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New York Society Festival

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The New York Society of this City, a Society organizeri for sooial purpoBos, tlie pèrpetuating the memories of the "oldon tiiuiy' etc, held i:s secouá aíniiversary festival on Monday e vod ing k'st. The raetnbèra of tbe Society, tbeir wives and friend?, convened U 7 o'clock, at the Pr&nkliii Heuse. Tho Society was cailcd to order by the President, K. W. Mokoa.v, Esq., and proceédcd to the trausactïod of business, which oonsistcd principal ly in the election of officers for the ensuing ye&r, as follows : President- Prof. A. D. White. Ist Vícj Prat, - ií. J. BbaKes, Esq. 2d " - J., Esq. Secretar y - Chas. A. OiTAPIN. Trmsvrer - I. S. Pieesos. At the iiour of 9 o'clock nn adjournmont was taken to the dining room. - Under the direotion of the Gommittee of Arrangcinents the room hnd been decorated with national bauuers, and a fine portrait of Washington, loaued for the occasion by the Liternry Adelphi Society of the University, liung frem the wal] just over the Prcsident's scat, a "act ndieating that the New York Society still clings to the Union, and revures the metnory of the " Futhcr of his Country." The tables had bec-n bountifully loaded by mine host. Barstow, with all the substantials and luxuries of the scason, and after the saying of grace by the I?ev Mr. Bladks, fu!l justice was doro to the pliysioal least by over one hundred members and guests. This exercisobeing over, the " feast of reason and llow of soul wivs introdüced, the following sentiments announeej bv the President, and respouded to by the speakers dsig:iat:d for the occasion: I. Tuk Pi:esii)i:nt oi' the United Sl'AÏES. Iftisie : - XTail to the Chief. II. The Union : - It must and sliall be preserved. Judge Campbell, of Detroit, spokc uoble words, and would nat consent for & moment to udopt nny other language, nor ihink any oilier ihoughts than expressed in the sentiment. The Union he regardcd ns us outgrowth of nature, not made by man, Dor to ba unmade by rebcllion. His patriot ie utteraoces wcve laudly applauded. Mu&icz - Star Fpanghd Banner. III. Religión and Learnimo : - United, ever gátbering peaoeful triumplis; antagonist, the one too often sinks into supera tion a:id tho other into infidelThe Rcv. G. D. Gillespjb made a happy response, compariug humorously ihe claims o!' New Englaod and New York to both a little leaniing and a litlic religión ; and endorsiog fully the sentiuient of the toast-. Musiu : - tSaunih f rom Home. IV. The Memorv of tuk Q-allani Spirits vno have Fallex i. the defessb 01' Olil GLORIÓOS CoXSTITL'TION'. Drauk standing and ín silence. Musie : - D.'rgc. V. The State of New York: - As eliiliiren remembér and cherish the ussoeiations of the old homestead, so do vu retuembei' and cherisli the ass-.;ciations of the liome of our childhood. II. J. Beaki:.-, Eeq. made a ncat and appi 'opriatc response in behalf of " our native State," earrying his hearers back to the iiresi.los of youtli, the district school hous-e, and the thousand memories which cluster arou:id the "Old Home." It was adaairabiy dcue. Aftor whloh the en tire company joiaed ia sing ing the iollowing odo couiposad for the occasion : CUR NATIVE STATE. Time - Aicld Lang Siie. I. Come, brothers, with a flowing bowl Erom ïiuturu's purest store, Around the f'jstivn board wc'll toast Our nativo State once more. II. We'll toast lier glorious decus of old, Herstatesmeu great and good; Her so.ldiors who in freedom's causo Pledge frecly now tbeir blood. III. No taint of trenson e'ershall dim Her just. and high renown ; A giant arm she stretehes forth To crush tho treason down. IV. Wc venérate the ficlds of youth ; The dear old district school; The inasters store of solid sonse, Aud still more solid rule. V. The rosy cheeks ur fathers loved, And won with honest vow, With equal lovo thcir sous reveré, Thougii crowued with wriukles now. VI. O dear old State ! llow vivid now Are courtship's hopos and fears! Your daagbters piagued our early life, But cheer our riper yeara ! VI. The State of Mkiiigan : - The State of our adoptiop Patrïotio and loyal, we are pruud to cali her our home, To this sentiment Capt. G.P. Sanpoud made a brief and welltimed response, but arerred that a better response was coming up from Micliigau's sous on the bauks of the Mississippi, from the " dark and bloody ground" of Kcntucky, from the " sacred soil " of Virginia, and from the savannas of the fir South, than it was u liis power to niakc. Mitste: - Home, Sicect Home. VII. Oi;r KixDiitD Societixs: - Of whatever namö or natiwiality, at thia board Now ïorkfirsgiye them a cordial welcooio. Thü responso of C. IJ. Ghant coulJ hai'iUy havo been bettöred, and crented muftli .oud racling. Jfiibic : - WVre a Bíind of Brcthcrs, VUL 'l'nr Abmy a.m Nayy : - The proud hi.