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MICHIGAN SOUTHERN & NORTHERN INDIANA RAII-ROAD. 1861. SCMMER ARRANGEMENT. 1861. Traína now run on Wis roail, SumSays excepted, as l'utlows: Lea ve Toledo for Chicago at 9 00 A M.,and9P. M., and via Air I.iin-at 8.05 A. II. Leave Detroit for Chicago at 7,15 A. II. and 0.30 P II. Arriving in Chicago from Toledo and Detroit at 7,30 P. M. and 7,00 A. M . and via Air Line at7.30 P. M. Ariiveat Detroit from Toledo, at 0:56 A. M., 0:05 P. 11. LeaTM Detroit for Toledo at 7 15 A. M., andO'30 T. M Avrive in Detroit from Chicaroat 8. 05 P. II. , andO55 A. M. Jrrivein Toledo from Chicago 4,20 P. M. and4.30 A. .1 und via air line at 4.15 P M. .ave JiukMin foi Toledo at 4.45 A ■ M. and 1,05 P.M. irrive from Toledo at 8.65 A. M., and 4,20 P. MCONNECTIOKB. At Toledo - With Cleveland & Toledo Rail Ruad, with V;i'i;isli Valhv Rail Road. At Detroit- With Grand Trunk Raihvay, with (roat Western Railway, also, with the Detroit and Milwaukee, Al New Ai.nAXT k Saw B. R. Cnossi.vo-With Traías for lafayette, New Albanyaní Louisville. At CHIOiOO- With Chicago and Koclt IsUnd, Culona, Hllwaukee, Chicago, Burlington and Quincy- N'nrtli West Kailwny- Chicago, Alton and St. Louis, Illinois Central, and to all l'oints West and South. Trains are run by Chicago time, which is 20 minutes Blower than Toledo time. Patent Mecriing Cars accompanythe Nighl Trains on tllis Route. Sr" Silsbur'y Patent Ventila tors and Duíters are used on all Summer Trains. Time and Fare the same as by any other Uaij Road Route . JNO. D. CAMPBELL. Gene-al Supermtendfnt. NEW GOODS, Seasonable Goods, CHEAP GOODS, For Cash, BAGH PIERSON Have jusï opened ft choice stoet of Winter Goods, Bought for Cash AND TO BESOLD FOROASH at such prices as will mnke the buyers ftugh at tlie idea of Hard Times. Tho stock incluyes a choice lot of LADIES' DRESS GOODS, OENTLEVIAN'S CL0TH3, CLOAKS, SHAWLS, ÜROCERIEB, &a., 4e. Now ia the time to buy your Winter's Bupplies. BACH ás PIER70N. Ann Albor, Nov. 15, 1561. IJljJ W GOODS, WINES & KNIGHT twvTfl just receiveda f uil stock of FALL&WINTERGOODSÍ which they OFFER F OH CASH! Prices very Low, i 1 WINES &KJN1GHT. November, 1861. O. BLIS8 [s now receiving a large and wcll selected assortment of Ciocks, Watches, ■■gamnmini9niEiiin:nirinnniimimirii!nmHiiimmm!mimnim!nini JEWELRY, Silver and Platcd Wa;e, TABLE AND POCKET mZ mi TT VL- "BEI ap TKT RAZORS and SHJ3ARS, O-OLID E3STS3 Musical Instruments, Strings f Books for Instruments, SHEET MTJSIC, COMBS, ana a great variety of -ïTA-asmEB NOTIONS, 5cCJ. He would cali particular attfptiou to hia largo stock of SPECTAOLES, of Qold, Silver, Siied, and Iflalcd, wilfy PERÍSCOPE GLASS, a superior article. AIso Huntington & Flatt's celebrated CALENDAR CLOCR! nuitable for Offices, Oounting Rooms, Halls or riwc]linp;p. ,ncks irtí rcliiiUlü tiroo kceg&ri and (fepnclar Combmed,ana ivquiretbe winding of the time moveiiunls cnly , U sfúiirci all tlie ruquirril clianes at midnight, showíag 1 lie Uy oí tbe wi(?k the moutL atul lay of the mtmtli, includin; the 9th of Fcbruary. of Leap year. His goods are inostiy of reoeat purchafic frcjm New Vork ;ind tbft jnaiiufjicturer.s, and will be sold to suit tbe times. Persons h;iv'4VÍ diOicult watcbS to fit uiili i_'I;issts cau be iccomodated, as my htocU ifi lurge and complete, P. S. Particular vttonfion to foz . REÏPAIRIKTG of all kinds Wat ehefej sut-h as Making and Setting nevv Jewels, Phiions, Siajf, and CyLinders. Also CJI-íOCICS, Sc TEWELRTT ïifatly rppaive'l and "warrantcd, at bis oíd stand east stde uf Main Street. C. BIISS. Apr. ,bor; Xot. 15, ÍS6J 8Í5H ■Fui imtáükkjUiaVn ■ The Connecticut Mutual Lifo Insuranco Company. AccumulaLed Capital, - $3,500,000. WILLINKÜRE LIVKri nt amount not oxceeainif LO.OOGlcr thí term ul I.lfe or tor a k-riu Oí ycara.ou the mout favorable terras. N II Tue Corapany Is porely mutual añil tlie poney hoUeri iget all the surplus over the ewt cost ol Inaarance Itlooomodate. il." Insnred n the cttlemont of their premiums ON' UFE POH0B9, tt dwired, by taklng a note tor one hall1 ths amouat, bwrlog interest :it MI percent, per unnum. Dividentls are Dcdared Annvallyl anil aince they now ainoant to nvti per cent on the pr. mium, saih nd note, mJ ue UUMUlBf tbey may be ipplied to oanrel thenotea. 