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ÜUiittff BBicttjDTii. . . . . _a """OARDSrCARDS'! CARDSÜ! w.viniï nrcha'í RoèousRo"" Diamond Card how'itis ".cne W. N. STRONG - WITH - NALL, DUNCKLEE & Co., WHOI !LE and RETATL tajan i DlJ íioorts, .rar" SlSS Oil Ctoth, Featlie. Paper, and general „nortmeirt of Fur ntahiug Goods, No 74 Woodward Avenue, Corner of _.„., - - PETKOIT, MÍ.Ik Orders solicited and promptly atteaded toS tu.ij RAYMOND'S Photograpliic and Fine Art GALLERY Nos. 205 and 207 JeftVrson Avenue, DETROIT. ■fclMIlrtl TrílTT "' ' or plain, caWnet m■eand. f. O. O. F. TG SUTHËRLANÏT& SON, tTTHOLESAI.E ANP RETA1L Grocers and CommisdoB VV Merchants, fest 6ide Main Street Ann Arbor TWITCHELL & CLAÏIK. ttoknïys and Counsellors ti, Ceneval Life and Fire Insurance agente. Office in City Hjll Block, -n Hurón St., Ann Arbor. Colleclion. promptly made ídremitte.l.and .pecUl attention paid to c,.nv,yancmg. D. 8. TWITCHKI.1., fT-tatn E. 1: Cl-AKK. ""■ jTmTscott. AMBROTTPE & PHOWOTPB ABH8W, _. MM Vformerlv oceupied by Cordley, over the store of Sperry tMoore Perfect satisfaction guaranteed. _ ' WINES & ÑIGHt! D8i,.íBsinStaple, Fancy Dry Goods, Boots ana Shoes, te. &c, Main Street Ann Arbur. _L_RTlFsrTHüMfs(3Ñr" rRS-m-RE Ware-Rooms, Dealer in allkmdsof Furniture, te. New Block. Main Street. etsdoñXhenderson, DFALERS in Hardware, Stoves, house furnishmg gooda, Tin Ware &c. &c, New Block, Main Street. T_71T3i_ÏLLSr" DïALTO in Staple Dry Goods, Grocovies Boots and Shoes and Ready Made Olothing, Huroutreet Ann 'Arbor; BEAKES fe ABEL, 11 UM lili I Corxsr.n,OBS at I_w, and Solicitors in A. Chansery. Office in City Hall Block, over Webster _ Co's Boos Store, Ann Vrbur _ ÍÑGSLEY & MORGAJST, - nouttil, Counsellors, Solicitors, and Notarles PnbA lic, have Books and l'lats showing titlea of all lands n the Lottntv, andattend toconreyancinpandcnllecting .emands, and to paying taxes and school interest in anj Jlrt of tíie State Office eastsiSe of the Square. Ann Arbor. ' JAMES K. COOK, Jcsncí! of mi Pkace. Office near the DeDot, Tpsilanti , Michigan. '- wSTlêwiït, m. d., PHTBiaAK k Sckgeos. Office at his resi.lcnce, North rid of Hurón street, and 2d house West of División rtreet, Ann Arbor. O. COLLIER, MASCTACTORER and dealer in Boots and Shoes. Ex - change Block, 2 doors South of Maynard, Stebbin. k Wilson's Store, Ann Arbor, Mich. MOOEE & LOOMIS. Misüfactchebs aml Jealer in Boot . and Shoes Phoenix Block, Main Street, one door Korth of ÍVashington. M. GUITERMAN & CO., WHOLESAlEandRetail dealers and manufacturera of Ready Made Clothing, Importers of Clofns, Cassinres, Doeskins, &c. No. 5, New Koek, Ann Arbor. C. B. POBTÊbT" ___ Soegeox Dektist. Office corner of Main JE 9b lna Huron atrects, over P. Bach's store, TTWBfi Ann Arbor, Michigan. -UJLXXT April, 1859, ' Wm. WAGNER, 0 UUR In Ready Made ClotliingClothP, Cassimeres and Venlings, Hats, Caps, Trunks, CarpetBag, &c. Ham t., Ann Arbor. " BACH& PIERSOJST. Dkalers in Dry Good, Grocerios, Hardware, Boots fc Shoes, kc. , Main street , Ann Arbor. MAYNARD, STEBBINS & CO., OBilEItS iñ Dry Goodt, Groecries, Drugs & Medicines, CBoots&Shoes, &c. , CO) ncr of Main and Ann streets, BBt bel = w the Exchange, Ann Arbor. SLAWSON & GEER, f ROCBRa, Provisión & CommiHwion Mc-rchants,and deaJT lerin WatbrI.imk, Land I'usteb, and Plastee ok door Eastof Cook's Hotel. C. BLISS, OKAMRinClocks, Watches. Jewelry. and Fancy Goods, t the sign of the Big Watch , No. 27 , Phcenix Block. . Jk 0. WAT"ES. DEALERinClocks.Watches, Jewelry and Silver Ware No 22, New Block, Ann Arbor. T. B. FREEMAN. Barbkr a&Q Fashionable IlaJr Drcsser, Main Street, Ann Arbor. Iftch. Hair Fronts and Curls kept fonstantly oji liand. SCHOFF PILLEE. DKAtERS ín MiscollanPouK, L-hool, üz Blank Books Sta tionery, Paper HaDgius, fee, Main Ktreet Ann Arbor. MISS JENNIE E. LINES, TEACHER OF Piano Forte, Gutar,nnd Singing, being desirousof enlargingher class, will receive pupila 1 lh residence of Prof. 'IN'CIIKl.L, which being mar the Union School, willbe vory convenient for such cholimattendingtherewiio may wisli to puisae the study ofrausiciu counection with nther branches. TernuilO, lialf to be paid at the middle and the bal ftuce at the close fo the term. D. DeEOREST. Wholïsai.r and Retail Deah-Lin J.umber, Lath, Shin gles, Sa-li, Iinr.-:, Blinl-, WatT Lime, Grand Ilivci Master, l'laster Pariö, and KaUs of all sizes. A ful nd perfect asortment of the above, and all othei tind of building materials constantly on hand at th towasi. posaible rates, on Detroit Street, a few rods fron the Railroad Dejwt. Also operatin exteuwvely in thi (Patejit Cement Rooiing. H. O. HARVEY. RE1PECTFULI.Y oImtk bia Bervicen to the citi.en" of Anu Arbor as a Teacher oí Vocal and instrumenta Maria. J3f PIANOS TUNED AND TlEPAIREDti. Rbfkrknces. - Rev. Mr. Bladen, Rev. Mr. Chapín, Bct. Mr. ('oraeliup, and Prof. FrU'ze. For further nrtifuliir Isqaire of Hr. Harvej at Mr. Eastman's, WMhimtton Ft., between lliviBion unl lniversit.f trt.. ' 8-iltf. WASnTENAW COUNTÏ B1BLE SOCIETY. ÜEPoaiTORY of Iliblefi and Testameuts at the Society prices atW. C. Voorhein'. CHAPÍN, WOOD & CO., SÜCCE88ORS TO MANUFACTyiiF.RSOF Print; Book., - AND - CQLORED MEDIUMS, Wjmi-yjí ja-s Papor,c. AS ARBOK M1CH.


Old News
Michigan Argus