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Mcclellan And Beauregard

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Mr. Eussell in bis last letter to the London Times draws the following parallel betwecn the rival military leaders, now facing ench other on the Potornac : When I had the ploasure of conversing with McOlellan for the first time ho asked me several questions, with evident interest and friendly curiosity- not unusual on the part oí Generáis in ruference to their antagonista - respectiog General Beauregard. In his eaao thero was all the more roason for such inquines, in the fact that they were old fellovv-students and classinates. To my mind there is something of reseinblance betwoenthe men. - Both aro below the middle height. Thoy are both squaerly built, and lamed for muscular power ince their college days. Beauregard, indeed is lean and thin-ribbed; McClellan ia fu.ll and round, with a Napoleonic tendency to embonpoint, subdued by incessant exercitie. Beauregard sleeps little; MeClellan's temperament requires a f uil share of rest; both are spare and Spartan in diet, studious, quiet. Beauregard is rather saturnine, and, if not melancholie, is of a grim gnyety; MoClollan is genial even in his reserve The density of hia hair, the squareness of the jaw, tho tirmnoss and regukrity of the teeth. and the outlines of the features aro points of similarity in both, which would be more striking if Beauregard wore not of the true Louisianian Creóle tint, while McGlel lan is fair complexioned. Beauregarc has a dark, dull, Btudent's eye, the dullness of which ariso?, howevor, f rom its formation, for it il full of fire, anc its glances are quick and searcliing. - McClellan has a deep, olear eye, int ivhich you can look far and deep, while you feel it soarches far and deep iato yoü. Beiuiregard has something o: pretensión in his manner - Dot hauteur but 8 folding armed, meditativa sort o air, which seums to say. "Don't disturb me; I'mthinkingof military movoments." McClellan seems to be always at leisure; but you feel at the same time that you ought not to intrude too much upon him, even when you seek in vain for the grounds of that impregaion in anvthing that he is doing or saying. - Beauregard is more subtle, crafty, and astute. MeClellan is more comprehensive, more learned, more impresionable, Beauregard is a thorough poldier , McClellan may prove he is a great General. The former only looks to military consequences, and disregards popular manifestatione ; the latter respecte the opinión of the outer world, and soes political as well as military resulta in what he orders. They are both the creatures of accident, so far as their present positions are concerned It remains to be séen if either can control the current of events, and f in either the artilloryman or the cavalry officer of the old# United States army there is the stuif 'around wich history ie tnoulded, such as that of which the artilleryman of Brienne ir the leader of the Ironsides was made. m'clellan's policy. The southern army has obviously drawn in its horns and its feelers, and McClellan ia putting out his in the places they occupied. What a mortification it would be to a mere ambitious soldier if, after all his studies at West Point and his investigation of military science, he found himself, as McClellan does, at the head of an immense army, which is, however, not fit to work out and carrv into practice tho movements he has wrought out on paper, wherewith to surprise the enemy and the world, and to earn the favor and gratitude of his country ! But the General does not appear to be the mau who for mere glory would run the risk of losing all at stake by failure, and be ia actua ted, doubtlesp, by sounder, more solid and Doblor motives than the desire to achicve victories. He knows that tho very magnitude of the mass is one o the foremost difficulties in the way o managing it. HOLDING OüT. In a formev letter I expressed an opinión, which nothing I have seen or heard bas indueod me to alter or to modify, that the North could, if it put forth all its strength, overrun the South. It bas nover occurred to mo for one moment that the North could hok! the South as a military province if the people in the Confedérate States were as unanimous in their resistanco after their armiea were overthrewn as they wero at present. The trading iateresta muat suffer far moro than the agricultural in a prolongod war ; the South can aftord to play the wtiiting game in the natural order oí events longer ihan the North. Which over lasts the longer wios the race, and the North, knowing it has strength, but not so confident perhaps of its lastiDg, is impatient for speedy success. The champion has not finished bis training, and it wonld be dangerous to send him intothe ring, however i uil of courage and mettle he may bo. I am informed that the chiefs of the South are so confident, they say they would desire nothing botter than to let a commÍ8SÍon f rom Washington visit and report on the condition of thc-ir nrmy. But if tbey could but visit Washington and see the magnitude of the preparations against them, they would, perhaps, bo struck by the comparbon. The intensity of feeling in the South is described to be greater than ever.- Their rosolution is adamant, and il they havo, like the "Federalista, Blair and Fremont controversies, they are kopt in the dark. The discipline of boih armiee may be on a par, but I anï inclinad to think that in actual drill the northern troops do not improvo moro rapidly, and are not botter ia hand than the southerners. Jy" A shooniaker has one great advantage over most kinds of Mechamos - bis goods whenever finished, aro always soVd. _ _ L3" 4 merchaut lately advertised for a clerk "who would bear confinement, " He roceived an answer froni one wbo had been sevon years in jad. jfcgT A gardoner is described as being rc(juested to set lus master's watch by the sundial, when he foitbwith "plantcd it in the grouud close to it." ff Th ose who are always peering I into the affairs of thoir noighbors cousti tute a vory nicau soit of Peerage.


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