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FALL & WINTER GOODo XCW RfeñmG AT Aa JX . í VV tO -1 o HWïMü i„ ,..,v OASHfor nearlynll kinds of Goodg purchnsed in Now ' ■■ k we Ewe npccssarily obligt'd torestrict our systom l:eiv. eonarquaiiUy w s!i;ill uiïev tur Fall Good3 for Cash, ut a very sniall ndvnneo on the cost. 0. H MIL1.EN t CO. Ann Arbor, Spt. 24, ÜS61. blüma SCHOFF & MIL LEU A RE STILL ON" HA NB at thcIruW Stand, No. 2, Franklin Block, wi'.li tlieuiust oninplete assortmont q! Books and Stationery, PERFÜMERIES, FANCY GOODS, WALL AND WINDOW PAPERS, S HADES, ROLLERS, CORDS, T SSELS GILTCORNT!-!!:s, bURTAINS, HOOKS AND PI NS, STEKE03C0PES & VIEWS &c. Ever offcred in this Martet ! anö tl.ey iróuld stiggcl totliose in pursuit cfÁnythíngiD SANTA CL A US' LINE that tbey can socure a Doublé Christmas Present ! by pnriïhasïng Trun thfsslockftfl eftofa purc!i?.scr gets itïona] present ofjpwelry, ie, Ranging invalue trom 50 cte. to ?50. A Tlit'yiT'i'-t '!'.t ■'■ ■ ! in - ixperieuee in mlecting thia mtrkí't, and striet atteniion to wantc of Caetomers, inay emitle tlitm to a liberal hre c, ge. Ana Arbor, Deo. 5. 186a 777tf Insuranoo Agcácy 2 C. H. BIILLBN IS THE AGENT for tli" Folloirüw di! '- -1 companie: IJ H", ISSUnASCK C49flA!Y. ofHvrYMÍ CHy, -Capital and Surpiü-, ,600,000. CITY PIHB ISSflt.VStE ütïKPAWT, of Capitel and Suplas, $4 CONTIdSHTAI. IRSVSAJICV COMPAMT, o! N,.w Vi .rliCily.- Cuyit.l :i:nl feiirpi:. . ,000. '"'uto qur.rt(-rs of the nioil ] r ñi ín iMs Company ifl divided aDnaaU among its pol j . tder. OH MILLENAnn Arbor, December 13, 1800. 6b7?8 NEW YOIiií LIFE INSURANCE COSIP'KY. Aciiunuilated Jan, 1360,81,767,133,21 MORÉIS FRANKLIN, President, J C. KRNDALL, Vire Pretideitt, PLIXY FREEMAN, Actuary $10D;000 DEPC3ÍTED wlth the Coiftptroïler of the Ptat nf New York. Dividcudd average 40 percent, annually. _v. 6 s s t s . ChabinBaBk, t 81,355,40 [nvesteJ n secarltles,citd under the lavaot ■ t VorKnd nf tliv I . 8 . 268 Real Estáte una Hitare, Nrn. 112 and 1W ■ray 182,4 :■ .iv. níTporct. intrrpst Ss .. .- mi 1 i r;,.sí, r::.,:U5.8ó mnal prpEiiuinf, tlae subs qaen( '. lsi;0 S50.8 : 'iti tu .í:in. 1, 18C0, "■ HiS-7? ocraeduptoJon. ), IS, 1,7;.:. Fremiuinriou puii':it:.siu liands of Agent, :".!'.' 1,77,133.Ü4 Drs Wixïe and Liwitt, Medical Exaiéineta. 743t'f J. GULBEKT SMITH, Agont Conway Fire Kisrnmnce Co,, Of CoDway, Mass. Capital paicl up, - $150.000 00 Asscts (Cash), - - 20Ü.9G3 12 Liabilitios. - - - 16,440 03 D. C. Hogers, Jas. S Wliitncy, Seorelary. President. DIÍIEOTQF15. J S.WHITMEY. 1.. BÓDHAH, VV. F.I.T.1OTT, SA howi.and.0 r. M.-({ii,vKA v, n:n. voiioan WUT BEMENT, JOSJAII AtLfS. .H. BÜ'.LE W. H. DICKINSON, W.T. CLAPP, ï). C. HOGERE. nn Arbor Wpfrrencc?: Dr. F.. WEll.a, I,. JAKES L. D0IOK, ENOCHJA.'.HS. OAPT. C.8. OOODWCH J. W. KNUHIT, A -ent. Ann Arbor, Michigan. THE PEORÍA MARINE & FIRE INSTJRANCE OOMPANY, OF PEORÍA, ILMN0I8. Capital, - - - 8"00,000; one of t!t,i HEATIEST, BAFE3T :in 1 BEST bunranea I:. ire on reMon ble terms, and al y:ivh j uiy prouiiitly. Tlieic is no bütttT l'irti Iiíslulüjo Company. Mo ney Wanted, VV h o w 11 1 LeinlMoiicy! T A3JBKQUESTED BY 8EVERAL FBRBONS to oblslo 1 nioiK-y for linm :vt Ten Por Cant I ïtorsst, (OrMore.) lr :uiy " wUlfaut to londj 1 can at opcfl IbtwI n good unenuml)ere3 Rbundant 'i f. EPT.TK iiiysuinj of irttmey aiid sl-0 thftt tlit' Íitltí oudaecurity ftre i 1 1. Kii, :tr. f t) Tho borrower paying all expendes, ini-Imlinr; rooordlng. K. W. MOB .rbor, Gct.',0. 7lMf General Land Agency PEKSONS wanting fnrm, o r ruslrff ncrn n r,r,c„ Annrbor,cuu by calllug on me cljct ora n list ofovor 1OO Farms For Sale! Ofvarlout slze Irom 3, te 1301' cn , 'ch -(iomc ai goodaanTtnfhli (Tonnty.) M'jrrthan ■ Uwellitg üoiiMi nïhUOlty.frorntwo 'lundred to faurthouiant'doiarüftch:and ovar 2O K.tTItiDING liOTS! Amonsthefnrmi arp the IMshcpetarm , MOOncro, Aa Potter farm, tn GreenOrt, t+iePiacefarm, a ) 4.1 ) acre, the Blandos ana Jenks fr-nn, i n VVobaterj th BtQbba, Michnel í-'lan:y. Ni .vi [t !;■■.■;■', ,,;it Fallahsi farm, in Ann rbor: J.Kinglny'4fHrm, n thn (Inlch and Riek trtne ir Lodl r. ■■ Patríele Clayo farm In FronHom; W. 9. Darfknn B. O. linker a and Hurk's lurma inylvan. Mail"! theio and monjr utbors can be Hvidodto suit purcfaAserf E. MO .10ABT. AonArhoj. Jan lst.ií.',(; 13 Jf W. M O R G A N , Agent lor Mutnal Iti-ïtiranccCompany, Kew Ynri;. ■ 6,SftO.O00, ng Ufe [nsurft&ce Company In the U. 8. erbockcrljfeTnuarahccCoinpany, l-w Vork, Qumboldi Piw ín suraaco Compao, New York. ' ' - tÁOv.OOO. P' Marineé Flre iriitiranpoCo., Porti l'i. - bntt i Ko. 1 Fir't Insurance Co's. 77H OapiUl, - - - $5(J0,n00; New IIkmedies for SPERMA T O R B H (E A HOWARD AtíSOClATtON, PHILAMCLPHIA. A Be niicottnl tfititUion establ'shrd by spatnl rut' for the rtlitf of the Stek and DlttrMteed, ajflictfd toilA V'ruhnX. and Ciranic Distase and espmially for the Cure of Visrast.s of the Sexual Organu, MEDICAL ADVICK gtveri gratis, by the Aeiing Surgoon . VAXUABI.E RIORTS on Spermatorrhceanrl otlifr : Dlwflflea of the Sejcual Oi-gan,Hni1 on th N"KW EEM ; EUIBS employed in the DlapoDsary, nt-ni Ins. il . froe of aharjre. 