4y The ratea of premfams are as low as anr ol ,ier re_ sp(iiibl"(Vinp:inv and the laf ge acculimlateil funil ol p 500,000 b securely nvested, m roay be een by-veicrote to the atatement made accoïnUigto law, on file In taeoüiceuftheCountyCK,,1.. tSSSSSfiSi MES CWAT-jON-, Important National Works, PublisheJ by I). AITLETON & CO., 346 AND 343 I5R0ADW A.Y NEW YORK The followi'og works are sent to Subscribers in any part of th-jcoimiiv, (upon roceipt of retail pricc,) bj all ' "tÍJeWAKERUN CYCMPEDI4: A Popular Dictionary of General Knowledge. Sditd by i QOO, Kii'i.kv and ('iiaiii-Es a. IUM, ai.leJ by a numerous ! select corps of writers in all branchei of Sdenoe, Art and Uteratui-e. Tlus work is Dfiing puoilsneain doui 16 lar.e octavo volumes, eachcontataingïliOtwo-coluinn pages? Vota. I., II., UI-, iv. V. , vi, vu., vm., - ix. are now reaily,each containing near 2.500onginul rtl cles. An additlonal volume will bc published onco in about three raonlliR. ,n Cloth,,t8; Sheep, $3.50; Ilalf Eussia,$4.50 ' Ihi N'ew American Cydopic.lia is popul wlthont being superficial, learneu witkout beiug petlantic, cqmprelii'nsivt hutsufflcicntly rletailfd, freefrom personal pique and party prejudice, trosh and yet accurate. It ia a complete statement of all that is knoivn upnn every important topic witkio tbo scope of huiiK.iHulclligcnce.- Every important artlcle in it has been apecially wnttcn for it a pages by men who u-e autlioiitios upon thetopic on which they speak. They IH re quil4 to bnng the subject up to the present moment; to state just how ]t stands nnw. AU tbs st&tistical iaformation ia from the latei reporta; the geogruphical accounts keep pnce trith the l:itet explorations; mitorica! n.üüi-rs includc the freshestjuat views; the biographieat notices ads ak not only of tliedead but alsoof the Uring. It is a lib'rary "f x RIIJGF.MEXT OF THE DEDATES OP CÓXOKESS Being a Politica! History of the ÜBtted States, from the orgnnliatioD of the flrst , Federal erëss in to 1858. Editedand compilad by Uon. 1110. Hart UENTON.from the Official Heeorda of COBgrM. The work will lje completad in 15 royal octavo volumes of 7S0 pases ach, 11 of which "are now rearty. An additmn-U volume will be pubBsked once in threcmonth. ClothL$8; Law Sheep, Huif Hor., 4; Half AVÁY4oí' PBOCÜWlfG TIIF.CYCLOP.ïDIA ORDEnATKS Formaclubof four, aiif! remit the prico of fourbooka, and live copies will lw sent at the romitter's expenscfor caniage; or for ten subscribers, eleven copies will b sent at our expense for caniage. To Agent, N'o otlier wotk will so liberally rew.nrd the cxertions of'vsents. As AOMTI WAHTBD IS THISCOBSTY Terms' umn on applteai ion to the PablisheM. Ann Arbor. Marob. I SS9. GiXKn.nt ■"& Bev. THOP. WslOBT, agent at Kinne G fcmiths Book Slove, Vpsilanti. BOOTS ti SHOES MOüRE 8c LOOMIS Are now reeeïving a largo asaortment of Bcots and Shoes and K, XJ IB B E ï S i W'kich thcy propese to Eell 50 cr ceci bclowformcr priceffor cash. Men's good Kip Boots, from $1,50 t o $3,00 Men's good Thick Boots, frora 2,00 to 3,00 Men's good Calf Boots, from 2,50 to 3,75 Boy's Calf, Kip and thici Boots, 88 to 1,75 Ladics' Gaitera, from 44 to 1 25 Ladies' Morocco Bootecs, from 75 to 1,25 And r.n endlcss variety of Smal Shoes ñom Fancy Balmorals to Infame' Creeping Shoes. We are alsoMaiiufacturlng all kinds of WAEKANTED BOOTS & SHOES. Mens Fiue French Cnlff Boos Pegged nnd Sewed. So eire us a cali Ijefore purcliasinK elsewhere, as we are bound not to be undersold. (y KEPAIKING DONE UN BHOKT XOTICE. J MIHÍRE & LOOMIS Main St., Jnn Arbor, Jlich. 820tf ROOMS TO LET. C1 OOD airy üroms lo let in a quiet part of the City, J aear the Foi partlculari iuquire at the Argiis Buok BindiT.v. SPECIAL NOTICE TO CtTST OMERS. A IJ. accounts over Bil moutln must be BOltled at once. Cali ut the, effice auUpay op . A well seiected stock of New öoods Chean Col Cash 821tf MAYNA3I) , STÜBBIN'S & WILÍON'. Oval Picture Frames ALLSIZES, STYLES and PRICES just reoeived and forsale obeapfti CHOFF & MILLER'S, 1860.Dec.25, '8Otf WASHTENAW MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. rriHESecretarv tffll be at Cook' HÓttl, in the City cf Í Ann Arbor, onTlinisl:y of o.ich n-i-ck, unlilfurther notise, rcatly tp reccive new membei-s. M. ENSïy, Fccretary. October 23d, 1801, 824tf KEAL ESTÁTE FOR SALE -v a a nírres of land with a well op:ood -n-ater, and a Z"u living sprin, stono bnuse. barn and new sheds, andgoodcrchar'l, mul nic luin.ircd and firty acres raprovt'd. The farm i aituWeft in thB toivn of Scio, and sonth of Mr. Boyden'fl plaíns, and four and a half miles '■'■""' Aml ArbOrmUAMCKRÁT. VJ!. MURRAY. Scio, Sept. 24, 1S01. BWwo Cavalry Hoises Wanted. "OYKON GEEEÍÍ wants to buy 100 Cavalry Horses, iJBavs, Rrowna.Sorrels, or Black, between 15 and 10 hatdshigh. Cmhpuld. ('all uunediately. Ann Arbor, Nor. tith, 1SC1. NOTICB. THE ANNyAT, met'tinir of tlio fiormnn FarmorV Firo Insuriuice of WasMenaw County, wiií be hfld at tlio i'.wellinc house of Jacob April, in Scio, on Mondar Dee. Ut. 1861. at 10 í'ílock, a. M. J. G. Koes, Secy. JACOB -Jl.DKÍ.F, =on., l're.sident. Datcil,Xov.6'.h. ISA. Hogers Art Association. A MEETING OF the Roppri Art AMOClfttton fcr the election of ofllovrf. Mui tlic tiansaetHm of sui-li othpr buisncss as may be deemed neccssary, il! held at the ollioi' if thn Secretary ,on Fridüy, November ljlli, at 3 o'clock, P. M. E. B. I'ONI), Socretary. Ann Arbor, Nov. 6th.l861. 