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■."Ittiitttii 3lMrcrtDTH. '". CARD81 CARDSÜ CARDSlü H,n nMch&sed a r.n:.:ns Kotarv DlAKONB Oard g hO t S ''Ml W. N. STRONG KALL, DUNCKLEE & Co.. ■n-THOLISALE m RETAtt á91ta in Un Goode, Car ' .'; ■ „afhers.l'aperHangirigs, No 7-1 Woodwud Avenue, .Order. solicito'! and {.íomptlj ttteafled ly 8O8j] RAYMOND'S Pliotoerapliic and Fine Avi gallery Nta. 205 and 'J07 JcfTerson Avenue, DETROIT. rhototr-n.lis Life Sfce, colorad or pUün, cabine, lm■saail. TTo. o. f. Wk9HTSNW LODGE N'o. 9, of the hdependïnt „r'l.'vof OdiTe!toimrt t their Lodg Koom, TG SüfÜEKLÁlíD&sñíí'. VV M'.rcl„..,i, Easl -i 1.-. aln Street Ann Arbor TWÏTCHELL & CLARK. ÍCTO..TS and OomiMHOT. aUw, GemTal Ufe .Mi Fire Insurance agents. Ollice in City Hall Btock Bnrm3t..AnnArbor. Colleeüön promptly mad ndremitteü, and speoi.-il attente pid tg ennvryam-g D.S.TWITCHK..L, r743tn E' ■ UA'-K J. M. SCOTT. t mdkotype ic PrtOTOOmO Aktihts, in the room ïonnerlv occupiod bv CordteY , "ver lle store ol ,.,. t Moore Perfect satUfactinn guaranteed. ' WINE8 & KNIGHT. DÚO, (a Stapte, Fancy Dry Goods, Buota and bhoes, (te. &c, Main Street Ann Arbor. ■MARTÏN&liHÖMPSüNr' I7CRMTrui:VAKK-UuoSIs,IVale,inaUlmdSofFurmture. f 50. N'i-w r.lock. Mam Street. RISDOÍ&HEÑDERSON, rVEALBBS in Hanlwave.Stovi.s. lionst fuvni.-liinggood. l Tin &c. to.,New Glock, Main Street. ' Xp. milTsT" TM!rat la Btapfa Dry Grooeiies, Boots and ) Bhoes and Beady Made Qotbing, aittoofStreet Abb rhur. _ - , BEAKEü & ABEL, ATTORN'EÏS & COI'NSELLORS AT I.AW, and SoCÜors ili "baneery. Office in City Hall Kloek, over Webster fc Co's liootv Store, Ann Lrbor IÑGSLEY"& tfORGAN, ttornev?. CouaseUOM. Solloftor, and Notarles Pubt Hc.have Book8andPlt8howing tlttea ol U lndi ji tlie .ounty.andattenrt toeonveyancingandcolleotuig mands, anrl to paying taxes and scnool interest in any jart of the State. Office east siJ.e of the Square. Aun Arior. JrsTK-E of tuk 1'eace. Offlce neartlie Heuot, Ypsilanti. M ichigan. _____ . " WüTLËWiTïrM. D., Physictax & Scwiüox. Office at his rlenee .Kort 1. Bldc "fHuron Street, and 2d liuuse est of División jtreet, Ann Arbor. j t O. COLLIER, IVTaxcfactcrer and dealer in Boots and Phnts . KxiVl chango Block, 2 donrs South of Maynard, Stebbmt il Wilson's atore, Ann Avbor, Mich. MOORE & LDOMIS. rimninrmu and Jealflï in Boot.' n,nö Shoes, VI Phoenix Block, Main Street, one door North of Vasbingtou. M. GUITERMAN & CO.., 4ITH0lE'AlE:indRetail dealers and roanufaciurers ol V ReadyMftdeClothing, Importers of Cloths, Cuuoeres, Doeskins, &c. No. 5, New Block, Ann Arbor. 