'io r 1 1. r poatAgeacceptaWe. Addrefii, Dr. J. SKILLTN H TON, llmvard Associatiun. No '1 S. Ninth Bt., licljjliift, Va, j y&üf. i ■ - ( Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, j i f rmpirc N I L N h EOOK STORE I i. R. WBBWER OS i : Co,. J -U I i_ - Frutiklin Ilousc 1 TT i Aun Aiboi ■ j ' ' V ■■.,..- i ■ r I A ni'N'O'A' Ot'KN'lNO, JDIREI I' l-VOM PUBÏ.I8HERS ASI) Manuftictutcrsj a New and Cömpl k . LAW &, MiiíilCAL UOOIiS, School liuuln, iliscdlancous J'onhs, lilttnk lioohs, dan rtijSi.iixc22xr33 i."i "v : :"■■, Qmwing and Uathomatioal lastrnmenta, Uusic, Jurenile Librarte} Eurelopëa, Inksnutl Caids. GOLD 'Ana all otJier kinds of Pens and Pencilt ' Witi.huv Cornice, Öhadea aidFlxture, POCKKT CUTLËRY! A;ul cv: . ■ ■ to tho iTü'i'1, and more to .i ■■ .ii tontioQ ■ . Iti condvictiïi?" uur bi sïnoss, w fthail dn all thnt enn ■ ■ ;n;iliii' man, wonian or chilil shal] i which will enablo us to supjily our atoo Lówest Posaible Figures. -■"'■.■ REA) v PAYjataamallaaTance. 1 ■ a profil "n tfui gnods, but Cash Sales 'iil Admit of low Iia-UEES. v.' '..y iic'M dI JAMES F. 8PALMNG, to ■ i-i' !] VisitWg, Wedding nml all nthcr Cards writhn (o order, icilh ncal nest and Süpatch, Ij; mail or othtrwmt. TIn 'Tmi-irv 1 ' í- naimed by ;i gro4 'crm.' 1 i''t w'l alwaya le found on "quarter ilrfk,'1 ■ ■ tu t! i,! tu M witb l'lfimire, vrho wtll ï.w oí i '" ti r íri a calL Ueraeinber the "Empire Boot Storo." JAM ES B. W EBSTEfi & Co Ara At'r, Mav.lSCO. TJf AiTfÖHEÜ ? AliËlVAL AT TUS 0LD AND HIÍLIÜ3LE CLOÏEint MAIN STREET. - the ËMtera ClfetM, with a larg . ÍOCÍÍ Of PALL AND WINTER E?T O O X . ! :-■ Ia now offering a1 unanaaSfy Amongfaü 4sortmOBÍ roabefound BRÖADCLOTÏI8, QAfiSIMERES, D0ESK1N8, & VEbTINGS, f all ilescrl[ition, esppciatïy for FALL AND WINTER WEAR ! ' ' ' ■ is cutting and making t ordorfn thf latent sn3 etker wtÜi a superior aaflovtuwnl of READY MADE CLOTMNG! ! CAXFEI BiffiS, I'MIiKEI.i.Af, an'l GcnÜcmea's Purnishing Goods, with numerouB otfaer firticles uiuITy found in similai establlHluxu ytá. Aa ANE iiJM OFFASBION, íh subscritor B ". tint ]i long experienco ;mi I j'-:'i . lOCt . ' ■■ :1 Jlim tn give tilt grr.'itrsi . t sil who i:i;iy Iriwfc himin the way of raanafaeiuriBg nurmeittfl to order. WK. wacxï.R. E for the liZimmoth Cablttet VVare Hoouis. HAETIN & THOMPSON, TT AVE Jt'tT Ol'EN'KD IN TI1EIR ncw anJ E 1 e ff i n t War e-Iï ooms KAST S1DEOF KAÏN STREET, .A-XST Xnj . 3F5. 23 O 3EI a o mi ■ '■■ -t'.ck ..r ROSEWOOD, LAIiOGAJSY □SB.flnzC& vsoancQOEul PARLOR VUR .NI TURE !N LUDING Si.r.. ïi-t ,.",'.■.. , -.:,, ü Wood, Black Waln it, Ph ii un i .' irblo Topped @ B ? Ë G3 1f A O (L g O, RO3EW" I, HAHOGANY, BLACK w WiNl T, FANCY NI COTTAGE CHAIR3, fte., &c.j &c, í:c: k. 3BT a 9 Elcrant JtlREÜRS, BI UI AUf.SEI KETARIE3, Complot . u room si rs, 1NCLUD12ÍG LATEST STYLES, -OFWltll T MATTEESSES Of the Iji'it .;i:ilitv ■ Uateru] In Fact they Have ; rerythiog witb irblcb to turniah PABLOR, ' BO0D01R, BlTTDiG ROOM, OK K. IC II K.N, AKD OUR OITIZENS NEED NO longer go to i sttoit or olsewben to fintl a hirgc assortmeni . ThlB FUBNITUBE nusul be ■' and 1U be bo1 at V E R Y L O W l'KICESI ■ Ifi uifo or going to 4o wif OOME A - ) iiUo tiavo a HEABSE CAURI AGE, ADd :' " '■ ■" itfcnd lo th baria] of tlie dcd in thoCïtj and adjoin Ing country. Ufare Roomeeati side of Sri'! t, btir6D Washington and Liberty 0. M. MARTIN. 6m739 C.R. THOMPSON llansstorfer's JBloek. DEA Üfk CO., INVITE attentlon to tlicir ncw stock oonprlBiDg ;ii! Uudm f Crociery, Qlassware, Lamps, Gas Fixtures andB i.i -'■-('. iri .i ;.i!l (f wh:ch they areoiTci ing At the Loicest Possible JRates. Frenoli f 'tnii.- Ten Bttl frnm f5 00 to 20 00 : China linn r ■■ I - trom SB 00 to 7000 . - frrn B 50 to 8 00 m il, ii;( (lijmer tM frnm SöOI'i1'! ' ■ I-;ihiis completo from 873(to6 '. Marblc Krosön1 iAmpa complete lrom 80 toloóo Tli.iM Lampa trom 18 t" ■ íar Lampa oí ;■" klodí altered nn.l repab4. Summer Hiü MTursery. THEODORE R. DuBOIS, P[)FTHB8OMHEBHILLNT3R8EET,AIIM .ilior, 'I."fi: ., - ii'v leaíly lo rtceive tm'i Eoï Fall aiul r-priugr Setting, llis oi-.icvs foc Fraii and (hnuuneotAl Trcea( ""í i if , 'i bftflUod f rm ÜJe Saitorn Nu; ■ :.■ . ;.■ oal fttti uüod wiïl bc giren to the aelcction and flUiogtho samo, i Inving beenrogalarl oduoatel W tiii Nui , conttdent that tb prompt :i ttentiOD, and strict honesta il)1'' tolftgrity bs rtli bé abtfl 1 gi0 MkUsfaotiOD. to every one cunfiding . 'is tn liim. Ailt:tfii:c]s oi fc'ruit gcowera will do wfill togïvc hini a ■ ■i her partios. trould : ■('-. tf man; ciUzensof the CHj and Coxtntj who parcha edof h na tho :tsi Spnog tor tin qaallty of treofl broughton by htm, :i vrellaa foi the good order in wbich hv) worerecoivwd anddelivered 8Ü4rc0 UííJ]jAÍ'MíUtAíio AT Maynard, Síebbins & Wilson's. I HAVEACAIX RRPLEN'ISSED OUK STORE Wilfl I r Ihc moüt splendi'O tuck of Er O O X LEI :lv WAS ''ver oíTeivl in any oue ■esiiibii-lnm-nl ti Che State, all ui' irödch wc ofler lor OLO[}3 Om [p [g O tyj O i islow as can be fouinl In the Vnion We want Ivloney ! led will make Grcat Sacrifiees on Aoytüiug wobave to obtuin i(, not oxcopting OLD NOTES AND AC0OÚNTS We cor.liiilly invite ALL CASÍI CU STOMERS ■ï examine our GcjO'Is and Irlce3. To als( nivily our Prompt Faying Cusicmers i;i cnmc an-1 h-iy their HupplfM r'-r the Winter. Tot] 01 f oes that are afiaiü to cali, we uy tu thens courdj(d without longer wuitit.g for liighrr rricltcnnie In, oíd scores, anO then ritsiirli priem as wil] nlk ul n!l Iomm It ia hunli; We iiave Ëverythlngl A large mortnent of CARPET1XG, CliObKEUY DRY GOODS, MEDIINE3, GEOETJES, PA1NTS, OILS,i ETA'i , . CAPS, BOOTS, SHOES YANKEE I-TOTTONS. fee, &c, &c. O&ÍLÍL ASO O11 QÜOS (T1UQ HAYNABD, 6TEBWNS & WII.sO r3 . 