.UTELY - to follow the use of tbh medicine, if timely uned. Kuil dierfons fr aeiBg will acenn-pany wek btll, Non-jrennine unless the fiic-simile nf (TTÍTIS a Pi.ltKINS. Nêw-York. ia on tlie outside wrapper, Sold by DruRirists thrnugout the world. Principal 1Hi-, 13 Oli.r Srr-et, N. T. l'KIOF. ONI-Y Í5 CKNTS TER BOTÏI.E. Forsileby Eberbach k Co. Iy773. For the Speed; and Permanent Curr of Seménal Wenkness, Nocturnal and DUrnial Evússiont, Neroous and General Dcbilit Impotence and all Diseases arisingfi-om Solitary, Habits or Excessive Indutgmce. rpHERE are thonsnnds of Youko Mem, as vaB as MlMK X Ar;Ki aud Oi.u Men, who are Buffering to eome eitnlt frotn ttio aoove diseases. Manv, perhap?, re rtU awar oé' their true conditiwi, or when awiiUnee is really neidtd. For the benefit of snch, wc hevcwith (rivo a few of th moi% common svmptoms vil: Wftikntu ,; th' Bark and before tl.o L.e. Palpit.ilvm o Ihr H.urt, Jtypgaia, L4tjf Hfetnnrn ('mifiision if It{-'i Pprenxon "f Spirits, WWni "'Z&rZtZJ, TMUft. :, knd .11 f; the abnve svinptouia theie romediüa will bu fouud a lNiYr"These '"-émedies embrace tliree j-rncriptinii! A te ( PmtfU a box of ATci) T,mic J'ilh, nnd a b.. of VS JbmV 'ii, all of v!iic!i havo imporlaut offifs lo i.erf.m nd ihonld be nsed to-'otlier n case. '] heir inprlonf ove: other modes of treatmeut ba Lniell; tattd a flKL- They diminish the Tlolence of seiun] exeinmit. J8S" They immodjately arrest nocLurual "J diuru! ! 'fiS"They remove lical weaknes, raoiloj tlie orjani te asstnne their natural tune fitirl vigor. They strenithen the cnnstitulion by ovarcnmlag MOIousdcbility anil KeiiBial woiiüiess. aa-They eulivcn the spirit, wkiob rc wniVy ileprasnx, bv MPBHlna all xoitfni; c-aises from tlie syfi-m. thalr InvigoMting prnpertio fMJf restors tj ratient to Illl natura) health and vi(rr of mnnhooii. 1ÍS' 'l'liev cure when all other naam have tillo. êS-Tha eom.iin vu tkniiry, 110 Opium, nor anUlilnf tliat eau in anv evenc priv lojttriom!. xhey aro easy and pta -uit t 1 n-, ü'iil vill not intMbnwith th patlent'a vuual busine! or plearore. l'hey eau b used without Buiiiion, or kuowledgt 01 Ten a roinn-inate. . . That thev may jome within t! reach of !!. " M the price of the =..■(. at $1 per box, and the í'i( at 5 ents perboxeaoh. In or.lering l-y mnil, in aduif.on to tha prico, twclve cents iil stamps shunU b molosed f(K rtur postage I.1PIE5 in vfant of a paf and eerto C remwly for IiTeml'triXaf, Swnww "' '■)■ (V? 1 - Q anj B seo ■ i-oc-iMiar to th'?ir rcx. i? "T vijl should U5e 1)11. Gatks'S l'KJt-,e Movtil-ï JW i'ii.i.s Pricö, bv mail, SI aml "ü'i itainp.. K.J CASriiw.-These l'ill shonld nit bf.s lL J dnriu J reyn'inc!, aá iiiiscwrtaie yfvimÊtH E C"í;.X"s";vlo. f, m.her.ll'-..!