200 Corda Wood Wanted ! PROPOATS (01 itojlvcring Goed, Sound HARP WOOD, a part aeuoned and a pari green, at the fflffe.ent School Housos in tlic ('1v dl Arm Arbor, in cjuantiliea fromlO to 100 C'orüii.itri'siilicilcilliv the Sohool Board. Tí. W. MOP.C.W, lc Wil. C. VOOÍUIEH, ,"mAnn Arbor, Sejit. 25, lsf.l. 820w3 1861. 1861. MLL & WINTER GOODS XOW RECEIVING AT O H. MIJLEN p Oo's HAVTNG to poy CASH for noirly all kinds of Go.ods purchnsed in New1 York, we ure neccaaarily obligcd torestrict ot credit Bystcm lier?. Couscqucntly we ihali offer our Fall Goods for Cash, aX a very auiall (lavanco on the coL G. H MILLgN & CO. Aon Ariër, Sc-t.24t186l. 819m3 rïhe Latent Special Dispatch To tlie citizena of Ana Arbor and Vicinity ! I INTENSE EXCITEMENT! Ilundreds toafching tha progresa of Daily Evcnts ! ! The Federal Army agfiin Victorious! "The Union must and shall be Prcserved !" " There was a man in our town, Me was so wondrous wise" But with all lus ■wisdom, he war. not so wise as that "other man," who when he wanted to buy the The cJieapest and best CLQTHING1 in tTiis marlcet always jumpedinio Q TJITERMAN'S ÏÏEAD QUARTEES! For there he knew he atwnys got his raoney's ■worth. Seeing is believing and you that ■wisli to see come in and believe. Those that can't sec can fkei, and as ivo nlirays rnaks our cutomtTS fee! good over gootl bargfiina, thcy re espociully invited to our anxious seat, that thcy too muy realice how "good it is for tlietn to he witlt us," and how mucU pleasure can be obtained in the enjoyment of SPLEKDID BARGAINS ! " me all ye tliat are weary and heavy laden" - willi Ii oríes and we will do our best to relieve vou - giving you in relurn the fmesl kind of Goods al the lowntjigurea. Great Lattles are hourly talnng place in the Clotliing line - whulc regiments of Oassimeres. Veitinf?. fcc, "e bcing ilanghrfcred by Gen, Sondheim - to fit the great rush of reoroiti that ave pouring in from every direction, all finxiona to have their natnes enrolled for a NEAT AND TASTY 8UIT ! - 3uch a can only be liad at tho JleadQuariers of Guiterman t& Co. One of the firm, Mr. Sí GüiTüüsias', haring just returr.ed from Eiirope with a largu asaortroent of Clotlis, Cassimeres, and a tuce lot of fine Vestings, aleo a few pieces of fine Beaver for overcoats whih we will make up to oreer ín the latest stj'le. vee feel coniident tjiat we coa satUfy allSTXJJDEISTTS I We are happy to greet you aga:n ín our City.after spetiding your yacation with the " dear old folks': at home. Ue assured we wieli you a pleasant term, nnd shall ever be glad to me?t you at the Old Head-Quarttrs, No. 5, Oj Our former customers, we feel assured, will cal! on us again To you who come aa slrangers we R'ould eay a few words, we wish you to eall and look at our fir.e Coats, Pauta, and Veste ve can do better liy you than any other h dise in ihe City, and if yi.u cali anü examine oiir goods, nnd try their fits, you will purchuse nowherfl dse. DON 'T FAIL TO O9lX.Xj AT C3r. H. DR. HOÜFLAND'S BALSAMIC CORDIAL, For the speedy care af loughs, Colis, Influenza, Croup, Hoarsent&s, Bronchitis, Pneumonía, Diseases of the Bouels, ariúng front Cold, Incipienl Coa sumplton,andfor the relief and Jf at all posñble) cure of Patients in adoanced stages of the latter diseasr.. rpHF. Ealsnmic Cordial is entlrely a Vegetable producJ_ tion, combining the healing proporties ol the lïalsanx, with the invigorating qualities of a Cordial, producing a combraat on bo well adapttd to the purposea atended, that therearebotfew cases of disease which WÍU flOt t an o;irly perud, suceumb to its healirj{rand life pving prop For agej haa tbe treatment of pulmonary diseasea occupied the greater portion of the attention of tbe scientiiic of tlic medica) world, but nons acquired more eminenee m hia treatment jof tl. esc diseaaes, than tin oelebratedPrussian.Dr. Hoofland, the orignatot ol the Balsamio Cordial, lüslü'e w.