33:jisa -CA f, f RÈ-- . ..- jr - ■'■..'.;. "■ - ' ' - ' - . ■■■K '■--'.... - - ■ . ■ Still in the Field! WiTH A LAR6E STOCK of GOODS in my ':ne iirfrt f mm Kew York, Bosian, and the üanuiac tnrers! I have jast receivid a large and weïl seleckïdaasortment CLOCKS, WÁTCHES, & !L1 -%7Zr 3IÏ Xi 271. "S SILVER&PLATED'WAftË, Musical Instrumoiits, Table atd Pocket Cutlery GQLD PENS, And a groat vavirty of Yankee Notions, Ac I wouldoall particular atteutiuu to my luig stock of of Gold, Onver, Steel, and Pkted with PER SCOriO GLASS A.flupriorartlcle, and agreat rarietj of artlcles in tli '"ciIBAP CASH. PerSODI I.nvsncr dlffcplt ffftldlCI tO flO witli ghlSfWS, Cftn bd kqi i u"m-' td . my HocJ is lnrge an i compli 1 1, I" S, Piirticuhr attei ttotl :i : t i e of II liiiui of ino WhU-Iicn, KKcb :ii Saking & Setting New Jewels, PINI0N8, STAFFS and CTUNDERS, leo CLOCKS, AND JEWELUY, Veatlv I'.i'fiairtil aiil warrantM. C. BLISS. August 28, 186P. 768l t ÜÜJTZS'W Gr O O T SS WÍNES & KNIGHT Ai'O noff recoivingthcir SECOXD Spring' and Slimmer STOCK OF GOUDS m Iu couactjucnce of tUo Gr e at Pressure in iho we have been enabled to purchase ïuanj kind of Goods at our own prices. Víq can sell most kinds of DRESS GOODS for LESSTHAN WA8 PAID FOR THE SAJIE KIND OF GOODS in New York SIX WEEKS S1JVCE; We invite the attention of all to an inspeotion f our itock. WINES & KN1GIIT. MaylO, 18C1. SECOND ARRIVAL - OF- sPBiNa se sxxavriMiEiR. GSr O O H3 L , - At THE- Z3Ltxa.zi.o;a?' Sitaren A. P. MILLS, PROPRIETOR. OüOds boflghl üidcr panie pnces, IwíZ soí fl pnces that wül multe hard time conté again no more ! Facts for the Fecplc -OF■W ASHTENA W -snADJOTMiNG COUINTÍES ! And thcir numerous quostiong answered. Vth, ís ErtnibMly trading at the "BANKER STORE? '-iecause A. P. miLLS, the Proprietoroi fiat Establishment has jast returnod trom the Eaatoíu Oitieswilb tfia Largétá, Uandsomest, Cheapest, and Mout Atiractive Stock of S TAPLE AND FANÓY DRY GOODS! cvtr brOQght to tliis [art of tln.' I Why is Evcrybody pleasetí with his Stock? ' ' bc hlflstjIOK ure more beamttol, qti&tity botter, ftQd priC60 Lower tbaD ;it any othrr sUire in th cnuity. U'Ay Aaa he always Somt thing New and Cheap to Show? BecuQfiehebaiift fHenA connected with one of tb lar■-■ : . ti vTe York, who le oootiiMuily " BOBBWO ROUV&" ft 'i-:.; hai siosaud thi latei í !■., ait apilar from Hïne U) time and ■■ luMpn liiin ■".;;■ ■[.i witli n y!et on4 eooaftututN misNEW CHEAP tod DE8IBABLE Why doe he setl so much Chcaper than the rest? BecAuiu hi H i - ;i hiyr mi t r ir 11 Ihp i I üdvantage of lh continua! cbange oí tb ta ■ ■ i tU( wj i..í Iiíh .i'.-, mucti ohaper n..u otücre oftu, and i i..-i bo niarkÑ i bVui luwu to Llie xc?cr33i1T' i.-'-xa-u-x-ix'.íí! WAy dote he te:l Ladks' and Childrent' Sliafg un mucii cli:per llian aa mer uwrd oj hy the uídtst SUocmaíers? BeoftuJb he N:iy: hi to( in tne Ian of iboemtnri, ol tliuukn ully L6 per cent choapt: Uiao I he KwYorl ■ i n, and w ie! bel ■■ wotkthaa . 'ry kk;. Ifcla orarse eiublea lüm to sell .l betwr GaitíT fpr 35 Cente. i!;p othènrall al 50 cenia, and a b?!:rr FuXi;H(;AITF.I' ftt úu Mato, Umd oUifira imu at 7fi ecuts. iías Ae any I'a's awl Cas? I ould ttiink lif1 hsa ptacltí i'f tli'ni. enongb to supplT the Átate, at priceg lówer was ewrheftrdoi round tbeilc . 1 1 1. Ví'liy U hif Tea to much bitl'r fr.r the f-rict Hay litan yoa gel 1 tttÜÊT place ï ' ' ' ■ '■■ n care n HolectinA it, ami iveshli ■ i; '! -( rt-.ü "■■ 7" cent TEA FOR 50 CE.NTS, Iteawayhc huK 'Vkere stouhl ym ;r to grt ynuT CLOTHS ar.d hase thaa 'Jut OT Made? lo the BANGER SIOBE, where thePwple'a Banner is Qnfui ■ ■ pié: - ■ i"i. iif '■■ Public Sumiré, a ft-wclixirs wrt ofCeok'í Uotel. A. P. MILLiS. Juno 18, 1861. :i",tf PATENTED November lst, 1859 ÖTUE MEASL'KES ., . A, tlie diítance J--J„ Nlc rouBd tbe Neck. k ütoBlheYok,. 4 , '■■"-JiaJe 3 " C tho leove. ■ 'I D to D, autauco I i arouad the Boly j I ■ j nd i laf T V Q 1 theArm-ints. L . - EtoE,!.o 1I lengthoftUo V i & Shirt. liLA.L.LOTJ'S Pateuletl Ituproved Freneh Yokc SHIBTS. PaTENTJEDKOV. Ut, 1B59 A New Style of S irt, warrauted to Fit By -'!!'! . tbe abare mea -uro.' por mail we mm r antees ;■ i el t ■ i our tu atyle ■( Êhir1 and by txpress to any part of th Unttod ;-":■;-. at SI-, ; ;.,per down. No order forrorded lor '■ li .'i ;, i .1 : ■!■ u .u birts Importen and Dealers ia Mi;"' PÜKKISHIXG (OOI. fijt. Wbole.-iiilc tr ': ■ ■-■'ií termij. BALLÖU K8OTHEB8, SOSlf BBroadway, Ngw Vi.rk. loomis &raiFP, SuccL-.-isnrs to Ohapin fc Loomis,andCbdpÍD, Tripp A JLoomií rriHEftbove'flrm of liouiulit 9t Tripp haring parohasec 1 :i , entlre iutor! ol tbe I ■■■ w i ■■- mp a ■ w il eontinw the business ftt tile oW stands , nrhere i bey wil! li í'ft'lv , 'i thfl ahortüi ootic to 6U all ord rs in thE Une oí Castings and Machinery, ui Un Bkost manoor, bdíI od aslfiboni ternu u any othsr sliop ín the State. Araong t'-1 vari oua artfciean utufaotuwl by us, we vould enumérate STEAMEÑG-INKS of all ktads; Mili Oearhtg and Flxtures, wro fj;isí: illil" rarioufl eafltingsfifrnuklngand n ■ IIoi'Ge Powers & Thresbing Machineg stieh as are a1 present, or havo fornjftfly been n ase ín . :iv ■! ;)- a 11 rarioui) kicdfi of . ■■.