-f... or any other humane and reasonable cause, d-eM ït n- ary to avoid an increasj of family. ■-,■, .1 . s;, w.Lhout rrin danser to health .)r ennstinuion b? f.f . of .. tj Ciu' ÍVOIM J'remiüra J'uinio-ï. Tiicc, b; mail, SI These Po'wders can ouly lo oUainad by aJdrtSiini; tl. Q'S[?T:Grn -ate WW ItetfH 0„ S JúulH. Í1ICE Tes Ccms. Addre, H. G, MILIJÍH 4 CO., G -nara' Arrcnt, For Éal ly JIAYXAKD, STSBBIS & Wil SOIT. y7S8in Ar.n Arlor, W.FliOK lTmILL Ef?8 ÍIAIR INVÍG0RAT01 an i-:Kn:cTivi:, safe ako eooomical compoun TOR RR8TOR1NG GRAY 1 T A 1 ■ : to tti original color w.;hOUi i ; i'""11 turning gr:ty. FQIS PREVEMTIN1 BAL! NKSSnnfi ourfsf it.when thr la the least partido ■ ■ wutfgy remaiuiusr, FORÍIEÍH F AXI I AXDRUIT, au.' ullcutiDcous affciions of the í FOK B] '■ . ■ pattïijrttt# va iquiiücl glom and '-■■ 05 1! .--.ifutlsUj 11 Lts tciu:I ■ reatfïlj. &siag deiaanfl for liliii 1 pr ; 1 'uv tlui.t, in triulisoi . ; ' ing i'iiMitoi Ha . t (irescu launa. U oioaases tlu I - ipfromdawfrvT I ud ,;;nU gíVMÍt rt Pifth, - y OZÚ Ccxüle ap; 'tU ÜlilT sriltgfre Ftrength an-1 Tior to tire ruots, and tbetowthto thoae '■ l"ve btcomu islng lt to 3 ïeW nfresh wve r.g ofi.air. _ Xdcreare fluu b ol ' ■■' km n r' N o havo bad fcttair t. by H' """ f thiB ln tgorator, wjisu all oUíse jHcp&ratious hal fik-d. I„ M. hai in lii-4 poaíwsaion íetttn., iuonmetal k' beaüljiog to the iilove facts, C ni i m was i Í ti:e higheat i98]ectability. H will effect ual e h.iirjroin turminf gra} until tUe lates t pcriod of Iib;aud 11 i'iises wïmt the bair Uas changed lts color, I ta use oftbe Invigorator will wiihTcertaiiity rat ig'mal hue, piviusc it % datb glossy appwuaee. Asa perfumefbr t'he toilet titula Halr Btoratlvft il i.:u1n t.;..irly min vended, d agreoiil'ii fragrancc; a,i , the groa!. íacílitieK it alTori.ü ia drtsiiiK' thekabr, uliich, iui.rt wiíJ tli i ased in nuy veulréd f-"1- a ■ to jiroservo it k jilace, wbeíber piafa oí in curls- henc the ereat Iemand for it by the la!ïif rf as a standard ttiUt art iele wbieli lumo ouht to b wíthoil, s the pric placea it within the fflti of all, bèjAg ON Ij Y TWENTY-FIVE CENTS perhottle.tobe Ual at all respCctablo drusgista' d perfunirTS. L MILÏXR vrouU cali die nffontiftn of Tarent nil Guar.Iianstotho nimf iii. inigiia:o1r, in cases hn w' Bir ineünea ta be weak. Theuneofit lavs tbe l'or n tfoofl h'ted of hlr,uit removí- anv irapurilies tliat may lifve becorue connected vrith tli scalp. tberemoval ef niiicli is seuiauy both for th „I the future appearance oflt Caution. Hopa Roiíutae wiüiftui tliefacsimilel.OUIfl ,-utcrTrrnpixT: also, L. MIIXEE'? HAIH [NTJGOJUTOK, N. Y. blows In thppiass. Dey St. an.l Bold bvuü tlifpplDClnhMerfctalll oughout th vorM. I ildiBcoiinttopurchaiWfcbytbequantUj. r ta present to tbc American l'ubllc my Now & Improvod Instantaneous ï.iquïd Hair Sye n-hich nftov yi.irs of Ktnti4t tlarimwttM I b hr. ■:■ rilt In pevt'octina. U úytt btack or brown instant. withnut injnpy to :!ie FhlrforSMn varrantedth belt iltlili ifÖMkinJ i.'i axisCaan. PRICB OSLT FIFïY CENTS, DEPOT, & iíi'y S2', ie rrj


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