-is devoted to the produetion of remedies tltat would stand usrilld. How wetl te lias succeeded, the American peoplenre able to jiidgt': and we poflitirelj aasorfe, that no preparations that have ever beea placed befóte them, have cooferred theaame amount of beaeUta on suffering hamanlty, or have elioited ao many commendationa irom all classes of society, as thereraediea of Dr. Hoofland, ptepared b} Dr. e. M. Jaekson &C., of Pbiladelphla. Tiie Cordial i; 'ie.ined tur a clasa of (Viseases more general and more fatal than any other tu which the peopl of this country are subject- these sr.iing;ng FrojD a "slight oold," T't;lt eipinent autlioi:y. Dr. ■ ■ '■] wM 'Mr s;w tl.i't Colai ais toouj inhitbitauts wbot tb'e llague and Ytllow t'ircr are to tho-e ot other countries; but Xoaa aver confldeDtly that they Qsbar in átoeaM uf gjreteieoBipUcit; and mortality than thri' latter." Enlirely Vegetable. No AlcoJioüc l'reparation. DR. II )0FLAND"S Ci:l.EBK.TF.D GERMÁN 3ITTBBS Prepared by DR. C. JACKSON & Cü., Pbiladelpia, Pa. Will elTectualIy cure I.IVEK COMPLAINT, TlYSPEPSIA, JADlIWCE,ChroBií or tímTons Debility, Diseaseiofthe Kidneys, and all diseases ansing (rom a disorilered l.iver or stoniuch. Such as Coñstipation, Ifttrard Piles, Fuloesa or Blood to the lleai , Acdity of the StoBiach, rfauífta, Heart hnrn, lüsirust for Food, Fulnesa or weicht i Hie Stom ach,Sour Eructationí,Sinkingor Fluttering at the Pit of the Stomach, Pwimming of the Head, HurVied and Diilicnlt Brathing, Fluttering at ihe Ueart, Choking or SuÍTocat:ng senbationa wlien na lying posture, Dim DeBI ol Vifrion, Dota of webs beforetbe sight, Ftver and Dull Pain in the Bead, DeSciency of Herupiiation, Vdlowness of theSkln and Ejea, Pain in the file, Back, Chtat, Limbs, c. Suddeo Fluaheaof Peat. Buruiog o the 1 lisb, Constant imagimngs of evil, smd Depressiors of Spirits, and will posttivBly preveel YEILOW FEVEB, B1LLIÜÜ3 FEVER, &o. l'he Proprieior in calling tlie at'.enliou of tUe DUblic to this prepara tion, doe so with a leehng cf the utmost .■ nfidence in lts virtues and adaptation to the diseases tor whieh if ia recommended. Itiasonew and nntried article, but ena that bas itood the testof a twelve years' trial ke(oH tlic Ameri.'.-ni i"ople,andits reputation and sa ie are unrivalled by any similar praparetiou extant. The testimony inlta '.avorgiven by the most prominent and well-known l'hvMchins and individúala In all parta of the country is Immense, and a car ful perural of tlie Almanac, published annually by the Proprietors, and to be bad jratlj of any of their AgenbS, cannot hut satisfy the most skeptical thattlrs remad; is rtally dcserving the great celebrity it haaobtained li ml tUc Evlilenr?. íromJ. Newtotl Brown 1). D. , Editor of 'the Encydopidia of Rüigious Knvwltdgt. Allhough notdisposed to favo r reesminond Patent Medicines in general, through distrust of their ingrediente and ell'ects,I yct know oi n lufficient reaaon whï b nanmay nol teatiiy to ün benefit He baUevea hlmaefi to haf e received from any simple prepAratidn, in the hope that he may thus 'contnbute to the benent of OtllLTS. I dothls the ranro roadily in regard to '-lloollnnd Qetman Hittcrs," pepared by I'r. C, II. Jaokson, ! tliis city, bccause 1 was pi'cju.liceil aainst thm l'"r yeara, un'der the imprentan Ihat lliey wern cliii'lly an alcoholic mixture. 1 am indebted to mj fiioi.iV Roljort SteemakiT,Ks((.,foi' theienjoal of tliis prejudice ly proper tests, and lor encoumgenwirt to try thfin. wbfm suilering from gteat aml long onfinued debilily. The use of three bottles ol' tbcso Uitter, at the beginning of the present year, was'ÍWlowed by c'idMit relief, and rosto ratlon toa di ureei i b.xlily :t'nd ment! rigor u Inch I had not feit forsisiaonibs before. :ir.d hadalmost deapaired of recaininL'. I therefme thank Godanilrnv friend for dirvcting mi t-) the use of l!,cin. J. XEWTON BKOWN. Read whftt tho eminent Glans Manufacturar, JOHN' H. VVHlïAl.I.,says of the BA1SAM1C CORDIAL. Dr. C. M. IáCMOS- Bespectcil Friend: Ilaving for a long time been acoainted wlth Ilie virtues of thy Ba!. LamicCordiftl in Coiulis. Colds. Inllanimatiou of the Lunga, fro. I thHs freely bear testimonj to i ts eiiic.icy Kor stveralyeari 1 have npwr bei-n ivi'.hout it in my fnmfly It ataergttes m pleasare to ckaba that ï have usedit wlthl'nlire snes i-J, the trejtmont of liowel CompbinU. ■C-'"lt--tdI;xM.WM,T.U.T„ Fiflh Mo. IT, 1Í53, Kaceítreet,above 4th, I'liÜa. These raodieftwa aro for salo by all iMpeetafaJfl Drujrglsts BB-idcím in inedlclnea in the United Stots, Bril ish Prnvinro-:, ui.l Wist [odiM, at 75 conts per boj 1 1 - ]ie tureaud got the genuine. with the signatura oí C. IC. Jackspn nn the impKt Of ach buttfé; all nlhcrs are. COunUrfcit Principal Wice ;md Maauf autor ƒ , IM Arch Eticetj'l'UiU'lc'ihin, Pfc SOyl jgJEilíH and EAU. ' "' OPEIUTOH ON THE EYE AND SAR. For Deafhcss. nilndnc, nml alï defvcts of Siglit ai;d Hearing DR. C. "ETNfi A REGULAIt rhsicUn.witïi TWEXTY i STKAIW exclusive practíee io Ö treatmpnt f rtíeiisea Of the EYK AlfU EAR, wi!1 ?jefotin,-l %uali6ed to rivf! relief or effect a cure in any cbbc wHlii t