- irh cailed Por by fkrnw ■ un'ry, - "JH?JSL-a:TKa7'a5@í of all thc rariouH patterní , up ;n siweand pricesfrill be the moti modi rn and lmproi i d Btyles. : i'i.l i'r fermer patronage to the oíd 5rms, ve wou 11 wlícit m oontinnauoe from o!d frien Uánd a trial by li wi8hlng foraaythlng in uur Uneof buninejui. L00M2S ív Tííiri. Aun Arbor,May ISth, 1899. 9Ttf UP X&Tn 3l, A. DE FÓREST9 Always alteadla Lew Ifílces HAVIXG BEMQVKD UVSTORE to the l. I Main !'■ ■'. i.' döarnortu of Gulterman's. I am . w Groodv, oAnapriHÍng ult klnda rff GroeerieA, Pruit, ECxlcacts, Gla . : mps, Iokiug Gla . . i ; '■;■.' ilvi-i'-i'Ltt tin-i . 4c. ( tOWÜIl 'kHAN EVI;K! French Clilna TeatJetfl, from $4 so to isoo i hiña I) mu r Seta, from 20 ' o to 30 00 tone China Tea íets, froñ 3 ojo to 4 5o Si neChÍQa DtanerHefcH, from 6 60 to 1630 Uoh :! . .'. ís, 200 prdozdn i . ".i, - frtfm :.; to i'O Ijimpo l'iom T." to ; 00 Fluid iuniís 1 jq to 50 Kerosene Oft, IqntClity, 8üc peraÜoQ All other UooÍ8 al liurreaponriíng ju'ícos. Lampfl nf all kinda alterad and icpairid. .lesStore, Ï99tf A. übJPOHEST. 200 Cords Wood Wanted! PROPOSAL9 for üclivoring (lou, SounH n ■ D #ÓOD, a parí veasoaed aud n parí groen, :it the dl feuoo] Gíonsefl Id the Ciiy o( Ann Irbor, in qua from 10 to lüü ('1 ■■: ,1 1icltedby Lho School Board. E. . .. )., M v.-'i. 0. OORHHS, j "Ll Ann Arbor.Sept. '25, IfiAt. 8-0v3 SEWIWG MACHIWS F0R SALE." II.B CUEAP a naw Di i slua r . . Kachine. Warranted no botter Ib niarkct'. ] asy . E. B. l'OMi. Ann Arbor, J.uly 16th,IRl, Ayer's Sarsaparilla, VlvEV BAIíGilNS EVER OFFJERKü 1859. I185í)■ ■ . In tliis City, :irc .cv being"! (ft rètt at tho CHEAP, CLOCK, WATCLI, & riifT1-' ?rib?erihír wnuM y Tn ' n -'.■ L bor.1 pnrtirulnr, and the ret o! w Ii'imv In si ■:■■'. thal hehtujntt ÏMPORTED ; : RECTLY from ISUROPE.i TreniMnlons Stock of Watches! Ali of whlch lm lilndshimsclfto Wil OHK rV.R Ihn.i boughl west of New Yoik C;ty. OpeaPaoe Cylindor Watcbes trom èu t'ï $10 dn iio I.iï.i do )o 8 t : Qauliog Cue do do do 14 t" :: 't i)u Cyllnder do do !) to ur Qold w.ii'!ii-8 from 20 to 150 I i.iivu liso mo CELEIÏfïATED AÍER'CAN WATCHES, wl.ii'fi I wlll ■;■}) ttr $35. Bvry V ntch warrauttd to pnrforin weil, orthc monoy rrtunded. Oooki, Jewclry, Pmted War, Fancy Good, Gold Pens. &fnsfc&] I nut rumen ta uu-i .Strlnfís, Cutlcry, &c, and in ieet DTSrlflty of ever j hlDfi usuall; kopt i y Jcw alora can be boaghtfort&e oext nfnety diiy f at ymr O W N PEI0ÍSI : 1'ersoiiB baylag Abythiag t thli wcll kno-wn evtttb lisbonc ut cn rt'Iy ij i getti( goods nxaci ■ '■■ rej ■'-■''■. i '■'■ ru '. . nd je cure Bhti beftt bargahis eVAr oflbréd la tbl' ity. Olio word in regard to Repairifig : We are preparad lo mnke any repairs oofloe or common Wnichtft, - vi n to oiaiilugo er tbe eutfrfi w ntrh f RfKsestarj. Repulrlng of Clockt and .1 w iry as uauHl. Also tVe mannfkcturlna ot RING? 1)K' tr wythtï-fl ■-- lrfi. t ']iií.")i! t rul ■ ihortnottff. Enpm-Hpi In aIItsbrÍDofaeexefoted witlumat nei ;u)ri Uitípatcb. J C ■ WATTS Anti rïor, Jftn. 9Stfal889. ?i-Jw 1IÜRACE WATERS, A G E fl T 3 3 .1 B r o a tl w a y , N tv Y 0 r ï Publlafaer ofMnsIc anl Hsulc Dimk ANli Di;.AIKK I.V Pianos, üelódeons, Alexandre Orgaus Organ Accordeon, Martin 'e oeiebrated ftód othfeF Guitars, VíoHds, Tönor iols, Violince]loa, Aci-oi-tk'ons, FJutinae, Pifes, Triangles, Clári inetts, Tunirrg PorkfrPipes [ammei'ft, Yiolin Bowj, bost ítalian St'rings, p} Instru menta ín' Bands, Piano Stools, a!n! covers, and all kinds of Musical Instruments JSI 7.x o o T-JX. xx S i o 1 ih" i ti l'. S., l' ; ■ . H Q1 ■ in] - 'i i chool, and al) kinds of ïutrnctioQ K - r the .:!■■'■ ■. ; -. i .itin ..' - , ' 'bunjb Music Books . h.t.inil; llusfc paper, and all kinds of '],i. A t t ïipLowPst P r i c e s. New Planos, At 517.. . rp in $S00. $econl ] rt : ■ .. : ■ fruiD : ■ . ..:]■,...■ ip to ÍÜflft; Pecond :" ■ . - -. A Bbtral diacoui t ■. . ■■ . Lhurvlic, -'j!i!..i:!i Schioolit, Seminnriifl ...ij .-. 'XUv Irado BuppU.ed at tUe uoi; . ■■:-■■ 'ï ;immlítls tt t:e ïïorr.rc "Waters Piaios Kiitl r'it-liitï. ;i. .Tnlin I'i-'. 1 1 , of Cartbage, New York, who 1 oiic of ' ■ ■ ' ■ ■ ws: - "A fric-ml of mine risbsnio topurcíiílSc r i her. "■■■ .-- the one yoo Bold nw in ï i . il in thifl pfoee, and 1 thiuk I ! : ne .t two ni'irc; th-jy will b mirt' jcij u. lr Uiao n'.'.y itlior in:ike." "Wf bAn t - of Watrfl' Pianos in on i:i qurSeminnry, t;it' ■'' wbicb been levan ! t6St ! f'r thrpc ■i we oan teatffy to thi i uality and durabílity.1'- ,] Grogory, Afottiü Carralïi W. 'ii, Watert, !"- !■- i f w Hu:: Having tmed on Pfano Forios for two yearn past. 1 dato round itave stepei'ior luêtru ! Al DX2Q ;f:.ti Principal Brootíy Heigktê Sem "Tlie Piano I reeeived from yon continúen to giye --! [flfftctiuD. 1 rgnl ït as one "t toe beirt insl rumenta tnthc l-'! ."' i ■ ' ", Va. uThe Hetodepn ban uifely arrived. 