-story of the past is the earoost ut a gïoi ons fn: ure. Pr. A. B. Palmito, lato Surgeo;i of tlic Michigan Socond, poke for the Army and Navy, glnncing :it thu principal glo rious achieveinents of tlio past, and j dictiiig sucueas n the future. The Dr. vras af Bul! Iïun, and ventured to defénd tho army t'iere engaged against the ra any charges made against it. Mitste : - Yankee Doodb. At tli is point the following volanteer sentiment was give : Tue City of Nbw Yoük : - Chüd of tho Union, and drawiug thence its Ufe biood, it will oling jrith filial love to thesourco of ils boing and power. Whioh waa haudsomcly responded to by the Kcv. Dr. VlSTON, of Triuity Church, N. Y , who coraplimeDted our City and our citiaena i:i warm terms. - He protested agrtinst boing ealled a stranger, ho bad " beea taken " in, and was grateful for it. Tho next regular toast was then annotrnced. IX. Tin: City of Ann Aüüor : - RicWy end&wed with Batural advantuges ; let her citizeus fostcr aml cbörfsh her noble etlueational institutions, and she r:eed be jealous of no rival in the west, To tilia Pro). A. D. White spoke in bis usual happy vcin, saying many good words for our City, atid impressing for eibly upon liis hearers the duties and higfa privileges of our eitizens. Musio : - Union Quicïc Step. X. Woman: - WomaD's heart and woman's smile - inay wo alwaya possess tho one and bc ohecred by the other. J. M. WnEKLKR, Esq., spoke for woniiii), and endorsad her in r.o nieasured tenns, and yet in tenns of sober senso in stead of ñattery. He also commisera ted the fate of the bachelors present in a manncr which we hope may induce somo of thüin to turnjfrom the error of tbeir ways. Music : - The girl Ikt behind c. This er.ding the regular prosrramme the Rev. F. A. Bladi;s waa called out and made an excellent speech. Prul', Coolkt was also called lip and mado a woll turued protest that lie had nothing to say. After which. at the earlj hour of one o'clock, or thereabouts, an adjournincrit took place, and the pleasaut re-unlon eame to an ond. ■SiS!" Tho Third Kegiment Michigan Cavalry was to leave Grand llapids last eveniüg for St. Louis, and will probably pass through this City souietimc this mor ning. The Second Regimeot made the eutire distance from Grond llapids to Alton in the cars of tho Michigan Central Railroad, and we presume the Third is to do the same. JL3T Oongress will cooveoe in regalar session on Mondny nexf, mui we shiill prob:ibly bü tibio to givo Ihe Preeidönt's Message in our nest issue. - Gov. Blair not having yet nppointt'd a BUCcesaor to the late Senator MiNtí.'fAM, Miehigíin will h;ive but ono Senator present at tho opening of the seFsioD. &?" The rebel CongreMS has removed the ConloJurutu Cüpital irotn Richmond to Nashville, Tenn. The President, Cubioot, etc, dare not stay at Richmond any longer. Will thev be any safer ;it Nashvillo? Í&3E c g'vo '" another column a letter from Col. Witrxox. The list of prisoners of which he speaks includes the fullovviug membera of the companies which went from this opnoty : In Co. D.- John W. Gregg, A. DuBois, VVm. Johnstone, M. S. Martin, and AV'm. A. Martzke. In Co E -John Langs W. B Newell, J. G. Rauser, and D Sehuaitman. In Co II.- Georgc W. Baker, M. S. Baker, and Gcorgo S. Phillips. These are all at Charleston. The whercabouts of Lieut. Parks, of Co. II, was not known to Colonel Willcox. AVe bolieve he is at Richmond. - Arrangemcuts have been made for doing so, and the Govorinnent at Washington a:.d Gov. Blair of this Statu have annouuced their iu tention to forward the nceded supplies inmiediately. Í33 A skirmish took place opposite Washington on Weducsday betweeu soveral regiments of Gen. Porter's división, aud the enemy, resulting in the loss of about a dozen ou our side, aod the driving back of the rebels with the loss of their couiiuaiider. The Michigan Fourth participated in it. 1 - ii L3L" We have received the December number of the Eclcclic Magazine. It i.i illustrated by portraits of tliose recent distiuguishod visitors to our shoreu - " Prinee Napoleón and tho Princcss Clotilde," done in John Sartain's best style, and wbat praise could wo give them more. Tho letter-press includes with the Litcrary Misccllanies, ninetcen papers, selcctcd with much discrimination and judginont from ten of the leading foreign quarterlies and mouthlics, giviüg the crcani of ioreign literaturo. - We have " Lifo and Times of Chateaubriand," " Religious and Politica;] Ceutraliïatiou of Fianoe," " Equntcrial Af rica and its Iiihabitants," " Tho Constable of the Towne," "Continental Ilevolution," etc, etc. The " Echctio :' makes thrce volumes a ycar of 6Ü0 pages cach, or 1800 largo doublc column pages, and tho stoel portraits are not excelled by those of any othcr magazine. $5 a year Adjuren NV'. H. Bidweli,, 5 Beekman St., N. Y. jLL" Tho secoud I[op of the ïoung Mcu's Cotillion Club takes place at Ilangsterfer's Hall. this eveuing. '