rafe of human ekill. jj''' No charge for nn eTamln&tlon ot tin opinión , or for unur,at8ful services. Dn. Ö.'s TREAtwfe o.v TnR Kvtí and En. of 3fK íp -, cont&iDtng rel'- vi ■■:■(■-■, Tostimnnlftls, Dewriyrtioii oï i '; ■ eapeí, Oua, and o tb er important matter, illustrated with (;uta, to be b3 qrati, by seadlng Ten Cn'. to pay poaUge. AddrftM ITr. CjuWBJí üü Rindolph corner It'uluru, Chicago, TU. 1768 Great Reduction in the Price of SÍNGKR & CO.'S Standard Machines . IVellknovm lo be Om licst for Manufacturing Vurposes. Ko. 1, Standard Shuttle Machino, formorly sold at $90, redueeá to 70. No. 2, of same kind of Machine, for raerly sold at $100, redueed to $75. ' STNGER'S LÜTT ER A MACHINE U the bost Machine n tlie world for Family Sewlng and l.ight MuiufMturing Purposes : (wiik Hcmmer,) aml beautifully ornamente] L50. The Ho. 1 an'l 2 Machine are of Rrcat capacity and appiicatini for nianufacturing pim OurNo. 3 Mncliinesare especially adapted toall kinija of light and heavy Leathw Virk, in Ctrriage Trttèming, Bot and the Mnking, HiirïiL-.sslakinetc., etc. Tbey are of extra sis, and ith an arm Ion-; enough to cake under it and stitch the largent rfw daahcft. Th ere scarcely any partofaTrimmera' stitching rhat cannot be better done with thexo tb&n by hand w, fon, tlie saving of time and labor is ve-y great. TbetaWfrof thiae machines is 24 inches lon, and tiipsliuttle will holt! six limes the usual quaatitjof thread. Th largc machine worki atfastu unall onM. We wouUl ask Por uur JLettt'r A Machines, hc special attention of Vest Makers and Dth Haken, and all tliose who waut Machines for Hirl't?naJttifacturingp?irposes- Tlity eiïibody the pridciples oí' the standanl machines j makiag likellicm. theinterlockpd sitch, aneï are deatined to bé aa eelatnratad for Kamilv Skwing acd light mauniact uring purposes asjour standard machines are for roanufacturing in feoeral, W; Ikwp alwayaoB band, hkmjig gav.;eh,pii.k.t'vi.-t AN!) COTHMI XIIHKAD, ON 8POOU3, IÏKST SLICHIWB OlLÏn bottles,etc, elc. We Bftanufacture aor own KeedV, aad wouW warn n!l persona aaing our machines nottubuy anyotherf. We koon tht tlwre are needles sol of til mcM infriet fjuality ut higher prteea than we charge for the best, The neertles suld by ug re ntasufacturea esi ecially fr onr ma i - badncvdUmay rendtr the best machine aïviost Brfw Our custt'Wers ma}' rest a-surcj íhatalloxir l'ranch OBeea are f orniahed with the ' iieiuiineaeiipW " In case of -ukiH imi cliat ■-, the .■■y may b'? snt in ! postafre stampa, or baak notes. Correspoüdënts will pie&fte ffvite-iheíf ñames distÍBctly. It [9 all iftprtKant th;it we should, ineacii ca.SL', tcaoff Uw i'"-! Qffi-ce, CMity,ad 8tate, 41" Ail persons requirfng nformatíon about Sering Machinen, theisij-.e, prices. worklfig capacities, aud the best methods of purcUasing, canobtain it by sndlng ie u s, ()■ any of our BTanch Ollices í'ur a copy of I. Iffl. SInger & Co.'s Gazetto, Whirh la a boftutiful Picinrial Paper efltiroly devotwdto the Bubjomt- It idUI besent gratín. ij #L- We have made the abuve r.F.DUCTION IN PRICE? vi;h the two-fold view of beneflting the public oud ourwves. The public have been swi)dledbj puriooa machines made in tmft&tlun of owrt. Tï:e metal iu thero, f rom the iron casting to thé áia'llest peice,isol poor quality. Ttieir makerí have nut the meaos Lo do thsir wbrk weil. Th? y are hW ;iway in secret placen, ifh ie il would be imposible to luive !tt tlieir commaml the proper mechftoical appliancesi Jt is only by doïiDf :i greal businey,inil harÏDg'extennfre manufectnring evtabliabments, that cood machines can be made atmodtiratpricea. Tha bftst dasjgotd iuchiae8( MADE, are itlways Hiihlc to et oat of ordet, fvad aresur to rate eODsiderftble trouble and moncy to boen tlicra n repaiit The qualities to be looked for in a Macliineare : er tninty of currect acticn at all rates of speed, sim' icity of construct ion, great riurabiliiy, and rapiditj" ol peration, withtbe last labor. Machinen to cmbine thepe ensesnal quflïttei, Jawtst W tnaAeof Ihebest nical iird ■ - r, pevft cttom. We have tlu; way and mean.s, en a grnnd Kale, to do this. The purehaaers of raAchíow, % nosodjiily bread it inny concern, will find thst those hn ving the aboTeqnalitleB not only work well at rapid ;is weU os slow raíes tí spoed, bul last tongftr in ííip h'ncst pmglble working order. Our machines, aa made by üfl, w'Ü eartl aawre woney with less labor thanany otbers wb!kf ui imltaiion o' oarfi or aot. In fact, thev nr chearT i Sun any othi machines as a gift. I. M.