1 feel i fory our aat." Bev. J. af. i[r YarqucstilUS. C. was iluly received. Itcama in excelleni . . 1 v-r RLucb a'linircl bv mv numero ■■ ■ ■!!. blianks ftr your pronipbu ... li'um 't ham, Bmríjneá Co. Pa. Your pinino IoafMfi ; W6ll. lt tbe beat one in our h eounty."- Tb isiad A. Iatoam, CmvpAetítóii, ?n. 'W ara v-;-v mucti obüged ri yoy for havii wen b :: rt Instrument for S250." - Bkax;; ,!!::: .v Qo . . n cre. Qorace Watws í'ianos nroknown asaraong the v.'t y bost ?Te ure enubled to Bpak of these : hu-u's i ii li confi lence, fron personal knowlodge of tlieir excellent tone mil durable quality." - JV. T. ErnHSttihf. ■ ' BTe can p" 'V of Uie in.1 of the Efonu ■ ÏVi ters pi tnos froin personal kno - ■ ■■ aabaing tbe v-:y fiue-i , ■ ■ . . nuüiatncer. "Thfl Hfomc1 Waters pianotf are oüffit ol tho ■ ,., , ■ ;.. r liigbly ieaoned material. We hai qq áotibi t)i;it buy ra isan do aa wcÜ.perhapfl bel ''!■, aj f I i - thn at , rtioitte in tbe llaion." - A}'0,-ar a-id Jo:.rnat. piano i í metodeoaa :i: ■ .,;■:, ttte flnflat naado any whorc in tbe couutry."- Hom TaunuU "Horace Waters1 Piano Forten are of fuiT, rích ano . ■ tone and powerfol - iV. Y. Musical Rrvew. "Our frlends wlU Bnd at Ut. Waters1 ïtow the very best usortmeni ol tlusic and f Piano tobe found in the United States,and we urge onr wutbero and wei tei n in jlve !':i" a calí wheiiever tbey go to NVw York." - Oraham's Magazine. Warehouse 333 Eroad-way, N. Y. Sa b b a t h sTh ooi Bel], 100000 Issued in ten Bfontlis. Tlie unprrrodento'l nale of tliis book has Induced the ■ ' 80 D6W ■ .■ . ■ . :■ on the ' in Amoñg thomany boautifa] tunes and hym may bo Found: - "I ought toiovemj mother;' -mí ril ■,.. a goud ■■'■■ ' i indeed i mil." Diese and eighi others (rom the B '. nre ung a1 the ïundaj Sclicioi Aumver-;n v i'i th E. Übun h al 1 1 1 ■ Academj of Mii.-ic, with '.'(■iit applamw The Bell coi taiiw oearij 200 I iivinii-:iii ir one of Ihe tíest collecttona ererissued. Price 13c; $10 perhundred,postage4c Elegantly bound, erabossed ilt, 6c tiWrlOO tthaebeen iutrütluced tnto many of the Public s-huoN. The è la pttblinhed n mail numbtn ■ i andíSuntiaj School Munic Bookg, Nop. i. i. in nx4ei i" accorawodatc the miUloii; prlce i:i ppr .: Vu. ö v.iü -,111111 be i-i-in'ii - comment Hiuiüici' book. Ali, Ili'vival Uusic Booke, N. 1 j. price $l & $2 peí LOO, postile le. More the j 300,000 copfpA of the a lio ve books have been isüédthe past n months, and the döiawidUrapidly Lncrea&Iag Publiahed bv HORACK WATERS, Aeut, 333 Broadwaj, N. Y. Fublisod by Eorace Waters Hoi 333 Broadway, New Vork Voc;il.uKid'l Wordsoan Devordiej (tThö Angels tok! me so;" "Wüda o) Lhe Wcst' "ThoughU ol God;V 1 t.'v.i meback my tfountain Home;1' MD j i i .. ibiu;" 'l'm n "There'í no darilDR like mine:" "Sniab Jane Le ' ■ pr of Ui'-;" lI'nj m iiij in Sorrowj" "Bird of K:-:iMfy.' --li ime of out birth;" "Grave i [ {loiabel, ' and ' . i..-, la i.. . wake,.1 prlce 25c eaoh. ( IxsiKi iiRNTAi, - ■ 'Palace Garden, or I og Bchottische;" "Mirabel Set ttlsch;" 'Thoma Öaker 3cïiott!schei" "Kccolomini ■ i'iiiii. Tin1 abote picoO have beautiful Vignettee "Weimer Polka;1 "Arabian Wai ury '■' the TOry laai lVawoviannii Donlella Haaurká . ■ i '] '■Criiii.liih' Walt," and "La neer1 Qua pire of Reich'c Quarillo;" i mee, and uThe EEibernfan QuadrfU Hany of these pieeei are pi iye I by Baker's oelebiiited ore!' ■■■ ra iüi greal applruse.49" Malled free. A ; largelot of Foreigu Mtisic at half price. Píanos, Mlodeons and Orfettifciè Tlie 1' Pianos and Sleïodeona, for ttepth, bf tone rtuil 4ftrabillty, are unsorpassed. Prices ■ leoond ' land l'ianoa ; i ml ! I . :,:.l Musical IitKtructinnft of uil .i:i ■ lowerft p - HOHAOK WATEIW, Aont. . : . V. V. TbsttiuwiaU; - í(The Dtorace Wateni Planos are knovn ■ ery bost.' - Fvangelht. their merit fro personal knowl- Clrhtir.n IittduecurtT. "Nothlngat thfl Fair dlsplayed grsater excclJonce -" - Chitrchman. Watera' Pianos and Meloaeona challenge com part son ; ; uiado a;:vv.'Iiercin tho country.'" - Home Jnurnal. Ii ving's Works - National E&itioii 'PUTS Pina Bdltioa of the Works oí Wamjixcíto.v Ib I mm: (Inelnjdíng theBJéel WahÍDgtcp wilibujiubi.-hctl Rf SUBSCRIBBRS ONLY In MontMy Volunua Pnce $1.50 Fumable on Delivery, BaanitfuUy Prlntod on beary superfino pkpeY, of tlu rer} bei qualíty, and subttantia21y bound in heffvj berelled board. 07Laoh Volume iliustratod with Vignettei on Steel and Wood. .jTJ Knfokei boeker1 New York, Sketch Book, Cloth. Coluiüfiiis, ;.i volita tridge IJa!lf of ;i Traveler, o Miscelianji Capt. Bonnen rl", (i - . : Gol smithj Maliomet M oh. ( ; r i ■ 1 1 ; i : ■ i , Alba nhjú . Wolfert'a Hoost, Life of Waabioffiton, 5 vols. Salmnguadi. Thls editlon itill be soldvxeTOffltñr to Bnbwriben and will 1k greatly superior to any ever before iasaed- A vciy ban hom i únfwrsallj ponulaf work. ri tlmf rlucd witbln m ans of all. P V. rLTNAM, Aift-, PuMislier, 1 U5 Nassau Btreet, New York Sársaparilla FOR PUHÍx YliíGt THE BLOOD. Aml ir tlie vpeedjr mee pf t,,i fullvwinK c:njilantfl: Stiol nlan:!v'. Sciofiiloua Aflectlous Tllmoi-il, l'l( ■:-.:, Korc.1, Kruili ion, Pimple, i'iiMtulis, KIoUlu-s, iloüs, Uluiiis, aml nll :,Uin fjiaeatu. Oakuxd, I lid., l)th Juno, 1S59. .!. '. Asm 4 Co. Gama: I Hfc1 t ín? tlnry to acIgü ':il ..,:r . :i, ;ij ;i: i!]:i hits ilnmt lnr u... IflH lift illli. !!':■ i i ScWfululíS ÍHKÍCtl II. I hVO illüWv:! ,-. .S'iDi'iiiui t bu) out In UI ers on iiiy i.r;.;-, aml arols; Boiuütftnes f. turnad linrurd mul uistreiwd uw ut the stoiniicli. Tv. ■ ...:■■ ,..i in; litad li inl'ul mikI lontliminö tina. 1 trinl muiiy ImUldiirs umi eveial hut rl liont milcli relief fmm im flilii ! lh.l. il;, Krow .,!.,■. At h-ligth I w:,fl relolceU toread in tl! . tluil rail hnd ; . an alterativo i ■ . ..... ivï,.,ni , ■,,■.