0. B. POIITËr7 ___. BtmoioN Destist. fiffit-e corner cif Main fe(. L3S. und Haron streeta, over P. Bach's store, ■84 Ann Arbor, Michigan. -"UI.1T April, 1859, Wm. WAGNER, Oeaikr in Reaily Made ClothingrClolha, Cas-inwrfB ni Vèstfag, Hats,Caps,Trunks, CarpctBags, i;c. Haiu (t. t Ann Arbor. BACH & PÏERSON. Dk.u.erb in Dry Gooils, Groceriei, Hardware, Boots ; Shoes, &c, Main stroet, AnnArbor. MAYNARD, STEBBINS cfe CO., Dealers ia Dry Good, Groceries, Drugs k Medicines. Clioots &Shoo, &c, comer of Main and Ann stneta. ast bel = w the Lxchange, jLnn Arbor. SLAWSON & GEER, '"iROCERSjl'itovisiox ; Comnllssloti Herchante, and fleaJ lersin Wateu l.iili:. Laxd 1'lastkb, and Plaütkk OF ?AKi.s,one door Eastof Cook's Hotel. C BLISS, Dealer nClocks, Watches. Jewclry. an.1 Fancy Soodi, at the sign of the lüg Watch, No. 27, l'hoenix Blo J. CTWATTS. Dealkr in Clocks, Watches , Jewelry and Silver Ware No 22, Sw Iilock, Ann Arbor. T. B. PREEMAN. Barrer anl Pashlooable Hair Dresser, Main Street, Ann Arbor, Micli. Huir Fronts and Curls kept SODttaatly on uand. SCHOFF & MILLER. Dealers in Mi - ' , chool, and Blaak Books Sta tiouerj', Piipur Kaugingd, &c, $Ia.:n Street Ann Arbor. "ÜTISS JENNIE E. LINES, 1T1EACHKR OF Piaao Forí '■■ (juitar,anfl Singing, boing 'X dnlroasof eaUrgiag tier ■a. vih ratwive papUs at he refsidence of Prof'. Ú'INX'IIhLL, wliicli being noar he Uaion School, w i 1 1 be vc-ry convenient forsuch s;hol.rsatteudiug Uiertj vU" njay wiflh ba pursue the study iïfmusiciij QQaection witb other brftaehes. TerasSLO, half to be puid at the ruiddle and tbt' bal auce at the close fo term. D. DeFOKEST. Wholesale and Ret.ül Dealarin Liunber, Lath, Shingles, Sash, Doors, Blind. Water Lime, (rand Rlver ïlaster, iMaster Paris, aod N'ails of all sizes. A fnll and perfect a-tMortnr'nt of tlin above, and uil other kinds of building msitenaïs conatantlj on hand M the towe ates, on Oetroit Street, a few rods from Lhe liaïirnaii Alap fiperating exteasivpl f }n the patent Cement llooüng. H. O. IIAHVEY, REPECTFL'LLY offer hit, iervieen to the citizen, of Ana Árbor as aTeacherot Vocal anfl tnstnUueDta H liria jy PIANOS TUNED AND REPAIRED S REFEnENCEs.- Hcv. Kr. Bladfi, Ri'v ÏIr. Chapín. Rev. Mr. (', ano Pro!; tjiete. For furiher particul.-irs Inqatreof Mr. lliuvcy al Mr. Eastman ', Washington t., between JJivibion and Univcrsit.i troets. 82Hf. WASÜTENAWCOUJITY B1BLE SOCIETY. DEPOsiToiiY of üibles anrt Testamenta at the Society pricesatW. C. Vuoihii,'. chapín, woop & cov SUCCESBOES To yjTTHNTID, CHAPIW Co MANUFACT'JKKRSOF Print, 3B3o1sl, ANp' COLORED MEDIUMS, Vr-.]priia.ë rnper,rt;e. ANN AI5Í4PK Bun,


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Michigan Argus