-lNiil-R .V CO., 458 rr.'Kuiuny KewYorfe. &TT Detroit OHice, 78 Griswold Street, oppoaite the Toni Office. illtf M. H. GOODRICIT, Agent, Ann Arbor. lT (LD FRIENDO J& IN THE RIGÍ1T PLAGE. Herñck?s tugar Coated Filis THE REST FAMILY Co f-j %v tiiaiiic in tlio v.. rM r sp v NSs it'd twmiy year.s L; #" ,í i - -- ii e niillioiis of person ar.miHliy ; ahvüys giv, ■ . ■ ; ;';,'■; :oj; . nnitii in Ís notlilnjr ii1 ; it i ious . ■ rr ■pjiti-imiod l;v i-riL ;il ].ii vsif;tns HU ;;.ri ons in tlic V. v e%nntly coated wilh ! ■ : : ■ ■■ fivcbiws for 1 dollar i FulMLrectiouawithoac'L Taujuusdb, I#bos Cocntt, Flotfcl, July 17,1880. ƒ ïoTr. ITep.bick, AlUny, .N V. - My Deur lluego :-' writethif toitifotmyou of t'.ie woivlvrful effec' of yoni a'tecl Pilis oh my ItY ilaughttr. Ftv4brw earshe has been nfflieteii witli a billious rtera ngemenl „f systere. mAf mpariog her healtb, wliieli fcn been stéadly telling during thatperlod. WlienmN'_; JTork in April last, : friend advlRed me to tet v mr . H. HariDff the Pulïeat confMeoce In tfaí judgmeLt oi w: friendrí obtained a mpplsof Mearj Barnes Patk. Druggists, Park Row, NewToïk. Oñ returnlng home Í all other treatment, and admlDMtered yom The Improvemeni in hei fetlingf somiilexion, digestión, etc., surirsod ua jl. A fpl and'permaTrtnt resturetivn to health has ln'n the resull . We uscl loss tlmn live br.xp. and considi r her entrelj well. f oonoldcr the above ■ jus' trilttite tft yoliM a Phvsici -n, umi trust that t will '."■ the means "f nducuig many to adopt ymir Pfll as their family raedicinw. I rcmaiii, dearwr, with many Ihanka, Ycur obed.pnt sci'vitnt. s. (i . Moniusos. Henick's Kld Strengthening Piasters euro in Bve houm. pain and weaknis of the 1 siilo and back.nnd RJieumatic HsntpUini in n equalli short period of time. iprêad on baratiful hito lamí skin, tlioi. use subject the wearer to no inonnvenicce. anii cach one will uc.r from one week to threc moni i l'rice IS 5.' (■■nis. Henick's Su?nr CoiitedPill and Kld rinrtrr; M "■. ny Drurëists ana Merctiant In all part of the 1 nitM Staten rnada and Sottth America, and nwy bc obtained bycalíing b, their fttU g fc r„ J AU.uny, N. 1. AT RISDO.N & HENDEESOi'S W& STEWRT'S S BJ? C3 "17" HS - 'e wish to cali the nttention of the public to Uii? colcbrtitcd COOKIñSG STOVE! WUiih is'lho oniy perfect stove mnje. It will do more I usiness with one third lesa fuel tban any other STOVE raade. From tfstimony given by the persons referred lo bclow, on uccount of its duiabihty and Fuel Saving Qualities3 U Uaa provcd a saving frDm Twelve To Twenty Dollars ïjor ycar. Wc woold rcfor jou to the fullowing list of PERSOiXS WHO HA VE THEM IN USE: Prof. Tappan, Ann Arbor. ■ Jln F. [illor. Ann Arbor Prof Wü'hI " ■'■ üilber mith " Prof. Wlnchell, " : ' T. "!9. Prof.DóuK ss, " Joscph Watta, Alphein Fekh, " T. Wilkinson, Win. R. Msrtlo, " Mr. 8. Penton, ' KirliM ll.jnpcr, " O. Hawkhlë, IIon.IV F Cir!-,njrr," '-' .Cbplo, J. W. Maymra. '■' Oliarlfs Tlmycr, " F L Stebbin. '.' ' Maltin Clark, " U [j Wilson, ". S. B.ilsioií!, A A , Tovn. ICrs. O. Wekh, ■ Tboma Wod, ."itUleld. M-.i. K.T. WilüaaiS," AUiii-t..n Drury, " V Chapin " 1 Jacob PolbeaiUB, fcio. C.'h WooJ, m ' N.C.Coodftte, Joaepb W Wood, " ; Mt. l'ullors, Khuoa. We have on hnd a lnrge assortment pi i,"e best kinds oL Cooking, Parlor and PLAÏE STOVES, and i, ;,cueral assortment oL HARDWARE AND TIN (VARE, üikI Bont ituff for Oamags wort. rnrtieulnr nttentien paja tt fiititifc u Eavtiougb ad Conductor, and nll kinds of Job vroilc done at Ihe Shortf-st NVïtice. K1SDO' k HEXDERSOK. Ana Arbo;-, Ie 61. IiUNG & BXOOP INFIRMARY. Fiskcr's Bïock JFtodward Ave Detroit, JEr. 9. J CARPEKTBH Al RAlffABfti DOCTORS grn. ralïy prett-wd tbat C mcmpi " n V ircuraliU', becauae iii;y cannot cure it th nu but thii ilucrtimt rnake it tnto. Manv naechanicd wíUwcrks on a Jcb 11 dny anJ r r ter doing notbfng but upo il rh1 material tby íil u yoa it nyTtT can ïjc in ri.o wfty you wiat it. b ng tn a hetter rwkuasn - b lio tli rngbiy !usue,-4- -yott wül gft 3 uur werk. - eompUbed ín hnpe. ín f 'lis DMrped ' "■■'-' 4M5prec to t fuuiïJin all tradM and iofe(ioii. V.e btiaUn i miicï the art . in ; . i ' ■' U1 . [H gay buíIí thiBJs iannct &fl 3oü And it hl tni'1 tbal thfj CGVrM nfi'. A ;;i! UMI iftfV Kfca thbiO' selvf?. But irtuitely t] ere ia awtwv clasn of nitnY and these, when Öiey Ukt jvu ca in band, do tba [oBtsyoawantit, orrtwfyo f í"b:'l"'. mcokihí to deliro. Weha-re OBÍJ ;" arte tl is net i unüerstand tvhj One pbyiJciaö ötKwfl prnnounco U incurable wiiicb another can cnro. In mechanlos, we sometlmes öaö tliat f'? a '7j-:sh n of nuperiur mcans, by some oew ínventiofli &f i-b b hastho solo use, or by the p-eater íngPtlK 6f fe mi-ml, one person will make or fto wliat no otlu-r cal Exactly it may ba bo in pbyiic And tl'ia ii t rrty racuivn ÍJ I lmre uch gvent ftaecw ovor