„.,- tl. 'II lllll mij Illillii in. I „I. [m.uttl Cliifíiiuntluii I .ii' til! i .-ini'ii il,,, i . it. ;, ■ J ■,, iul i.--. ui ■ ; ,. :i:] oveI. ft montli; Kiirt u ■..-,:.,, t Miren buttlw). Net nnd hmllhy s',:, -■ n ill to !,.iin im.Ur thescab, nlilcli uiter : whilo fclIoB :.' ;in i now clrar, and 1 know b) mj ftfün-s Uiiii. Uie rii)M biu s„b rrom in v Kïsii-io. yoii Clin vuil I, liove lli:a I i. , lïliat 1 i. ni Mi-,in wlicn I tcll : yon, tliut 1 h .1,1 yriii lo be olio l ibu apostrea of Uiu age and iciunin giak-tiiily. Ifours, Ai. I Cl.i) I!. TAI.LKV. St. ítutliony's Pire, Tíosc or ISrysluvSas, Tttcr nmi tiult Rliewii, Bvatld llead, lliugworm, Hora li., Dropsy. Dr. Roborl il. Pieble wrlloí fr.,,..i gaJem, N. V.. íiih Se,(.. i i lina éuréd rm inreterate ca of vli,li tlirealeueil l, [inniimio futally, by tto ]., , ureriog m,. ofuur iamiiHirlIla, und oltK a ua . 1 ■. !;.:■■' nf rht' Hamo ; saya ho cures Ihe cólinnon Erupliotu l'y t ('oustantly. JIioik !.(.!■■, ltr or Swilled ítecH. Zebiilon Blorni al l'nw] ., :. p.s;,.. wrlte : "liireo bot: tím nf , ar Shi Kiipiullln riued me fiviil u Gaitn - a liiillliní on ilio Dock, wlililli j Imd BuDered ftoni I .■.:) yeare." Iincorríll ni-IVIi il. Tumor, I.'trríiiv lili ■iiillmi, I ' mille Diirnsu. De J B. 8. íl,.,,n,ii;. t,í Ñ'ow Vi.lli City, wrilcM; "I h ■ ■ ■ i t'i i : f ■ ■, tui -1 v Mi Ihe re [nenl ,f yonr agent ín ■., :.■ I li.i-.e fon lid your Si-níii'i!lii : musí excelleut ; alterntlve in llie minierotiH coniilafnEii for whirh we eniploy sucli rWnwiy. hul lcclnlly in ■ of Srr':fní..iiM (ü.iih.iri. I bayo curcd tnaiiy luveter:,'.■,.-■ : ..!' J .'-!-■■ - : ;lv i by It, ui.l íhñ comiliünl ■.■., . Mii-.-.i l.i UlrenUinu Tille ultfns. Th nl.vr. nrrd. Notlilnc niiliin ín v knowlIllalri II fitr lliio )'.-iM,!.. dcrjiiíjicni-MN ' Dhvnid B. JlHrrow, ..f Newl.iiiy. Ala., irrltca, "A dan'■".,'.r' .i, .,f the f.-iinilrs in i,, v famlif, whicbJiad deBed all th reuwUw coiild cini.lov. ha nl ! ■ ■ Ui heen i j.l Iflj ciii-m) hj ynnr Kxtraut of SarSK,,iillii. o,ir -.liv(.lilh,i lliniht nnlliinK lint extiruntku oouhl mi., 1. 1 reljei Inil h adiriwd Iba trlal of your SanmpiutllH thn l.,-t i,.-,.it l.-í'inc (ntliiiLT. atid it jji.a.' 1 (ffflctiial. Aftor lakliigymir remedy eJU wutks in, m iii,i mi nf II, ,r tli.;,-.' i'eninina." SylirUla nixl Dlcrenrlai niscnue. Nbw ').:nv. 26lh Aiigmit, 1 í- 59. Vn. 3, C. Av;i: : glr, I clicelfulry c,.iiidy witll tlic ' anesl , ryour nfieiit, ,,;,■! !-■- ,i i to v,.ii Home of tlie , Secta 1 Ji ive réalized wftli ,,,:;■ s.u capurJIla. T bare cnrutl wlth t. n mv nractice, mout of 1 Kc plelntfl f, trlii I, ii i-, reromnicnded, and bve jonnd its effecu truly ivolidorfnl in Dio cr of Vmerttdand mercurial Dit .. Oiiei,fiiiypHliilH hnd Sy,)iltltlc ulcera ; in bis. throat, ivhich were ,,nsiiiiiin liis jialate and the t:j oí lii. diouIIi. Vour Sanaparilla, steadlTy tnk.'n, ourod liiul in llïi weeks. Auothor mui attuckeU by neconiliii.v syiiipliiina ín lila u6e, and Hik nlcemtlon liad eateu away :i coukí lurubl (■ , t , l It, s. , tbal 1 beliove Iho i - lila i ■ ,i:, and kfll hit. Kut it yMlwl i my admiiiistralhin of yom üiiraupaiilla; tho ulcers hüaled. and b is w.ii i;üu. uol oí" cunrae wltlioui dlftSgiiratloil ! , I, i. face. A womlui who bad been Une ,;,, l.l.i bï ni rcill V a hlltivi nif I 'i, in I,, r i,., :,■.-. They liad become ao eauJtiVt) t(i IImj u.nil,,-, ii udan,i diiy hhe auffareU Xcrut'iuthi i ,, in hei j lulnaud bolles, tule, too, iras ■ :- ■'■■,'" 'y '■! "ui ... In a few ka. I k""" " ita rufiuul, ■ƒ,!, i, , n, agent gve me, Ibat tlin l'ié,aiation fiom your Kiiw't bea .nt . cunso.jueolly, tbeaa traly tanurkubl reeulta witu it hH,ve nol si pi Ih, ■! ;,,,-. lialiiiiüllj ybura, O. V. I.AKIMKI!, M. D. Klnnnnt!,in, tJout, I.ivtr (oinplulnt,,, :. Vnx :.., Vn.. l.lli .luly. 186. Dn. J. ('. Aura: Sir, 1 buve Loen ftllcled sitli ■ palnfnl i-ln-, i, . .... :, fura loiljt time, whirli bullí, ,1 the Skill of pliyxlcluns. and Muck (,. mu in pite ofall the l I in.d, iinhl I tiieii j Suroaparilla. One botUcrl in twó ns-ii. and rentorea mv general tlial i un better than bafon 1 was .. 1 lliinli ila wftiiilurfiiliueú'ii.'iiie. J. FJttAM. lulea Y. Oetcítell of St. I., ula, wrltea: ■■ 1 bava Iwn Olkted for jeiirn nilb un affrfti'm nf lUt Littr, wllicb ■ (lliyh.ullll. J li:,..l c-v.t.v tl.ii'. i.-.siu.lrvery Uling fitil..! to relieve nio; and 1 lutw usen hroken-down innu for itoniti li.iD i.. other iuum tlian deruiíffema I ..ƒ 1. "■-. l.,,.-.,, .aHtui',the Iíü'v. Vi. i:,v. mUi.-ed me i : ■ ■. Hurcitiíai li ;iid lie keew ven, and a, ,v tliinéyoii n ;, :.- tvaá worth xi Ing. By tbe bfesalAgnftJod i !.;i-Mii.ii me, aiid haa m purlfled my biood as i,, ni.,:., u i ■ .■■ ;. .,, of ii!v. i niel young again. 'J'ho bist tlial cau i, e huíiI i.ij,,,n i ti(,t lialfgoud euongb." Sehii'riis.di licor Tnniors, l-![i!nE-K.ieiit, CJloeraton, Carlea nuU ixfoliatiun of tílo Utiiics. A gral ;u i-tv of cases havebí i'n repoblad to us wïiero ctn.- ,.l ll,. .-.■ I. Ulable couiiluluttl have íeaulted from í r i i i :h reinedy, Int our Rpace ht-ieuill uot iiduút tlitin. Some of tlieui vaay be foiind in our American Aunanac wlilcli the agenta below naued are plciisL-d to fnrnisb gratia to all I,,, ,;iil foj lluin. Ijsie,sii, Heart I)Kens, Plts. Kpllepay, BlelancUoly, Neuralgia Miill.V , Ifl 1 I i 11. . -r: hú. Ctl, llfl 1 M D i. ihe'alit-mrívep rer of tula medicina. Itatímülat. ti,, vlitil iiini-ii' iih hito vigoróos aetlAn,%nd tima ori'ivi.m, s . li - - I. i-H would be auppwed beyood ita rearh. . ban long been i.-,innii iv tbe na: nd we are eoufldenf tlial litis will do Pr Uit-in all tlial Diedlclue cuu do. Ayer's Clierry Pectoral, POá THE liAi'lI) CORB OF ConjríH, Celda, Influenza) llonreii-s, Cío p, BronbitÍ9f Ii ipU-nt C'oinftnnvptlo, nnl for tlic lítiief Of oits (ii:: ;ií ive PntieutH i xs íi t! v.i ín t 1 &tngos Of tiie Ulstas c. Tliis I a roirifíy sa u:iími.-.i!Iv kDOWD to surpass any thíír for tli' cure bf tbn al ana King coiúplafíits. tlmt it i nseleM herfl ni pubüeli Ihe vldenca of its Irtm. Ha DnrJvalled excelleBC for rouglu nul colds, :iiU its truly ivonderfu] cures ft' pul motín ry dbeUie, Nrtb made it kuoun tbrougliuut tlie civilized imtiuns of tbe earth. Fcw arp llu: co&iiuiíuities. or oven fauiilieö. apiojig iln-ni wlio lutvi.1 noi Borne personal oxpericuce ojf UscfFeets - Boiny living tri'i)liv in Huir nilds! oí it vfetory otw the 6itlile muí dangerous distinlcn of the tbroatand lunpa. .As nll know the drenilfnl ñitatit' of Ihww dlflorders, and as ilii-y kuow, too, Un; cLl'ris ■( tfiis reniedf, we iieeü nut do mora than to awan tít&Ui tbal it bal now all the virtucs tlmt i '3il liave when maklng the coree wtm-h liave won 9Óatroiffdy apon the conlidt-nce of nmnkiml. Fieared by Dr. J. C. AYEB &, CO., Loweil, Mass. Allí i i MUÍ :iv Elayiiard, Stebbins & WUson, FARRAXll, SHÉLttí .'. Ó., SOOyl J H. BPRRLLL, Travelling Agent. Rifle 'F actor y! A. J. SÜTHERLAND beptothe Nuw Blocknllutj ton street, aooth oí tín Couri f' uoiitüeecond floor,w:cr( rei! pfepáTed'to'furnfsb Guns, Pistólo, Ammimition Ftasks, Pc.Jics Game Bags, and Evmj othiír artide in liis Line. On the in ; n;; :;;blc lermB.find to do all kinds o the hoftest notlce. Dd In the bost mmino lutl MSortmjQt ilw tys fc&pt on liaiul.ond mndp te orlor. City Cheap Lumber Suxh. Doorn Blinda, Piaster Paris Grand Jiiver Piaster, Water Lime, Nails of all sises, Glasa, Paint and Putty, t&:., dsc. . D. DeForest, HAVING '. ncrensed htl fitciütie-s lor do'.ig busi■ i hifl Yard and Btooki prepat cd tbc [!■': ut seatOQ, with tl t bes largesl : ■ rvcriii tliii m r , i to anti-ity the i tation f al). Uui indoraold or cbflh on dalivery I wili not niiderlakfto frlghlenthe public ly layi&j thai - wil I -''pt Jmvfi! i f .!,!■■ tuy oUewhere.for iume t hut otherivil Jsellufilow aethey can afl'orií to. All kinds of Tiiuber, Joists, nul ScantUüg, Piue, Wlutowood, Iinsswood, Hem loefc. Flancd aud Matched Pine, VTlxítewood Asli Klooi ïng. Plnnrd iñd rouh Piiieand WhltAffood POfti, OökandCedai PosU and l'ickets of hII tcind, ÏJint i'atl), onï) ttHjitcmoo'ö L. ri ltiin, As h uni Whltowood Shinglop, Barn Boards and Barn Flooi Plank BlaekWn jnr,-ind ch'-rry od thin iutVt Wagon and 13UGGY AXLE8 and TONGUES, Boxind Body !.uiiibor,Mnlo I.og Timbcr, Hickory, Oak, üsh, E!m, Beech, O('in:rticknesee,wiiths "ndlonKtlie.&c.. 4c„ Piaster r.nis, and Piaster oi 'illkinds. 3STia.iX(a "I allsizne, to., &c. SASII, ÜOORS, d BL1NDS, nado liy lifind to ordei i: p Iowrs factor y prices, on tbo sh o r te at riütice by tho bost of workmen, and Best Seasoned Lumber. Billf ofnl1 ïopjriplion In the ahove building line rurnisliedoii tï'.::-h ir'ritof notice. for We have Mills Outing Regularly. A ful! anda perfeot atoortmor.t of the above anc athur kiixir cl Building Mater-'als Donstantly bwhand atthi lowestpossibleratcs "Calland be Convinced. A feto rocls xmtth frnm R. R. Depot or, Detroit Rtwt.Ann Arbor, Mich. koo f r n a. J.B, - I am now operating Extensivelj !n the Patent Cement Roofing. Mortgááe Sale. DI FAi'I.'l' lüivïntf been inadè lu the condltfon of ■ Morí ■■..■■ rus lí. Hall and wíf i" v;:i.ui tí Maynard. guardián for&ertrud Ktatdwr. : February, A. Da1898, and recorded ir: : .. ■ ■ ■ iiegtster ul Deeof óf Washtcnaw Couníy, ni I.ib'-r N'i ■. 1 ' ■!' MoitMesob pacen 6Í and U ; ' !'. L863,' woo'clock : 1'. M. ,;uil mi i v.