iJl otbVrs tn iilie treatment ol ConiOtoptitm. By tolfrg the original rcuíur, by pOfSOêing 11)-1 iung-MvT flhíchennblps me to cieaíly teU rutina tbe oatuM of ib diseaseand by h&vlvg snch remedie tor Consumptirn pi no other Phyuieinm erer h&4 .vake bld t; rey. tiiAt L liavft, and eaQ éuect a cure of fliia duG9ue royond 1). r(;ach of vaj otber man. fttpmc Ihw to have fcfi the ca-c, [ nigbt pivo yon tnaahav npon number ofr certifleates fro men urn wonm giTti qtm to tb grave, who have been rescued and rtstored to bcahl. ■ e perseverinj; use of mv r mcJïts fw rom-umpti' o. Bat it lanot necissaiy for nu i do o ?rp-, ba IIm feit of oneioan doing what anothor connot ïnnaut. - fvuU-'ii to all raen of eonraon room. If ihe Cttuswmy vlnhe fnrthnr proof than tliis, 1 can onljr r. ! nffefjr yooiteit bjr tri. 1 uf mj flill n lt euro of your oomplait. Doctor Cnipfilte rtll Wi Tpullm'i. an'1 Arn Arbor. doring 1860-01 . AnArbot, ut Cook' Hotel, ".'. n4 4th "f (iu-h mpnth; Hal -in? Hou?p, )Tplltt, 511 iind 6tlv of c.-icli month. ''''■'■ ■ tbe timo, !i W1 be fotind nt hln I.ung Inilrmniji in.I''.(.oit 1t77ï. Mrs. WïNSLQW, An expcricn:'c. KufM and F-.-mlfi rïTi'o'sn, i.r'-"t'llM ti) the Mtebtios -ií motiieiífliP S00THING SYRüP, FOU CIÏILDREIs TEETHING, wlnh roatly faciliiatcK fhe ï-roct of telli'nï, %f iïvn og the gum, reduc I l .uniuiicu- wUJ alif-y ALL PAIN nirl Bpaitmodic dctlB, rod ís 3URE to REGÚLATE tlie BÖY7ELS. Repend upon It, mptVtw, it mili give MM o vn. Relief and kealtb to toot lnfaatf WchaTtrat "P ná anl oM tliis rrtK:'j Car ten years, anii CAN BAT, 1NT CONHHLNCK AM TRr'i !i '!' it whnt we lmve rfvor bfc n able U sy of, m othermadijinc- NfcVEIl HAS IT FAILCI1 IX A StNOU! 1NSTANCE, TO EFFEIT A Cl KK, v.h tünely aed. Nc-vcr Ud we know m Inutnsce of '' satisfaction by any w Trha ueJ it. (.n the cintrur., dl are dclighud -.vith lts opr ti' m, pt-ak in irnu of commendati( n of Sta magieal eEtci and mpdicJ virtur-a. We fptak in tlns mtW WI1.M' WK I O BBÍOW,1' aftei to ara' expiiii'iMe, ABD I'LET' K OOH (FPUTATIOK FOB THE FUUUXMUTr "V WliAT WK Hl RK DECLEE. In almiwi ivtry m.U irhere the iBfant in snffer'ng from puin and fxi;ini-f'-o reliel wil! bo tduntl in Bftct: ir tnunly w'b ft tli" yru)) i:i amlDiatc-mli This ralowble preparition Is th rrescii-tfon of on ofth mwt EXfEKIEXCED and 1-KfU.yi I. KIVMM in New Enxlunrt, r.nd ha3 becu uswl iriti NttK FAIUNO SOCCKSSin THOUSAKP OV CAST-'S. ït no KlJ rolicvus thoehil.l fr.m pm, bul ii:vi." n t tlip-tnmaclian.l bowel, eranrti f hl tjr. ml givn '■ "■ end energy tlii wbotesyntem It !Ö toon n.U; ORiriNG 15 TBE JXVrttS, K0 WIND COUO :ml ■'vrr'ftiic convu!si, whicb f nnt spei-dlr reuiM ,;d, -nM in ■. W bclicvc lt Üiü 'ÜKST aud SUKEST K.KMKI ' IH TUK W0RIJ1, in ril enacl oí DY-KNTr.UY ml I IARKHCÜA IN CHILüR] , btbrt it ar: es Irom teothing. Of '.r'-m anv ulliiT eautr. W v t„ crery mot'.itr ha h I n chilil nfnii from anv of the fnTOroitt! eol p!l nt.- DO KOI 1-tT YüL'R 'l HWrPKKS, NO". T!IK [KEJCT'ICES V OTIIKR?, 6tn.lbecfnyounnl v.ur i.nfï.i'lli rh!14, iml !'. v Hef th; t irill bp Rl'BK- YW. AT," l'l.l Tl l.T - to Collo t'i= 0 of t'iii a. tf fui'-l.v uaeá. Kuil diert;oa for us;7W; will accinMianv t-nuh UjIIIw. Sone grnrfan cUw6 fte ftciilwBa "f CBR1M S ö- K1JIS, jifw-Vork, ii au tiie outaidi r.i P' r, S.ürl Ijy DrugíUtu iSrnofW r the r'. !. Priiiclpnl fñec. 13 C'.íJ STrmt, Iï. T, PBICK ONI -." CE5T3 l'ïi: SOTTI.K. F r-ih'iy Euexbaeb & Cj. ljTT. For the Spccdy and Permanent, Cur: af Seminal Weakness, Nocturnal and Divrnal Ennasion, Ncrvoxis and General Dcbih'ty, Impotente, and all Diseascs arisingfrom Solitarp Jlabits ar luxassive ïndulgttice. TIIERE aro thonsandj of Yousn Mns, u -e'.l !cm. AüED and Old Me.v, who are sufferiug to some xtcnl from the abovo diseases. Manv, perhaps, are ttot awaro oí thoir truc condition, or when assi.-tanee is really needc'. For the benefit of Mch. we hu-ewiüi givj a few ot tho mc common symptoms, vi ; Weahw of tluBarlctvi!;. 'ahí i Ife "" and Sida, Dimiimt af Sigttt. '"'■ and & befare th Au, l'alpitnlwn of the Hart, InT'l'"! -y Jfcmorj,, Cor,mH of Um?, D'pression of SpjrdA, A' loSoc&u.sSDitnut, Timtiite. . " " "J the abnve svmpturas these mnH will bü fuuud a bvreTlicse rèmeilies embrace thrce jirescriptioni: a lm 't TnbibL a box of Ncrcons Tmiic l'dls, and a box ot i u:. Tome rill', all of liich havo impi.rt.inl oiüc" to prf:.i-;n. aud should be nsod togetlier in case. '1 iKiit inenwtV ove: oüver modos of trjatment may bo brie Jtntsd a. U They dimlniah tlio TtoienM of mal ndimwk j3" They iinmcdjatcly airest nocturnal and uinrnal ml""#3- TktJ remore local w,'.ilints3, HMta) OM orgaal la as3inno thei'r natural tune and vior. Xfg They strengthen the conatitution by ovei-aomias B'j""ïïeVeiSlnc Tïhtoh ar, nmal1y T-s.=x. byexpelling all exoiting causes fiom th system. fS-By their invigorating propertlM tli"y rmtort l" pitient to liis natural liealth and vigor of munhood. Thev cure whon all other means liavc fal.M. 3a-They conlain .o XaraiTj, n-J Qpfw, nor uiytlilf bat caa ia any evene prove injurloas. ilÉS= They are eMT mui pleasMit to use, anj will nol iuwpferewith the patient'a usual business or plnnn. Jiaf They can be nscd without suspicion, or tapmtf " "SXSSZSï- -"- "t ' ■ ■■.' r ;::,r fi the priee of the ;'uiIs at $1 por l.i,i ",";■ƒ■'"',"',■■? eutaper box each. In orderiog bv mail 1 W ttoB lo h. irice, Uvslve coma in stampa alionlJ be iecluml for rotui postago I DIF.S in want of a and effectn-il p=Qk temédy for bregulariiics, Suppnhn nf l1-. K?- JJ Vv„„ . or any iliseasü pcrniH w Hint i. .WSM „houn'use U. üvris-i lij.i.1 M,i'.-TH'.r ;'li rii.I.i. lVivo, l)y mail. il an.l mv ;"P'■3m).-L ' CautuiM.- ''hese filis il.iuiM nut l. H9i4 - TIÏÏM'who.frw in-;,7aHh.,Vformttr! or any otlier humane and naMnabU me. de il ijr ary to avoid an Inoreaie of family. pan do jo !"' "" ■'- ring danger to healtb M mstlBlUon by the rf fij Friuj:' irtiK Frttmtim Pouám. Pnce, bj mail, $1 a '"■ï-heTï'o'waers cao only bo obtaincd tv a4diM tk. CWfLf?LI3iVÏWMa,jMfc! r " DúeasM. PiïiCE Teh Cents. II, ?, HiLLEB i CO., Ih-,- . For Sala hy MAY.VABD, STEBBI3. A Wil SON. v788in Ann Ai"lvr, ilioh. PttOt'. L. M I LLEIP8 HAILi IN VIGOR ATO1 AH EFFECTIVE, SAFE AND KCOXOMICAL COMPOU-N TOR RESTORING CP Y HAÍIÍ to its origInAl color wil. out dyoing, an'l prevcuts the Hatr frora tuming grnv. FOlï Plir.VKNTlxc BALDNEöSand íbidr it.rhen tHr is the liát paiticle of vitultty or wcupetative tfutrgjr romaininff. FORREMOVimJ 5C9BF AXB DACRITFF, m all Uncons affecüona of iho Poalp. FOR EEAÜTIFYIXG TUK HA1R, imfiarlüigto it an unequalled gloas and brilUnncy , making t boftandiilky i its textura ;mii caueJDg it tociui i(.'.ui:iy. The great celebrity and tin' Uicrensing demand for tM unequalled ]reparation, ennvince the proprtétw Umt on trial ia nly uecessarj to Mttisfy a (JiMjerniugpu1lif il superior qjualitles oTer any other preparatïoo at preNni in uso. It óleansea üxe (wad tod oalp trom dandrvff an other cutantüus ''sea--is. Causen tho bair togrowlui unantly.aii'l givesH a rich, soft, fflosay and (I-ible ap. iv;u';i nee, ;;!■! also w hwe 'ii i;;iv b Uoning nut thte ni:i( it wïH givt h inj vfew t ilic roots, and rosO the groirth to Ihose parts vblcU have beaom kilii, oausing il to y ieUl %fresh cowbig ofkair. Tdcr;u.-' tm ad red 8 of labios fvnd gmtlenvzi te Kt y o have bífcd thoir h.iir rttoml by tho uur f tbti Invíoraíor, v'A?n.3ll tbr pr&parations liad-failtü. L. M. has ba l!i:; pos?e tëion letteae innumerable tes-tifyinj to th aboro fiacts, froio persons ofthc IiiphpRt rpptta. bility. V wAl effect u al Ij pravent the hmrfrorn vurnivg gr au unt il the latest peHod of life; and in canes wbei thehair liM chnnged üs ootor, the ue oftBe Invigoratnr will wi!li"v.'crt;iinty restore it to itë critfivitl hü', Kivhig )t a dark, glossy appearance. Asa pcrfuihu for Hip t.ilot anï n Ha-lr ReatÁratiM ït is partïeuïorly rccomniPinlod, haritig an ftgreeable rvojfranoo; and the %SLt fiapilltira it Rtforda 11 drt&Aimf, ürhair, ivliici w iiea tiioist with th Invigorator a bc dresed ín ar.y rcuircd fjïin po au to preservo its place, wheüier piador 'm hpnc tb e Kreat'. for it b? Wie latUsx as a rrotöwii toffd nriirh v,h..1; pi QL nught on be vHtnput, na the rt plaoi git 'viM.i.L tb r. jt.-li (if til, bfng ONLY TWENTY-FIVE CENTS 8gr bottlr, to be hcuí at all respectable ilruggiats' 4 ijrvriitnprs. ' U M1I.LER would cali tlis attontion of I'arrnt sr.l Cuarriians to tlic use of his invigorator, in casos wlicr l'üe chilUrc:is' Hsir indlwa to be mak. Tlieuseofifc lays ths fouotlttoB fW a lood head of liair aa t rcmovi-n anylmpuritS tliat mny hve become conncplfil uilli thermrav! itf w'kichia r.rccssary boih foi tk healfcofthe childana the futuro ujipeuronce of itrf llair. Cimox. - Xone Ronuino withou thefac sliuilr I.Ol'H MII.I.KR b' ing "u outfr nni ir: also, T.. MIU.ER'9 H-Mi; [NVIGOHATOR, N. V. Mwe )n fhefrlayi. Wholrsile Di !■ ■■'.. "' '■"■' Sl ■■"■'■'' ■''''■ bjall tlicprinelnluMerchantK ann llroggtots tlirouglioul -yorld. . -i,' 1 li pKbMs J tht i.nantitv. 1 alsuOcfttFf to i n-iOLit to tbe A-i:j.Tn Public my New & Imprcved Instantaneou Liquid Hair Dye ittcr years of aclentiftfl Fxyprimrntintr ï ny bmagli to p(rfetlmi. It rlyci blajk or browe,t vitUout iarT tn tin1 ötiir or Skin Murvuntcl the beit ir(;i-lp-rtbcYin.1 in BXlRti Pi . PRICT3 ONLY ?IFTY CETITS. DEPOT, Tj6 PLy 57!, i-r Yorg


Old News
Michigan Argus