-:i' v m.1íi da ƒ oí August,1 A. D. 18i y, Atliiii rn tor ftb th . lie -''i Gertmde Kl#ieh. I .i - ignment, rt-cnrried Cffofti . the fau ngage. AugnU27fff7JÍ I. 1861, at taha clock A. which default' tlie uowft 'iin na id Uortgage became o pera tirf j and do suíi ■■: proeve haviu& won instituted at Uw to i cover the at bt sec tj b I Mort gage or any parf thexeuf: : qO li Bum offourteenbundred and oventylianibefng now rfaifeed to be due therenn. an4 o bccame Tue thèreon. Notice ii therefon ren Ihat said Siortgage willbe lor-. cloted b ttortgage premiséa, to-wlt:: All' t Jiiii cit'tiu tra et or parcie of land known and díiscrib3 a Collo wa, to-wti - ooramencing on the wext line of Mam r;tn?ot, tweruy two feel Routfa of tlie nrth-air Oorner of lt number Keven, Block Ño. twó north of IJ ucri Btreet, R&nge three, in the City of Ann Ar'bor ftndruDnnHC wwl fêmiiei with north linéof said lot, and twenty-lwo feet theréfrom, to the vest end óf Balo! lot, thenco south twenty-lwo ÍMt, tlience tast paraltel r i liiu', üikI :wr:i' y -iwo f(--t thervfrom.t" Mia' Ptreet thence north twentj-two feet to the ilac of b-. rl tlitTOof at public vendue at tUa 1 Tuurt uoose, in Año Arborin suul County on tlie revenir December nexC at nuon. JAMES KIN08LBT, Admtnlfltrator with Will anut;xfd,of GertruUei'leVehW flecea ied. E. l.V. MniaiAM, Attorncy. Dated, Ann Arbor, Aug 28ñí;AD. 1861." Chancery Sale. STATE OF MICHIGAN, tuk CwouitGoubt fob th f WisüTBHAW, Lliza A l'cikins vs. Öebrah Peí k:n---In GhtDC' r_ . In punsuaoce 0' a ttecretal of tho Circuit Court of tbV Cfuut. ui" v. ■-!,! ■ i j : i . in Ch.mcfry. made in the aboW cause o ti th secund ïny of December, A. D. igbteelf hundred and tifty nine, and u furthcr order of this Court tui - t , - on the Rfxthdayjof ebeaify,A. I) eighteen handred ;it)ii sixty one, will ba 8oMf undfir the direction oí the tin uit Court CommlSSfoner for theCounty of Washtenuw, at luhlic aiicr.on, it tle south or front door of Coturt House, in the citj pf Arm Arbor, on Satordaj( the I:h day of tfuly, e}ghteonnuiidr6d and sixty-one, at D'oloctfr, noon, of aaM day,ail certain tracts (,r parccU "l Winfl lying andbeiog In the towhship of Salem, in tbG Oounty of WaLht0sLw afotroaaid, and deEKJTlDèd in fljlid litare :ts foUows, via: The west half of [uarter of sectiun tlfteen, anl the west hall -ir the oortb öaiïi quartex of section twenty-two, ia ; ; onr MMith, oí nuge seren eut, or o much .. i;i:i y bc necessary to satisiy the araount du upónmfd een e, tug ihei with intereai and costi. If. S TWITCHELL, Cir. CottH Com.forthe County of Washtenfcw O. HAWKINS, !olicitof tor Coniplainant and Assigne Ann Arbor May 20, Ï861. Theabi ■■ ■ .im 1 until the 15th day of Hovenil.'T n"t, at the anie huur and place. Uated, Julyiith, 1861. D. S. TWJTCHEI.L, Circuit Court Com. Washtenaw CoM Mich QT TE OP MICHIGAN- The Circuit Court for the O County of Winhtenaw, En GhKneery - Ira Parker, Conplftinani tb. H. nry Bau langli , Maria C. lïauslaugh, Charles Krtchon, and James F. Avery, Defnd.ints.- Befure tin Hon! Edwin LawtÁOM, Circuit Judge at Uhsmbera. 't RoitUf&ctorlly fcppearlng to this Court Í thatthe dcfendantii, Hnry u-liub, Maria C. Baus. I I b&rlefl Kitcben, are non-residenta of this ia t'. bui are reíideútsol tb.e Provïnoe of Upper Canada: On motionof o. Ëairkins, if Counsel fot complainant, it is órdered thai tbosan tïffeudants, Henry Bau!;ii.i.'b. Min ia C Bfmslaugh, and Charles Kitchen, ca ut trance in thta eause ti be entvred within four months from th' date l t)kia order, and that ia cai "►t" ilii-ir appears nee. they cause their answer to the complaïo&ht'a bfll t be Èled, a&d a copy tnerouf to b serred on the complatnant'a Bolioitor. within twenty ■ -iTvci' ut u oopv of raid bill and notice of . uit thereof, tlmt the aid bill b taken as confeased bytfai safd defendants Henry Bauilaugh, Maria C Bauftlaugh, and Charles Kitchen. And tisiuithf'i itrdevc'l . th;it within twenty daya the said compbiinantoanae a notice of t iiïs order to bepublisheil in the Michigan ArguH, a newspaper prlnied at the City of Ann Al thesald puttltcatíon be coctin uedin said paper at Jeasí once in each week for ir i v-.. or that lie causo a copy of this ordsr to be personally Berreflon the said iltlndauts, Henry ■■h. V;i:-';i Bauslinigji and Charles Kitchen, at ii ;i' twenty days bofore tlte time above prescribid foi théir aópéarancC! Ann Arbor, Uctober 14tht 1861. K. IiAWRENCE, Circuit Judge. A'U'.-t, Robbbt -T. Harhv, Regfster. O. Iawkixs, iylicitor for Complainant. Ann Arbor Marble Works. :Bt.t;ciioica.Or - AS uu hand a tiuu aorimüut of American and ITAL1AN MA. R BLE which ho Ís prepared to manufacture into ! O JV U ''Wu. MENTS' II E A t= _3 STOKKS, T O M I! S , P TAB1.ES in iill their ïricties, umi In a WOIÍKMAN'I.IKK manner Haring liad considerable experience in the businwi be flsttera binfcelf Unit be will be able to pleast all who may favor me with their orders. His priceï i.O W AS THE LOWEST. thosc wishing auv tbiog in iny line are respectfully I tocH D. C. BATCHELDER. Ann Arbnr. Sfay 20. 1861. 801t D. L, WOOD & CO., HAVE JUST OPENED A LARGE & WELL SELECTED STOCK OF Seasonable Goods, For the SPRING fe SUMMER Trde f 1861 Ilaving purchased thcir stock ot much lest than the usual pnces, they are prepared to offer GREAT INDXJCEMËNTS To Cash & Ready Pay Buyers. Thankful for past favors they ■will be ver ready to show their Goods and by fair and liberal dealing hope to receive their full shar of the public patronage. West side of public Bquare. Ann Arbor April 1861. CHOICE NEW GOODS Cheap for Cash. BACH % PIERSON Have just opened a FULL AND COMPLETE STOCK of MLL & WINTER GOODS, enibrnoing Dry Goods, Groceries, and EVERYTHING A FAMILY WANTS, They were Botxght for Cash, and WILL BE SOLD CHEAP FOR OASH. OALIj 3E3 J&. Tt Xj TT , BACH PIERSOW. Acn Arbor, Oct., 1861. SSOlf


Old News
Michigan Argus